Cleveland-Cliffs Receives Canadian Competition Bureau Clearance for the Acquisition of Stelco

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Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) has received a "no-action letter" from the Canadian Competition Bureau, indicating that the Commissioner of Competition does not intend to challenge Cliffs' pending acquisition of Stelco Holdings Inc. This clearance marks the conclusion of all required antitrust reviews for the acquisition. Earlier this week, Cliffs announced the expiration of the U.S. Department of Justice antitrust review period and successfully raised the remaining capital to fund the transaction. Lourenco Goncalves, Cliffs' Chairman, President and CEO, expressed satisfaction with these three important milestones and stated that the company remains on track to close the transaction this quarter, pending the satisfaction of remaining closing conditions.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) ha ricevuto una "lettera di non azione" dal Bureau canadese della concorrenza, che indica che il Commissario per la concorrenza non intende contestare l'acquisizione in corso di Stelco Holdings Inc. da parte di Cliffs. Questa autorizzazione segna la conclusione di tutte le revisioni antitrust richieste per l'acquisizione. All'inizio di questa settimana, Cliffs ha annunciato la scadenza del periodo di revisione antitrust del Dipartimento della Giustizia degli Stati Uniti e ha raccolto con successo il capitale rimanente per finanziare la transazione. Lourenco Goncalves, Presidente, CEO e Chairman di Cliffs, ha espresso soddisfazione per queste tre importanti tappe e ha dichiarato che l'azienda è ancora in linea per chiudere la transazione entro questo trimestre, in attesa del rispetto delle condizioni di chiusura rimanenti.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) ha recibido una "carta de no acción" de la Oficina de Competencia de Canadá, lo que indica que el Comisionado de Competencia no tiene intención de impugnar la adquisición pendiente de Stelco Holdings Inc. por parte de Cliffs. Esta aprobación marca la conclusión de todas las revisiones antimonopolio requeridas para la adquisición. A principios de esta semana, Cliffs anunció la expiración del período de revisión antimonopolio del Departamento de Justicia de EE. UU. y ha recaudado con éxito el capital restante para financiar la transacción. Lourenco Goncalves, Presidente y CEO de Cliffs, expresó su satisfacción por estos tres hitos importantes y declaró que la empresa sigue en camino de cerrar la transacción en este trimestre, a espera de cumplir las condiciones de cierre restantes.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF)는 캐나다 경쟁국으로부터 "무행동 통지서"를 받았으며, 이는 경쟁 위원장이 Cliffs의 Stelco Holdings Inc. 인수에 대해 도전할 의사가 없음을 나타냅니다. 이 승인은 인수에 필요한 모든 반독점 검토의 종료를 의미합니다. 이번 주 초, Cliffs는 미국 법무부의 반독점 검토 기간의 종료를 발표했으며, 거래 자금을 조달하기 위해 남은 자본을 성공적으로 모금했습니다. Lourenco Goncalves는 Cliffs의 회장, 사장 및 CEO로서 이러한 세 가지 중요한 이정표에 대한 만족감을 표명하며, 남은 종료 조건이 충족되는 대로 이번 분기 내 거래를 마무리할 계획이라고 밝혔습니다.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) a reçu une "lettre de non-action" de l'Office de la concurrence canadien, indiquant que le Commissaire à la concurrence n'a pas l'intention de contester l'acquisition en cours de Stelco Holdings Inc. par Cliffs. Cette approbation marque la conclusion de toutes les revues antitrust requis pour l'acquisition. Plus tôt cette semaine, Cliffs a annoncé l'expiration de la période de révision antitrust du Département de Justice des États-Unis et a réussi à lever le capital restant pour financer la transaction. Lourenco Goncalves, Président, Directeur Général et Président de Cliffs, a exprimé sa satisfaction quant à ces trois étapes importantes et a déclaré que l'entreprise reste sur la bonne voie pour finaliser la transaction ce trimestre, sous réserve de la satisfaction des conditions de clôture restantes.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) hat ein "No-Action-Schreiben" von der Wettbewerbsbehörde Kanadas erhalten, das besagt, dass der Wettbewerbskommissar nicht beabsichtigt, die bevorstehende Übernahme von Stelco Holdings Inc. durch Cliffs anzufechten. Diese Genehmigung markiert den Abschluss aller erforderlichen wettbewerbsrechtlichen Prüfungen für die Übernahme. Anfang dieser Woche gab Cliffs die Ablauf des Überprüfungszeitraums des Antitrust-Departements der USA bekannt und hat erfolgreich das verbleibende Kapital erhöht, um die Transaktion zu finanzieren. Lourenco Goncalves, der Vorsitzende, Präsident und CEO von Cliffs, zeigte sich mit diesen drei wichtigen Meilensteinen zufrieden und erklärte, dass das Unternehmen auf Kurs bleibt, um die Transaktion in diesem Quartal abzuschließen, sofern die verbleibenden Abschlussbedingungen erfüllt sind.

  • Received clearance from Canadian Competition Bureau for Stelco acquisition
  • Successful completion of all required antitrust reviews
  • Raised necessary capital to fund the transaction
  • On track to close the acquisition within the current quarter
  • None.


Cleveland-Cliffs' acquisition of Stelco is progressing smoothly, with three significant milestones achieved this week. The clearance from the Canadian Competition Bureau, along with the expiration of the U.S. DOJ antitrust review period, removes major regulatory hurdles. This paves the way for the $1.4 billion acquisition to close as planned this quarter. The successful capital raise to fund the transaction demonstrates investor confidence in the deal. This acquisition will significantly expand CLF's production capacity and market presence in North America. It's expected to be immediately accretive to earnings and free cash flow, potentially boosting CLF's financial performance. The integration of Stelco's assets could lead to operational synergies and cost savings, further enhancing CLF's competitive position in the steel industry. Investors should monitor the post-acquisition integration process and its impact on CLF's financials in the coming quarters.

The receipt of the "no-action letter" from the Canadian Competition Bureau marks a important legal milestone for Cleveland-Cliffs' acquisition of Stelco. This clearance, combined with the expiration of the U.S. Department of Justice antitrust review period, effectively concludes all required antitrust reviews for the transaction. From a legal standpoint, this dual approval significantly reduces regulatory risks that could have potentially derailed or delayed the deal. The swift progression through these regulatory checkpoints suggests that antitrust authorities in both countries do not foresee substantial competition concerns arising from this merger. This outcome is particularly noteworthy given the increased scrutiny of M&A activities in key industries. The legal team's ability to navigate these complex regulatory landscapes efficiently is commendable and bodes well for the timely completion of the transaction.

CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) (“Cliffs”) today announced that it has received a "no-action letter" from the Canadian Competition Bureau confirming that the Commissioner of Competition does not intend to challenge Cliffs’ pending acquisition of Stelco Holdings Inc. (“Stelco”). Cliffs remains on track to close the transaction this quarter.

Lourenco Goncalves, Cliffs’ Chairman, President and CEO, said, “We have achieved three important milestones this week toward closing the acquisition of Stelco. First, yesterday morning, we announced the expiration of the U.S. Department of Justice antitrust review period. Second, in the afternoon, we successfully raised the remaining capital to fund the transaction. Third, this morning, we are happy to announce this clearance from the Canadian Competition Bureau, which officially concludes all required antitrust reviews related to the acquisition. We look forward to closing the transaction once the remaining conditions to closing are satisfied.”

About Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.

Cleveland-Cliffs is a leading North America-based steel producer with focus on value-added sheet products, particularly for the automotive industry. The Company is vertically integrated from the mining of iron ore, production of pellets and direct reduced iron, and processing of ferrous scrap through primary steelmaking and downstream finishing, stamping, tooling, and tubing. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland-Cliffs employs approximately 28,000 people across its operations in the United States and Canada.

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains statements that constitute "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than historical facts, including, without limitation, statements regarding our current expectations, estimates and projections about our industry, our businesses or the proposed transaction with Stelco, are forward-looking statements. We caution investors that any forward-looking statements are subject to risks and uncertainties that may cause actual results and future trends to differ materially from those matters expressed in or implied by such forward-looking statements. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. Among the risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ from those described in forward-looking statements are the following: continued volatility of steel, iron ore and scrap metal market prices, which directly and indirectly impact the prices of the products that we sell to our customers; uncertainties associated with the highly competitive and cyclical steel industry and our reliance on the demand for steel from the automotive industry; potential weaknesses and uncertainties in global economic conditions, excess global steelmaking capacity, oversupply of iron ore, prevalence of steel imports and reduced market demand; severe financial hardship, bankruptcy, temporary or permanent shutdowns or operational challenges of one or more of our major customers, key suppliers or contractors, which, among other adverse effects, could disrupt our operations or lead to reduced demand for our products, increased difficulty collecting receivables, and customers and/or suppliers asserting force majeure or other reasons for not performing their contractual obligations to us; risks related to U.S. government actions with respect to Section 232 of the Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (as amended by the Trade Act of 1974), the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and/or other trade agreements, tariffs, treaties or policies, as well as the uncertainty of obtaining and maintaining effective antidumping and countervailing duty orders to counteract the harmful effects of unfairly traded imports; impacts of existing and increasing governmental regulation, including potential environmental regulations relating to climate change and carbon emissions, and related costs and liabilities, including failure to receive or maintain required operating and environmental permits, approvals, modifications or other authorizations of, or from, any governmental or regulatory authority and costs related to implementing improvements to ensure compliance with regulatory changes, including potential financial assurance requirements, and reclamation and remediation obligations; potential impacts to the environment or exposure to hazardous substances resulting from our operations; our ability to maintain adequate liquidity, our level of indebtedness and the availability of capital could limit our financial flexibility and cash flow necessary to fund working capital, planned capital expenditures, acquisitions, and other general corporate purposes or ongoing needs of our business, or to repurchase our common shares; our ability to reduce our indebtedness or return capital to shareholders within the currently expected timeframes or at all; adverse changes in credit ratings, interest rates, foreign currency rates and tax laws; the outcome of, and costs incurred in connection with, lawsuits, claims, arbitrations or governmental proceedings relating to commercial and business disputes, antitrust claims, environmental matters, government investigations, occupational or personal injury claims, property-related matters, labor and employment matters, or suits involving legacy operations and other matters; supply chain disruptions or changes in the cost, quality or availability of energy sources, including electricity, natural gas and diesel fuel, critical raw materials and supplies, including iron ore, industrial gases, graphite electrodes, scrap metal, chrome, zinc, other alloys, coke and metallurgical coal, and critical manufacturing equipment and spare parts; problems or disruptions associated with transporting products to our customers, moving manufacturing inputs or products internally among our facilities, or suppliers transporting raw materials to us; the risk that the cost or time to implement a strategic or sustaining capital project may prove to be greater than originally anticipated; our ability to consummate any public or private acquisition transactions and to realize any or all of the anticipated benefits or estimated future synergies, as well as to successfully integrate any acquired businesses into our existing businesses; uncertainties associated with natural or human-caused disasters, adverse weather conditions, unanticipated geological conditions, critical equipment failures, infectious disease outbreaks, tailings dam failures and other unexpected events; cybersecurity incidents relating to, disruptions in, or failures of, information technology systems that are managed by us or third parties that host or have access to our data or systems, including the loss, theft or corruption of sensitive or essential business or personal information and the inability to access or control systems; liabilities and costs arising in connection with any business decisions to temporarily or indefinitely idle or permanently close an operating facility or mine, which could adversely impact the carrying value of associated assets and give rise to impairment charges or closure and reclamation obligations, as well as uncertainties associated with restarting any previously idled operating facility or mine; our level of self-insurance and our ability to obtain sufficient third-party insurance to adequately cover potential adverse events and business risks; uncertainties associated with our ability to meet customers' and suppliers' decarbonization goals and reduce our greenhouse gas emissions in alignment with our own announced targets; challenges to maintaining our social license to operate with our stakeholders, including the impacts of our operations on local communities, reputational impacts of operating in a carbon-intensive industry that produces greenhouse gas emissions, and our ability to foster a consistent operational and safety track record; our actual economic mineral reserves or reductions in current mineral reserve estimates, and any title defect or loss of any lease, license, easement or other possessory interest for any mining property; our ability to maintain satisfactory labor relations with unions and employees; unanticipated or higher costs associated with pension and other post-employment benefit obligations resulting from changes in the value of plan assets or contribution increases required for unfunded obligations; uncertain availability or cost of skilled workers to fill critical operational positions and potential labor shortages caused by experienced employee attrition or otherwise, as well as our ability to attract, hire, develop and retain key personnel; the amount and timing of any repurchases of our common shares; potential significant deficiencies or material weaknesses in our internal control over financial reporting; the risk that the proposed transaction with Stelco may not be consummated; the risk that the proposed transaction with Stelco may be less accretive than expected, or may be dilutive, to Cliffs’ earnings per share, which may negatively affect the market price of Cliffs’ common shares; the risk that adverse reactions or changes to business or regulatory relationships may result from the completion of the proposed transaction; the possibility of the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstance that could give rise to the right of one or both of Cliffs or Stelco to terminate the transaction agreement between the two companies, including, but not limited to, the companies’ inability to obtain necessary regulatory approvals; the risk of shareholder litigation relating to the proposed transaction that could be instituted against Stelco, Cliffs or their respective directors and officers; the possibility that Cliffs and Stelco will incur significant transaction and other costs in connection with the proposed transaction, which may be in excess of those anticipated by Cliffs; the risk that the financing transactions to be undertaken in connection with the proposed transaction may have a negative impact on the combined company’s credit profile, financial condition or financial flexibility; the possibility that the anticipated benefits of the proposed acquisition of Stelco are not realized to the same extent as projected and that the integration of the acquired business into our existing business, including uncertainties associated with maintaining relationships with customers, vendors and employees, is not as successful as expected; the risk that future synergies from the proposed transaction may not be realized or may take longer than expected to achieve; the possibility that the business and management strategies currently in place or implemented in the future for the maintenance, expansion and growth of the combined company’s operations may not be as successful as anticipated; the risk associated with the retention and hiring of key personnel, including those of Stelco; the risk that any announcements relating to, or the completion of, the proposed transaction could have adverse effects on the market price of Cliffs' common shares; and the risk of any unforeseen liabilities and future capital expenditures related to the proposed transaction.

For additional factors affecting the business of Cliffs, refer to Part I – Item 1A. Risk Factors of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023, Part II – Item 1A. Risk Factors of our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended June 30, 2024, and other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.


Patricia Persico

Senior Director, Corporate Communications

(216) 694-5316


James Kerr

Director, Investor Relations

(216) 694-7719

Source: Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.


What regulatory approvals has Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) received for the Stelco acquisition?

Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) has received a 'no-action letter' from the Canadian Competition Bureau and clearance from the U.S. Department of Justice, completing all required antitrust reviews for the Stelco acquisition.

When does Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) expect to close the Stelco acquisition?

Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) expects to close the Stelco acquisition within the current quarter, pending satisfaction of remaining closing conditions.

Has Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) secured funding for the Stelco acquisition?

Yes, Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) has successfully raised the remaining capital required to fund the Stelco acquisition.

What milestones has Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) achieved for the Stelco acquisition?

Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) has achieved three key milestones: U.S. DOJ antitrust review expiration, raising necessary capital, and receiving Canadian Competition Bureau clearance.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.


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