NOTICE TO DISREGARD -- Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.
Check Point Software Technologies advises that the news release titled "August 2020’s Most Wanted Malware: Evolved Qbot Trojan Ranks On Top Malware List For First Time" issued on September 10, 2021, should be disregarded. This announcement clarifies that the previous report contained content that is no longer relevant or accurate, emphasizing the importance of accurate information in cybersecurity reporting.
- None.
- None.
SAN CARLOS, Calif., Sept. 10, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- We are advised by Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. that journalists and other readers should disregard the news release, "August 2020’s Most Wanted Malware: Evolved Qbot Trojan Ranks On Top Malware List For First Time" issued September 10, 2021 over GlobeNewswire.