Viridien: Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

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Viridien, a French société anonyme with a share capital of €7,161,465, has released information on its total number of voting rights and shares as of July 31, 2024. The company, registered in Evry with Trade and Companies Register number 969 202 241, reported the following data:

Total number of issued shares: 7,161,465
Number of actual voting rights: 7,180,473
Number of theoretical voting rights: 7,180,722

The company notes that all shares have the same voting rights, except for treasury shares (which have no voting rights) and registered shares held for more than two years (which have double voting rights). The theoretical voting rights calculation includes shares with single or double voting rights, including treasury shares deprived of voting rights.

Viridien, una società anonima francese con un capitale sociale di €7.161.465, ha reso noto il numero totale di diritti di voto e azioni al 31 luglio 2024. L'azienda, registrata a Evry con il numero di registrazione al Registro delle Imprese e delle Società 969 202 241, ha riportato i seguenti dati:

Numero totale di azioni emesse: 7.161.465
Numero di diritti di voto effettivi: 7.180.473
Numero di diritti di voto teorici: 7.180.722

L'azienda sottolinea che tutte le azioni hanno gli stessi diritti di voto, ad eccezione delle azioni proprie (che non hanno diritti di voto) e delle azioni registrate detenute da più di due anni (che hanno diritti di voto doppi). Il calcolo dei diritti di voto teorici include azioni con diritti di voto singoli o doppi, comprese le azioni proprie private di diritti di voto.

Viridien, una sociedad anónima francesa con un capital social de €7.161.465, ha publicado información sobre el número total de derechos de voto y acciones al 31 de julio de 2024. La empresa, registrada en Evry con el número de registro en el Registro de Comercio y Empresas 969 202 241, informó los siguientes datos:

Número total de acciones emitidas: 7.161.465
Número de derechos de voto efectivos: 7.180.473
Número de derechos de voto teóricos: 7.180.722

La empresa señala que todas las acciones tienen los mismos derechos de voto, excepto las acciones en tesorería (que no tienen derechos de voto) y las acciones registradas mantenidas durante más de dos años (que tienen derechos de voto dobles). El cálculo de los derechos de voto teóricos incluye las acciones con derechos de voto simples o dobles, incluidas las acciones en tesorería despojadas de derechos de voto.

Viridien은 7,161,465유로의 자본금으로 등록된 프랑스의 주식회사로, 2024년 7월 31일 기준 전체 의결권 및 주식 수에 대한 정보를 발표했습니다. 에브리(Evry)에 등록된 이 회사의 상업 및 기업 등록 번호는 969 202 241이며, 다음과 같은 데이터를 보고했습니다:

발행된 총 주식 수: 7,161,465
실제 의결권 수: 7,180,473
이론적 의결권 수: 7,180,722

회사는 모든 주식이 동일한 의결권을 가지고 있다고 밝혔으며, 자사주(의결권이 없는 주식)와 2년 이상 보유한 등록 주식(배ble 의결권을 가진 주식)만 예외입니다. 이론적 의결권 수 계산은 단일 또는 이중 의결권을 가진 주식을 포함하며, 의결권이 박탈된 자사주도 포함됩니다.

Viridien, une société anonyme française au capital de 7 161 465 €, a publié des informations sur le nombre total de droits de vote et d'actions au 31 juillet 2024. L'entreprise, enregistrée à Évry avec le numéro d'immatriculation au Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés 969 202 241, a rapporté les données suivantes :

Nombre total d'actions émises : 7 161 465
Nombre de droits de vote effectifs : 7 180 473
Nombre de droits de vote théoriques : 7 180 722

L'entreprise note que toutes les actions ont les mêmes droits de vote, sauf pour les actions propres (qui n'ont pas de droits de vote) et les actions enregistrées détenues pendant plus de deux ans (qui ont des droits de vote doubles). Le calcul des droits de vote théoriques inclut les actions avec droits de vote simples ou doubles, y compris les actions propres privées de droits de vote.

Viridien, eine französische Aktiengesellschaft mit einem Grundkapital von 7.161.465 €, hat Informationen über die Gesamtzahl der Stimmrechte und Aktien zum 31. Juli 2024 veröffentlicht. Das Unternehmen, das in Evry mit der Handelsregisternummer 969 202 241 registriert ist, berichtete folgende Daten:

Gesamtzahl der ausgegebenen Aktien: 7.161.465
Anzahl der tatsächlichen Stimmrechte: 7.180.473
Anzahl der theoretischen Stimmrechte: 7.180.722

Das Unternehmen weist darauf hin, dass alle Aktien die gleichen Stimmrechte haben, außer bei eigenen Aktien (die keine Stimmrechte besitzen) und bei mehr als zwei Jahre gehaltenen Namensaktien (die doppelte Stimmrechte haben). Die Berechnung der theoretischen Stimmrechte umfasst Aktien mit einfachen oder doppelten Stimmrechten sowie eigene Aktien, die von Stimmrechten ausgeschlossen sind.

  • Transparency in reporting voting rights and share information
  • Presence of double voting rights for long-term registered shareholders
  • None.


A French société anonyme
with a share capital of € 7,161,465
Registered office: 27 avenue Carnot, 91300 Massy, France
Evry Trade and Companies Register 969 202 241

Information on the total number of voting rights and shares

Pursuant to Article L. 233-8 II of the French Commercial Code and Article 223-16 of the General Regulation of the French Financial markets authority
(AMF- Autorité des Marchés Financiers)

Date of the information Total number of issued shares Number of actual voting rights* Number of theoretical voting rights**
July 31, 2024 7,161,465 7,180,473 7,180,722

* All of the Company shares have the same voting rights, except for treasury shares which do not have voting rights and registered shares held for more than two years, which have double voting rights.
** Pursuant to Article 223-11 of the General Regulation of the French Financial markets authority, the number of theoretical voting rights is calculated based on the shares having either single or double voting rights, including treasury shares which are deprived of voting rights.



What is Viridien's total number of issued shares as of July 31, 2024?

As of July 31, 2024, Viridien's total number of issued shares is 7,161,465.

How many actual voting rights does Viridien have?

Viridien has 7,180,473 actual voting rights as of July 31, 2024.

What is the difference between actual and theoretical voting rights for Viridien?

The difference is 249 votes. Viridien has 7,180,473 actual voting rights and 7,180,722 theoretical voting rights.

Does Viridien offer double voting rights to any shareholders?

Yes, Viridien offers double voting rights to registered shares held for more than two years.



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