Cigna Healthcare presented the Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day at Garyville/Mt. Airy Math and Science Magnet School during Super Bowl LIX week. The event, in its eighth year, hosted over 600 students from PreK-8, including students from Fifth Ward Elementary School. Cigna Healthcare provided health services including free health screenings, skin cancer checks, eye exams, and glasses, while their Evernorth Behavioral Health team conducted wellness activities.
The event has impacted over 3,400 students and 400 educators, contributing more than $575,000 in funds and wish list items to participating schools. Partners including Zebra Technologies, Infinite Athlete, Stand Together, and Chick-fil-A contributed various resources including a new playground set, Chromebooks, and basketball systems. The event featured NFL Flag football activities, wellness programs, and interactive sports activities led by current and former NFL players.
Cigna Healthcare ha presentato la Giornata dell'Attività nella Zona Sicura di Vincent Country presso la Scuola Magnetica di Matematica e Scienza di Garyville/Mt. Airy durante la settimana del Super Bowl LIX. L'evento, giunto alla sua ottava edizione, ha ospitato oltre 600 studenti dalla PreK all'ottava classe, inclusi studenti della Fifth Ward Elementary School. Cigna Healthcare ha fornito servizi sanitari, tra cui screening gratuiti, controlli per il cancro della pelle, esami oculari e occhiali, mentre il loro team di Salute Comportamentale Evernorth ha condotto attività di benessere.
L'evento ha avuto un impatto su oltre 3.400 studenti e 400 educatori, contribuendo con più di $575.000 in fondi e articoli richiesti alle scuole partecipanti. Partner come Zebra Technologies, Infinite Athlete, Stand Together e Chick-fil-A hanno fornito varie risorse, tra cui un nuovo set da gioco, Chromebook e sistemi di basket. L'evento ha presentato attività di football a bandiera NFL, programmi di benessere e attività sportive interattive condotte da attuali e ex giocatori della NFL.
Cigna Healthcare presentó el Día de Actividades de la Zona Segura de Vincent Country en la Escuela Magnética de Matemáticas y Ciencias de Garyville/Mt. Airy durante la semana del Super Bowl LIX. El evento, en su octavo año, reunió a más de 600 estudiantes desde PreK hasta octavo grado, incluidos estudiantes de la Fifth Ward Elementary School. Cigna Healthcare ofreció servicios de salud que incluían exámenes de salud gratuitos, revisiones de cáncer de piel, exámenes de la vista y gafas, mientras que su equipo de Salud Comportamental Evernorth llevó a cabo actividades de bienestar.
El evento ha impactado a más de 3,400 estudiantes y 400 educadores, contribuyendo con más de $575,000 en fondos y artículos solicitados a las escuelas participantes. Socios como Zebra Technologies, Infinite Athlete, Stand Together y Chick-fil-A aportaron varios recursos, incluyendo un nuevo conjunto de juegos, Chromebooks y sistemas de baloncesto. El evento presentó actividades de fútbol bandera de la NFL, programas de bienestar y actividades deportivas interactivas dirigidas por jugadores actuales y antiguos de la NFL.
Cigna Healthcare는 슈퍼볼 LIX 주간 동안 Garyville/Mt. Airy 수학 및 과학 자석 학교에서 Vincent Country 안전 지역 활동의 날을 개최했습니다. 올해로 8회를 맞은 이번 행사는 PreK-8학년의 600명 이상의 학생, 특히 Fifth Ward 초등학교의 학생들을 초대했습니다. Cigna Healthcare는 무료 건강 검진, 피부암 검사, 시력 검사 및 안경 제공과 같은 건강 서비스를 제공했으며, Evernorth 정신 건강 팀은 웰빙 활동을 진행했습니다.
이 행사는 3,400명 이상의 학생과 400명의 교육자에게 영향을 미쳤으며, 참가 학교에 575,000달러 이상의 기금과 필요 물품을 기부했습니다. Zebra Technologies, Infinite Athlete, Stand Together 및 Chick-fil-A와 같은 파트너들이 새 놀이터 세트, Chromebook 및 농구 시스템과 같은 다양한 자원을 기부했습니다. 이 행사는 NFL 플래그 풋볼 활동, 웰빙 프로그램 및 현재 및 이전 NFL 선수들이 이끄는 인터랙티브 스포츠 활동을 특징으로 했습니다.
Cigna Healthcare a présenté la Journée d'Activités de la Zone de Sécurité de Vincent Country à l'École Magnétique de Mathématiques et Sciences de Garyville/Mt. Airy durant la semaine du Super Bowl LIX. L'événement, qui en est à sa huitième édition, a accueilli plus de 600 étudiants de la pré-K à la 8e année, y compris des élèves de la Fifth Ward Elementary School. Cigna Healthcare a fourni des services de santé incluant des dépistages gratuits, des contrôles de cancer de la peau, des examens de la vue et des lunettes, tandis que son équipe de Santé Comportementale Evernorth a mené des activités de bien-être.
L'événement a eu un impact sur plus de 3 400 étudiants et 400 éducateurs, contribuant à plus de 575 000 $ en fonds et en articles figurant sur la liste de souhaits des écoles participantes. Des partenaires tels que Zebra Technologies, Infinite Athlete, Stand Together et Chick-fil-A ont fourni diverses ressources, y compris un nouvel ensemble de jeux, des Chromebooks et des systèmes de basket. L'événement a présenté des activités de football à drapeau NFL, des programmes de bien-être et des activités sportives interactives dirigées par des joueurs de la NFL actuels et anciens.
Cigna Healthcare präsentierte den Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day an der Garyville/Mt. Airy Math and Science Magnet School während der Super Bowl LIX Woche. Die Veranstaltung, die im achten Jahr stattfand, begrüßte über 600 Schüler von PreK bis zur 8. Klasse, darunter auch Schüler der Fifth Ward Elementary School. Cigna Healthcare bot Gesundheitsdienste wie kostenlose Gesundheitsuntersuchungen, Hautkrebsvorsorge, Augenuntersuchungen und Brillen an, während ihr Team von Evernorth Behavioral Health Wellness-Aktivitäten durchführte.
Die Veranstaltung hat über 3.400 Studenten und 400 Pädagogen erreicht und mehr als 575.000 Dollar an Mitteln und Wunschlistenartikeln für die teilnehmenden Schulen bereitgestellt. Partner wie Zebra Technologies, Infinite Athlete, Stand Together und Chick-fil-A trugen verschiedene Ressourcen bei, darunter ein neuer Spielplatz, Chromebooks und Basketballsysteme. Die Veranstaltung umfasste NFL Flag Football-Aktivitäten, Wellness-Programme und interaktive Sportaktivitäten, die von aktuellen und ehemaligen NFL-Spielern geleitet wurden.
- Expanded community health outreach through free health screenings and services
- Demonstrated strong corporate partnerships with multiple sponsors contributing resources
- Successful scaling of program reaching over 3,400 students and 400 educators historically
- Contributed over $575,000 in funds and resources to participating schools
- None.
Fifth Ward Elementary School Students Joined in the Safe Zone Event Activities
"Our entire family is committed to providing compassion and resources for students through Love Thy Neighbor CDC," said Tommi A. Vincent. "Our signature activation during Super Bowl week, Safe Zone Activity Day, is made possible by the unwavering support and partnership with Cigna Healthcare who is committed, like us, to provide healthy experiences for children."
Troy Vincent, Sr. stated, "We are excited to see the continued growth of Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day over the last eight years. To date, with our longstanding valuable partners Cigna Healthcare, Zebra Technologies, and Infinite Athlete, we have positively impacted over 3,400 students and 400 educators and contributed more than
Lead sponsor Cigna Healthcare provided game stations for the children and offered free health screenings and skin cancer checks at their Wellness In Motion mobile clinic for parents, faculty, staff, and members of the community ages 18 and older. Children received free eye exams and glasses provided by Cigna Healthcare Vision, and the company's Evernorth Behavioral Health team hosted mind-body wellness activations for students and staff.
"We're proud to team up once again with Vincent Country and the NFL to host fun, healthy activities that bring a bit of Super Bowl excitement to the kids in this community," said Tim Vessel, Cigna Healthcare general manager for
This year's event, themed – The Road to Success! – featured the unveiling of a leave-behind mural sponsored by long standing partner Zebra Technologies who commissioned award winning local artist Vitus Shell.
"We are excited to continue our support of Vincent Country's Safe Zone Activity Day, creating enduring memories for the students and educators, including the local artist's mural which will remind them of this special day," said Bill Burns, CEO, Zebra Technologies. "We look forward to this event each year and the opportunity to give back to local communities which is a core part of Zebra's culture and values. We congratulate Vincent Country for making a positive impact on
Infinite Athlete, a multi-year partner, donated a new playground set to
Once again, an exciting sports segment of the day was NFL FLAG, the official flag football league of the NFL and the largest flag football organization in the
"I am extremely humbled and honored that Vincent Country chose
Stand Together – a philanthropic community that helps America's boldest changemakers tackle the root causes of our country's biggest problems— also a new partner donated Chromebooks from the schools "wish list" and provided access to Khanmigo, Khan Academy's AI-powered online tutor; STEM Library Lab, a local nonprofit providing STEM equipment and empowering educators; and Empowered, a national educator community that supports teachers with the tools, resources, and training they need to inspire and empower students to reach their full potential. A second activation and donation by Stand Together is scheduled to take place at the STEM Library Lab on Wednesday, February 5th.
"We believe that every child has a gift and that the purpose of education is to help each child discover, develop, and apply their gifts so they can realize their potential. Investing in teachers who help kids do this is one of the most important things we can do as a society," said Brian Hooks, chairman and CEO of Stand Together. "We're proud to partner with Troy and Tommi Vincent for Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day – an effort that supports teachers and families working to help kids on this journey to a meaningful and successful life."
Diahann Billings-Buford, CEO of RISE has continued their partnership with Vincent Country and this year, sponsored four new basketball systems for the school and held interactive learning discussions with students in the 6th to 8th grades. Also participating this year were students from the NFL's "Historically Black College and Universities (HBCU) Experienceship" scholars" who volunteered throughout the day.
Chick-fil-A, Inc. has teamed with local Owner-Operator Jasmine Spraggins of Chick-fil-A
NFL current players, Hall of Famers, and Legends included Coach Eddie Mason, who facilitated and led the day long Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day Presented by Cigna Healthcare exercise challenges, and famed choreographer and producer Markus Shields led the dance fitness fun, along with Troy Vincent, Sr., Takeo Spikes, Bobby Taylor, NFL players Juwan Johnson, Kendre Miller, Jaylan Ford, and a host of volunteers including NFL staff, RISE, and undergraduate and graduate students from the surrounding New Orleans HBCUs.
Later in the week, the Vincent's will host their signature luncheon Stay A While: Breaking Bread with the Vincents at Son of a Saint. Tommi Vincent, also known as Chef Tommi V., will collaborate with
Continuing this year is the virtual fundraising component that accompanies Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day Presented by Cigna Healthcare where additional funds and "wish list" items are raised to further benefit
ABOUT: Love Thy Neighbor Community Development & Opportunity Corporation (LTN) partners with schools, food suppliers, resource providers, and corporations to meet diverse community needs. Their efforts address educational inequities, provide school supplies, support youth leadership, create safe activities, and ensure year-round access to nutritious meals. Currently, LTN focuses on elementary education and domestic violence prevention. For more information visit:
ABOUT VINCENT COUNTRY: Vincent Country is the family lifestyle brand committed to positive social impact. Developed by Troy and Tommi A. Vincent, the family is leading and enriching the culture and communities through intentional service and legacy-inspired cooking. Vincent Country is informed by a lifetime commitment to service, through this mantra the Vincent's established Love Thy Neighbor Community Development and Opportunity Corporation (LTN). Every year during the Super Bowl, Vincents host multiple community-focused events and partner with various organizations and companies, including school systems, food suppliers, and resource providers. Vincent Country pays homage to the accomplishments and the strength of the family unit and provides inspiration for families committed to building strong, secure, and sustainable relationships based on the principles of "Faith, Family, Food." For more information visit:
ABOUT CIGNA HEALTHCARE: Cigna Healthcare is a health benefits provider that advocates for better health through every stage of life. We guide our customers through the health care system, empowering them with the information and insight they need to make the best choices for improving their health and vitality. Products and services are provided exclusively by or through operating subsidiaries of The Cigna Group (NYSE: CI), including Cigna Health and Life Insurance Company, Connecticut General Life Insurance Company, Evernorth Health companies or their affiliates and Express Scripts companies or their affiliates. Such products and services include an integrated suite of health services, such as medical, dental, behavioral health, pharmacy, vision, supplemental benefits, and others. Learn more at
ABOUT ZEBRA TECHNOLOGIES: Zebra provides the tools to help businesses grow with asset visibility, connected frontline workers and intelligent automation. The company operates in more than 100 countries, and our customers include over
ABOUT STAND TOGETHER: Stand Together is a philanthropic community that tackles the root causes of our country's biggest problems. They partner with the country's boldest changemakers to drive solutions on education, economic opportunity, bridging divides, and dozens of other pressing issues. Learn more at and Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and YouTube.
ABOUT CHICK-FIL-A: Chick-fil-A, Inc. is the third largest quick-service restaurant company in
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SOURCE Love Thy Neighbor/Vincent Country
What health services did Cigna Healthcare (CI) provide at the 2025 Safe Zone Activity Day?
How many students participated in the 2025 Cigna Healthcare (CI) Safe Zone Activity Day?
What is the total impact of Cigna Healthcare's (CI) Safe Zone Activity Day program over eight years?