Clorox Celebrates Infection Preventionists That Protect With Purpose

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Clorox Professional has launched a marketing campaign called 'Protecting With Purpose' to celebrate infection preventionists (IPs) who play a important role in safeguarding against healthcare-associated infections. The campaign highlights the dedication of these professionals in protecting patients, hospital staff, and visitors in healthcare environments.

The initiative stems from Clorox's partnership with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC), which allows the company to better understand and serve the needs of IPs. Clorox Healthcare, part of The Clorox Company's 111-year history in infection prevention, supports healthcare professionals through product solutions, educational tools, and resources to maintain clean and safe healthcare facilities.

Clorox Professional ha lanciato una campagna di marketing chiamata 'Protecting With Purpose' per celebrare i professionisti della prevenzione delle infezioni (IP) che svolgono un ruolo fondamentale nella protezione contro le infezioni associate all'assistenza sanitaria. La campagna mette in evidenza la dedizione di questi professionisti nella protezione di pazienti, personale ospedaliero e visitatori negli ambienti sanitari.

L'iniziativa deriva dalla partnership di Clorox con l'Associazione per i Professionisti nel Controllo delle Infezioni e nell'Epidemiologia (APIC), che consente all'azienda di comprendere meglio e soddisfare le esigenze degli IP. Clorox Healthcare, parte della lunga storia di 111 anni della Clorox Company nella prevenzione delle infezioni, supporta i professionisti della salute attraverso soluzioni di prodotto, strumenti educativi e risorse per mantenere strutture sanitarie pulite e sicure.

Clorox Professional ha lanzado una campaña de marketing llamada 'Protecting With Purpose' para celebrar a los profesionales de la prevención de infecciones (IP) que desempeñan un papel importante en la protección contra infecciones asociadas con la atención médica. La campaña destaca la dedicación de estos profesionales en la protección de pacientes, personal del hospital y visitantes en entornos de atención médica.

La iniciativa surge de la asociación de Clorox con la Asociación de Profesionales en Control de Infecciones y Epidemiología (APIC), que permite a la empresa comprender y atender mejor las necesidades de los IP. Clorox Healthcare, parte de la historia de 111 años de la empresa Clorox en la prevención de infecciones, apoya a los profesionales de la salud a través de soluciones de productos, herramientas educativas y recursos para mantener las instalaciones sanitarias limpias y seguras.

클로록스 프로페셔널은 감염 예방 전문가(IP)를 기념하기 위해 'Protecting With Purpose'라는 마케팅 캠페인을 시작했습니다. 이들은 의료 관련 감염으로부터 보호하는 중요한 역할을 합니다. 이 캠페인은 의료 환경에서 환자, 병원 직원 및 방문자를 보호하는 이들 전문가의 헌신을 강조합니다.

이번 이니셔티브는 클로록스가 감염 관리 및 역학 전문가 협회(APIC)와 협력하여 IP의 요구를 더 잘 이해하고 충족하기 위해 마련된 것입니다. 클로록스 헬스케어는 클로록스 회사의 111년 역사를 통해 감염 예방을 지원하며, 의료 전문가들에게 청결하고 안전한 의료 시설을 유지하기 위해 제품 솔루션, 교육 도구 및 자원을 제공합니다.

Clorox Professional a lancé une campagne marketing appelée 'Protecting With Purpose' pour célébrer les professionnels de la prévention des infections (IP) qui jouent un rôle essentiel dans la protection contre les infections associées aux soins de santé. La campagne met en lumière le dévouement de ces professionnels à protéger les patients, le personnel hospitalier et les visiteurs dans les environnements de soins de santé.

L'initiative découle du partenariat de Clorox avec l'Association des professionnels de la contrôle des infections et de l'épidémiologie (APIC), ce qui permet à l'entreprise de mieux comprendre et répondre aux besoins des IP. Clorox Healthcare, qui fait partie des 111 ans d'histoire de Clorox dans la prévention des infections, soutient les professionnels de la santé grâce à des solutions de produits, des outils éducatifs et des ressources pour maintenir des établissements de santé propres et sûrs.

Clorox Professional hat eine Marketingkampagne mit dem Titel 'Protecting With Purpose' gestartet, um Infektionsschutzkräfte (IPs) zu feiern, die eine wichtige Rolle beim Schutz vor gesundheitsbedingten Infektionen spielen. Die Kampagne hebt das Engagement dieser Fachleute hervor, Patienten, Krankenhausmitarbeiter und Besucher in Gesundheitseinrichtungen zu schützen.

Die Initiative resultiert aus der Partnerschaft von Clorox mit der Vereinigung für Fachleute in der Infektionskontrolle und Epidemiologie (APIC), die es dem Unternehmen ermöglicht, die Bedürfnisse der IPs besser zu verstehen und darauf einzugehen. Clorox Healthcare unterstützt als Teil der 111-jährigen Geschichte der Clorox Company in der Infektionsprävention Gesundheitsfachkräfte durch Produktlösungen, Bildungswerkzeuge und Ressourcen zur Aufrechterhaltung von sauberen und sicheren Gesundheitseinrichtungen.

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By Kristina Vannoni, Associate Director, Healthcare Marketing, and Jessica Knowles, Director, Brand Engagement and Capabilities - Clorox Healthcare

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 16, 2024 / The Clorox Company

Infection preventionists play a vital role in safeguarding people from healthcare-associated infections. Their dedication to protecting patients, hospital staff and visitors against infections in healthcare environments inspired the launch of Clorox Professional's "Protecting With Purpose" marketing campaign

Highlighting our commitment to public health, the campaign showcases these professionals and what motivates them to protect with purpose. We captured some of their stories at a recent meeting of Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology, the professional association representing IPs. Thanks to a long-standing CloroxPro partnership with APIC, we are able to continually expand our understanding of our end users to better serve their needs.

Throughout its 111-year history, The Clorox Company has been dedicated to infection prevention. Clorox Healthcare supports today's healthcare professionals through product solutions, educational tools and other resources to help keep this community and the healthcare facilities where they work clean and safe.

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SOURCE: The Clorox Company

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What is the 'Protecting With Purpose' campaign by Clorox (CLX)?

The 'Protecting With Purpose' campaign is a marketing initiative launched by Clorox Professional to celebrate infection preventionists and their vital role in safeguarding people from healthcare-associated infections in healthcare environments.

How does Clorox (CLX) support infection preventionists?

Clorox Healthcare supports infection preventionists through product solutions, educational tools, and other resources to help keep healthcare facilities clean and safe. The company also partners with APIC to better understand and serve the needs of these professionals.

What is the significance of Clorox's (CLX) partnership with APIC?

Clorox's partnership with the Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology (APIC) allows the company to continually expand its understanding of end users, enabling them to better serve the needs of infection preventionists.

How long has Clorox (CLX) been involved in infection prevention?

The Clorox Company has been dedicated to infection prevention throughout its 111-year history, with Clorox Healthcare continuing this commitment by supporting today's healthcare professionals.

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