Choice Hotels International Recognized as One of America's Most Responsible Companies in 2025 by Newsweek
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH) has been recognized as one of America's Most Responsible Companies in 2025 by Newsweek and Statista, based on performance across 30 key indicators and a consumer survey of over 26,000 U.S. residents.
The company's sustainability initiatives include the Room to Be Green Program, which focuses on five pillars: Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity, and Engagement across all Choice Hotels brands globally. The program mandates utility data reporting and resource conservation measures.
Notable achievements include winning the 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award for implementing CarbinX technology at the Radisson Blu Mall of America - the world's first small-scale carbon capture device in a hotel, reducing CO2 emissions by 6-8 tons annually and cutting natural gas usage by up to 20%. The company also received the PACT Freedom Award for its efforts in preventing human trafficking.
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH) è stata riconosciuta come una delle aziende americane più responsabili nel 2025 da Newsweek e Statista, sulla base delle prestazioni in 30 indicatori chiave e di un sondaggio tra oltre 26.000 residenti negli Stati Uniti.
Le iniziative di sostenibilità dell'azienda comprendono il Room to Be Green Program, che si concentra su cinque pilastri: Energia, Acqua, Rifiuti, Biodiversità e Coinvolgimento in tutti i marchi Choice Hotels a livello globale. Il programma richiede la segnalazione dei dati sui servizi pubblici e misure di conservazione delle risorse.
Tra i risultati degni di nota, c'è la vittoria del 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award per l'implementazione della tecnologia CarbinX presso il Radisson Blu Mall of America - il primo dispositivo di cattura di carbonio su piccola scala in un hotel, che riduce le emissioni di CO2 di 6-8 tonnellate all'anno e riduce il consumo di gas naturale fino al 20%. L'azienda ha anche ricevuto il PACT Freedom Award per i suoi sforzi nella prevenzione della tratta di esseri umani.
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH) ha sido reconocida como una de las empresas más responsables de Estados Unidos en 2025 por Newsweek y Statista, basado en su desempeño en 30 indicadores clave y una encuesta a más de 26,000 residentes estadounidenses.
Las iniciativas de sostenibilidad de la empresa incluyen el Room to Be Green Program, que se centra en cinco pilares: Energía, Agua, Residuos, Biodiversidad y Compromiso en todas las marcas de Choice Hotels a nivel global. El programa exige la presentación de datos sobre servicios públicos y medidas de conservación de recursos.
Logros notables incluyen ganar el 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award por implementar la tecnología CarbinX en el Radisson Blu Mall of America - el primer dispositivo de captura de carbono a pequeña escala en un hotel, lo que reduce las emisiones de CO2 en 6-8 toneladas al año y corta el uso de gas natural hasta en un 20%. La empresa también recibió el PACT Freedom Award por sus esfuerzos en la prevención de la trata de personas.
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH)는 2025년 Newsweek 및 Statista에 의해 미국에서 가장 책임감 있는 기업 중 하나로 선정되었습니다. 이는 30개의 주요 지표에서의 성과와 26,000명 이상의 미국 주민을 대상으로 한 소비자 설문 조사에 기반한 것입니다.
회사의 지속 가능성 이니셔티브에는 Room to Be Green Program이 포함되어 있으며, 이는 에너지, 물, 폐기물, 생물 다양성 및 모든 Choice Hotels 브랜드의 참여라는 다섯 가지 기둥에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 프로그램은 공공 서비스 데이터 보고 및 자원 보존 조치를 의무화합니다.
주목할 만한 성과로는 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award를 수상한 것이 있으며, 이는 Radisson Blu Mall of America에서 CarbinX 기술을 구현하여 세계 최초의 소규모 탄소 포집 장치를 호텔에서 운영한 것입니다. 이로 인해 매년 CO2 배출량이 6-8톤 감소하고 천연가스 사용이 최대 20%까지 줄어듭니다. 또한 회사는 인신매매 방지 노력에 대한 PACT Freedom Award를 수상했습니다.
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH) a été reconnue comme l'une des entreprises américaines les plus responsables en 2025 par Newsweek et Statista, sur la base de performances dans 30 indicateurs clés et d'une enquête auprès de plus de 26 000 résidents américains.
Les initiatives de durabilité de l'entreprise comprennent le Room to Be Green Program, qui se concentre sur cinq piliers : Énergie, Eau, Déchets, Biodiversité et Engagement auprès de toutes les marques Choice Hotels à l'échelle mondiale. Le programme impose des rapports sur les données des services publics et des mesures de conservation des ressources.
Parmi les réalisations notables, on peut citer le prix 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award pour la mise en œuvre de la technologie CarbinX au Radisson Blu Mall of America - le premier dispositif de capture du carbone à petite échelle dans un hôtel, réduisant les émissions de CO2 de 6 à 8 tonnes par an et diminuant l'utilisation de gaz naturel jusqu'à 20 %. L'entreprise a également reçu le PACT Freedom Award pour ses efforts dans la prévention de la traite des êtres humains.
Choice Hotels International (NYSE: CHH) wurde von Newsweek und Statista im Jahr 2025 als eines der verantwortungsvollsten Unternehmen Amerikas ausgezeichnet, basierend auf der Leistung in 30 wichtigen Indikatoren und einer Verbraucherumfrage unter über 26.000 US-Bürgern.
Die Nachhaltigkeitsinitiativen des Unternehmens umfassen das Room to Be Green Program, das sich auf fünf Säulen konzentriert: Energie, Wasser, Abfall, Biodiversität und Engagement in allen Choice Hotels-Marken weltweit. Das Programm verlangt die Berichterstattung über Energiedaten und Ressourcenschonungsmaßnahmen.
Besondere Errungenschaften umfassen den Gewinn des 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award für die Implementierung der CarbinX-Technologie im Radisson Blu Mall of America - dem weltweit ersten kleinen Kohlenstofffanggerät in einem Hotel, das die CO2-Emissionen um 6-8 Tonnen jährlich reduziert und den Erdgasverbrauch um bis zu 20% senkt. Das Unternehmen erhielt außerdem den PACT Freedom Award für seine Bemühungen zur Verhinderung von Menschenhandel.
- None.
- None.
The Newsweek ranking acknowledges
"We are honored to be recognized as one of America's Most Responsible Companies," said Megan Brumagim, Vice President of Upscale Brands and Chief Sustainability Officer for Choice Hotels International. "This accolade underscores our commitment to help make tomorrow even better than today. We remain dedicated to creating a positive impact in the communities we serve and empowering and equipping our owners to continue to advance in their sustainability efforts."
Choice Hotels has various initiatives, including its refreshed Room to Be Green Program, which focuses on five pillars – Energy, Water, Waste, Biodiversity, and Engagement – across all Choice Hotels brands and segments worldwide. Through the program, Choice-branded hotels are required to comply with utility data reporting as well as waste, water, and energy-saving measures.
Earlier this year, Choice Hotels announced that it was awarded the inaugural 2024 World Sustainable Travel & Hospitality Award in the Leading Sustainable Technology category. This award celebrates the installation of the groundbreaking CarbinX technology at the Radisson Blu Mall of America in
For more information on Choice Hotels' sustainability initiatives, please visit:
About Choice Hotels®
Choice Hotels International, Inc. (NYSE: CHH) is one of the largest lodging franchisors in the world. The one to watch in upscale and a leader in midscale and extended stay, Choice® has over 7,500 hotels, representing nearly 635,000 rooms, in 45 countries and territories. A diverse portfolio of 22 brands that range from full-service upper upscale properties to midscale, extended stay and economy enables Choice® to meet travelers' needs in more places and for more occasions while driving more value for franchise owners and shareholders. The award-winning Choice Privileges® rewards program and co-brand credit card options provide members with a fast and easy way to earn reward nights and personalized perks. For more information, visit
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SOURCE Choice Hotels International, Inc.
What environmental initiatives has Choice Hotels (CHH) implemented in 2024-2025?
How much carbon reduction does Choice Hotels' CarbinX technology achieve?
What sustainability awards did Choice Hotels (CHH) win in 2024?
What are the five pillars of Choice Hotels' Room to Be Green Program?