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Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) announced that stockholders approved the business combination with Innoviz Technologies Ltd. on March 31, 2021. An aggregate of 891,046 shares of Class A common stock were redeemed by public stockholders during this vote. Following the transaction's closure, which is anticipated soon, Innoviz will retain its name and list its shares on Nasdaq under the ticker 'INVZ.' Innoviz specializes in high-performance, solid-state LiDAR sensors essential for autonomous vehicles.
Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) has announced approval from its stockholders for a business combination with Innoviz Technologies, a leader in solid-state LiDAR sensors. The vote took place at a special meeting where 891,046 shares of Class A common stock were submitted for redemption. The transaction is pending final certification and closing conditions. Upon completion, Innoviz's shares will trade under the ticker symbol "INVZ" on Nasdaq.
Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) has announced that approximately 99% of proxies have voted in favor of its business combination with Innoviz Technologies Ltd.. The Special Meeting of Stockholders is scheduled for March 31, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. ET, where shareholders are urged to vote by the deadline of 11:59 p.m. ET on March 30, 2021. Currently, the quorum is at 42.5%, requiring more votes for a successful outcome. Shareholders can vote electronically or contact the proxy solicitor, D.F. King & Co.
Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) has announced the Special Meeting of Stockholders to vote on the proposed merger with Innoviz Technologies Ltd. This virtual meeting is scheduled for March 31, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. ET. Stockholders are encouraged to vote 'FOR ALL proposals,' regardless of attendance. Voting instructions are provided for various brokerage platforms, with a contact for assistance available. The press release highlights the importance of stockholder participation in this crucial transaction aimed at enhancing Collective Growth's strategic objectives.
Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) will hold a Special Meeting of Stockholders on March 31, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern Time. This meeting aims to approve the transaction with Innoviz Technologies Ltd. Collective Growth encourages stockholders to vote in favor of all proposals, whether or not they attend the virtual meeting. Relevant voting information has been sent via email to shareholders, and several voting methods are provided, including telephone voting. Important forward-looking statements concerning the merger's potential benefits are included in the communication.
Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) will hold a Special Meeting of Stockholders on March 31, 2021, at 9:00 a.m. Eastern time to approve its business combination with Innoviz Technologies. Stockholders are encouraged to vote in favor of all proposals. Voting instructions are provided via email, and stakeholders can also vote by telephone using their voting control number or by contacting Collective Growth's proxy solicitor. This merger with Innoviz, a manufacturer of advanced LiDAR sensors for autonomous vehicles, aims to enhance market presence in the automotive technology sector.
Collective Growth Corporation (NASDAQ: CGRO) will hold a virtual Special Meeting of Stockholders on March 31, 2021, to approve its business combination with Innoviz Technologies Ltd. Class A and Class B Common Stockholders are eligible to vote if they held shares as of March 4, 2021. The Proxy Statement is available via the SEC's website, detailing the Board's recommendation to approve the merger, which will see Innoviz listed on NASDAQ under the ticker INVZ. Stockholders are urged to vote for all proposals.
Collective Growth Corporation (Nasdaq: CGROU) announced that its Class A common stock and warrants will begin separate trading on June 19, 2020, under the symbols CGRO and CGROW, respectively. Holders of the units must contact their brokers to separate the units. Units not separated will continue trading as CGROU. The Company, focused on mergers and acquisitions, particularly in the federally permissible cannabinoid industry, does not plan to engage with businesses violating U.S. federal laws.
Collective Growth Corporation (Nasdaq: CGROU) has successfully completed its initial public offering (IPO), raising $150 million by selling 15 million units at $10.00 each. Each unit includes one share of Class A common stock and a half warrant, with the warrants allowing the purchase of additional shares at $11.50.
The proceeds from the IPO will be placed in trust, with the units starting to trade on May 1, 2020. Collective Growth aims to merge with businesses in the federally permissible cannabinoid industry.