Viridien selected to support technology-driven mineral exploration program in Oman  

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment
(Very Positive)

Viridien has been awarded a comprehensive remote sensing program by Minerals Development Oman (MDO) to identify, map, and rank mineralization prospectivity potential across seven concessions, covering 16,000 km² in Oman. The project aims to support MDO's strategic development of Oman's mineral resources.

Viridien will utilize machine learning, high-performance computing, and advanced processing algorithms to create innovative Bare Earth Plus models. These will be integrated with structural, airborne geophysical, and gamma-ray spectrometry data to identify mineral potential in the Samail and Masirah Ophiolites.

This collaboration underscores MDO's commitment to incorporating AI tools and cutting-edge solutions into their exploration and mining operations. Viridien's expertise in remote sensing and integrated Minerals & Mining solutions aims to support more efficient and accurate decision-making throughout the mining lifecycle.

Viridien ha ricevuto un ampio programma di telerilevamento da parte di Minerals Development Oman (MDO) per identificare, mappare e classificare il potenziale di mineralizzazione in sette concessioni, che coprono 16.000 km² in Oman. L'obiettivo del progetto è sostenere lo sviluppo strategico delle risorse minerarie dell'Oman da parte di MDO.

Viridien utilizzerà machine learning, calcolo ad alte prestazioni e algoritmi di elaborazione avanzati per creare modelli innovativi Bare Earth Plus. Questi modelli saranno integrati con dati strutturali, geofisici aerei e spettroradiometria gamma per identificare il potenziale minerario negli Ophioliti di Samail e Masirah.

Questa collaborazione sottolinea l'impegno di MDO nell'integrare strumenti AI e soluzioni all'avanguardia nelle loro operazioni di esplorazione e estrazione mineraria. L'esperienza di Viridien nel telerilevamento e nelle soluzioni integrate per Minerali e Miniere mira a supportare decisioni più efficienti e accurate durante tutto il ciclo di vita minerario.

Viridien ha sido adjudicado un completo programa de teledetección por parte de Minerals Development Oman (MDO) para identificar, mapear y clasificar el potencial de mineralización en siete concesiones, que abarcan 16,000 km² en Omán. El proyecto tiene como objetivo apoyar el desarrollo estratégico de los recursos minerales de Omán por parte de MDO.

Viridien utilizará aprendizaje automático, computación de alto rendimiento y algoritmos de procesamiento avanzados para crear modelos innovadores Bare Earth Plus. Estos se integrarán con datos estructurales, geofísicos aéreos y espectrometría gamma para identificar el potencial mineral en los ofiolitos de Samail y Masirah.

Esta colaboración resalta el compromiso de MDO de incorporar herramientas de IA y soluciones de vanguardia en sus operaciones de exploración y minería. La experiencia de Viridien en teledetección y soluciones integradas de Minerales y Minería busca apoyar una toma de decisiones más eficiente y precisa a lo largo de todo el ciclo de vida de la minería.

Viridien은 Minerals Development Oman (MDO)로부터 16,000 km²에 걸친 7개 권리에 대한 광물화 가능성을 식별하고, 매핑하며, 평가하는 포괄적인 원격 감지 프로그램을 수여받았습니다. 이 프로젝트의 목적은 MDO의 오만 광물 자원 전략적 개발을 지원하는 것입니다.

Viridien은 기계 학습, 고성능 컴퓨팅 및 고급 처리 알고리즘을 활용하여 혁신적인 Bare Earth Plus 모델을 생성할 것입니다. 이 모델은 Samail 및 Masirah 오피올라이트의 광물 잠재력을 식별하기 위해 구조적, 공중 지구물리학 데이터 및 감마선 분광 데이터와 통합됩니다.

이번 협업은 MDO가 탐사 및 채굴 작업에 AI 도구 및 첨단 솔루션을 포함시키려는 의지를 강조합니다. Viridien의 원격 감지 및 통합 광물 및 광업 솔루션 전문성은 채굴 생애주기 전반에 걸쳐 보다 효율적이고 정확한 의사결정을 지원하는 것을 목표로 합니다.

Viridien a été attribué un programme de télédétection complet par Minerals Development Oman (MDO) pour identifier, cartographier et classer le potentiel de minéralisation dans sept concessions, couvrant 16 000 km² au Sultanat d'Oman. L'objectif de ce projet est de soutenir le développement stratégique des ressources minérales d'Oman par MDO.

Viridien utilisera l'apprentissage automatique, l'informatique haute performance et des algorithmes de traitement avancés pour créer des modèles innovants Bare Earth Plus. Ceux-ci seront intégrés à des données structurelles, géophysiques aériennes et de spectrométrie gamma pour identifier le potentiel minéral dans les ophiolites de Samail et de Masirah.

Cette collaboration souligne l'engagement de MDO à incorporer des outils d'IA et des solutions à la pointe de la technologie dans ses opérations d'exploration et d'exploitation minière. L'expertise de Viridien en télédétection et en solutions intégrées pour les Minéraux et le Mining vise à soutenir une prise de décision plus efficace et précise tout au long du cycle de vie minier.

Viridien hat von Minerals Development Oman (MDO) ein umfassendes Fernerkundungsprogramm erhalten, um das Mineralisierungs-Potenzial in sieben Konzessionen zu identifizieren, zu kartieren und zu bewerten, die sich über 16.000 km² in Oman erstrecken. Ziel des Projekts ist es, die strategische Entwicklung von Omans Mineralressourcen durch MDO zu unterstützen.

Viridien wird maschinelles Lernen, Hochleistungsrechnen und fortschrittliche Verarbeitungsalgorithmen nutzen, um innovative Bare Earth Plus-Modelle zu erstellen. Diese werden mit strukturellen, luftgestützten geophysikalischen und Gamma-Spektrometriedaten integriert, um das Mineralpotential in den Samail- und Masirah-Ophioliten zu identifizieren.

Diese Zusammenarbeit unterstreicht MDOs Engagement, KI-Tools und hochmoderne Lösungen in ihre Explorations- und Bergbauoperationen zu integrieren. Die Expertise von Viridien in der Fernerkundung und integrierten Mineralien- und Bergbaulösungen zielt darauf ab, effizientere und genauere Entscheidungen im gesamten Bergbauzyklus zu unterstützen.

  • Awarded comprehensive remote sensing program by Minerals Development Oman
  • Project covers a large area of 16,000 km² across seven concessions
  • Utilizes advanced technologies like machine learning and high-performance computing
  • Potential for long-term partnership with MDO
  • None.

The partnership between Viridien and Minerals Development Oman (MDO) marks a significant technological advancement in mineral exploration for the region. This collaboration could potentially unlock substantial mineral resources in Oman, which may have far-reaching economic implications. The use of AI-driven remote sensing technology represents a shift towards more efficient and cost-effective exploration methods.

From an investor's perspective, this deal showcases Viridien's competitive edge in the geospatial intelligence market. The company's ability to secure contracts with state-backed entities like MDO indicates strong market positioning and growth potential in the mining services sector. However, it's important to note that the financial terms of the agreement weren't disclosed, making it challenging to quantify the immediate impact on Viridien's bottom line.

Viridien's approach combines cutting-edge technologies in a unique way. Their use of machine learning, high-performance computing and advanced processing algorithms with multi- and hyperspectral satellite imagery is at the forefront of mineral exploration tech. The creation of 'Bare Earth Plus models' integrated with structural and geophysical data represents a holistic approach to resource identification.

This technology stack could significantly reduce exploration costs and time while increasing the accuracy of mineral prospecting. For investors, this highlights Viridien's potential for scalability in the mining tech sector. The company's ability to process vast areas (16,000 km² in this case) efficiently could attract more large-scale projects, potentially driving future revenue growth.

Paris, France – September 19, 2024

Viridien has been awarded a comprehensive remote sensing program by Minerals Development Oman (MDO), the leading mining entity in the Sultanate of Oman, to identify, map and rank mineralization prospectivity potential across seven concessions, covering a total area of 16,000 km². Following a series of remote sensing programs conducted to support mineral exploration initiatives, Viridien is now pleased to aid the strategic development of Oman's mineral resources led by MDO.

Viridien's multi-disciplinary team of experts will use machine learning, high-performance computing, advanced processing algorithms and archives of multi- and hyperspectral satellite imagery to create their innovative Bare Earth Plus models. These will be integrated with structural, airborne geophysical, and gamma-ray spectrometry data, to support MDO in identifying the mineral potential in the Samail and Masirah Ophiolites.

MDO’s CEO, Nasser Al Maqbali, stated: “We are pleased to partner with Viridien for this remote sensing program. This collaboration underscores our commitment to harnessing the power of AI tools and cutting-edge solutions and integrating them into our exploration and mining operations. We look forward to a fruitful partnership supporting our vision of expanding our mineral resources in the Sultanate.”
Peter Whiting, EVP, Geoscience, Viridien, said, "Following our fifty-year track record supporting mineral exploration projects, Viridien is pleased to assist MDO with our advanced remote sensing, AI and integrated Minerals & Mining solutions. Our aim is to support more efficient and accurate decision-making for mine operators throughout the mining lifecycle. We look forward to building a long-term partnership with MDO as they achieve their strategic vision of delivering a sustainable future for Oman."

Find out more about Viridien's leading geoscience expertise, data and services for mineral exploration here.

About Viridien:

Viridien ( is an advanced technology, digital and Earth data company that pushes the boundaries of science for a more prosperous and sustainable future. With our ingenuity, drive and deep curiosity we discover new insights, innovations, and solutions that efficiently and responsibly resolve complex natural resource, digital, energy transition and infrastructure challenges. Viridien employs around 3,500 people worldwide and is listed as VIRI on the Euronext Paris SA (ISIN: FR001400PVN6).


Investor Relations
Jean-Baptiste Roussille
Tel: + 33 6 14 51 09 88



What is the scope of Viridien's remote sensing program in Oman?

Viridien's remote sensing program in Oman covers seven concessions totaling 16,000 km². The program aims to identify, map, and rank mineralization prospectivity potential to support Minerals Development Oman's strategic development of mineral resources.

What technologies will Viridien use in the Oman mineral exploration project?

Viridien will use machine learning, high-performance computing, advanced processing algorithms, and multi- and hyperspectral satellite imagery to create Bare Earth Plus models. These will be integrated with structural, airborne geophysical, and gamma-ray spectrometry data.

What are the target areas for mineral exploration in the Viridien-MDO project?

The project focuses on identifying mineral potential in the Samail and Masirah Ophiolites in Oman.

How does the Viridien project align with MDO's strategic goals?

The collaboration aligns with MDO's commitment to harnessing AI tools and cutting-edge solutions for their exploration and mining operations, supporting their vision of expanding mineral resources in Oman.



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