Cleveland-Cliffs and United Steelworkers to Host Senior U.S. Government Officials at its Coatesville, Pennsylvania Steel Plant

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Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE: CLF) is set to host key U.S. government officials at its Coatesville, Pennsylvania steel plant on October 11. Visitors include U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, and Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, along with USW District 10 Director Bernie Hall.

The visit follows USTR's recent decision on increased Section 301 tariffs on Chinese imports and an ongoing investigation into unfair trade practices in the Chinese shipbuilding sector. Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville specializes in steel plate production for military and commercial shipbuilding.

CEO Lourenco Goncalves will host a fireside chat with the dignitaries, which will be live-streamed on the company's YouTube channel at 11:00 a.m. ET. The event aims to showcase the partnership between Cleveland-Cliffs and the USW in producing advanced steel plate for critical industries.

Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE: CLF) ospiterà funzionari chiave del governo degli Stati Uniti presso il suo stabilimento siderurgico di Coatesville, Pennsylvania l'11 ottobre. I visitatori includono Katherine Tai, Rappresentante commerciale degli Stati Uniti, Julie Su, Segretario al Lavoro ad interim e la Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, insieme a Bernie Hall, Direttore del Distretto 10 USW.

La visita segue la recente decisione dell'USTR riguardo ai dazi maggiorati sulla Sezione 301 per le importazioni cinesi e un'indagine in corso sulle pratiche commerciali sleali nel settore della costruzione navale cinese. Lo stabilimento di Cleveland-Cliffs a Coatesville si specializza nella produzione di lastre di acciaio per la costruzione navale militare e commerciale.

Il CEO Lourenco Goncalves ospiterà un incontro informale con i dignitari, che sarà trasmesso in diretta sul canale YouTube dell'azienda alle 11:00 ora orientale. L'evento mira a mostrare la partnership tra Cleveland-Cliffs e l'USW nella produzione di lastre di acciaio avanzate per industrie critiche.

Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE: CLF) está programado para recibir a funcionarios clave del gobierno de EE.UU. en su planta siderúrgica de Coatesville, Pennsylvania el 11 de octubre. Los visitantes incluyen a Katherine Tai, Representante de Comercio de EE.UU., Julie Su, Secretaria de Trabajo interina y la Congresista Chrissy Houlahan, junto con Bernie Hall, Director del Distrito 10 de USW.

La visita sigue a la reciente decisión del USTR sobre los aranceles aumentados de la Sección 301 para las importaciones chinas y una investigación en curso sobre prácticas comerciales desleales en el sector de construcción naval chino. Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville se especializa en la producción de placas de acero para la construcción naval militar y comercial.

El CEO Lourenco Goncalves llevará a cabo un charla informal con los dignatarios, que será transmitida en vivo por el canal de YouTube de la empresa a las 11:00 a.m. ET. El evento tiene como objetivo mostrar la asociación entre Cleveland-Cliffs y USW en la producción de placas de acero avanzadas para industrias críticas.

클리블랜드-클리프스 (NYSE: CLF)는 10월 11일 펜실베이니아 주 코츠빌의 제강 공장에서 미국 정부의 주요 관계자들을 초청합니다. 방문객으로는 캐서린 타이 미국 무역 대표, 대행 노동장관 줄리 수, 그리고 크리시 홀한 하원의원이 있으며, USW 10구역 이사인 버니 홀도 함께합니다.

이번 방문은 USTR의 중국 수입에 대한 301조 관세 인상 결정을 따른 것이며, 중국 조선 산업의 불공정 거래 관행에 대한 지속적인 조사와 관련이 있습니다. 클리블랜드-클리프스 코츠빌 공장은 군 및 상업 선박 건조를 위한 강판 생산을 전문으로 하고 있습니다.

CEO 로렌코 곤살베스는 관계자들과 함께 대화형 세션을 진행하며, 이는 회사의 유튜브 채널에서 생중계될 예정입니다 오전 11시 동부 표준시. 이 행사는 중요한 산업을 위한 첨단 강판을 생산하는 클리블랜드-클리프스와 USW 간의 협력을 보여주는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE: CLF) accueillera des fonctionnaires clés du gouvernement américain dans son usine d'acier de Coatesville, en Pennsylvanie le 11 octobre. Parmi les visiteurs figurent Katherine Tai, Représentante au Commerce des États-Unis, Julie Su, Secrétaire au Travail par intérim et la Congrès Chrissy Houlahan, ainsi que Bernie Hall, Directeur du District 10 de l'USW.

Cette visite fait suite à la récente décision de l'USTR concernant les tarifs d'importation augmentés de la Section 301 sur les produits chinois et à une enquête en cours sur les pratiques commerciales déloyales dans le secteur de la construction navale en Chine. Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville se spécialise dans la production de plaques d'acier pour le construction navale militaire et commerciale.

Le PDG Lourenco Goncalves animera une conversation informelle avec les dignitaires, qui sera diffusée en direct sur la chaîne YouTube de l'entreprise à 11h00 ET. Cet événement vise à mettre en lumière le partenariat entre Cleveland-Cliffs et l'USW dans la production de plaques d'acier avancées pour des secteurs critiques.

Cleveland-Cliffs (NYSE: CLF) wird am 11. Oktober wichtige Regierungsvertreter der USA in seinem Stahlwerk in Coatesville, Pennsylvania empfangen. Zu den Besuchern gehören Katherine Tai, Handelsbeauftragte der USA, Julie Su, amtierende Arbeitsministerin, und die Kongressabgeordnete Chrissy Houlahan, sowie Bernie Hall, Direktor des USW-Distrikts 10.

Der Besuch folgt auf die kürzliche Entscheidung des USTR über erhöhte Section 301-Zölle auf chinesische Importe und eine laufende Untersuchung zu unlauteren Handelspraktiken im chinesischen Schiffbau. Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville spezialisiert sich auf die Produktion von Stahlplatten für militärische und kommerzielle Schiffbauanwendungen.

CEO Lourenco Goncalves wird ein Feuerseiten-Gespräch mit den Würdenträgern führen, das live über den YouTube-Kanal des Unternehmens übertragen wird um 11:00 Uhr ET. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, die Partnerschaft zwischen Cleveland-Cliffs und dem USW bei der Produktion fortschrittlicher Stahlplatten für wichtige Industrien zu zeigen.

  • None.
  • None.

CLEVELAND--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cleveland-Cliffs Inc. (NYSE: CLF) announced that it will be hosting United States Trade Representative (USTR) Katherine Tai, Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su, Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, together with the Director of District 10 of the United Steelworkers (USW) Bernie Hall, at its Coatesville, PA mill on Friday, October 11. This visit follows USTR’s recent final determination relating to increased Section 301 tariffs on imports of steel, electric vehicles and various manufacturing components from China. USTR is also currently conducting a Section 301 investigation on the unfair trade practices of the Chinese shipbuilding sector in response to a petition filed by the USW and allied organized labor groups. Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville specializes in the production of steel plate for military and commercial shipbuilding industries.

Lourenco Goncalves, Cleveland-Cliffs’ Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer stated, “It is our honor to host Ambassador Tai, Acting Secretary Su, and Congresswoman Houlahan at Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville. We look forward to demonstrating the strong working partnership between Cleveland-Cliffs and the USW that enables the production of advanced steel plate demanded by the U.S. military, the commercial shipbuilding industry and numerous other critical infrastructure sectors. We expect that the upcoming visit will further strengthen the conviction of Ambassador Tai, Acting Secretary Su and Congresswoman Houlahan that critical manufacturing industries, such as steelmaking, are inextricably linked to our country’s economic stability and U.S. national security.”

Mr. Goncalves will be hosting a fireside chat with the visiting dignitaries that will be live streamed on the Company’s YouTube channel.

Featured Speakers

  • The Honorable Katherine Tai, United States Trade Representative
  • The Honorable Julie Su, Acting Secretary of Labor
  • The Honorable Chrissy Houlahan, U.S. Representative (PA-6)
  • Mr. Bernie Hall, USW Director, District 10 (Pennsylvania)
  • Mr. Lourenco Goncalves, Cleveland-Cliffs' Chairman, President and CEO

Livestream Details: 
Cleveland-Cliffs Program 
Friday, October 11 
Time: 11:00 a.m. ET

The live broadcast is accessible via Cleveland-Cliffs’ YouTube channel: Cleveland-Cliffs Live Stream Link

A replay will be available after the event on Cleveland-Cliffs’ channel.

About Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.

Cleveland-Cliffs is a leading North America-based steel producer with focus on value-added sheet products, particularly for the automotive industry. The Company is vertically integrated from the mining of iron ore, production of pellets and direct reduced iron, and processing of ferrous scrap through primary steelmaking and downstream finishing, stamping, tooling, and tubing. Headquartered in Cleveland, Ohio, Cleveland-Cliffs employs approximately 28,000 people across its operations in the United States and Canada.


Patricia Persico

Senior Director, Corporate Communications

(216) 694-5316


James Kerr

Director, Investor Relations

(216) 694-7719

Source: Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.


What is the purpose of the U.S. officials' visit to Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) Coatesville plant?

The visit aims to demonstrate the partnership between Cleveland-Cliffs and the USW in producing advanced steel plate for military, commercial shipbuilding, and critical infrastructure sectors. It follows recent trade decisions and investigations related to Chinese imports and shipbuilding practices.

When and where is the Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) event with U.S. officials taking place?

The event is scheduled for Friday, October 11, at Cleveland-Cliffs' Coatesville, Pennsylvania steel plant.

Who are the key officials attending the Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) Coatesville plant visit?

Key attendees include U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai, Acting Labor Secretary Julie Su, Congresswoman Chrissy Houlahan, and USW District 10 Director Bernie Hall.

How can I watch the Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) fireside chat with U.S. officials?

The fireside chat will be live-streamed on Cleveland-Cliffs' YouTube channel at 11:00 a.m. ET on October 11. A replay will be available after the event.

What products does Cleveland-Cliffs (CLF) Coatesville plant specialize in?

Cleveland-Cliffs Coatesville specializes in the production of steel plate for military and commercial shipbuilding industries.

Cleveland-Cliffs Inc.


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United States of America