Chegg Reports New Hire Equity Grants Under NYSE Rule 303A.08

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Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), a leading student-first connected learning platform, has announced the granting of equity awards to a new employee. On October 12, 2024, the company's Compensation Committee awarded restricted stock units (RSUs) representing 50,000 shares of Chegg common stock to one newly hired employee. This grant was made under the Chegg 2023 Equity Inducement Plan, relying on the employment inducement award exception to New York Stock Exchange Listing Rule 303A.08.

The RSUs are set to fully vest on October 12, 2025, contingent upon the employee's continuous service through the vesting date. This equity grant serves as an inducement for new talent joining Chegg and aligns with the company's compensation strategy.

Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), una piattaforma leader di apprendimento connesso focalizzata sugli studenti, ha annunciato l'assegnazione di premi azionari a un nuovo dipendente. Il 12 ottobre 2024, il Comitato Compensi della società ha assegnato unità azionarie vincolate (RSU) per un totale di 50.000 azioni delle azioni ordinarie di Chegg a un nuovo assunto. Questa concessione è stata effettuata nell'ambito del Piano di Induzione Azionaria 2023 di Chegg, facendo leva sull'eccezione per premi di incentivazione all'occupazione secondo la Regola di Quotazione 303A.08 della Borsa di New York.

Le RSU sono destinate a divenire pienamente vestite il 12 ottobre 2025, a condizione che il dipendente mantenga il servizio continuo fino alla data di maturazione. Questa concessione di capitale serve come incentivo per nuovi talenti che entrano in Chegg e si allinea con la strategia retributiva dell'azienda.

Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), una plataforma líder de aprendizaje conectado centrada en los estudiantes, ha anunciado la concesión de premios en acciones a un nuevo empleado. El 12 de octubre de 2024, el Comité de Compensación de la empresa otorgó unidades de acciones restringidas (RSUs) representando 50,000 acciones de acciones ordinarias de Chegg a un nuevo empleado. Esta concesión se realizó bajo el Plan de Inducción de Capital de Chegg 2023, basándose en la excepción de premios de inducción laboral a la Regla de Cotización 303A.08 de la Bolsa de Nueva York.

Las RSUs están programadas para adquirirse completamente el 12 de octubre de 2025, dependiendo del servicio continuo del empleado hasta la fecha de adquisición. Esta concesión de capital sirve como un incentivo para atraer nuevo talento a Chegg y está alineada con la estrategia de compensación de la empresa.

Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG)는 학생 중심의 연결 학습 플랫폼을 선도하는 회사로, 새로운 직원에게 주식 보상을 부여한다고 발표했습니다. 2024년 10월 12일, 회사의 보상 위원회는 새로 채용된 직원에게 Chegg 보통주 50,000주를 나타내는 제한 주식 단위(RSU)를 부여했습니다. 이 보상은 Chegg 2023 주식 유인 계획에 따라 이루어졌으며, 뉴욕 증권 거래소 상장 규칙 303A.08의 고용 유인 보상 예외에 의존합니다.

RSU는 직원이 만기일까지 지속적으로 근무하는 조건 하에 2025년 10월 12일에 완전히 배정됩니다. 이 주식 보상은 Chegg에 합류하는 새로운 인재를 유인하기 위한 것으로, 회사의 보상 전략과 일치합니다.

Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), une plateforme de learning connectée axée sur les étudiants, a annoncé l’attribution de primes boursières à un nouvel employé. Le 12 octobre 2024, le Comité de rémunération de la société a attribué des unités d'actions restreintes (RSU) représentant 50 000 actions des actions ordinaires de Chegg à un nouvel employé. Cette attribution a été réalisée dans le cadre du Plan d'incitation en actions Chegg 2023, en se basant sur l'exception de prime d'incitation à l'embauche selon la règle de cotation 303A.08 de la Bourse de New York.

Les RSU sont prévues pour devenir entièrement acquises le 12 octobre 2025, sous réserve que l'employé continue à servir jusqu'à la date d'acquisition. Cette attribution de capitaux sert d'incitation pour attirer de nouveaux talents dans l'entreprise Chegg et s'aligne avec la stratégie de rémunération de la société.

Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), eine führende Plattform für vernetztes Lernen, die sich auf Studierende konzentriert, hat die Gewährung von Aktienemissionen an einen neuen Mitarbeiter bekannt gegeben. Am 12. Oktober 2024 hat das Vergütungskomitee des Unternehmens eingeschränkte Aktieneinheiten (RSUs) in Höhe von 50.000 Aktien des Stammkapitals von Chegg an einen neu eingestellten Mitarbeiter vergeben. Diese Zuteilung erfolgte im Rahmen des Chegg 2023 Aktienanreizplans, der sich auf die Ausnahme für Beschäftigungsanreize gemäß der Listing-Regel 303A.08 der New Yorker Börse stützt.

Die RSUs sollen am 12. Oktober 2025 vollständig erwerben werden, vorausgesetzt, der Mitarbeiter bleibt bis zum Vesting-Datum im Dienst. Diese Aktienzuteilung dient als Anreiz für neue Talente, die zu Chegg stoßen, und ist Teil der Vergütungsstrategie des Unternehmens.

  • Chegg is attracting new talent with competitive equity compensation
  • The company is utilizing its 2023 Equity Inducement Plan to offer attractive employment packages
  • None.

SANTA CLARA, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Chegg, Inc. (NYSE:CHGG), a leading student-first connected learning platform, today announced that on October 12, 2024, its Compensation Committee granted equity awards pursuant to the Chegg 2023 Equity Inducement Plan.

One newly hired employee received an award of restricted stock units (“RSUs”) representing 50,000 shares of Chegg common stock in reliance on the employment inducement award exception to New York Stock Exchange Listing Rule 303A.08. The RSUs will fully vest on October 12, 2025, subject to the employee’s continuous service through the vesting date.

About Chegg

Chegg provides individualized learning support to students as they pursue their educational journeys. Available on demand 24/7 and powered by over a decade of learning insights, the Chegg platform offers students AI-powered academic support thoughtfully designed for education coupled with access to a vast network of subject matter experts who ensure quality. No matter the goal, level, or style, Chegg helps millions of students around the world learn with confidence by helping them build essential academic, life, and job skills to achieve success. Chegg is a publicly held company and trades on the NYSE under the symbol CHGG. For more information, visit

Media Contact:

JaShel Jones,

Source: Chegg


How many shares of Chegg (CHGG) stock were granted to the new employee?

The new employee received restricted stock units (RSUs) representing 50,000 shares of Chegg common stock.

When will the RSUs granted by Chegg (CHGG) on October 12, 2024 fully vest?

The RSUs will fully vest on October 12, 2025, subject to the employee's continuous service through the vesting date.

Under which plan did Chegg (CHGG) grant the new hire equity awards?

Chegg granted the equity awards under the Chegg 2023 Equity Inducement Plan.

What NYSE rule exception did Chegg (CHGG) use for granting the new hire equity awards?

Chegg relied on the employment inducement award exception to New York Stock Exchange Listing Rule 303A.08.



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Education & Training Services
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United States of America