Counterpart Health Signs Multi-Year Agreement with Southern Illinois Healthcare
Counterpart Health, a subsidiary of Clover Health (NASDAQ: CLOV), has announced a multi-year strategic partnership with Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH), the largest health system in Southern Illinois. The agreement centers on implementing Counterpart Assistant, an AI-powered platform integrated into SIH's EPIC electronic health record system.
The platform will provide real-time, patient-specific insights to physicians, supporting value-based care delivery without adding administrative complexity. SIH's care teams will receive actionable, data-driven insights directly within their workflows, enabling better patient outcomes while meeting value-based care metrics.
The partnership aims to enhance clinical decision-making, facilitate earlier diagnoses, and improve chronic disease management. Counterpart Assistant, previously known as Clover Assistant, has demonstrated success in improving medication adherence and managing conditions like Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease.
Counterpart Health, una sussidiaria di Clover Health (NASDAQ: CLOV), ha annunciato una partnership strategica pluriennale con Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH), il più grande sistema sanitario del Sud dell'Illinois. L'accordo si concentra sull'implementazione di Counterpart Assistant, una piattaforma alimentata dall'IA integrata nel sistema di cartelle cliniche elettroniche EPIC di SIH.
La piattaforma fornirà approfondimenti in tempo reale, specifici per i pazienti, ai medici, supportando l'erogazione di cure basate sul valore senza aggiungere complessità amministrativa. I team di cura di SIH riceveranno informazioni utili e basate sui dati direttamente all'interno dei loro flussi di lavoro, consentendo migliori risultati per i pazienti e il rispetto dei parametri delle cure basate sul valore.
La partnership mira a migliorare il processo decisionale clinico, facilitare diagnosi più precoci e migliorare la gestione delle malattie croniche. Counterpart Assistant, precedentemente noto come Clover Assistant, ha dimostrato successo nel migliorare l'aderenza alla terapia e nella gestione di condizioni come il diabete e la malattia renale cronica.
Counterpart Health, una subsidiaria de Clover Health (NASDAQ: CLOV), ha anunciado una asociación estratégica de varios años con Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH), el sistema de salud más grande del sur de Illinois. El acuerdo se centra en implementar Counterpart Assistant, una plataforma impulsada por IA integrada en el sistema de registros electrónicos de salud EPIC de SIH.
La plataforma proporcionará conocimientos en tiempo real, específicos para el paciente, a los médicos, apoyando la entrega de atención basada en el valor sin añadir complejidad administrativa. Los equipos de atención de SIH recibirán información procesable y basada en datos directamente dentro de sus flujos de trabajo, lo que permitirá mejores resultados para los pacientes al cumplir con las métricas de atención basada en el valor.
La asociación tiene como objetivo mejorar la toma de decisiones clínicas, facilitar diagnósticos más tempranos y mejorar la gestión de enfermedades crónicas. Counterpart Assistant, anteriormente conocido como Clover Assistant, ha demostrado éxito en mejorar la adherencia a la medicación y en la gestión de condiciones como la diabetes y la enfermedad renal crónica.
카운터파트 헬스는 클로버 헬스 (NASDAQ: CLOV)의 자회사로서, 사우던 일리노이 헬스케어(SIH)와 여러 해에 걸친 전략적 파트너십을 발표했습니다. 이 협약은 SIH의 전자 건강 기록 시스템 EPIC에 통합된 AI 기반 플랫폼인 카운터파트 어시스턴트의 구현에 중점을 두고 있습니다.
본 플랫폼은 의사들에게 실시간으로 환자 맞춤형 통찰력을 제공하여, 관리상의 복잡성을 추가하지 않고 가치 기반 치료 제공을 지원합니다. SIH의 치료 팀은 그들의 작업 흐름 내에서 직접 행동 가능한 데이터 기반 통찰력을 받을 수 있어, 더 나은 환자 결과를 얻고 가치 기반 치료 지표를 충족할 수 있게 됩니다.
이 파트너십은 임상 결정 과정을 향상시키고 조기 진단을 촉진하며 만성 질환 관리를 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 카운터파트 어시스턴트는 이전에 클로버 어시스턴트로 알려져 있으며, 약물 복용 준수 개선 및 당뇨병, 만성 신장 질환과 같은 상태 관리에서 성공을 거두었습니다.
Counterpart Health, une filiale de Clover Health (NASDAQ: CLOV), a annoncé un partenariat stratégique pluriannuel avec Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH), le plus grand système de santé du sud de l'Illinois. L'accord se concentre sur la mise en œuvre de Counterpart Assistant, une plateforme alimentée par l'IA intégrée au système de dossiers médicaux électroniques EPIC de SIH.
La plateforme fournira des informations en temps réel spécifiques aux patients aux médecins, soutenant la prestation de soins basés sur la valeur sans ajouter de complexité administrative. Les équipes de soins de SIH recevront des informations exploitables basées sur les données directement dans leurs flux de travail, permettant de meilleurs résultats pour les patients tout en respectant les indicateurs de soins basés sur la valeur.
Le partenariat vise à améliorer la prise de décision clinique, à faciliter les diagnostics précoces et à améliorer la gestion des maladies chroniques. Counterpart Assistant, auparavant connu sous le nom de Clover Assistant, a montré un succès dans l'amélioration de l'adhésion aux traitements et dans la gestion de conditions telles que le diabète et les maladies rénales chroniques.
Counterpart Health, eine Tochtergesellschaft von Clover Health (NASDAQ: CLOV), hat eine mehrjährige strategische Partnerschaft mit Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH), dem größten Gesundheitssystem im Süden von Illinois, bekannt gegeben. Der Vertrag konzentriert sich auf die Implementierung von Counterpart Assistant, einer KI-gestützten Plattform, die in das EPIC-EHR-System von SIH integriert ist.
Die Plattform wird den Ärzten Echtzeit-Einblicke, die auf den Patienten zugeschnitten sind, bereitstellen und dabei die wertorientierte Versorgung unterstützen, ohne zusätzliche administrative Komplexität hinzuzufügen. Die Pflege Teams von SIH erhalten umsetzbare, datengestützte Erkenntnisse direkt in ihren Arbeitsabläufen, was bessere Patientenergebnisse ermöglicht und gleichzeitig die Kennzahlen für wertbasierte Pflege erfüllt.
Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, die klinische Entscheidungsfindung zu verbessern, frühere Diagnosen zu erleichtern und das Management chronischer Krankheiten zu optimieren. Counterpart Assistant, früher bekannt als Clover Assistant, hat Erfolge bei der Verbesserung der Medikationstreue und bei der Verwaltung von Erkrankungen wie Diabetes und chronischen Nierenerkrankungen gezeigt.
- Strategic partnership with largest health system in Southern Illinois
- Integration with EPIC EHR system enables seamless workflow adoption
- Technology proven to improve medication adherence and disease management
- Expansion of Clover's AI platform beyond Medicare Advantage plans
- None.
This strategic partnership marks a significant milestone in Clover Health's evolution from a Medicare Advantage insurer to a broader healthcare technology player. The deployment of Counterpart Assistant, previously known as Clover Assistant, to Southern Illinois Healthcare demonstrates the platform's commercial viability beyond Clover's internal use.
The integration with EPIC, which commands approximately 31% of the hospital EHR market share, is particularly noteworthy. This technical compatibility removes a major adoption barrier and positions Counterpart Health to target the vast network of EPIC-using healthcare systems. The focus on value-based care metrics aligns perfectly with industry trends, as CMS continues pushing for alternative payment models.
Three key aspects make this deal strategically valuable:
- Revenue Diversification: Creates a new income stream independent of insurance operations
- Market Validation: A major health system adoption validates the technology's effectiveness
- Scalable Model: EPIC integration enables rapid deployment to other healthcare systems
The partnership with SIH, serving 16 counties with over 4,000 employees, provides a substantial testing ground for Counterpart Health's commercial model. Published data on the platform's impact on medication adherence, diabetes and chronic kidney disease management strengthens its value proposition for future sales efforts.
While the immediate financial impact may be modest relative to Clover's core business, this expansion represents a important step toward monetizing their AI technology investments and reducing dependence on insurance margins. The success of this implementation could accelerate adoption by other health systems, potentially creating a significant new growth vector for CLOV.
WILMINGTON, Del., Feb. 05, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Counterpart Health, Inc. (“Counterpart”), an AI-powered physician enablement platform, today announced a strategic, multi-year agreement with Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH), a regional leader in healthcare delivery and the largest health system in Southern Illinois. Counterpart is a subsidiary of Clover Health Investments, Corp. (Nasdaq: CLOV) (“Clover Health”).
This partnership will enable SIH’s care teams to excel in value-based care arrangements by equipping them with Counterpart Assistant, a cloud-based AI platform seamlessly integrated into their existing EPIC electronic health record (EHR) system. Counterpart Assistant delivers real-time, patient-specific insights directly within physicians’ workflows, ensuring clinical decisions are guided by actionable, data-driven insights that prioritize patient outcomes. By focusing on improving care delivery, physicians can naturally achieve the key metrics required for success in value-based agreements without added complexity or administrative burden.
“Southern Illinois Healthcare has always been committed to providing exceptional care, particularly in the rural communities we serve,” said SIH President and CEO John Antes. “Counterpart Assistant’s ability to deliver insights at the point of care helps us achieve better outcomes for our patients while enabling success in value-based arrangements. This partnership reinforces our mission to deliver top-quality care in the most efficient, patient-centered way possible.”
Value-based care agreements require meeting specific health plan metrics, which are often tedious to manage alongside direct patient care. Counterpart Assistant simplifies this process by presenting relevant clinical insights in the context of care delivery, ensuring that improved patient outcomes naturally align with performance targets. With earlier diagnoses, better chronic disease management, and streamlined workflows, SIH’s clinicians can focus on caring for their patients, while seamlessly excelling in value-based care programs.
“Southern Illinois Healthcare’s reputation for clinical excellence makes them an ideal partner as we work to enhance value-based care delivery,” said Aric Sharp, CEO of Value-Based Care for Clover Health. “Counterpart Assistant enables providers to focus on improving patient outcomes, and the resulting performance in value-based metrics becomes a natural byproduct of this patient-first approach.”
By leveraging Counterpart Health’s proprietary AI and machine learning capabilities, SIH is advancing its ability to deliver superior patient outcomes while navigating the increasing complexity of value-based care agreements with confidence and ease.
For more information on how Counterpart Health supports physicians in value-based care arrangements, visit
About Counterpart Health
Counterpart Health, a subsidiary of Clover Health Investments, Corp. (Nasdaq: CLOV), or Clover Health, is a leading AI powered physician enablement platform. Counterpart Health’s flagship software platform, Counterpart Assistant, was incubated by Clover Health as Clover Assistant and has helped improve plan performance and clinical outcomes for Medicare members through proprietary AI technology. Counterpart Health extends the benefits of the data-driven technology platform outside of Clover Health’s Medicare Advantage plan to a wider audience, to enable enhanced patient outcomes and reduced healthcare costs nationwide. Clover Health has published data demonstrating the technology’s impact on Medication Adherence, as well as the earlier identification and management of Diabetes and Chronic Kidney Disease.
About Southern Illinois Healthcare
Based in Carbondale, Ill., Southern Illinois Healthcare (SIH) is a not-for-profit health system serving the southernmost 16 counties with four hospitals and the region’s only comprehensive cancer center, Level II Trauma Center, open heart surgery program, birthing center, special care nursery and pediatric unit. The organization is also home to the SIH Mulberry Center in Harrisburg, the only non-state operated inpatient behavioral health unit south of Interstate 64. With over 670 employed and affiliated physicians and advanced practice providers in 60 specialties and subspecialties, SIH also operates more than 30 clinics throughout its primary and secondary service areas.
SIH is the region’s largest private employer with more than 4,000 employees. With a steadfast mission to provide health care to all people in the communities it serves, SIH is the leading provider of charity care, unreimbursed care and community benefits totaling
Recognized nationally for quality outcomes in heart attack, heart failure, stroke, bariatrics, maternal health, surgical oncology and cancer care, SIH holds affiliations with renowned peers such as Prairie Heart Institute, SIU School of Medicine Family Practice Residency Program, Siteman Cancer Network and the BJC Collaborative.
Press Contact:
Andrew Still-Baxter
Investor Relations Contact:
Ryan Schmidt