Cognyte Intelligence Summit 2024 Showcases AI-Powered Innovations to Tackle Emerging Threats
Cognyte Software (NASDAQ: CGNT) hosted its Intelligence Summit 2024, gathering over 300 intelligence, law enforcement and security professionals from approximately 70 countries. The summit showcased the company's latest AI-powered investigative analytics solutions and featured keynote speaker retired Admiral Mike Rogers, former NSA Director.
The event focused on emerging security trends, peer collaboration, and addressing sector challenges. Notable presentations included discussions on leveraging innovative technologies for emerging threats. Timothy O'Callaghan, a retired U.S. Marshal Branch Chief who recently joined Cognyte, highlighted the summit's role in connecting peers and exploring innovations in intelligence.
Cognyte Software (NASDAQ: CGNT) ha ospitato il suo Intelligence Summit 2024, riunendo oltre 300 professionisti dell'intelligence, delle forze dell'ordine e della sicurezza provenienti da circa 70 paesi. Il summit ha presentato le ultime soluzioni analitiche investigative potenziate dall'IA dell'azienda e ha visto come relatore principale l'ammiraglio in pensione Mike Rogers, ex direttore della NSA.
L'evento si è concentrato sulle tendenze emergenti della sicurezza, sulla collaborazione tra pari e sulle sfide del settore. Tra le presentazioni di rilievo ci sono state discussioni su come sfruttare tecnologie innovative per affrontare minacce emergenti. Timothy O'Callaghan, ex capo della sezione dei Marshal degli Stati Uniti che ha recentemente aderito a Cognyte, ha messo in evidenza il ruolo del summit nel connettere i colleghi ed esplorare le innovazioni nell'intelligence.
Cognyte Software (NASDAQ: CGNT) organizó su Intelligence Summit 2024, reuniendo a más de 300 profesionales de inteligencia, fuerzas del orden y seguridad de aproximadamente 70 países. La cumbre presentó las últimas soluciones de análisis investigativo impulsadas por IA de la empresa y contó con el orador principal, el almirante retirado Mike Rogers, exdirector de la NSA.
El evento se centró en las tendencias de seguridad emergentes, la colaboración entre pares y la solución de los desafíos del sector. Presentaciones notables incluyeron discusiones sobre cómo aprovechar tecnologías innovadoras para amenazas emergentes. Timothy O'Callaghan, exjefe de la sección de Marshal de EE. UU. que se unió recientemente a Cognyte, destacó el papel de la cumbre en conectar a colegas y explorar innovaciones en inteligencia.
Cognyte Software (NASDAQ: CGNT)가 Intelligence Summit 2024를 주최하여 약 70개국에서 300명 이상의 정보, 법 집행 및 보안 전문가를 모았습니다. 이 회의에서는 회사의 최신 AI 기반 수사 분석 솔루션을 선보였으며, 주제 강연자로 전 NSA 국장인 퇴역 제독 마이크 로저스가 참여했습니다.
이번 이벤트는 새로운 보안 트렌드, 동료 간 협력 및 분야의 도전 과제에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 주목할만한 발표에는 새로운 위협에 대응하기 위한 혁신적인 기술 활용에 대한 논의가 포함되었습니다. 최근 Cognyte에 합류한 퇴역 미국 마샬 브랜치장인 티모시 오컬리건은 동료들 간의 연결과 정보 분야의 혁신 탐색을 위한 정상 회의의 역할을 강조했습니다.
Cognyte Software (NASDAQ: CGNT) a organisé son Intelligence Summit 2024, rassemblant plus de 300 professionnels du renseignement, des forces de l'ordre et de la sécurité venus d'environ 70 pays. Le sommet a présenté les dernières solutions d'analytique d'enquête alimentées par l'IA de l'entreprise et a eu comme orateur principal l'amiral à la retraite Mike Rogers, ancien directeur de la NSA.
L'événement s'est concentré sur les tendances émergentes en matière de sécurité, la collaboration entre pairs et le traitement des défis du secteur. Parmi les présentations notables, des discussions ont eu lieu sur l'utilisation de technologies innovantes face aux menaces émergentes. Timothy O'Callaghan, ancien chef de la branche des Marshals américains, qui a récemment rejoint Cognyte, a souligné le rôle du sommet dans la connexion des collègues et l'exploration des innovations dans le domaine du renseignement.
Cognyte Software (NASDAQ: CGNT) veranstaltete den Intelligence Summit 2024, bei dem über 300 Fachleute für Intelligence, Strafverfolgung und Sicherheit aus etwa 70 Ländern zusammenkamen. Auf dem Summit wurden die neuesten KI-gestützten Ermittlungsanalytiklösungen des Unternehmens vorgestellt, und der ehemalige NSA-Direktor, Admiral Mike Rogers, hielt die Hauptrede.
Die Veranstaltung konzentrierte sich auf aufkommende Sicherheits-trends, die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Fachkollegen und die Bewältigung von Herausforderungen im Sektor. Besondere Präsentationen beinhalteten Diskussionen über den Einsatz innovativer Technologien zur Bekämpfung neuer Bedrohungen. Timothy O'Callaghan, ein pensionierter US-Marshall-Abteilungsleiter, der kürzlich zu Cognyte gestoßen ist, hob die Rolle des Gipfels hervor, Kollegen zu vernetzen und Innovationen im Bereich der Intelligence zu erkunden.
- Global reach demonstrated with attendance from 70 countries
- Strategic hire of former U.S. Marshal Branch Chief for U.S. market expansion
- Successful showcase of new AI-powered investigative analytics solutions
- None.
Cognyte summit brings together global security leaders to address the intersection of intelligence and technology
During the summit, Cognyte introduced its latest AI-powered solutions for investigative analytics, designed to help security professionals address evolving threats with greater precision, agility and efficiency. These advancements underscore Cognyte's commitment to empowering its agency customers to stay ahead of the world’s most complex and dynamic security challenges.
“We’re committed to supporting our customers with innovative technology that enables them to solve their most critical challenges,” said Elad Sharon, CEO of Cognyte. “At this year's summit, we were proud to share advancements that embody our vision for a safer tomorrow, today.”
The keynote address, delivered by retired Admiral Mike Rogers, former Director of the National Security Agency (NSA) and Chief of the Central Security Service, explored the critical intersection of intelligence and technology. Admiral Rogers shared his unique insights into the evolving landscape of global security, highlighting the importance of leveraging innovative technologies to address emerging threats. He emphasized the need for proactive collaboration and preparation today to effectively tackle the challenges of tomorrow, leaving the audience with a compelling vision of resilience and adaptability in an increasingly complex world.
“This summit was an exceptional platform to connect with peers and delve into groundbreaking innovations that are transforming the field of intelligence,” said Timothy O'Callaghan, a retired
“Cognyte's solutions and expertise have been instrumental in helping us navigate the ever-changing threat landscape and position ourselves to tackle future challenges with confidence,” shared a representative from a European law enforcement agency. The Intelligence Summit also featured engaging discussions, expert-led roundtables, hands-on sessions, latest product demonstrations and networking opportunities designed to enhance collaboration among attendees and strengthen partnerships.
As a leading provider of investigative analytics software, Cognyte remains committed to driving innovation that empowers its customers to safeguard communities and protect against ever-evolving threats.
About Cognyte Software Ltd.
Cognyte Software Ltd. is a global leader in investigative analytics software that empowers a variety of government and other organizations with Actionable Intelligence for a Safer World™. Our open interface software is designed to help customers accelerate and improve the effectiveness of investigations and decision-making. Hundreds of customers rely on our solutions to accelerate and conduct investigations and derive insights, with which they identify, neutralize and tackle threats to national security and address different forms of criminal and terror activities. Learn more at
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Media Relations:
Michelle Allard McMahon
Rainier Communications on behalf of Cognyte Software
Source: Cognyte Software Ltd.
What was announced at Cognyte's (CGNT) Intelligence Summit 2024?
Who was the keynote speaker at Cognyte's (CGNT) 2024 Intelligence Summit?