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Surrozen, Inc. has completed its business combination with Consonance-HFW Acquisition Corp., a special purpose acquisition company. The merger was approved by shareholders on August 10, 2021, and will enable Surrozen to trade its shares on Nasdaq under the ticker symbol SRZN and its warrants as SRZNW beginning August 12, 2021. Surrozen aims to unlock therapeutic applications of the Wnt pathway for tissue repair and regeneration, with a management team led by CEO Craig Parker, focusing on developing innovative therapies for serious diseases.

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Rhea-AI Summary

Consonance-HFW Acquisition Corp. (NYSE American: CHFW) announced plans for its business combination with Surrozen, Inc. Following the domestication process, trading of New Surrozen Common Stock and Warrants will commence on Nasdaq under the symbols ‘SRZN’ and ‘SRZNW’ on August 12, 2021. Existing CHFW shareholders will see their shares automatically converted to New Surrozen shares without action required. The business combination is pending final shareholder approval on August 10, 2021, and is subject to customary closing conditions.

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