Boldyn Networks Adds Scalable 1.6Tb/s Wavelengths to its Fiber Network in New York and New Jersey

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Boldyn Networks, a leading shared network infrastructure provider, has announced the deployment of scalable wavelength service up to 1.6Tb/s per channel across its fiber network in New York and New Jersey. This enhancement is powered by Ciena's WaveLogic 6 coherent optical technology, making Boldyn one of the first in the world to implement this advanced technology.

The upgrade significantly enhances network capacity and efficiency, catering to the growing demands of carriers, enterprises, and hyperscalers seeking reliable, high-capacity connections between data centers. Boldyn's offering combines cutting-edge coherent technology with a simple, server-like operational model, driving down cost per bit and reducing energy consumption.

The service is scalable from 100Gb/s to 1.6Tb/s, supporting current and future growth needs of customers. Ciena's WaveLogic 6 technology enables up to 1.6Tb/s single-carrier wavelengths for metro ROADM deployments, 1.2Tb/s across 1,000km distances, and 800Gb/s over the longest links.

Boldyn Networks, un fornitore di infrastrutture di rete condivise leader nel settore, ha annunciato il dispiegamento di un servizio di lunghezza d'onda scalabile fino a 1.6Tb/s per canale attraverso la sua rete in fibra a New York e nel New Jersey. Questo miglioramento è alimentato dalla tecnologia ottica coerente WaveLogic 6 di Ciena, rendendo Boldyn uno dei primi al mondo a implementare questa tecnologia avanzata.

L'aggiornamento migliora significativamente la capacità e l'efficienza della rete, soddisfacendo le crescenti esigenze di carrier, aziende e hyperscalers in cerca di connessioni affidabili e ad alta capacità tra i data center. L'offerta di Boldyn combina tecnologia coerente all'avanguardia con un semplice modello operativo simile a un server, riducendo il costo per bit e diminuendo il consumo energetico.

Il servizio è scalabile da 100Gb/s a 1.6Tb/s, supportando le attuali e future esigenze di crescita dei clienti. La tecnologia WaveLogic 6 di Ciena consente lunghezze d'onda a singolo portatore fino a 1.6Tb/s per dispiegamenti metro ROADM, 1.2Tb/s su distanze di 1.000 km e 800Gb/s sui link più lunghi.

Boldyn Networks, un proveedor líder de infraestructura de red compartida, ha anunciado el despliegue de un servicio de longitud de onda escalable de hasta 1.6Tb/s por canal a través de su red de fibra en Nueva York y Nueva Jersey. Esta mejora está impulsada por la tecnología óptica coherente WaveLogic 6 de Ciena, convirtiendo a Boldyn en uno de los primeros en el mundo en implementar esta tecnología avanzada.

La actualización mejora significativamente la capacidad y eficiencia de la red, atendiendo las crecientes demandas de carriers, empresas y hyperscalers que buscan conexiones confiables y de alta capacidad entre centros de datos. La oferta de Boldyn combina tecnología coherente de vanguardia con un modelo operativo simple, similar a un servidor, reduciendo el costo por bit y el consumo de energía.

El servicio es escalable de 100Gb/s a 1.6Tb/s, apoyando las necesidades de crecimiento actuales y futuras de los clientes. La tecnología WaveLogic 6 de Ciena permite longitudes de onda de un solo portador de hasta 1.6Tb/s para despliegues metro ROADM, 1.2Tb/s a lo largo de distancias de 1,000 km y 800Gb/s en los enlaces más largos.

Boldyn Networks는 선도적인 공유 네트워크 인프라 제공업체로서, 채널 당 최대 1.6Tb/s의 확장 가능한 파장 서비스를 뉴욕 및 뉴저지의 광섬유 네트워크에 배포한다고 발표했습니다. 이 향상된 서비스는 Ciena의 WaveLogic 6 코히어런트 광학 기술에 의해 지원되며, Boldyn은 이 첨단 기술을 구현한 세계 최초의 기업 중 하나가 되었습니다.

업그레이드는 네트워크 용량과 효율성을 크게 향상시키며, 데이터 센터 간의 신뢰할 수 있고 고용량의 연결을 찾는 사업자, 기업 및 하이퍼스케일러의 증가하는 수요를 충족합니다. Boldyn의 제공 서비스는 최첨단 코히어런트 기술과 간단한 서버와 같은 운영 모델을 결합하여 비트당 비용을 낮추고 에너지 소비를 줄입니다.

이 서비스는 100Gb/s에서 1.6Tb/s까지 확장 가능하며, 고객의 현재 및 미래 성장 요구를 지원합니다. Ciena의 WaveLogic 6 기술은 메트로 ROADM 배포를 위해 최대 1.6Tb/s의 단일 캐리어 파장을 가능하게 하고, 1,000km 거리에서 1.2Tb/s, 가장 긴 링크에서 800Gb/s를 지원합니다.

Boldyn Networks, un fournisseur de premier plan d'infrastructure réseau partagée, a annoncé le déploiement d'un service de longueur d'onde évolutif allant jusqu'à 1,6Tb/s par canal à travers son réseau de fibre à New York et dans le New Jersey. Ce développement est soutenu par la technologie optique cohérente WaveLogic 6 de Ciena, faisant de Boldyn l'un des premiers au monde à mettre en œuvre cette technologie avancée.

La mise à niveau améliore considérablement la capacité et l'efficacité du réseau, répondant aux demandes croissantes des opérateurs, des entreprises et des hyperscalers en quête de connexions fiables et à haute capacité entre les centres de données. L'offre de Boldyn combine une technologie cohérente de pointe avec un modèle opérationnel simple, similaire à celui d'un serveur, permettant de réduire le coût par bit et la consommation d'énergie.

Le service est scalable de 100Gb/s à 1,6Tb/s, soutenant les besoins de croissance actuels et futurs des clients. La technologie WaveLogic 6 de Ciena permet des longueurs d'onde à porteur unique allant jusqu'à 1,6Tb/s pour des déploiements ROADM métropolitains, 1,2Tb/s sur des distances de 1 000 km et 800Gb/s sur les liaisons les plus longues.

Boldyn Networks, ein führender Anbieter von geteilten Netzwerk-Infrastruktur, hat die Einführung eines skalierbaren Wellenlängenservices von bis zu 1,6Tb/s pro Kanal über sein Glasfasernetz in New York und New Jersey bekannt gegeben. Dieses Upgrade basiert auf der coherenten optischen Technologie WaveLogic 6 von Ciena und macht Boldyn zu einem der ersten Anbieter weltweit, der diese fortschrittliche Technologie implementiert.

Das Upgrade verbessert die Netzwerkcapacity und Effizienz erheblich und erfüllt die steigenden Anforderungen von Carrier, Unternehmen und Hyperscalers, die zuverlässige Hochgeschwindigkeitsverbindungen zwischen Rechenzentren benötigen. Boldyns Angebot kombiniert hochmoderne ausgelagerte Technologien mit einem einfachen, serverähnlichen Betriebsmodell, wodurch die Kosten pro Bit gesenkt und der Energieverbrauch reduziert werden.

Der Service ist von 100Gb/s bis 1,6Tb/s skalierbar und unterstützt die aktuellen und zukünftigen Wachstumsbedürfnisse der Kunden. Cienas WaveLogic 6-Technologie ermöglicht Wellenlängen mit einem einzigen Träger von bis zu 1,6Tb/s für Metro-ROADM-Einsätze, 1,2Tb/s über 1.000 km und 800Gb/s über die längsten Verbindungen.

  • Deployment of scalable wavelength service up to 1.6Tb/s per channel
  • Early adoption of Ciena's WaveLogic 6 technology
  • Enhanced network capacity and efficiency
  • Reduced cost per bit and energy consumption
  • Scalable service from 100Gb/s to 1.6Tb/s to meet future growth needs
  • None.


Boldyn Networks' deployment of 1.6Tb/s wavelengths using Ciena's WaveLogic 6 technology is a significant advancement in fiber network infrastructure. This upgrade positions Boldyn as a pioneer in high-capacity data transmission, particularly important for AI-driven applications and data-intensive industries.

The scalability from 100Gb/s to 1.6Tb/s offers unprecedented flexibility for customers, future-proofing the network against rapidly growing data demands. The ability to transmit 1.2Tb/s over 1,000km and 800Gb/s over longer distances is a game-changer for inter-data center connectivity.

This enhancement will likely attract more carriers, enterprises and hyperscalers to Boldyn's services, potentially increasing market share and revenue. The improved efficiency and reduced energy consumption also align with industry trends towards sustainable and cost-effective network solutions, which could positively impact Boldyn's operational costs and appeal to environmentally conscious clients.

The implementation of Ciena's WaveLogic 6 technology by Boldyn Networks marks a significant leap in telecommunications infrastructure. This move addresses the burgeoning demand for high-speed, high-capacity data transmission, particularly driven by AI and other data-intensive applications.

The ability to offer up to 1.6Tb/s per channel is a game-changing capability in the current market. It positions Boldyn as a leader in next-generation network services, potentially attracting major players in the tech and telecom industries. This could lead to increased market share and revenue growth for Boldyn.

For Ciena, this deployment serves as a high-profile showcase for their WaveLogic 6 technology, potentially driving interest from other network operators globally. The success of this implementation could boost Ciena's reputation and sales pipeline in the competitive optical networking market.

Advanced network enhancements powered by Ciena's WaveLogic 6 coherent optical technology benefits carriers, enterprises and hyperscalers with reliable, high-speed connections between data centers

NEW YORK, Oct. 21, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Boldyn Networks (Boldyn), one of the world's largest shared network infrastructure providers, today announced the deployment of scalable wavelength service up to 1.6Tb/s per channel across its fiber network in New York and New Jersey. Boldyn is one of the first in the world to implement WaveLogic 6 technology from Ciena (NYSE: CIEN), significantly enhancing network capacity and efficiency to meet the growing demands of carriers, enterprises and hyperscalers seeking reliable, high-capacity connections between data centers.

The integration of Ciena's WaveLogic 6 technology enables Boldyn Networks to deliver the best transport economics for high-capacity, high-growth applications. Boldyn's offering combines the industry's leading coherent technology with a simple, server-like operational model using Ciena's Waveserver platform to drive down cost per bit and reduce energy consumption.

"We're providing a solution that supports the need driven by AI to transmit massive amounts of data quickly and efficiently," said Marc Rohleder, Chief Technology Officer of Boldyn Networks, US. "Deploying Ciena's WaveLogic 6 technology will keep our network, and our customers, ahead of the curve and prepared for future growth."

Boldyn's offering is scalable to meet the current and future growth needs of its customers, including 100Gb/s, 400Gb/s, 800Gb/s, and up to 1.6Tb/s. Ciena's WaveLogic 6 will support up to 1.6Tb/s single-carrier wavelengths for metro ROADM deployments, 1.2Tb/s across 1,000km distances, and 800Gb/s over the longest links.

"Boldyn is at the forefront of deploying our next-generation coherent optical technology across its network in New York and New Jersey," said Kevin Sheehan, Ciena's Chief Technology Officer for the Americas. "WaveLogic 6 uses advanced coherent DSP innovations to provide the highest capacity over fiber, enabling Boldyn to efficiently scale its network to support more traffic and faster speeds for carriers, enterprises and hyperscalers alike."

About Boldyn Networks
Boldyn Networks is one of the world's largest neutral host providers, delivering the advanced shared network infrastructure needed for a smart, inclusive, and sustainable future. It brings together the combined scale and expertise of industry-leading companies with a single purpose: to unlock the power of an interconnected future. From interconnected transit, venues and enterprises, smart cities, next-generation and bespoke private networks to smart campuses–through Apogee Telecom, a Boldyn Networks company–Boldyn enables new possibilities in the way people live, work and play. Bringing connectivity to the most complex environments. Our portfolio is harnessing fiber, advancing 4G/LTE, accelerating 5G, preparing for 6G–and looking beyond to the next breakthroughs. Our global operations span North America, Europe, and Asia. Boldyn Networks. Reimagine tomorrow. Transform today.

About Ciena
Ciena (NYSE: CIEN) is a global leader in networking systems, services, and software. We build the most adaptive networks in the industry, enabling customers to anticipate and meet ever-increasing digital demands. For three-plus decades, Ciena has brought our humanity to our relentless pursuit of innovation. Prioritizing collaborative relationships with our customers, partners, and communities, we create flexible, open, and sustainable networks that better serve all users—today and into the future. For updates on Ciena, follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter, the Ciena Insights blog, or visit

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You are encouraged to review the Investors section of our website, where we routinely post press releases, SEC filings, recent news, financial results, and other announcements. From time to time we exclusively post material information to this website along with other disclosure channels that we use. This press release contains certain forward-looking statements that are based on our current expectations, forecasts, information, and assumptions. These statements involve inherent risks and uncertainties.  Actual results or outcomes may differ materially from those stated or implied, because of risks and uncertainties, including those detailed in our most recent annual and quarterly reports filed with the SEC. Forward-looking statements include statements regarding our  expectations, beliefs, intentions or strategies and can be identified by words such as "anticipate," "believe," "could," "estimate," "expect," "intend," "may," "should," "will," and "would" or similar words. Ciena assumes no obligation to update the information included in this press release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

For more information contact
Scott Christiansen
Vice President of Marketing and Communications
Boldyn Networks

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SOURCE Boldyn Networks


What is the maximum wavelength service capacity Boldyn Networks has deployed in New York and New Jersey?

Boldyn Networks has deployed scalable wavelength service up to 1.6Tb/s per channel across its fiber network in New York and New Jersey.

Which technology is Boldyn Networks using for its network enhancement?

Boldyn Networks is using Ciena's (NYSE: CIEN) WaveLogic 6 coherent optical technology for its network enhancement.

What are the benefits of Boldyn Networks' new wavelength service?

The new service offers enhanced network capacity and efficiency, reduced cost per bit, lower energy consumption, and scalability from 100Gb/s to 1.6Tb/s to meet current and future growth needs of customers.

Who are the target customers for Boldyn Networks' enhanced fiber network?

The enhanced fiber network targets carriers, enterprises, and hyperscalers seeking reliable, high-capacity connections between data centers.

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