Can Cleaning Feel as Good as Petting Puppies? New Neuroscience Research from Clorox Says It Can

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Clorox (NYSE: CLX) has unveiled its new brand platform 'Clean Feels Good,' supported by innovative neuroscience research comparing emotional responses to cleaning versus common feel-good activities. The study, conducted in partnership with neurotech leader Emotiv, used EEG technology to measure brain activity among 30 participants.

Key findings from the research revealed surprising results: 37% of participants felt better cleaning the toilet than petting puppies, and cleaning activities produced emotional responses comparable to enjoyable experiences like getting manicures or having favorite beverages. The study showed that wiping kitchen counters generated a 6% better response than getting a massage.

Supporting survey data from January 2025, sampling 2,000 Americans, found that 21% of Americans clean to improve their mood, while 88% reported feeling good after wiping down surfaces. The initiative includes new TV spots featuring real people's responses to cleaning versus other pleasurable activities.

Clorox (NYSE: CLX) ha svelato la sua nuova piattaforma di marca 'Clean Feels Good', supportata da una ricerca innovativa nel campo delle neuroscienze che confronta le risposte emotive alla pulizia con quelle di attività comuni che fanno stare bene. Lo studio, condotto in collaborazione con il leader della neurotecnologia Emotiv, ha utilizzato la tecnologia EEG per misurare l'attività cerebrale di 30 partecipanti.

I risultati chiave della ricerca hanno rivelato risultati sorprendenti: il 37% dei partecipanti si è sentito meglio pulendo il WC piuttosto che accarezzando cuccioli, e le attività di pulizia hanno prodotto risposte emotive paragonabili a esperienze piacevoli come ricevere manicure o gustare bevande preferite. Lo studio ha dimostrato che pulire i piani di lavoro in cucina ha generato una risposta migliore del 6% rispetto a ricevere un massaggio.

I dati di supporto provenienti da un sondaggio di gennaio 2025, che ha campionato 2.000 americani, hanno rivelato che il 21% degli americani pulisce per migliorare il proprio umore, mentre l'88% ha riportato di sentirsi bene dopo aver pulito le superfici. L'iniziativa include nuovi spot televisivi che mostrano le risposte di persone reali alla pulizia rispetto ad altre attività piacevoli.

Clorox (NYSE: CLX) ha presentado su nueva plataforma de marca 'Clean Feels Good', respaldada por una investigación innovadora en neurociencia que compara las respuestas emocionales a la limpieza con las de actividades comunes que generan bienestar. El estudio, realizado en colaboración con el líder en neurotecnología Emotiv, utilizó tecnología EEG para medir la actividad cerebral de 30 participantes.

Los hallazgos clave de la investigación revelaron resultados sorprendentes: el 37% de los participantes se sintió mejor limpiando el inodoro que acariciando cachorros, y las actividades de limpieza produjeron respuestas emocionales comparables a experiencias placenteras como hacerse manicuras o disfrutar de bebidas favoritas. El estudio mostró que limpiar las encimeras de la cocina generó una respuesta un 6% mejor que recibir un masaje.

Los datos de apoyo de una encuesta de enero de 2025, que muestreó a 2,000 estadounidenses, encontraron que el 21% de los estadounidenses limpia para mejorar su estado de ánimo, mientras que el 88% informó sentirse bien después de limpiar superficies. La iniciativa incluye nuevos anuncios de televisión que presentan las respuestas de personas reales a la limpieza en comparación con otras actividades placenteras.

클로락스 (NYSE: CLX)는 'Clean Feels Good'라는 새로운 브랜드 플랫폼을 공개했습니다. 이는 청소와 일반적인 기분 좋은 활동에 대한 감정적 반응을 비교한 혁신적인 신경과학 연구에 의해 뒷받침됩니다. 이 연구는 신경기술 선두주자인 Emotiv와 협력하여 30명의 참가자의 뇌 활동을 측정하기 위해 EEG 기술을 사용했습니다.

연구의 주요 결과는 놀라운 결과를 보여주었습니다: 참가자의 37%가 강아지를 쓰다듬는 것보다 화장실 청소를 할 때 더 기분이 좋다고 느꼈습니다, 그리고 청소 활동은 매니큐어를 받거나 좋아하는 음료를 마시는 것과 같은 즐거운 경험과 유사한 감정적 반응을 생성했습니다. 연구 결과는 주방 조리대 청소가 마사지 받는 것보다 6% 더 나은 반응을 생성했다는 것을 보여주었습니다.

2025년 1월에 실시된 2,000명의 미국인을 대상으로 한 설문조사 데이터에 따르면, 미국인의 21%가 기분을 개선하기 위해 청소를 한다고 응답했습니다, 반면 88%는 표면을 닦은 후 기분이 좋다고 보고했습니다. 이 이니셔티브에는 청소와 다른 즐거운 활동에 대한 실제 사람들의 반응을 담은 새로운 TV 광고가 포함됩니다.

Clorox (NYSE: CLX) a dévoilé sa nouvelle plateforme de marque 'Clean Feels Good', soutenue par une recherche innovante en neurosciences comparant les réponses émotionnelles au nettoyage avec celles d'activités courantes qui procurent du bien-être. L'étude, réalisée en partenariat avec le leader de la neurotechnologie Emotiv, a utilisé la technologie EEG pour mesurer l'activité cérébrale de 30 participants.

Les résultats clés de la recherche ont révélé des résultats surprenants : 37% des participants se sont sentis mieux en nettoyant les toilettes qu'en caressant des chiots, et les activités de nettoyage ont produit des réponses émotionnelles comparables à des expériences agréables telles que recevoir des manucures ou déguster des boissons préférées. L'étude a montré que le nettoyage des plans de travail de la cuisine a généré une réponse 6% meilleure que celle d'un massage.

Des données d'enquête de janvier 2025, échantillonnant 2 000 Américains, ont révélé que 21% des Américains nettoient pour améliorer leur humeur, tandis que 88% ont déclaré se sentir bien après avoir nettoyé des surfaces. L'initiative comprend de nouveaux spots télévisés mettant en avant les réponses de vraies personnes au nettoyage par rapport à d'autres activités agréables.

Clorox (NYSE: CLX) hat seine neue Markenplattform 'Clean Feels Good' vorgestellt, die durch innovative neurowissenschaftliche Forschung unterstützt wird, die emotionale Reaktionen auf das Putzen mit gängigen Aktivitäten vergleicht, die ein gutes Gefühl vermitteln. Die Studie, die in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Neurotechnologie-Pionier Emotiv durchgeführt wurde, verwendete EEG-Technologie, um die Gehirnaktivität von 30 Teilnehmern zu messen.

Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse der Forschung zeigten überraschende Resultate: 37% der Teilnehmer fühlten sich beim Reinigen der Toilette besser als beim Streicheln von Welpen, und Reinigungsaktivitäten erzeugten emotionale Reaktionen, die mit angenehmen Erlebnissen wie Maniküren oder dem Genuss von Lieblingsgetränken vergleichbar waren. Die Studie zeigte, dass das Abwischen von Küchenarbeitsplatten eine um 6% bessere Reaktion erzeugte als eine Massage.

Unterstützende Umfragedaten aus Januar 2025, die 2.000 Amerikaner befragten, ergaben, dass 21% der Amerikaner putzen, um ihre Stimmung zu verbessern, während 88% angaben, sich nach dem Abwischen von Oberflächen gut zu fühlen. Die Initiative umfasst neue TV-Spots, die die Reaktionen realer Menschen auf das Putzen im Vergleich zu anderen angenehmen Aktivitäten zeigen.

  • Launch of new marketing platform supported by scientific research
  • Strong consumer engagement with cleaning activities shown through neuroscience data
  • High positive response rate (88%) for surface cleaning activities
  • None.

Clorox launches new brand platform, Clean Feels Good, that looks to inspire individuals to rethink what feels good

OAKLAND, Calif., March 11, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- Today, Clorox announced a new brand platform, Clean Feels Good, that reimagines what brings small moments of satisfaction into people's daily lives. The platform includes innovative research comparing the emotional responses during common feel-good activities to a Clorox clean.

Clorox knows the act of cleaning can spark joy. According to an online survey from Clorox, one in five Americans (21%) said they clean all the time to improve their mood. But can clean feel as good as other popular ways to treat yourself, like playing with puppies or indulging in a latte?

To find out, Clorox teamed up with global neurotech leader, Emotiv, to test the feeling of clean compared to other feel-good activities, uncovering that 37% of participants felt better cleaning the toilet than they did petting puppies**. Participants also enjoyed wiping coffee rings off the kitchen counter as much as getting their nails done or having their favorite latte or chai tea**.

"It may not come as a surprise at Clorox we believe clean feels good. But finding out through neurotechnology that for some cleaning felt as good as petting puppies? Now that was unexpected," said Tad Kittredge, vice president of marketing and innovation at The Clorox Company. "Through our new brand platform, we're hoping to inspire individuals to rethink what feels good and embrace the small moments of satisfaction cleaning can bring to their daily lives."

Measuring How Good Clean Feels
Emotiv used electroencephalography (EEG) technology to measure brain activity reflecting positive emotions, enthusiasm and approach motivation, a.k.a. good feelings. The experiment was conducted among 30 participants as they engaged in various cleaning and feel-good activities.

"Using EEG, we got a glimpse into what the brain is doing while a participant took part in different activities, from wiping up coffee rings on the kitchen counter to relaxing in a massage chair. From there, we measured the differences in activation between the two sides of the brain, which gives us an indication of how much an individual enjoyed an activity," said Emotiv Senior Research Scientist Dr. Nik Williams.

The experiment results revealed that clean feels good – really good, in fact.

  • Cleaning the toilet can often be considered one of the most undesirable household chores – according to an online survey from Clorox, 43% of respondents said they do not feel good while cleaning the toilet*. But neural signatures measured showed that for 43% of participants, cleaning the toilet felt better than listening to their favorite song**. Surprisingly, petting a puppy only felt 5% better than cleaning your toilet** only showing America isn't quite as warry of the toilet bowl as they thought!
  • Some may think there's nothing better than that first sip of coffee, but Clorox's experiment showed people don't need an overpriced latte to feel good: cleaning away gunk and grime from the sink felt as good as having a favorite beverage**.
  • Not only do people enjoy the aftermath of a sparkling space, but the act of wiping the kitchen counter has a positive effect on brain activity – with our neurological results showing it felt 6% better than getting a massage**.
  • Even short, simple cleaning tasks had an emotional impact. Wiping the kitchen counter and scrubbing a sink produced a positive response similar to more time-consuming enjoyable activities like watching a funny video or getting a manicure**.
  • Of the cleaning activities tested, wiping stains and spills from surfaces was considered one of the most universally feel-good cleaning tasks**. Specifically, according to an online survey from Clorox, 88% of respondents said they feel good after wiping down surfaces*.

Naturally, individual results may vary. Clorox released new TV spots, showing real responses from real people. For Madison, cleaning the toilet felt better than getting a massage, while wiping the counter felt better than playing a video game for Travis. But cleaning lost to sipping on a Boba tea, which means cleaning has more work to do.

For more information about Clean Feels Good and the experiment findings, visit or follow @clorox.

Research Methodology
* Clorox conducted an online survey from January 14 to January 23, 2025 of 2,000 nationally representative Americans, comprised of 1,000 Millennials and 1,000 members of Gen Z.

** Emotiv 2025 Study: Clorox partnered with Emotiv to conduct a neuroscience study from January 12 – 14, 2025, to explore how different activities affected brain signatures. Using electroencephalography (EEG), the study compared brain activity in response to 3 cleaning activities and 7 feel-good activities. Where applicable, Bayes Factors indicate the strength of evidence for differences between activities with <0.33 indicating evidence for equivalence.

  • 11 participants felt better cleaning the toilet than they did petting a puppy.
  • 13 participants felt better cleaning the toilet than listening to their favorite song.
  • The Bayes Factor between 3 cleaning and 7 feel-good activities was 0.26, indicating equivalence.
  • Cleaning a sink felt equivalent to all 7 feel-good activities.
  • Wiping a counter had a 6.1% higher feel-good response compared to getting a massage and felt equivalent to the other 6 feel-good activities. Wiping a counter was a consistently enjoyed activity with the least variation among participants, indicating most participants had a similar positive response.

The Clorox Company
The Clorox Company (NYSE: CLX) champions people to be well and thrive every single day. Its trusted brands, which include Brita®, Burt's Bees®, Clorox®, Fresh Step®, Glad®, Hidden Valley®, Kingsford®, Liquid-Plumr® and Pine-Sol®, can be found in about nine of 10 U.S. homes and internationally with brands such as Clorinda®, Chux® and Poett®. Headquartered in Oakland, California, since 1913, Clorox was one of the first in the U.S. to integrate ESG into its business reporting. In 2025 the company was ranked No. 1 on Barron's 100 Most Sustainable Companies list for the third consecutive year. Visit to learn more. 


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What did Clorox's neuroscience study reveal about cleaning versus petting puppies?

The study showed that 37% of participants experienced better emotional responses when cleaning the toilet compared to petting puppies, with only a 5% difference in favor of puppy petting.

How many Americans clean to improve their mood according to Clorox's 2025 survey?

21% of Americans reported cleaning all the time to improve their mood.

What was the methodology of Clorox's 2025 neuroscience research?

The study used electroencephalography (EEG) technology on 30 participants, comparing brain activity during 3 cleaning activities versus 7 feel-good activities.

How did counter cleaning compare to massage therapy in Clorox's study?

Wiping the kitchen counter produced a 6% better positive response in brain activity compared to getting a massage.

What percentage of survey respondents feel good after wiping down surfaces?

88% of respondents in Clorox's online survey reported feeling good after wiping down surfaces.
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