Check Point Software Named a Leader in Enterprise Firewall Solutions Evaluation, According to Independent Research Firm

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Check Point Software Technologies has been named a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024 report. The company received the highest possible score in 13 criteria, including Vision, Innovation, and Threat Intelligence. Forrester praised Check Point's collaborative tools and practical vision, highlighting its importance in enhancing security functions through real-time telemetry.

Check Point's Quantum Network Security, part of the Infinity Platform, offers top-tier security across various environments. The company excels in centralized management, user experience, and comprehensive threat intelligence. Forrester also noted Check Point's strong incident response capabilities and flexible licensing model.

Amid a 30% surge in global cyber-attacks during Q2 2024, Check Point continues to innovate and provide advanced network security solutions. The Denver Broncos use Check Point's solutions to protect their organization's attack surface, praising the usability and scalability of the Quantum firewalls with Maestro load sharing orchestrator.

Check Point Software Technologies è stata nominata leader nel report The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024. L'azienda ha ricevuto il punteggio più alto possibile in 13 criteri, inclusi Visione, Innovazione e Threat Intelligence. Forrester ha elogiato gli strumenti collaborativi di Check Point e la sua visione pratica, sottolineando l'importanza di migliorare le funzioni di sicurezza attraverso la telemetria in tempo reale.

La Quantum Network Security di Check Point, parte della Infinity Platform, offre sicurezza di alto livello in vari ambienti. L'azienda si distingue per gestione centralizzata, esperienza utente e intelligence sulle minacce completa. Forrester ha anche notato le forti capacità di risposta agli incidenti di Check Point e il suo modello di licenza flessibile.

In un contesto di incremento del 30% degli attacchi informatici a livello globale durante il Q2 2024, Check Point continua a innovare e fornire soluzioni avanzate di sicurezza della rete. I Denver Broncos utilizzano le soluzioni di Check Point per proteggere la superficie di attacco della loro organizzazione, lodando l'usabilità e la scalabilità dei firewall Quantum con il Maestro per la condivisione del carico.

Check Point Software Technologies ha sido nombrada líder en el informe The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024. La compañía recibió la puntuación más alta posible en 13 criterios, incluyendo Visión, Innovación e Inteligencia de Amenazas. Forrester elogió las herramientas colaborativas de Check Point y su visión práctica, destacando su importancia para mejorar las funciones de seguridad a través de la telemetría en tiempo real.

La Quantum Network Security de Check Point, parte de la Infinity Platform, ofrece seguridad de primer nivel en varios entornos. La compañía destaca en gestión centralizada, experiencia del usuario e inteligencia de amenazas integral. Forrester también mencionó las fuertes capacidades de respuesta a incidentes de Check Point y su modelo de licenciamiento flexible.

En medio de un aumento del 30% en los ciberataques globales durante el Q2 2024, Check Point sigue innovando y proporcionando soluciones avanzadas de seguridad en la red. Los Denver Broncos utilizan las soluciones de Check Point para proteger la superficie de ataque de su organización, alabando la usabilidad y escalabilidad de los firewalls Quantum con el orquestador Maestro para la distribución de carga.

Check Point Software Technologies는 The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024 보고서에서 리더로 선정되었습니다. 이 회사는 비전, 혁신 및 위협 인텔리전스를 포함한 13개 기준에서 가능한 최고 점수를 받았습니다. Forrester는 Check Point의 협업 도구와 실용적인 비전을 칭찬하며, 실시간 텔레메트리를 통해 보안 기능을 향상시키는 중요성을 강조했습니다.

Infinity Platform의 일부인 Quantum Network Security는 다양한 환경에서 최고의 보안을 제공합니다. 이 회사는 중앙 집중 관리, 사용자 경험 및 포괄적인 위협 인텔리전스에서 뛰어납니다. Forrester는 또한 Check Point의 강력한 사고 대응 능력과 유연한 라이센스 모델을 언급했습니다.

2024년 2분기 동안 세계적인 사이버 공격이 30% 급증하는 가운데, Check Point는 계속해서 혁신하고 고급 네트워크 보안 솔루션을 제공하고 있습니다. 덴버 브롱코스는 Check Point의 솔루션을 사용하여 조직의 공격 면을 보호하고 있으며, Maestro 부하 분산 오케스트레이터와 함께 Quantum 방화벽의 사용성과 확장성을 칭찬합니다.

Check Point Software Technologies a été désignée leader dans le rapport The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024. L'entreprise a reçu le score le plus élevé possible dans 13 critères, y compris Vision, Innovation et Intelligence des Menaces. Forrester a salué les outils collaboratifs de Check Point et sa vision pratique, soulignant son importance dans l'amélioration des fonctions de sécurité grâce à la télémétrie en temps réel.

La Quantum Network Security de Check Point, qui fait partie de la plateforme Infinity, offre une sécurité de premier plan dans divers environnements. L'entreprise excelle dans la gestion centralisée, l'expérience utilisateur et l'intelligence des menaces complète. Forrester a également noté les fortes capacités de réponse aux incidents de Check Point et son modèle de licence flexible.

Dans un contexte de hausse de 30 % des cyberattaques mondiales au cours du Q2 2024, Check Point continue d'innover et de fournir des solutions avancées de sécurité réseau. Les Denver Broncos utilisent les solutions de Check Point pour protéger la surface d'attaque de leur organisation, louant l'utilisabilité et la scalabilité des pare-feux Quantum avec l'orchestrateur de partage de charge Maestro.

Check Point Software Technologies wurde im Bericht The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024 als Marktführer ausgezeichnet. Das Unternehmen erhielt die höchstmögliche Punktzahl in 13 Kriterien, darunter Vision, Innovation und Bedrohungsintelligenz. Forrester lobte die kollaborativen Tools von Check Point und die praktische Vision des Unternehmens und hob dessen Bedeutung bei der Verbesserung der Sicherheitsfunktionen durch Echtzeit-Telemetrie hervor.

Die Quantum Network Security von Check Point, die Teil der Infinity Platform ist, bietet erstklassige Sicherheit in verschiedenen Umgebungen. Das Unternehmen zeichnet sich durch zentrale Verwaltung, Benutzererfahrung und umfassende Bedrohungsintelligenz aus. Forrester stellte auch die starken Incident-Response-Fähigkeiten von Check Point und das flexible Lizenzmodell heraus.

Angesichts eines Anstiegs von 30 % bei globalen Cyberangriffen im 2. Quartal 2024 innoviert Check Point weiterhin und bietet fortschrittliche Netzwerksicherheitslösungen an. Die Denver Broncos verwenden die Lösungen von Check Point, um die Angriffsfläche ihrer Organisation zu schützen, und loben die Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Skalierbarkeit der Quantum-Firewalls mit dem Maestro-Lastverteilungsorchestrator.

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Check Point excels with collaborative tools, and received the highest possible score in 13 criteria, including Vision, Innovation, and Threat Intelligence

REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Oct. 03, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), a leading cyber security platform provider of AI-powered, cloud delivered solutions, today announced its position as a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024 report. Forrester, a leading global research and advisory firm, states in its report that, “Check Point excels with collaborative tools,” which we believe further validates our platform approach to offer enterprises a full suite of top-tier cyber security products.

In an era where cybercrimes are escalating at an alarming rate, safeguarding digital assets and networks has never been more crucial. Check Point Research underscores this urgency with a report revealing a 30% surge in global cyber-attacks during the second quarter of 2024. Amidst the evolving cyber security landscape, Check Point remains a leader in advanced network security, exemplifying both innovation and strategic vision.

"We are honored to be acknowledged for what we consider to be our strategic advancements and to be consistently identified as a trusted leader, which, for us, highlights our dedication to enhancing digital security," stated Eyal Manor, VP of Product Management at Check Point. “We believe that this recognition highlights our superior centralized management and exceptional user experience, reinforcing our reputation as the top choice for enterprises in need of advanced and dependable enterprise firewall solutions that adapt to the ever-evolving demands of the modern business environment."

Check Point received the highest possible score in 13 criteria, including Vision, Innovation, and Threat Intelligence, among other things. The Forester report stated that Check Point’s “vision is practical and achievable, highlighting the importance of collaborative capabilities that enhance security functions through real-time telemetry- complimentary of the Zero-Trust model.” Check Point also received the highest possible score in the firewall-as-a-service and automation efficacy criteria, further adding that “enterprises seeking advanced management and robust troubleshooting should consider Check Point.”

The Denver Broncos utilize Check Point Quantum Security Gateways and Quantum Maestro, among other advanced solutions, to thwart threats across the organization’s entire attack surface. Russ Trainor, Senior Vice President of Information Technology, remarked, “My team really likes the usability of Check Point’s Quantum firewalls with the Maestro load sharing orchestrator, because it enables us to easily scale security to meet any network demand.”

Check Point Quantum Network Security is part of the Check Point Infinity Platform, a comprehensive platform that provides top-tier security across data centers, networks, cloud services, branch offices, and remote users, all managed through a unified interface.

The report cites other noteworthy features such as:

  • Platform Approach: Forrester states that the Check Point Infinity Platform excels in centralized management and UX, offering consistent user interface (UI) and workflows across cloud and local consoles
  • Comprehensive Threat Intelligence: Check Point achieved the highest possible score in the threat intelligence criterion. Forrester notes that a score of 5 in this criterion indicates the ability to generate high-quality, layered threat intelligence leveraging in-house threat intelligence teams, threat hunting, AI/ML, and third-party feeds
  • Progressive Product Innovation & Vision: Forrester mentioned that Check Point’s innovations are progressive, driven by organic R&D and acquisitions that resulted in the development of native SDWAN and improvements to Harmony SASE
  • Robust Management & Troubleshooting: Forrester remarks that Check Point has strong incident response capabilities, thanks to robust integrations and automation with playbooks for resolving incidents and creating tickets
  • Flexible Licensing & Consumption: Forrester cited Check Point’s simplified and streamlined consumption model, through Infinity ELA licensing, offering full suite access with pay-as-you-go flexibility

Read more about today’s announcement in our blog, and receive a complimentary copy of The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024 by visiting our website.

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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. 
Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ( is a leading AI-powered, cloud-delivered cyber security platform provider protecting over 100,000 organizations worldwide. Check Point leverages the power of AI everywhere to enhance cyber security efficiency and accuracy through its Infinity Platform, with industry-leading catch rates enabling proactive threat anticipation and smarter, faster response times. The comprehensive platform includes cloud-delivered technologies consisting of Check Point Harmony to secure the workspace, Check Point CloudGuard to secure the cloud, Check Point Quantum to secure the network, and Check Point Infinity Platform Services for collaborative security operations and services.

Ana Perez
Check Point Software Technologies
Kip E. Meintzer
Check Point Software Technologies


What recognition did Check Point Software (CHKP) receive in the Forrester Wave report for Q4 2024?

Check Point Software (CHKP) was named a leader in The Forrester Wave™: Enterprise Firewalls, Q4 2024 report, receiving the highest possible score in 13 criteria including Vision, Innovation, and Threat Intelligence.

How did Check Point (CHKP) perform in the firewall-as-a-service and automation efficacy criteria?

Check Point (CHKP) received the highest possible score in the firewall-as-a-service and automation efficacy criteria, according to the Forrester Wave report for Q4 2024.

What was the increase in global cyber-attacks during the second quarter of 2024, according to Check Point Research?

Check Point Research reported a 30% surge in global cyber-attacks during the second quarter of 2024, highlighting the increasing importance of robust cybersecurity solutions.

Which professional sports team uses Check Point's Quantum Security Gateways and Quantum Maestro?

The Denver Broncos utilize Check Point's Quantum Security Gateways and Quantum Maestro, among other advanced solutions, to protect their organization's entire attack surface.

What is the name of Check Point's (CHKP) comprehensive security platform mentioned in the press release?

The Check Point Infinity Platform is the comprehensive platform mentioned in the press release, providing top-tier security across various environments including data centers, networks, cloud services, branch offices, and remote users.

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