CleanSpark Releases September 2024 Bitcoin Mining Update

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CleanSpark Inc. (Nasdaq: CLSK) released its unaudited bitcoin mining and operations update for September 2024, marking the end of fiscal year 2024. The company achieved significant growth, increasing its hashrate by 187% to 27.6 EH/s and operational capacity by 132% to 552 MW at wholly-owned sites. CleanSpark's bitcoin treasury exceeded 8,000, a 258% increase from FY2023.

Key highlights include:

  • 493 bitcoin mined in September
  • 7,098 bitcoin mined in FY2024
  • 8,049 total bitcoin holdings as of September 30
  • 188,520 deployed fleet with 21.94 J/Th efficiency
  • 27.6 EH/s month-end operating hashrate

The company expanded operations in Georgia, Tennessee, Wyoming, and Mississippi, with plans to reach 30 EH/s in October 2024 and a forecasted growth to 50 EH/s and beyond in FY2025. CleanSpark also navigated challenges, including Hurricane Helene, and made strategic decisions such as not renewing its hosting agreement with Coinmint.

CleanSpark Inc. (Nasdaq: CLSK) ha pubblicato il suo aggiornamento non auditato sulle operazioni di mining di bitcoin per settembre 2024, segnando la conclusione dell'anno fiscale 2024. L'azienda ha ottenuto una significativa crescita, aumentando il suo hashrate del 187% a 27,6 EH/s e la capacità operativa del 132% a 552 MW presso i siti di proprietà totale. Le riserve di bitcoin di CleanSpark hanno superato le 8.000 unità, con un incremento del 258% rispetto all'anno fiscale 2023.

Tra i punti salienti vi sono:

  • 493 bitcoin estratti a settembre
  • 7.098 bitcoin estratti nell'anno fiscale 2024
  • 8.049 totale di bitcoin detenuti al 30 settembre
  • flotta di 188.520 unità con efficienza di 21,94 J/Th
  • hashrate operativo a fine mese di 27,6 EH/s

L'azienda ha ampliato le sue operazioni in Georgia, Tennessee, Wyoming e Mississippi, con piani per raggiungere 30 EH/s entro ottobre 2024 e una crescita prevista a 50 EH/s e oltre nell'anno fiscale 2025. CleanSpark ha anche affrontato sfide, tra cui l'uragano Helene, e ha preso decisioni strategiche come non rinnovare il suo accordo di hosting con Coinmint.

CleanSpark Inc. (Nasdaq: CLSK) publicó su actualización no auditada sobre el minado y las operaciones de bitcoin para septiembre de 2024, marcando el final del año fiscal 2024. La empresa logró un crecimiento significativo, aumentando su hashrate en un 187% a 27.6 EH/s y capacidad operativa en un 132% a 552 MW en sitios de propiedad total. La tesorería de bitcoin de CleanSpark superó las 8.000, un aumento del 258% respecto al año fiscal 2023.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • 493 bitcoin minados en septiembre
  • 7,098 bitcoin minados en el año fiscal 2024
  • 8,049 tenencias totales de bitcoin al 30 de septiembre
  • flota de 188,520 unidades con una eficiencia de 21.94 J/Th
  • hashrate operativo a fin de mes de 27.6 EH/s

La empresa amplió sus operaciones en Georgia, Tennessee, Wyoming y Mississippi, con planes de alcanzar 30 EH/s en octubre de 2024 y un crecimiento previsto de 50 EH/s y más en el año fiscal 2025. CleanSpark también enfrentó desafíos, incluido el huracán Helene, y tomó decisiones estratégicas como no renovar su acuerdo de hosting con Coinmint.

클린스파크 주식회사 (Nasdaq: CLSK)는 2024년 9월 비트코인 채굴 및 운영 업데이트를 비공식으로 발표하며 2024 회계연도의 끝을 알렸습니다. 이 회사는 해시레이트를 187% 증가시켜 27.6 EH/s로 하였고 운영 용량을 132% 증가시켜 552 MW에 도달하는 중요한 성과를 달성했습니다. 클린스파크의 비트코인 자산은 8,000개를 초과하여 FY2023 대비 258% 증가했습니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 9월에 채굴된 비트코인 493개
  • 2024 회계연도에 채굴된 비트코인 7,098개
  • 9월 30일 기준 총 비트코인 보유량 8,049개
  • 21.94 J/Th 효율성을 가진 188,520대의 장비
  • 월말 운영 해시레이트 27.6 EH/s

회사는 조지아, 테네시, 와이오밍 및 미시시피에서 운영을 확장했으며, 2024년 10월까지 30 EH/s에 도달할 계획이며, 2025 회계연도에 50 EH/s 이상으로 성장할 것으로 예상하고 있습니다. 클린스파크는 또한 허리케인 헬렌 등 여러 도전에 대응하며 Coinmint와의 호스팅 계약 갱신을 하지 않는 등 전략적 결정을 내렸습니다.

CleanSpark Inc. (Nasdaq: CLSK) a publié sa mise à jour non auditée sur l'exploitation minière de bitcoin et les opérations de septembre 2024, marquant la fin de l'exercice fiscal 2024. L'entreprise a réalisé une croissance significative, augmentant son hashrate de 187 % à 27,6 EH/s et sa capacité opérationnelle de 132 % à 552 MW sur des sites entièrement détenus. Les réserves de bitcoin de CleanSpark ont dépassé les 8 000, soit une augmentation de 258 % par rapport à l'exercice fiscal 2023.

Les points saillants incluent :

  • 493 bitcoin extraits en septembre
  • 7 098 bitcoin extraits dans l'exercice fiscal 2024
  • 8 049 total de bitcoins détenus au 30 septembre
  • flotte de 188 520 unités avec une efficacité de 21,94 J/Th
  • hashrate opérationnel à la fin du mois de 27,6 EH/s

L'entreprise a élargi ses opérations en Géorgie, Tennessee, Wyoming et Mississippi, avec des projets d'atteindre 30 EH/s en octobre 2024 et une croissance prévue à 50 EH/s et au-delà pour l'exercice fiscal 2025. CleanSpark a également navigué à travers des défis, y compris l'ouragan Helene, et a pris des décisions stratégiques comme ne pas renouveler son contrat d'hébergement avec Coinmint.

CleanSpark Inc. (Nasdaq: CLSK) hat sein unverifiziertes Update zu Bitcoin-Mining und Operationen für September 2024 veröffentlicht, das das Ende des Geschäftsjahres 2024 markiert. Das Unternehmen verzeichnete ein signifikantes Wachstum, indem es sein Hashrate um 187% auf 27,6 EH/s erhöhte und die operative Kapazität um 132% auf 552 MW an vollständig im Besitz befindlichen Standorten steigerte. Die Bitcoin-Reserve von CleanSpark überstieg 8.000, was einem Anstieg von 258% gegenüber dem Geschäftsjahr 2023 entspricht.

Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

  • 493 Bitcoin im September gemined
  • 7.098 Bitcoin im Geschäftsjahr 2024 gemined
  • 8.049 gesamte Bitcoin-Bestände zum 30. September
  • Flotte von 188.520 mit 21,94 J/Th Effizienz
  • Monatsende-Hashrate von 27,6 EH/s

Das Unternehmen hat seine Aktivitäten in Georgia, Tennessee, Wyoming und Mississippi erweitert und plant, im Oktober 2024 30 EH/s zu erreichen und in der Prognose ein Wachstum auf 50 EH/s und darüber hinaus im Geschäftsjahr 2025 zu erzielen. CleanSpark hat auch Herausforderungen gemeistert, darunter den Hurrikan Helene, und strategische Entscheidungen getroffen, wie die Nichtverlängerung des Hosting-Vertrags mit Coinmint.

  • Hashrate increased by 187% to 27.6 EH/s in FY2024
  • Operational capacity grew by 132% to 552 MW at wholly-owned sites
  • Bitcoin treasury exceeded 8,000, a 258% increase from FY2023
  • 7,098 bitcoin mined in FY2024
  • Share price increased approximately 145% compared to September 30, 2023
  • Expanded operations in multiple states (Georgia, Tennessee, Wyoming, Mississippi)
  • Expects to reach 30 EH/s during October 2024
  • Forecasts growth to 50 EH/s and beyond in FY2025
  • Hurricane Helene impacted operations, reducing average hashrate to 23.4 EH/s for September
  • 45 MW of power still not restored after Hurricane Helene
  • Strategic decision not to renew hosting agreement with Coinmint, potentially reducing operational capacity


CleanSpark's September 2024 update reveals impressive growth and resilience in the face of challenges. The company has significantly expanded its operations, with hashrate increasing 187% year-over-year to 27.6 EH/s and operational capacity growing 132% to 552 MW. Despite the Bitcoin halving event, CleanSpark managed to exceed its FY2023 production, demonstrating operational efficiency.

The company's strategic diversification across new states and multiple acquisitions have strengthened its position in the market. With over 8,000 bitcoin in treasury, representing a 258% increase from FY2023, CleanSpark has built a substantial buffer against market volatility. The share price appreciation of approximately 145% over the fiscal year reflects investor confidence in the company's growth strategy.

Looking ahead, CleanSpark's plans to reach 30 EH/s in October 2024 and 50 EH/s in FY2025 indicate continued aggressive expansion. The strategic decision to focus on wholly-owned sites by not renewing the Coinmint hosting agreement suggests a move towards greater control over operations and potentially improved margins.

CleanSpark's technological advancements are evident in their September 2024 update. The company's fleet efficiency of 21.94 J/Th indicates a highly optimized mining operation, important for maintaining profitability post-halving. The rapid deployment of new-generation miners, particularly the S21 pro, across multiple sites demonstrates CleanSpark's commitment to staying at the forefront of mining technology.

The company's ability to quickly energize expansions in Dalton and Sandersville, Georgia, showcases their technical expertise in scaling operations. The acquisition of turnkey-ready sites in Clinton, Mississippi, set to house S21 pro miners, further emphasizes their focus on utilizing cutting-edge equipment.

CleanSpark's resilience during Hurricane Helene, with minimal disruption and quick power restoration, highlights their robust infrastructure and disaster preparedness. This technical resilience, combined with their strategic geographic diversification, positions CleanSpark well to maintain high uptime and efficiency in the face of potential future challenges.

Company finishes FY2024 with over 8,000 bitcoin in treasury, reaching 27.6 EH/s in hashrate and 552 MW of operational capacity at wholly-owned sites, increases of 258%, 187% and 132% from FY2023 respectively

Despite the halving, CleanSpark exceeds FY2023 production

LAS VEGAS, Oct. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- CleanSpark Inc. (Nasdaq: CLSK), America's Bitcoin Miner® (the "Company"), today released its unaudited bitcoin mining and operations update for the month ending September 30, 2024.

"I would like to thank the communities where we operate for their continued support following Hurricane Helene. Power has been restored to all sites with the exception of approximately 45 MW, which we expect to be restored in the coming days. As we reflect on the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, we believe CleanSpark performed exceptionally well. During the past year, we grew our hashrate from 9.6 EH/s to 27.6 EH/s, or 187%, with 5 EH/s coming online just during the month of September. The Company executed its plan to strategically diversify its portfolio across three new states and completed multiple expansions at existing data centers," said Zach Bradford, CEO. "During this same period of rapid growth, our share price increased approximately 145% compared to September 30, 2023. These results came from successfully navigating the halving, closing multiple acquisitions, delivering significant organic growth, and even riding out a hurricane to close out the year. We have successfully worked our way through each opportunity and obstacle and look forward to fiscal year 2025 with a goal of delivering even greater results. Our strategic approach pre- and post-halving has allowed us to not only showcase our operational excellence but also strengthen our treasury, which now exceeds 8,000 self-mined bitcoin."

"Our expansion efforts have not slowed down, and we are actively racking miners at newly acquired sites and at our existing facilities as part of our fleet upgrade plan. Through these efforts, we expect to reach 30 EH/s during October 2024. Looking ahead to fiscal year 2025, we are positioned to rapidly achieve our forecasted growth to 50 EH/s and beyond. We look forward to providing further updates on 2025 in the coming weeks."

September Bitcoin Mining Update (unaudited)

  • Bitcoin mined in September: 493
  • CY2024 bitcoin mined: 5,079
  • FY2024 (October 1, 2023 to September 30, 2024) bitcoin mined: 7,098
  • Total bitcoin holdings as of September 30: 8,049
  • Total bitcoin sold in September: 2.5
  • Deployed fleet: 188,520
  • Fleet efficiency: 21.94 J/Th
  • Month-end operating hashrate: 27.6 EH/s

The Company sold 2.5 bitcoin in September 2024 at an average price of approximately $58,287 per bitcoin. Peak hashrate reached 27.6 EH/s. Hurricane Helene impacted the Company's operations at the end of September, leading to an average hashrate of 23.4 EH/s for the month, resulting in an average of 16.43 bitcoin mined daily and a single day high of 19.52 bitcoin mined.  

Additional Updates

Hurricane Helene. A statement was issued on behalf of CEO Zach Bradford regarding Hurricane Helene. The Company experienced no material damage to any site infrastructure and is not aware of any material losses related to its mining servers. As of October 2, 2024, all but 45 MW of power has been restored to the Company's sites and the remaining 45 MW are expected to be restored in the coming days.

Dalton, Georgia: During September, the Company energized its 15 MW expansion in Dalton.

Sandersville, Georgia: The Company energized the 50 MW final phase of its 150 MW expansion in Sandersville.

Tennessee. The Company agreed to acquire seven bitcoin mining facilities and certain associated parcels of land in the Knoxville area, totaling 85 MW of bitcoin mining capacity at closing. As of September 30, 2024, five of the sites, which will support 65MW, had closed. The final two sites, which will support 20 MW, are expected to close in the coming days. The combined sites are expected to support a total of 5 EH/s once all the latest generation S21 pro miners are fully installed.

The company anticipates the completion of the acquisition of GRIID Infrastructure Inc. will occur before month's end.

Cheyenne, Wyoming: The Company closed on its second site and preparations are underway for the construction of the first data center.

Clinton, Mississippi. The Company acquired two bitcoin mining sites and associated land near Clinton, which will be delivered to CleanSpark turnkey ready with an expected completion date of December 1, 2024. Upon completion and installation, the site will house S21 pro miners with an expected combined operating hashrate of approximately 1 EH/s.

Massena, New York. The Company made the strategic decision on October 1, 2024, not to renew its hosting agreement with Coinmint. The Company currently intends to focus all future efforts on its portfolio of wholly-owned and operated sites. The agreement with Coinmint is now set to expire on January 1, 2025.

About CleanSpark
CleanSpark (Nasdaq: CLSK) is America's Bitcoin Miner®. We own and operate multiple data centers that primarily run on low-carbon power. Our infrastructure responsibly supports Bitcoin, the world's most important digital commodity and an essential tool for financial independence and inclusion. We cultivate trust and transparency among our employees and the communities we operate in. Visit our website at

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. In this press release, forward-looking statements include, but may not be limited to, statements regarding the Company's expectations, beliefs, plans, intentions, and strategies. In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terms such as "may," "will," "should," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "could," "intends," "targets," "projects," "contemplates," "believes," "estimates," "forecasts," "predicts," "potential" or "continue" or the negative of these terms or other similar expressions. The forward-looking statements are subject to a variety of known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other important factors that may cause our actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements, including, but not limited to: restoring power and operations to sites affected by Hurricane Helene; the build-out and energization of the two Clinton, Mississippi sites; the timing and closing of the Griid acquisition; the timing of and completion of construction and energization of the Wyoming data centers; anticipated additions and targets to CleanSpark's hashrate and the timing thereof; the risk that the electrical power available to our facilities does not increase as expected; the success of its digital currency mining activities; the volatile and unpredictable cycles in the emerging and evolving industries in which we operate; increasing difficulty rates for bitcoin mining; bitcoin halving; new or additional governmental regulation; the anticipated delivery dates of new miners; the ability to successfully deploy new miners; the dependency on utility rate structures and government incentive programs; dependency on third-party power providers for expansion efforts; the expectations of future revenue growth may not be realized; and other risks described in the Company's prior press releases and in its filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including under the heading "Risk Factors" in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2023, and any subsequent filings with the SEC. Forward-looking statements contained herein are made only as to the date of this press release, and we assume no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements as a result of any new information, changed circumstances or future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

Investor Relations Contact 
Brittany Moore

Media Contact
Eleni Stylianou

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SOURCE CleanSpark, Inc.


How many bitcoin did CleanSpark (CLSK) mine in September 2024?

CleanSpark (CLSK) mined 493 bitcoin in September 2024.

What was CleanSpark's (CLSK) total bitcoin holdings as of September 30, 2024?

CleanSpark's (CLSK) total bitcoin holdings as of September 30, 2024, were 8,049.

What was CleanSpark's (CLSK) month-end operating hashrate in September 2024?

CleanSpark's (CLSK) month-end operating hashrate in September 2024 was 27.6 EH/s.

How did Hurricane Helene affect CleanSpark's (CLSK) operations in September 2024?

Hurricane Helene impacted CleanSpark's (CLSK) operations, reducing the average hashrate to 23.4 EH/s for September 2024 and leaving 45 MW of power still to be restored.

What is CleanSpark's (CLSK) forecasted hashrate growth for fiscal year 2025?

CleanSpark (CLSK) forecasts growth to 50 EH/s and beyond in fiscal year 2025.



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