Spectrum has promoted Keith Dardis to Executive Vice President of Spectrum Business, the company's newly combined SMB and Enterprise operation serving commercial customers across all segments. In his expanded role, Dardis will oversee all sales and business operations, including customer service, product, human resources, and business planning, while implementing the company's Customer Commitment initiative for businesses.
Dardis, a 30-year industry veteran, previously served as Senior Vice President for Spectrum Community Solutions' MDU business since 2021. His experience includes various sales leadership positions at Spectrum since 2015, Sprint (now T-Mobile), and Bluewater Information Convergence. The appointment is effective immediately, with Dardis continuing to report to Adam Ray, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer.
Spectrum ha promosso Keith Dardis a Vice Presidente Esecutivo di Spectrum Business, l'operazione recentemente combinata per le PMI e le imprese che serve clienti commerciali in tutti i segmenti. Nel suo ruolo ampliato, Dardis supervisionerà tutte le vendite e le operazioni aziendali, inclusi il servizio clienti, il prodotto, le risorse umane e la pianificazione aziendale, mentre implementa l'iniziativa di Impegno verso il Cliente dell'azienda per le imprese.
Dardis, un veterano dell'industria con 30 anni di esperienza, ha precedentemente ricoperto il ruolo di Vice Presidente Senior per il business MDU di Spectrum Community Solutions dal 2021. La sua esperienza include varie posizioni di leadership nelle vendite in Spectrum dal 2015, Sprint (ora T-Mobile) e Bluewater Information Convergence. La nomina è efficace immediatamente, con Dardis che continuerà a riferire ad Adam Ray, Vice Presidente Esecutivo e Chief Commercial Officer.
Spectrum ha promovido a Keith Dardis como Vicepresidente Ejecutivo de Spectrum Business, la operación recientemente combinada para PYMES y empresas que atiende a clientes comerciales en todos los segmentos. En su papel ampliado, Dardis supervisará todas las ventas y operaciones comerciales, incluidos el servicio al cliente, el producto, los recursos humanos y la planificación empresarial, mientras implementa la iniciativa de Compromiso con el Cliente de la empresa para negocios.
Dardis, un veterano de la industria con 30 años de experiencia, anteriormente se desempeñó como Vicepresidente Senior del negocio MDU de Spectrum Community Solutions desde 2021. Su experiencia incluye varios puestos de liderazgo en ventas en Spectrum desde 2015, Sprint (ahora T-Mobile) y Bluewater Information Convergence. El nombramiento es efectivo de inmediato, y Dardis continuará reportando a Adam Ray, Vicepresidente Ejecutivo y Director Comercial.
스펙트럼은 Keith Dardis를 스펙트럼 비즈니스의 부사장으로 승진시켰습니다. 이는 소규모 비즈니스(SMB)와 기업 운영을 통합하여 모든 세그먼트의 상업 고객에게 서비스를 제공합니다. Dardis는 확대된 역할에서 고객 서비스, 제품, 인사 및 비즈니스 계획을 포함한 모든 판매 및 비즈니스 운영을 감독하며, 기업을 위한 고객 약속 이니셔티브를 구현할 것입니다.
Dardis는 30년 경력의 업계 베테랑으로, 2021년부터 스펙트럼 커뮤니티 솔루션의 MDU 비즈니스에서 수석 부사장으로 재직했습니다. 그의 경험에는 2015년부터 스펙트럼, 스프린트(현재 T-Mobile), 블루워터 정보 융합에서의 다양한 판매 리더십 직책이 포함됩니다. 이 임명은 즉시 발효되며, Dardis는 계속해서 부사장 겸 최고 상업 책임자인 Adam Ray에게 보고할 것입니다.
Spectrum a promu Keith Dardis au poste de Vice-Président Exécutif de Spectrum Business, l'opération récemment combinée pour les PME et les entreprises qui sert des clients commerciaux dans tous les segments. Dans son rôle élargi, Dardis supervisera toutes les ventes et opérations commerciales, y compris le service client, le produit, les ressources humaines et la planification commerciale, tout en mettant en œuvre l'initiative d'Engagement Client de l'entreprise pour les entreprises.
Dardis, un vétéran de l'industrie avec 30 ans d'expérience, a précédemment occupé le poste de Vice-Président Senior pour le secteur MDU de Spectrum Community Solutions depuis 2021. Son expérience comprend divers postes de direction des ventes chez Spectrum depuis 2015, Sprint (maintenant T-Mobile) et Bluewater Information Convergence. La nomination prend effet immédiatement, Dardis continuera à rendre compte à Adam Ray, Vice-Président Exécutif et Directeur Commercial.
Spectrum hat Keith Dardis zum Executive Vice President von Spectrum Business befördert, der neu kombinierten SMB- und Unternehmensoperation, die gewerbliche Kunden in allen Segmenten bedient. In seiner erweiterten Rolle wird Dardis alle Vertriebs- und Geschäftsabläufe überwachen, einschließlich Kundenservice, Produkt, Personalwesen und Geschäftsplanung, während er die Kundenbindungsinitiative des Unternehmens für Unternehmen umsetzt.
Dardis, ein Branchenveteran mit 30 Jahren Erfahrung, war zuvor seit 2021 Senior Vice President für das MDU-Geschäft von Spectrum Community Solutions. Seine Erfahrung umfasst verschiedene Vertriebsleitungspositionen bei Spectrum seit 2015, Sprint (jetzt T-Mobile) und Bluewater Information Convergence. Die Ernennung tritt sofort in Kraft, und Dardis wird weiterhin an Adam Ray, Executive Vice President und Chief Commercial Officer, berichten.
- Strategic consolidation of SMB and Enterprise operations under unified leadership
- Appointment of experienced 30-year industry veteran to lead business services expansion
- Potential for increased market share in commercial services segment
- None.
Mr. Dardis will oversee all sales and business operations, including customer service, product, human resources and business planning for Spectrum Business, as well as the execution of our industry-leading Customer Commitment for businesses. He most recently led the sales and business division for the same operation. Mr. Dardis' new role is effective immediately and he will continue to be based in
"Keith's leadership will be pivotal to ensuring the successful evolution of our product offerings for current and future Business customers," said Adam Ray, Executive Vice President and Chief Commercial Officer for Spectrum, to whom Mr. Dardis will continue to report. "With his extensive industry experience and commitment to top-notch customer service, we will fully leverage our complete suite of connectivity products and solutions for businesses of all sizes, growing our share in the highly competitive business services marketplace."
A 30-year industry veteran, Mr. Dardis previously served as Senior Vice President for Spectrum Community Solutions, Spectrum's multi-dwelling unit (MDU) business since 2021. He also held various residential and business direct sales and strategic channel sales roles at the Company. Prior to joining Spectrum in 2015, he held several sales leadership roles at Sprint (now T-Mobile), including Vice President of Northeast Business, and he also was Head of
About Spectrum
Spectrum is a suite of advanced communications services offered by Charter Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ:CHTR), a leading broadband connectivity company and cable operator with services available to nearly 57 million homes and businesses in 41 states. Over an advanced communications network, the Company offers a full range of state-of-the-art residential and business services including Spectrum Internet®, TV, Mobile and Voice.
Spectrum Business® delivers a complete portfolio of secure connectivity solutions for small and mid-market businesses and caters to the unique needs of large businesses, communications service providers and government entities. Our industry-leading experts align our products to the needs of each customer, drawing from our full suite of services including internet solutions over hybrid fiber-coax and
More information about Charter can be found at corporate.charter.com.
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SOURCE Charter Communications, Inc.
What is Keith Dardis' new role at Spectrum (CHTR) and what will he oversee?
How will Spectrum Business' restructuring under Keith Dardis affect CHTR's market position?
What was Keith Dardis' previous position at Spectrum (CHTR)?