ClearSign Technologies Announces Public Release of California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies (GET) Report on Boiler Burners

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ClearSign Technologies (Nasdaq: CLIR) announces the public release of the California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies (GET) Report on Boiler Burners. The study, sponsored by Southern California Gas Company, compared ClearSign's ultra-low NOx boiler burner to a conventional one. Key findings include:

1. Material fuel and electricity savings while producing ultra-low NOx levels
2. Capability to achieve lower NOx levels than the baseline burner
3. Higher boiler operating efficiency
4. Fuel savings ranging from 3.3% to 4.7% at different NOx levels
5. Electricity savings ranging from 7% to 25% compared to the baseline burner

The report estimates $80,000 annual savings in California energy costs for a mid-size 500hp boiler, along with a reduction of over 500 tons of CO2 emissions per year.

ClearSign Technologies (Nasdaq: CLIR) annuncia il rilascio pubblico del Rapporto sulle Tecnologie Emergenti per il Gas della California (GET) sui bruciatori per caldaie. Lo studio, sponsorizzato dalla Southern California Gas Company, ha confrontato il bruciatore per caldaie ultra-low NOx di ClearSign con uno convenzionale. I principali risultati includono:

1. Risparmi significativi su carburante ed elettricità mantenendo livelli ultra-low NOx
2. Capacità di raggiungere livelli di NOx inferiori rispetto al bruciatore di riferimento
3. Maggiore efficienza operativa della caldaia
4. Risparmi sul carburante compresi tra 3,3% e 4,7% a diversi livelli di NOx
5. Risparmi elettrici compresi tra 7% e 25% rispetto al bruciatore di riferimento

Il rapporto stima risparmi annuali di 80.000 dollari nei costi energetici della California per una caldaia di medie dimensioni da 500 hp, insieme a una riduzione di oltre 500 tonnellate di emissioni di CO2 all'anno.

ClearSign Technologies (Nasdaq: CLIR) anuncia el lanzamiento público del Informe Estatal de Tecnologías Emergentes de Gas de California (GET) sobre Quemadores de Calderas. El estudio, patrocinado por Southern California Gas Company, comparó el quemador de caldera ultra-bajo NOx de ClearSign con uno convencional. Los hallazgos clave incluyen:

1. Ahorros significativos en combustible y electricidad mientras se producen niveles ultra-bajos de NOx
2. Capacidad para lograr niveles de NOx más bajos que el quemador de referencia
3. Mayor eficiencia operativa de la caldera
4. Ahorros en combustible que oscilan entre 3.3% a 4.7% en diferentes niveles de NOx
5. Ahorros en electricidad que oscilan entre 7% y 25% en comparación con el quemador de referencia

El informe estima ahorros anuales de 80,000 dólares en costos energéticos de California para una caldera de tamaño mediano de 500 hp, junto con una reducción de más de 500 toneladas de emisiones de CO2 por año.

클리어사인 기술(ClearSign Technologies) (Nasdaq: CLIR)이 캘리포니아 주 전체 가스 신기술(GET) 보고서에서 보일러 버너에 대한 공개 출시를 발표했습니다. 이 연구는 남부 캘리포니아 가스 회사(Southern California Gas Company)가 후원하였으며, 클리어사인의 초저 NOx 보일러 버너와 기존 보일러 버너를 비교했습니다. 주요 발견 사항은 다음과 같습니다:

1. 초저 NOx 수준을 유지하면서 재료 연료 및 전기 절약
2. 기준 버너보다 더 낮은 NOx 수준을 달성할 수 있는 능력
3. 더 높은 보일러 작동 효율성
4. 다양한 NOx 수준에서 3.3%에서 4.7%까지의 연료 절약
5. 기준 버너에 비해 7%에서 25%의 전기 절약

보고서는 500hp 중형 보일러에 대해 캘리포니아 에너지 비용에서 연간 80,000달러의 절약과 함께 연간 500톤 이상의 CO2 배출 감소를 추정하고 있습니다.

ClearSign Technologies (Nasdaq: CLIR) annonce la publication publique du Rapport sur les Technologies Émergentes du Gaz de Californie (GET) concernant les Brûleurs de Chaudières. L'étude, parrainée par Southern California Gas Company, a comparé le brûleur de chaudière ultra-bas NOx de ClearSign à un brûleur conventionnel. Les principales conclusions sont les suivantes :

1. Économies significatives de combustible et d'électricité tout en produisant des niveaux ultra-bas de NOx
2. Capacité d'atteindre des niveaux de NOx inférieurs à ceux du brûleur de référence
3. Meilleure efficacité de fonctionnement de la chaudière
4. Économies de combustible allant de 3,3 % à 4,7 % selon les niveaux de NOx
5. Économies d'électricité allant de 7 % à 25 % par rapport au brûleur de référence

Le rapport estime des économies annuelles de 80 000 dollars sur les coûts énergétiques en Californie pour une chaudière de taille moyenne de 500 hp, ainsi qu'une réduction de plus de 500 tonnes d'émissions de CO2 par an.

ClearSign Technologies (Nasdaq: CLIR) gibt die öffentliche Veröffentlichung des California Statewide Gas Emerging Technologies (GET) Berichts über Kesselbrenner bekannt. Die Studie, die von der Southern California Gas Company gesponsert wurde, verglich ClearSigns ultra-niedrigen NOx-Kesselbrenner mit einem herkömmlichen. Die wichtigsten Ergebnisse umfassen:

1. Materialeinsparungen bei Brennstoff und Strom bei der Erzeugung von ultra-niedrigen NOx-Werten
2. Fähigkeit, niedrigere NOx-Werte als der Baseline-Brenner zu erreichen
3. Höhere Betriebseffizienz des Kessels
4. Brennstoffeinsparungen von 3,3% bis 4,7% bei unterschiedlichen NOx-Werten
5. Stromersparnisse von 7% bis 25% im Vergleich zum Baseline-Brenner

Der Bericht schätzt jährliche Einsparungen von 80.000 Dollar bei den Energiekosten in Kalifornien für einen mittelgroßen 500-PS-Kessel sowie eine Reduzierung von über 500 Tonnen CO2-Emissionen pro Jahr.

  • ClearSign's ultra-low NOx burner demonstrated higher boiler operating efficiency than conventional burners
  • Fuel savings of 3.3% to 4.7% at different NOx levels
  • Electricity savings of 7% to 25% compared to baseline burners
  • Potential annual savings of $80,000 in energy costs for a mid-size 500hp boiler
  • Reduction of over 500 tons of CO2 emissions per year per boiler
  • None.


The ClearSign Core™-Rogue ultra-low NOx boiler burner demonstrates significant improvements in both emissions reduction and energy efficiency. Key findings include:

  • Fuel savings of 3.3% to 4.7% compared to baseline burners
  • Electricity savings ranging from 7% to 25%
  • Capability to achieve NOx levels below 2.5 ppm
  • Estimated annual savings of $80,000 for a 500hp boiler in California
  • Potential reduction of over 500 tons of CO2 emissions per year

These results are particularly impactful for industries seeking to meet stringent emissions regulations while also improving operational efficiency. The third-party verification adds credibility to ClearSign's claims, potentially accelerating market adoption. For investors, this technology could position ClearSign favorably in the growing market for clean energy solutions, especially in regions with strict environmental regulations.

The California GET Program's endorsement of ClearSign's technology is significant from a regulatory perspective. California, known for its stringent environmental policies, often sets trends that other states and countries follow. Key implications include:

  • Potential for accelerated adoption of ultra-low NOx burners in California and beyond
  • Alignment with California's aggressive decarbonization goals
  • Possible influence on future emissions standards and regulations
  • Enhanced credibility for ClearSign in the eyes of regulators and policymakers

This report could pave the way for ClearSign to become a preferred supplier for industries needing to comply with tightening emissions regulations. It may also lead to incentives or mandates favoring this type of technology, creating a supportive regulatory environment for ClearSign's growth. Investors should monitor how this validation translates into policy support and market demand across different regions.

Study Shows Material Fuel and Electricity Savings

TULSA, Okla., Oct. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- ClearSign Technologies Corporation (Nasdaq: CLIR) ("ClearSign" or the "Company"), an emerging leader in industrial combustion and sensing technologies that support decarbonization, improve operational and energy efficiency, enable the use of hydrogen as a fuel and enhance safety while dramatically reducing emissions announces that the Ultra low NOx Burner Testing study has been completed by the California Gas Emerging Technologies (GET) Program and that the final report prepared by ICF has been released to the public.

The objective of the study sponsored by Southern California Gas Company ("SoCalGas") was to test and quantify the emissions improvements and efficiency gains for the ClearSign Core™-Rogue ultra-low NOx boiler burner compared to a conventional (or baseline) ultra-low-NOx burner operating in the same boiler. Specifically, the report concluded that the ClearSign ultra-low NOx burner demonstrates both material fuel and electricity savings while producing ultra low NOx levels and was capable of NOx levels lower than the baseline burner. 

The GET Program is a collaboration between California's investor owned utilities to advance promising energy-efficient technologies. The program aims to identify and evaluate currently commercially available technologies and further market readiness of promising concepts.  The GET Program is funded by California utility customers, administered by SoCalGas and supported by the state's other investor-owned utilities, SoCalGas®, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E®), and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E®) under the auspices of the California Public Utilities Commission through a contract awarded to ICF, a global consulting and technology services provider. 

"We were grateful for the sponsorship of the California GET Program and ICF who funded and managed this study to evaluate the relative operational efficiency and fuel consumption enabled by the latest low emission burner technology," said Jim Deller, Ph.D., Chief Executive Officer of ClearSign. "Reduced fuel consumption translates directly into operational cost savings and reduced carbon dioxide emissions for our customers. The third-party verified data documented in this report translates into approximately $80k per year savings in California energy costs for a mid-size 500hp boiler compared to a comparable industry standard burner technology, in addition to reducing over 500 tons of CO2 emissions per year. We believe this data presents  a compelling proposition for our technologies," concluded Dr. Deller. 


The California GET Program report states that the ClearSign-Rogue burner demonstrated higher boiler operating efficiency, fuel savings, as well as electricity savings not only at the same Ultra Low NOx levels as the baseline mesh burner but also when operating at lower NOx levels below 2.5 ppm NOx. The ClearSign-Rogue burner was more energy efficient as it operated at the lowest excess air or O2 levels. The fuel savings ranged from 3.3% when the ClearSign-Rogue burner was operating at sub-2.5 ppm NOx to 4.7% at sub-9 ppm NOx at high fire. Savings in electricity ranged from 7% at sub-2.5 ppm NOx to 25% at sub-9 ppm NOx compared to the baseline mesh burner. 

The GET report has been posted and is available to the public here: ET23SWG0009 - Ultra Low NOx Burner Field Testing | Emerging Technologies (

About ClearSign Technologies Corporation

ClearSign Technologies Corporation designs and develops products and technologies for the purpose of decarbonization and improving key performance characteristics of industrial and commercial systems, including operational performance, energy efficiency, emission reduction, safety, the use of hydrogen as a fuel and overall cost-effectiveness. Our patented technologies, embedded in established OEM products as ClearSign Core™ and ClearSign Eye™ and other sensing configurations, enhance the performance of combustion systems and fuel safety systems in a broad range of markets, including the energy (upstream oil production and down-stream refining), commercial/industrial boiler, chemical, petrochemical, transport and power industries. For more information, please visit

Cautionary note on forward-looking statements

All statements in this press release that are not based on historical fact are "forward-looking statements." You can find many (but not all) of these statements by looking for words such as "approximates," "believes," "hopes," "expects," "anticipates," "estimates," "projects," "intends," "plans," "would," "should," "could," "may," "will" or other similar expressions. While management has based any forward-looking statements included in this press release on its current expectations on the Company's strategy, plans, intentions, performance, or future occurrences or results, the information on which such expectations were based may change. These forward-looking statements rely on a number of assumptions concerning future events and are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and other factors, many of which are outside of the Company's control, which could cause actual results to materially differ from such statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to: performance of the Company's products, including its ultra-low NOx boiler burner and the related fuel and electricity savings; the Company's ability to successfully deliver, install, and meet the performance obligations of the Company's burners, including  process burners, in the markets the Company sell products in; the Company's ability to timely ship its burners; the Company's ability to further expand into other geographic markets; the Company's ability to successfully enter the power distribution market; the Company's ability to further expand the sale of ultra-low NOx process and boiler burners; the Company's ability to successfully perform engineering orders and performance optimization processes included therein; general business and economic conditions; the performance of management and the Company's employees; the Company's ability to obtain financing, when needed; the Company's ability to compete with competitors; whether the Company's technology will be accepted and adopted and other factors identified in the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and available at and other factors that are detailed in the Company's periodic and current reports available for review at Furthermore, the Company operates in a competitive environment where new and unanticipated risks may arise. Accordingly, investors should not place any reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. The Company disclaims any intention to, and, except as may be required by law, undertakes no obligation to, update or revise forward-looking statements to reflect events or circumstances that subsequently occur or of which the Company hereafter become aware.

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What were the key findings of the California GET Report on ClearSign's ultra-low NOx burner (CLIR)?

The report found that ClearSign's ultra-low NOx burner demonstrated material fuel and electricity savings, higher boiler operating efficiency, and the ability to achieve lower NOx levels compared to conventional burners. Fuel savings ranged from 3.3% to 4.7%, while electricity savings ranged from 7% to 25%.

How much can a mid-size boiler save annually using ClearSign's technology (CLIR)?

According to the report, a mid-size 500hp boiler using ClearSign's technology can potentially save approximately $80,000 per year in California energy costs compared to a conventional burner.

What is the environmental impact of ClearSign's ultra-low NOx burner (CLIR)?

The report indicates that ClearSign's ultra-low NOx burner can reduce over 500 tons of CO2 emissions per year for a mid-size 500hp boiler, contributing to significant environmental benefits.

Who sponsored the study on ClearSign's ultra-low NOx burner (CLIR)?

The study was sponsored by Southern California Gas Company (SoCalGas) as part of the California Gas Emerging Technologies (GET) Program, which is a collaboration between California's investor-owned utilities.

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