Check Point Software Recognized by Forbes for Fifth Consecutive Year as World’s Top Notch Cyber Security Employer

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Check Point Software Technologies has been recognized as one of the World's Best Employers by Forbes for the fifth consecutive year. The company, with over 6,500 employees worldwide, ranked #43 in the IT, Internet, Software & Services category and #613 overall out of 850 organizations.

The Forbes ranking is based on a comprehensive global survey of more than 300,000 employees from multinational corporations. Check Point's Chief HR Officer, Yiftah Yoffe, emphasized the company's commitment to creating an inclusive and innovation-minded culture.

Check Point has also been recognized by TIME as one of the World's Best Companies and recently released its 2023 ESG report, highlighting progress towards carbon neutrality by 2040, cyber security training initiatives, and dedication to diversity and inclusion.

Check Point Software Technologies è stata riconosciuta come uno dei migliori datori di lavoro al mondo da Forbes per il quinto anno consecutivo. L'azienda, con oltre 6.500 dipendenti a livello globale, si è classificata #43 nella categoria IT, Internet, Software & Services e #613 in totale su 850 organizzazioni.

La classifica di Forbes si basa su un ampio sondaggio globale condotto su oltre 300.000 dipendenti di multinazionali. Yiftah Yoffe, Chief HR Officer di Check Point, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nella creazione di una cultura inclusiva e orientata all'innovazione.

Check Point è stata anche riconosciuta da TIME come una delle migliori aziende al mondo e ha recentemente pubblicato il suo rapporto ESG del 2023, evidenziando i progressi verso la neutralità carbone entro il 2040, le iniziative di formazione sulla cyber sicurezza e la dedizione alla diversità e all'inclusione.

Check Point Software Technologies ha sido reconocida como uno de los mejores empleadores del mundo por Forbes durante el quinto año consecutivo. La empresa, con más de 6,500 empleados en todo el mundo, ocupó el número 43 en la categoría de IT, Internet, Software y Servicios y el número 613 en total entre 850 organizaciones.

El ranking de Forbes se basa en una extensa encuesta global de más de 300,000 empleados de corporaciones multinacionales. Yiftah Yoffe, Director de Recursos Humanos de Check Point, enfatizó el compromiso de la empresa de crear una cultura inclusiva y orientada a la innovación.

Check Point también ha sido reconocida por TIME como una de las mejores empresas del mundo y recientemente ha publicado su informe ESG 2023, que destaca los avances hacia la neutralidad de carbono para 2040, las iniciativas de capacitación en ciberseguridad y la dedicación a la diversidad y la inclusión.

체크포인트 소프트웨어 테크놀로지스포브스의 세계 최고의 고용주로 5년 연속 선정되었습니다. 6500명 이상의 전 세계 직원을 보유한 이 회사는 IT, 인터넷, 소프트웨어 및 서비스 분야에서 43위를 기록했으며, 전체 613위로 850개 조직 중 하나로 선정되었습니다.

포브스 순위는 다국적 기업의 300,000명 이상의 직원들을 대상으로 한 포괄적인 글로벌 조사에 기반합니다. 체크포인트의 인사 책임자인 이프타 요페는 포용적이고 혁신적인 문화를 창출하는 것에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다.

체크포인트는 또한 TIME에 의해 세계 최고의 회사 중 하나로 인정받았으며 최근에 2023 ESG 보고서를 발표하여 2040년까지 탄소 중립 목표, 사이버 보안 교육 이니셔티브 및 다양성과 포용성에 대한 헌신을 강조했습니다.

Check Point Software Technologies a été reconnue comme l'un des meilleurs employeurs du monde par Forbes pour la cinquième année consécutive. L'entreprise, comptant plus de 6 500 employés dans le monde, a été classée 43ème dans la catégorie IT, Internet, Logiciels et Services et 613ème au total sur 850 organisations.

Le classement Forbes repose sur une enquête mondiale complète portant sur plus de 300 000 employés d'entreprises multinationales. Yiftah Yoffe, Directeur des Ressources Humaines de Check Point, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à créer une culture inclusive et orientée vers l'innovation.

Check Point a également été reconnue par TIME comme l'une des meilleures entreprises au monde et a récemment publié son rapport ESG 2023, mettant en avant les progrès vers la neutralité carbone d'ici 2040, les initiatives de formation à la cybersécurité et son engagement en faveur de la diversité et de l'inclusion.

Check Point Software Technologies wurde zum fünften Mal in Folge als einer der besten Arbeitgeber der Welt von Forbes ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen, das weltweit über 6.500 Mitarbeiter beschäftigt, belegte Platz 43 in der Kategorie IT, Internet, Software & Services und Platz 613 insgesamt von 850 Organisationen.

Das Forbes-Ranking basiert auf einer umfassenden globalen Umfrage unter mehr als 300.000 Mitarbeitern aus multinationalen Unternehmen. Yiftah Yoffe, Chief HR Officer von Check Point, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens bei der Schaffung einer inklusiven und innovationsorientierten Kultur.

Check Point wurde auch von TIME als eines der besten Unternehmen der Welt anerkannt und hat kürzlich seinen ESG-Bericht 2023 veröffentlicht, der die Fortschritte in Richtung Kohlenstoffneutralität bis 2040, Initiativen zur Schulung in der Cybersicherheit und das Engagement für Vielfalt und Integration hervorhebt.

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The Forbes World’s Best Employers 2024 list highlight’s Check Point’s strong workplace culture and commitment to ESG

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Oct. 10, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), has been named as one of the World’s Best Employers by Forbes for the fifth year in a row. With over 6,500 employees around the world, Check Point is once again recognized as a leading cyber security employer by Forbes and was recently recognized as one of the World’s Best Companies by TIME.

“Our employees are Check Point’s greatest asset in our mission to secure the world from cyber threats,” said Yiftah Yoffe, Chief HR Officer at Check Point Software. “We strive every day to create an inclusive and innovation-minded culture to support and encourage our employees. We are proud to be recognized for the fifth year by our employees and their peers for being the world’s top notch cyber security employer.”

The ranking is the result of comprehensive research on employer quality conducted on a global scale in partnership with Statista. The analysis included a survey of more than 300,000 employees in over 50 countries who work for multinational corporations that employ more than 1,000 workers and operate in at least two of the six continental regions of the world. This led to millions of data points. Check Point was highly ranked in the list, earning spot #43 in the prestigious IT, Internet, Software & Services category and #613 in the full list of 850 organizations.

Check Point takes its Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) responsibility seriously. The company recently released its 2023 ESG report: Security through Sustainability and Action, including its progress in achieving carbon neutrality by 2040, training people in cyber security skills for a safer digital world, dedication to diversity and inclusion, and philanthropy efforts.

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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. 
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ( is a leading AI-powered, cloud-delivered cyber security platform provider protecting over 100,000 organizations worldwide. Check Point leverages the power of AI everywhere to enhance cyber security efficiency and accuracy through its Infinity Platform, with industry-leading catch rates enabling proactive threat anticipation and smarter, faster response times. The comprehensive platform includes cloud-delivered technologies consisting of Check Point Harmony to secure the workspace, Check Point CloudGuard to secure the cloud, Check Point Quantum to secure the network, and Check Point Infinity Platform Services for collaborative security operations and services.

Liz Wu
Check Point Software Technologies

Kip E. Meintzer
Check Point Software Technologies


What recognition did Check Point Software (CHKP) receive from Forbes in 2024?

Check Point Software (CHKP) was named one of the World's Best Employers by Forbes for the fifth consecutive year in 2024.

What ranking did Check Point Software (CHKP) achieve in the Forbes World's Best Employers 2024 list?

Check Point Software (CHKP) ranked #43 in the IT, Internet, Software & Services category and #613 overall out of 850 organizations in the Forbes World's Best Employers 2024 list.

How many employees does Check Point Software (CHKP) have globally?

Check Point Software (CHKP) has over 6,500 employees around the world.

What is Check Point Software's (CHKP) goal for carbon neutrality according to their 2023 ESG report?

According to Check Point Software's (CHKP) 2023 ESG report, the company aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2040.

Who is the Chief HR Officer of Check Point Software (CHKP) mentioned in the press release?

Yiftah Yoffe is mentioned as the Chief HR Officer of Check Point Software (CHKP) in the press release.

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd


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