Clean Energy to Build First Private Natural Gas Fueling Station for Houston METRO

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Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) has announced a new agreement with Houston's Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO) to build the agency's first private compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station. The station will serve up to 120 of METRO's newest natural gas-powered transit buses, consuming an estimated 2 million gallons of CNG annually.

Clean Energy will design, build, and maintain the station, which is set to play a important role in METRO's efforts to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon emissions. The transition to CNG is expected to achieve a 90% reduction in NOx and tailpipe emissions. The new station and buses will also be able to transition to renewable natural gas (RNG), potentially reducing carbon emissions by over 300%.

Construction is expected to begin in early 2025 at the Hiram Clarke facility in Houston's southwest. This agreement represents Clean Energy's largest deal in the last decade, highlighting the ongoing transition to cleaner-burning natural gas by major fleets.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) ha annunciato un nuovo accordo con l'Autorità di Trasporto Metropolitana della Contea di Harris (METRO) di Houston per costruire la prima stazione di rifornimento di gas naturale compresso (CNG) privata dell'agenzia. La stazione servirà fino a 120 dei più recenti autobus ad alimentazione gas naturale di METRO, consumando un stimato di 2 milioni di galloni di CNG all'anno.

Clean Energy progetterà, costruirà e manterrà la stazione, che giocherà un ruolo importante negli sforzi di METRO per ridurre le emissioni di ossidi di azoto (NOx) e carbonio. La transizione al CNG dovrebbe portare a una riduzione del 90% delle emissioni di NOx e degli scarichi. La nuova stazione e gli autobus saranno anche in grado di passare al gas naturale rinnovabile (RNG), riducendo potenzialmente le emissioni di carbonio del oltre 300%.

Si prevede che i lavori di costruzione inizino all'inizio del 2025 presso l'impianto Hiram Clarke nel sud-ovest di Houston. Questo accordo rappresenta il più grande affare di Clean Energy dell'ultimo decennio, evidenziando la transizione in corso verso un gas naturale più pulito da parte delle flotte maggiori.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) ha anunciado un nuevo acuerdo con la Autoridad de Tránsito Metropolitano del Condado de Harris (METRO) de Houston para construir su primera estación de combustible de gas natural comprimido (CNG) privada. La estación atenderá hasta 120 de los nuevos autobuses de tránsito impulsados por gas natural de METRO, consumiendo un estimado de 2 millones de galones de CNG anualmente.

Clean Energy diseñará, construirá y mantendrá la estación, que jugará un papel importante en los esfuerzos de METRO por reducir las emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) y carbono. Se espera que la transición al CNG logre una reducción del 90% en las emisiones de NOx y de escape. La nueva estación y los autobuses también podrán hacer la transición a gas natural renovable (RNG), reduciendo potencialmente las emisiones de carbono en más del 300%.

Se espera que la construcción comience a principios de 2025 en la instalación Hiram Clarke en el suroeste de Houston. Este acuerdo representa el mayor contrato de Clean Energy en la última década, destacando la transición continua hacia un gas natural de combustión más limpia por parte de las principales flotas.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE)는 휴스턴의 해리스 카운티 도시교통청(METRO)과 첫 번째 민간 압축 천연가스(CNG) 충전소를 건설하는 새로운 계약을 체결했다고 발표했습니다. 이 충전소는 METRO의 최신 천연가스 동력 버스 최대 120대에 서비스를 제공하며, 연간 약 200만 갤런의 CNG를 소비할 것으로 예상됩니다.

Clean Energy는 이 충전소를 설계, 건설 및 유지 관리할 예정이며, 이는 METRO가 질소 산화물(NOx) 및 탄소 배출량을 줄이기 위한 노력에서 중요한 역할을 할 것입니다. CNG로의 전환은 NOx 및 배기 가스 배출량을 90% 줄이는 것으로 예상됩니다. 새로운 충전소와 버스는 재생 천연가스(RNG)로 전환할 수도 있어, 탄소 배출량을 300% 이상 줄일 수 있습니다.

건설은 2025년 초 휴스턴의 하이람 클락 시설에서 시작될 예정입니다. 이번 계약은 Clean Energy의 지난 10년간 최대 계약으로, 주요 차량들이 보다 깨끗한 연소의 천연가스로의 지속적인 전환을 강조합니다.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) a annoncé un nouvel accord avec l'Autorité de Transport Métropolitain du Comté de Harris (METRO) à Houston pour construire la première station de ravitaillement en gaz naturel comprimé (CNG) privée de l'agence. La station desservira jusqu'à 120 des derniers bus de transit alimentés au gaz naturel de METRO, consommant environ 2 millions de gallons de CNG par an.

Clean Energy concevra, construira et gérera la station, qui jouera un rôle important dans les efforts de METRO pour réduire les émissions d'oxydes d'azote (NOx) et de carbone. La transition vers le CNG devrait permettre une réduction de 90 % des émissions de NOx et des gaz d'échappement. La nouvelle station et les bus pourront également passer au gaz naturel renouvelable (RNG), ce qui pourrait réduire les émissions de carbone de plus de 300 %.

Les travaux de construction devraient commencer début 2025 sur le site de Hiram Clarke dans le sud-ouest de Houston. Cet accord représente le plus grand contrat de Clean Energy de la dernière décennie, soulignant la transition continue vers un gaz naturel plus propre par les grandes flottes.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE) hat eine neue Vereinbarung mit der metropolitanen Verkehrsbehörde des Harris County (METRO) in Houston bekannt gegeben, um die erste private Station zur Betankung mit komprimiertem Erdgas (CNG) zu bauen. Die Station wird bis zu 120 von METROs neuesten erdgasbetriebenen Linienbussen bedienen und voraussichtlich 2 Millionen Gallonen CNG jährlich verbrauchen.

Clean Energy wird die Station entwerfen, bauen und warten, die eine wichtige Rolle in METROs Bemühungen zur Reduzierung von Stickoxiden (NOx) und Kohlenstoffemissionen spielen wird. Der Übergang zu CNG wird voraussichtlich eine 90%ige Reduzierung der NOx- und Abgase erreichen. Die neue Station und die Busse werden auch in der Lage sein, auf erneuerbares Erdgas (RNG) umzusteigen, was die Kohlenstoffemissionen um über 300% reduzieren könnte.

Die Bauarbeiten sollen Anfang 2025 in der Hiram-Clarke-Anlage im Südwesten von Houston beginnen. Diese Vereinbarung stellt das größte Geschäft von Clean Energy im letzten Jahrzehnt dar, was den fortlaufenden Übergang zu sauberer brennendem Erdgas durch große Flotten hervorhebt.

  • Agreement to build METRO's first private CNG fueling station, serving up to 120 buses
  • Expected annual consumption of 2 million gallons of CNG
  • 90% reduction in NOx and tailpipe emissions with CNG transition
  • Potential for over 300% carbon emission reduction with future RNG transition
  • Largest agreement won by Clean Energy in the last decade
  • None.


The agreement between Clean Energy Fuels Corp. and Houston METRO to build a private CNG fueling station is a significant development in the public transportation sector. This project demonstrates a growing commitment to cleaner fuel alternatives in major urban areas. The station's capacity to fuel up to 120 buses and consume 2 million gallons of CNG annually indicates a substantial investment in sustainable infrastructure.

The potential for a 90% reduction in NOx and tailpipe emissions aligns with METRO's 2030 zero-emissions goal, showcasing a proactive approach to environmental regulations. The ability to transition to renewable natural gas (RNG) in the future, potentially reducing carbon emissions by over 300%, adds long-term value to this investment.

For Clean Energy Fuels Corp., this represents their largest agreement in a decade, signaling a resurgence in demand for natural gas fueling solutions. This could positively impact the company's market position and future growth prospects in the clean energy sector.

Houston METRO's decision to invest in CNG infrastructure marks a pivotal shift in urban transit sustainability strategies. The project's scale - covering an area larger than several major U.S. cities combined - underscores the significant environmental impact this transition can have. By addressing both NOx and carbon emissions, METRO is tackling two critical air quality concerns simultaneously.

The choice of CNG over diesel is particularly noteworthy for its ability to maintain service efficiency over long distances, a important factor for Houston's expansive transit network. This demonstrates a pragmatic approach to sustainability, balancing environmental goals with operational needs.

The potential future use of RNG represents a forward-thinking strategy, aligning with broader trends in renewable energy adoption. This flexibility could position Houston as a leader in sustainable urban transit, potentially influencing policy and infrastructure decisions in other major cities.

Station to fuel up to 120 transit buses with clean CNG which provide over 51 million rides across the city

HOUSTON & NEWPORT BEACH, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Clean Energy Fuels Corp. (NASDAQ: CLNE), the largest provider of the cleanest fuel for the transportation market, has announced a new agreement with the Metropolitan Transit Authority of Harris County (METRO), the region’s largest public transport provider, to build the agency’s first private compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station. The new state-of-the-art facility will be the first of its kind and will exclusively serve up to 120 of METRO’s newest natural gas-powered transit buses operating busy routes throughout Houston and beyond.

Houston METRO compressed natural gas (CNG) fueled bus (Photo: Business Wire)

Houston METRO compressed natural gas (CNG) fueled bus (Photo: Business Wire)

Under the new agreement, Clean Energy will design and build the new station, upgrade the current site’s bays, and provide operations and maintenance services for the station that is expected to consume 2 million gallons of CNG annually, when it is completed and fully operational.

The new station is set to play a crucial role in METRO’s efforts to reduce nitrogen oxide (NOx) and carbon emissions by helping the agency meet its commitment of running fleet vehicles on zero emissions fuels by 2030. By transitioning to CNG, the transit fleet will be able to achieve a 90 percent reduction in NOx and tailpipe emissions, contributing to cleaner air in areas where the buses operate.

Geographically larger than the cities of Chicago, Dallas, Los Angeles and New YorkGreater Houston is home to 4.7 million residents spanning 1,285 square miles of land, which means METRO bus routes have an expansive area of ground to cover, often double the fuel usage than most other city transit agencies in the U.S. By choosing to invest in a fleet which runs on CNG instead of diesel, METRO not only ensures clean air for commuters, but also guarantees no service disruption as natural gas engines can run long distances without compromise. The new station and buses will also be able to seamlessly transition to renewable natural gas (RNG) allowing the fleet to reduce carbon emissions by over 300%.

"We are excited to be partnering with the team at METRO on their very first CNG station build," said Chad Lindholm, senior vice president at Clean Energy. "For METRO, growing their CNG-powered fleet and making the switch will truly help shift the dial in reaching their sustainability goals. This deal also demonstrates the confidence the city has in CNG as a cleaner, more efficient fuel to provide essential transport to millions of commuters daily. For Clean Energy, this represents the largest agreement we have won in the last decade, demonstrating the ongoing transition to cleaner-burning natural gas by some of the country’s largest fleets."

The new station will be located at the Hiram Clarke facility in Houston’s southwest. Once completed, it will be able to fuel 120 diesel gallon equivalent (DGEs) in under 12 minutes, a prerequisite of the build to ensure efficient, in-and-out fueling. Construction is expected to begin in early 2025.

About Clean Energy

Clean Energy Fuels Corp. is the country’s largest provider of the cleanest fuel for the transportation market. Our mission is to decarbonize transportation through the development and delivery of renewable natural gas (RNG), a sustainable fuel derived by capturing methane from organic waste. Clean Energy allows thousands of vehicles, from airport shuttles to city buses to waste and heavy-duty trucks, to reduce their amount of climate-harming greenhouse gas. We operate a vast network of fueling stations across the U.S. and Canada as well as RNG production facilities at dairy farms. Visit and follow @ce_renewables on X and LinkedIn.

Forward-Looking Statements

This news release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 that involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including without limitation statements about: the amounts and timing of natural gas expected to be consumed; the timing and scope of construction, maintenance, and other projects; the numbers and timing of vehicles expected to be deployed, fueled, maintained, or financed; the characteristics and performance of natural gas engines and trucks; environmental and other benefits of Clean Energy’s fuels; and the availability of environmental, tax and other government regulations, programs and incentives. Actual results and the timing of events could differ materially from those anticipated in these forward-looking statements. The forward-looking statements made herein speak only as of the date of this press release and, unless otherwise required by law, Clean Energy undertakes no obligation to publicly update such forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent events or circumstances. Additionally, the reports and other documents Clean Energy files with the SEC (available at contain risk factors, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements contained in this news release.

Clean Energy media contact:

Kimberly Fleer


Clean Energy investor contact:

Thomas Driscoll


Source: Clean Energy Fuels Corp.


What is the new agreement between Clean Energy Fuels Corp (CLNE) and Houston METRO?

Clean Energy Fuels Corp (CLNE) has agreed to build Houston METRO's first private compressed natural gas (CNG) fueling station, which will serve up to 120 of METRO's newest natural gas-powered transit buses.

How much CNG is the new station expected to consume annually?

The new CNG fueling station is expected to consume 2 million gallons of CNG annually when fully operational.

What are the environmental benefits of METRO's transition to CNG buses?

The transition to CNG buses is expected to achieve a 90% reduction in nitrogen oxide (NOx) and tailpipe emissions, contributing to cleaner air in Houston.

When is construction of the new CNG fueling station expected to begin?

Construction of the new CNG fueling station is expected to begin in early 2025.

How significant is this agreement for Clean Energy Fuels Corp (CLNE)?

This agreement represents the largest deal Clean Energy Fuels Corp (CLNE) has won in the last decade, demonstrating the ongoing transition to cleaner-burning natural gas by major fleets.

Clean Energy Fuels Corp.


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