Chegg Donates $50,000 to Stevens Institute of Technology’s iSTEM and Launchpad Programs to Power Student Innovation
Chegg has announced a $50,000 donation to Stevens Institute of Technology's iSTEM and Launchpad programs through the Impact Fund. The donation will provide funding for student-led startups, with up to $5,000 allocated to ten iSTEM and Launchpad student startups for materials, supplies, and essential support.
This contribution complements a larger $10 million donation from Stevens Emeritus Trustee Emilio A. Fernandez, with anticipated matching gifts totaling $7.5 million, bringing the total external investment to $17.5 million. The iSTEM program, launched in 2019, has achieved a 95% retention rate, with students raising over $5 million in capital.
The program is designed for talented students who have faced challenges in traditional academic environments, focusing on developing innovative solutions and launching successful businesses.
Chegg ha annunciato una donazione di $50.000 ai programmi iSTEM e Launchpad del Stevens Institute of Technology attraverso il Impact Fund. La donazione fornirà finanziamenti per startup guidate da studenti, con un massimo di $5.000 assegnati a dieci startup studentesche iSTEM e Launchpad per materiali, forniture e supporto essenziale.
Questo contributo si aggiunge a una donazione più ampia di $10 milioni da parte del fiduciario emerito di Stevens Emilio A. Fernandez, con donazioni corrispondenti previste per un totale di $7,5 milioni, portando l'investimento esterno totale a $17,5 milioni. Il programma iSTEM, lanciato nel 2019, ha raggiunto un tasso di retention del 95%, con studenti che hanno raccolto oltre $5 milioni di capitale.
Il programma è progettato per studenti talentuosi che hanno affrontato sfide in ambienti accademici tradizionali, concentrandosi sullo sviluppo di soluzioni innovative e sul lancio di imprese di successo.
Chegg ha anunciado una donación de $50,000 a los programas iSTEM y Launchpad del Stevens Institute of Technology a través del Impact Fund. La donación proporcionará financiamiento para startups lideradas por estudiantes, con hasta $5,000 asignados a diez startups estudiantiles de iSTEM y Launchpad para materiales, suministros y apoyo esencial.
Esta contribución complementa una donación más grande de $10 millones del fideicomisario emérito de Stevens Emilio A. Fernandez, con donaciones coincidentes anticipadas que totalizan $7.5 millones, llevando la inversión externa total a $17.5 millones. El programa iSTEM, lanzado en 2019, ha logrado una tasa de retención del 95%, con estudiantes que han recaudado más de $5 millones en capital.
El programa está diseñado para estudiantes talentosos que han enfrentado desafíos en entornos académicos tradicionales, centrándose en el desarrollo de soluciones innovadoras y el lanzamiento de negocios exitosos.
Chegg는 Impact Fund를 통해 Stevens Institute of Technology의 iSTEM 및 Launchpad 프로그램에 $50,000의 기부를 발표했습니다. 이 기부는 학생 주도의 스타트업에 자금을 제공하며, iSTEM 및 Launchpad 학생 스타트업 10개에 대해 최대 $5,000이 자재, 용품 및 필수 지원을 위해 할당됩니다.
이 기부는 Stevens의 명예 이사인 Emilio A. Fernandez의 $10 million 기부를 보완하며, 예상되는 매칭 기부는 총 $7.5 million에 달해 총 외부 투자액은 $17.5 million에 이릅니다. 2019년에 시작된 iSTEM 프로그램은 95%의 유지율을 기록했으며, 학생들은 500만 달러 이상의 자본을 모금했습니다.
이 프로그램은 전통적인 학문적 환경에서 어려움을 겪은 재능 있는 학생들을 위해 설계되었으며, 혁신적인 솔루션을 개발하고 성공적인 비즈니스를 시작하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다.
Chegg a annoncé un don de 50 000 $ aux programmes iSTEM et Launchpad de l'Institut de Technologie Stevens par le biais du Impact Fund. Ce don financera des startups dirigées par des étudiants, avec jusqu'à 5 000 $ alloués à dix startups étudiantes iSTEM et Launchpad pour des matériaux, des fournitures et un soutien essentiel.
Cette contribution complète un don plus important de 10 millions $ de l'ancien administrateur de Stevens Emilio A. Fernandez, avec des dons correspondants prévus totalisant 7,5 millions $, portant l'investissement externe total à 17,5 millions $. Le programme iSTEM, lancé en 2019, a atteint un taux de rétention de 95 %, les étudiants ayant levé plus de 5 millions $ de capital.
Le programme est conçu pour des étudiants talentueux ayant rencontré des défis dans des environnements académiques traditionnels, en se concentrant sur le développement de solutions innovantes et le lancement d'entreprises prospères.
Chegg hat eine Spende von 50.000 $ für die Programme iSTEM und Launchpad des Stevens Institute of Technology über den Impact Fund angekündigt. Die Spende wird Mittel für von Studenten geführte Startups bereitstellen, wobei bis zu 5.000 $ an zehn iSTEM- und Launchpad-Studenten-Startups für Materialien, Vorräte und wesentliche Unterstützung zugewiesen werden.
Dieser Beitrag ergänzt eine größere Spende von 10 Millionen $ von Emilio A. Fernandez, dem emeritierten Trustee von Stevens, mit erwarteten Matching-Geschenken in Höhe von insgesamt 7,5 Millionen $, wodurch die gesamte externe Investition auf 17,5 Millionen $ steigt. Das iSTEM-Programm, das 2019 ins Leben gerufen wurde, hat eine Retentionsrate von 95 % erreicht, wobei Studenten über 5 Millionen $ an Kapital gesammelt haben.
Das Programm richtet sich an talentierte Studenten, die in traditionellen akademischen Umgebungen Herausforderungen gegenüberstanden, und konzentriert sich darauf, innovative Lösungen zu entwickeln und erfolgreiche Unternehmen zu gründen.
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The donation will provide funding for student-led startups, covering essential materials, supplies, and technology to accelerate their ventures.
"Chegg truly understands the modern student experience, and we are proud to support institutions that are reimagining curriculum to better engage and assess students,” said Nathan Schultz, Chegg CEO. “The iSTEM program is a shining example of how innovation in education can empower students to turn bold ideas into reality. This gift reaffirms our commitment to championing forward-thinking programs that challenge the status quo and drive meaningful change.”
As part of this commitment, up to
“Real change happens at the intersection of education, innovation, and entrepreneurship,” said Dr. Marshall Anthony Jr., Director of Public Affairs and Policy at Chegg. “Stevens’ commitment to supporting students with learning differences through programs like iSTEM and Launchpad aligns with our mission to equip students with the tools and confidence to succeed. By supporting these initiatives, we are expanding access to STEM careers for students from historically marginalized backgrounds and empowering them to shape the future.”
This contribution builds on a transformative
"This transformative gift will allow us to identify and nurture exceptional students who think differently. Since launching iSTEM in 2019, we’ve seen remarkable success – from a
iSTEM is designed for exceptionally talented students who have struggled in traditional academic environments, empowering them to harness their creativity and innovative thinking to solve real-world problems, develop cutting-edge technologies, and launch successful businesses.
“We are thrilled to accept this generous gift from Chegg to further the iSTEM initiative. As the founding director of iSTEM, I have witnessed firsthand the incredible things our students are able to bring to life when we support them in chasing their dreams,” said Mukund Iyengar, founder and director of iSTEM. “iSTEM students are unconventional geniuses. They have shown, again and again, that they can solve pressing world problems in the most entrepreneurial way with support and guidance. We are grateful to Chegg for enabling more students to build their dreams.”
This partnership between Chegg and Stevens Institute of Technology reinforces a shared commitment to fostering innovation and unlocking opportunities for the next generation of STEM leaders.
About Chegg
Chegg provides individualized learning support to students as they pursue their educational journeys. Available on demand 24/7 and powered by over a decade of learning insights, the Chegg platform offers students AI-powered academic support thoughtfully designed for education coupled with access to a vast network of subject matter experts who ensure quality. No matter the goal, level, or style, Chegg helps millions of students around the world learn with confidence by helping them build essential academic, life, and job skills to achieve success. Chegg is a publicly held company and trades on the NYSE under the symbol CHGG. The Impact Fund, a donor-advised fund at Tides Foundation, has granted out over
About Stevens Institute of Technology
Stevens Institute of Technology is a premier, private research university in
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Mansi Bandarupalli
Source: Chegg