Q2 & h1 2024 Results

Rhea-AI Impact
Rhea-AI Sentiment

Viridien (formerly CGG) reported strong Q2 2024 results, driven by its Geoscience and Earth Data businesses. The company achieved Q2 revenue of $258 million (-10% YoY) and adjusted EBITDA of $94 million (-10% YoY). H1 2024 saw revenue of $532 million (+7% YoY) and adjusted EBITDA of $200 million (+17% YoY). The Digital, Data and Energy Transition (DDE) segment showed strong growth, with revenue up 24% and order intake up 91%. However, overall group revenue declined due to the absence of 'mega crew' equipment orders in Sensing & Monitoring. Viridien reiterated its full-year targets and extended its $100 million revolving credit facility to October 2026. The company also received a credit rating upgrade from S&P to B-.

Viridien (ex CGG) ha riportato risultati solidi per il secondo trimestre del 2024, sostenuti dalle sue attività di Geoscienza e Dati della Terra. L'azienda ha registrato un fatturato di 258 milioni di dollari nel secondo trimestre (-10% su base annua) e un EBITDA rettificato di 94 milioni di dollari (-10% su base annua). Nel primo semestre del 2024, il fatturato è stato di 532 milioni di dollari (+7% su base annua) e l'EBITDA rettificato è stato di 200 milioni di dollari (+17% su base annua). Il segmento Digitale, Dati e Transizione Energetica (DDE) ha mostrato una forte crescita, con un incremento del fatturato del 24% e degli ordini del 91%. Tuttavia, il fatturato complessivo del gruppo è diminuito a causa dell'assenza di ordini per attrezzature 'mega crew' nel settore Sensing & Monitoring. Viridien ha ribadito i suoi obiettivi per l'intero anno e ha esteso la sua linea di credito revolving da 100 milioni di dollari fino a ottobre 2026. L'azienda ha inoltre ricevuto un upgrade del rating creditizio da S&P a B-.

Viridien (anteriormente CGG) reportó resultados sólidos en el segundo trimestre de 2024, impulsados por sus negocios de Geociencia y Datos de la Tierra. La compañía logró ingresos de 258 millones de dólares en el segundo trimestre (-10% interanual) y EBITDA ajustado de 94 millones de dólares (-10% interanual). En el primer semestre de 2024, se registraron ingresos de 532 millones de dólares (+7% interanual) y EBITDA ajustado de 200 millones de dólares (+17% interanual). El segmento de Digital, Datos y Transición Energética (DDE) mostró un fuerte crecimiento, con un aumento de ingresos del 24% y una adquisición de pedidos del 91%. Sin embargo, los ingresos generales del grupo disminuyeron debido a la falta de órdenes de equipos 'mega crew' en el sector de Sensing & Monitoring. Viridien reiteró sus objetivos anuales y amplió su línea de crédito revolving de 100 millones de dólares hasta octubre de 2026. La compañía también recibió una mejora en su calificación crediticia de S&P a B-.

Viridien (이전 CGG)는 2024년 2분기 강력한 실적을 보고했습니다. 이는 지구과학 및 지구 데이터 사업에서 비롯된 것입니다. 이 회사는 2분기 수익 2억 5800만 달러 (-10% 전년 대비) 및 조정된 EBITDA 9천400만 달러 (-10% 전년 대비)를 달성했습니다. 2024년 상반기에는 532억 달러의 수익 (+7% 전년 대비)와 200억 달러의 조정 EBITDA (+17% 전년 대비)가 있었습니다. 디지털, 데이터 및 에너지 전환(DDE) 부문은 수익이 24% 증가하고 주문 접수가 91% 증가하는 등 강력한 성장을 보였습니다. 그러나 Sensing & Monitoring에서 '메가 크루' 장비 주문이 없어서 전체 그룹 수익은 감소했습니다. Viridien은 연간 목표를 재확인하고 1억 달러의 회전 신용 한도를 2026년 10월까지 연장했습니다. 이 회사는 또한 S&P에서 B-로 신용등급이 상향 조정되었습니다.

Viridien (anciennement CGG) a annoncé des résultats solides pour le deuxième trimestre 2024, soutenus par ses activités en géosciences et données terrestres. L'entreprise a réalisé un chiffre d'affaires de 258 millions de dollars au deuxième trimestre (-10% par rapport à l'année précédente) et un EBITDA ajusté de 94 millions de dollars (-10% par rapport à l'année précédente). Au premier semestre 2024, le chiffre d'affaires a atteint 532 millions de dollars (+7% par rapport à l'année précédente) et un EBITDA ajusté de 200 millions de dollars (+17% par rapport à l'année précédente). Le segment Digital, Données et Transition Énergétique (DDE) a montré une forte croissance, avec un chiffre d'affaires en hausse de 24% et des commandes en hausse de 91%. Cependant, le chiffre d'affaires global du groupe a diminué en raison de l'absence de commandes d'équipements 'mega crew' dans le domaine de la détection et de la surveillance. Viridien a réitéré ses objectifs annuels et a prolongé sa ligne de crédit revolving de 100 millions de dollars jusqu'en octobre 2026. L'entreprise a également reçu un relèvement de sa note de crédit par S&P à B-.

Viridien (ehemals CGG) berichtete über starke Ergebnisse im 2. Quartal 2024, angetrieben von seinen Geschäftsbereichen Geowissenschaften und Erd-Daten. Das Unternehmen erzielte Umsätze von 258 Millionen Dollar im 2. Quartal (-10% im Jahresvergleich) und ein bereinigtes EBITDA von 94 Millionen Dollar (-10% im Jahresvergleich). Im 1. Halbjahr 2024 verzeichnete man Umsätze von 532 Millionen Dollar (+7% im Jahresvergleich) und ein bereinigtes EBITDA von 200 Millionen Dollar (+17% im Jahresvergleich). Das Segment Digital, Daten und Energiewende (DDE) zeigte ein starkes Wachstum, mit einem Umsatzanstieg von 24% und einem Bestelleingang von 91%. Dennoch sank der Gesamtumsatz der Gruppe aufgrund des Fehlens von 'Mega Crew'-Gerätebestellungen im Bereich Sensing & Monitoring. Viridien bekräftigte seine Jahresziele und verlängerte seine revolving Kreditlinie von 100 Millionen Dollar bis Oktober 2026. Das Unternehmen erhielt außerdem ein Upgrade der Kreditwürdigkeit von S&P auf B-.

  • Q2 revenue of $258 million and adjusted EBITDA of $94 million
  • H1 2024 revenue increased 7% YoY to $532 million
  • H1 2024 adjusted EBITDA grew 17% YoY to $200 million
  • DDE segment revenue increased 24% with order intake up 91%
  • Geoscience revenue reached $105 million, up 31% YoY
  • Earth Data revenue grew 15% to $72 million
  • Credit rating upgraded by S&P to B- from CCC+
  • $100 million revolving credit facility extended to October 2026
  • Overall group revenue declined due to absence of 'mega crew' equipment orders
  • Sensing & Monitoring revenue down 44% to $82 million
  • Sensing & Monitoring adjusted EBITDA decreased 82% to $6 million
  • Net Cash Flow of $(6) million in Q2, impacted by vessel commitment fees

Viridien's Q2 2024 results present a mixed picture, with strong performance in some segments offset by challenges in others. The revenue of $258 million represents a 10% year-over-year decline, primarily due to the absence of "mega crew" equipment orders in the Sensing & Monitoring (SMO) segment. However, the Digital, Data and Energy Transition (DDE) segment showed robust growth.

Key financial highlights include:

  • Adjusted EBITDA of $94 million, down 10% year-over-year
  • Improved net cash flow of $(6) million compared to $(79) million in Q2 2023
  • Strong DDE segment performance with revenue up 24% and order intake up 91%
  • SMO segment revenue down 44% due to cyclical factors

The company's credit profile has improved, evidenced by S&P's upgrade to B- from CCC+ and the extension of the $100 million revolving credit facility to October 2026. This strengthens Viridien's financial flexibility.

Despite the overall revenue decline, the company's reaffirmation of its full-year targets suggests confidence in its business model and market positioning. The transformation plan for the SMO segment aims to mitigate the impact of cyclical downturns, which could improve long-term stability.

Investors should monitor the progress of the SMO transformation plan and the continued growth in the DDE segment, particularly in emerging areas like CCUS and digital solutions, which could drive future growth and profitability.

Viridien's Q2 results reflect the evolving landscape of the energy sector, particularly in exploration and production technologies. The strong performance of the Geoscience division, with revenue reaching $105 million (up 31%), signals a resurgence in exploration activities, albeit focused on infrastructure-led and near-field development.

Key industry trends evident from the results include:

  • Gradual strengthening of the geoscience market, driven by demand for advanced imaging technologies
  • Increasing project sizes in Geoscience, suggesting growing confidence among oil and gas companies
  • Rising interest in Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage (CCUS) solutions, as evidenced by the alliance with Baker Hughes
  • Expansion into new frontier areas for exploration, balanced with near-field activities
  • Growing applications of geoscience technologies beyond oil and gas, including minerals and mining

The initiation of the Laconia sparse node program in the Gulf of Mexico is particularly noteworthy. This project, supported by major clients, indicates a strategic focus on enhancing data quality in a region with high exploration and production potential.

The company's pivot towards "Beyond The Core" applications, such as CCUS and mining, aligns with the broader energy transition trends. This diversification could provide resilience against oil and gas market volatility.

However, the cyclical nature of the equipment business, as seen in the SMO segment's performance, underscores the need for adaptability in the rapidly evolving energy technology landscape. The transformation plan for this segment will be important for maintaining competitiveness in a changing market.

Paris (France), July 30, 2024, 17h45 CET


  Q21 H11
Revenue2 $258m (-10%) $532 million (+7%)
Adjusted EBITDA2 $94m (-10%) $200 million (+17%)
Net Cash-Flow $(6)m (vs $(79)m in Q2 2023) $24m (vs $(78)m in H1 2023)

Sophie Zurquiyah, Chief Executive Officer of Viridien, said:

The second quarter confirmed the favorable environment that we anticipated for our Geoscience and Earth Data businesses, with strong order intake and a good pipeline of multiclient projects leading well into 2025. In particular, we started a significant ocean bottom node project in the Gulf of Mexico, featuring several of our leading technologies that are critical to solving subsurface complexities.  

Sensing & Monitoring revenue lowered this second quarter without “mega crew” equipment orders in 2024 and we are making good progress with its transformation plan to mitigate the impact on financial results.

Following our recent S&P credit rating upgrade, we have signed an extension of our $100 million revolving credit facility to October 2026, a key element of our financial roadmap.

Given our solid performance in the first half of the year and improved visibility for the second half, we reiterate our full year targets for Revenue, EBITDA and Net Cash Flow.

Second Quarter Highlights

  • Group
    • IFRS Revenue, EBITDA and Net Income: $317 million, $150 million and $35 million.
    • CGG changed its name to Viridien, marking the next stage in its strategic growth as an Advanced Technology, Digital and Earth Data company.
    • DDE: strong revenue growth (+24%) and order intake (+91%) with good momentum for both Geoscience and Earth Data.
    • Overall group revenue decline, because of the absence of mega crew in Sensing & Monitoring (SMO) compared to Q2 2023
    • DDE Adjusted EBITDA of $96 million, a 26% increase vs last year, offset by SMO decline (-82% at $6 million).  
    • Final settlement with ONGC of our ten-year-old commercial litigation.
  • Net Cash flow of $(6) million, with contractual fees from vessel commitments of $(13) million.
  • Liquidity at $430 million (including $ 90 million undrawn RCF).
  • Standard & Poor credit rating upgrade to B- (from CCC+) and revolving credit facility extended twelve months to October 2026.

[1] All variations refer to the same period last year
[2] Unless otherwise stated, all figures and comments are referring to “Segment” (i.e. pre-IFRS 15), as defined in the 2023 Universal Registration Document’s glossary, under section 8.7

  • Digital, Data and Energy Transition (DDE)
    • Strong revenue growth while profitability was impacted by $(8) million in penalty fees from vessel commitments (vs $(1) million during Q2 2003). Revenue $177 million and Adjusted EBITDA $96 million up 24% and 26% respectively vs Q2 2023.
    • Geoscience
      • Revenue at $105 million (+31%), making Q2 2024 the strongest quarter since Q4 2015.
      • Market continues to gradually strengthen, driven mainly by infrastructure-led exploration and nearfield development. Order intake up 64% with increasing project sizes and broad adoption of our most advanced imaging technologies.
      • Beyond The Core showing positive momentum, with order intake up 4% in Q2 thanks to both CCUS and Minerals and Mining. Alliance signed with Baker Hughes to offer combined high-quality and fully integrated CCS solutions to clients.
      • HPC & Cloud Solutions: agreement signed with key digital media player Ranch Computing to provide compute capacity and support for optimizing their image rendering business.
    • Earth Data
      • Revenue: $72 million (+15%).
      • Prefunding revenue at $41 million (-3%) with the start of a well-supported project in Norway and funding for ongoing projects in South America. After-sales at $31 million (+53%), with significant sales in the North Sea and the Gulf of Mexico both for Exploration & Production and CCUS.
      • Slow but steady market improvement. Clients remain active in near-field exploration and are expanding into new frontier areas.
      • The Laconia sparse node program in the Gulf of Mexico (initiated in mid-July) will greatly enhance the value of our StagSeis surveys. Supported by funding from major clients, the survey is in an area with an attractive mix of owned and open blocks.
      • Beyond The Core: Grav-Mag program for the mining industry in Arizona, USA, was completed this quarter, providing an integrated multi-discipline data package.
  • Sensing and Monitoring (SMO)
    • Revenue at $82 million, down 44% across land and marine products, following delivery of the “mega crew” systems in 2023.
    • Adjusted EBITDA at $6 million, down 82%. Based on the equipment business market cycles, mainly driven by the activities of large land crews, SMO’s management initiated a transformation plan focused on cost reductions, operational and financial performance and cash generation.
    • Beyond The Core: increasing equipment and systems sales for applications outside oil and gas, with the delivery of several railway, mine and other infrastructure monitoring solutions.
  • Other events during the period
    • Reverse share split on the basis of 1 new share of €1.00 nominal value for 100 old shares of €0.01 nominal value, effective on July 31, 2024.
  • Post closing event
    • Viridien has signed an agreement for the extension of the maturity of its revolving credit facility to October 2026 (vs October 2025).

  • 2024 Financial objectives

    • The Group reiterates its 2024 financial objectives for revenue, EBITDA and cash flow and confirms its 2024-2025 financial roadmap. Earth Data cash Capex indication is adjusted for Laconia.
      • Revenue expected to be in line with 2023
      • EBITDA to be positively impacted by business mix
      • Earth Data cash Capex now expected at $230-250M
      • Net Cash Flow to reach similar level as 2023
  • Q2 2024 Conference call
    • The press release and the presentation are available on our website at 5:45 pm (CET)
    • An English language analysts conference call is scheduled today at 6.00 pm (CET)

Participants should register for the call here to receive a dial-in number and code or participate in the live webcast from here.

A replay of the conference call will be made available the day after for a period of 12 months in audio format on the Company's website.

The Board of Directors met on July 30, 2024 and approved the consolidated financial statements ending June 30, 2024. Limited review procedures were completed, and an unqualified review report has been issued by the statutory auditors.

About Viridien (formerly CGG):

Viridien ( is an advanced technology, digital and Earth data company that pushes the boundaries of science for a more prosperous and sustainable future. With our ingenuity, drive and deep curiosity we discover new insights, innovations, and solutions that efficiently and responsibly resolve complex natural resource, digital, energy transition and infrastructure challenges. Viridien employs around 3,500 people worldwide and is listed as VIRI on the Euronext Paris SA (ISIN until July 30: FR0013181864 and ISIN as from July 31: FR001400PVN6).



VP Corporate Finance
Jean-Baptiste Roussille


Q2 & H1 2024 - Financial Results

Key Segment P&L figures
(In million $)







Exchange rate euro/dollar 1,08 1,08 (0%) 1,08 1,08 1%  
Segment revenue 289 258 (10%) 498 532 7%  
DDE 142 177 24% 286 362 26%  
Geoscience 80 105 31% 159 193 21%  
Earth Data 62 72 15% 127 169 33%  
Prefunding 42 41 (3%) 77 99 28%  
After-Sales 20 31 53% 50 70 41%  
SMO 146 82 (44%) 212 170 (20%)  
Land 51 29 (43%) 70 74 5%  
Marine 84 42 (50%) 118 75 (36%)  
Beyond the core 11 11 (3%) 23 21 (8%)  
Segment EBITDAs 104 91 (13%) 170 196 15%  
Adjusted * Segment EBITDAS 104 94 (10%) 171 200 17%  
DDE 76 96 26% 147 199 36%  
SMO 34 6 (82%) 35 16 (53%)  
Corporate and other (6) (8) (24%) (11) (16) (46%)  
Segment operating income 77 26 (66%) 90 53 (41%)  
Adjusted* Segment Opinc 77 29 (63%) 91 57 (37%)  
DDE 58 39 (34%) 83 74 (11%)  
SMO 26 (2)   21 0 (98%)  
Corporate and other (8) (8) (9%) (13) (17) (35%)  
*Adjusted for non-recurring charges and gains.              

Other KPI
(In million $)







Geoscience Backlog 235 246 5% 235 246 5%  
Total Capex (78) (57) 28% (131) (115) 12%  
Industrial capex (11) (6) 48% (30) (10) 67%  
R&D capex (4) (4) (7)% (9) (8) 13%  
Earth Data (Cash) (64) (47) 27% (92) (97) (5)%  
Earth Data Cash predunding rate 66% 86%   84% 102%    
EDA Library net book value* 459 440 (4)% 459 440 (4)%  
Liquidity 220 340   220 340    
o.w. undrawn RCF 95 90   95 90    
Gross debt* (1 283) (1 281)   (1 283) (1 281)    
o.w. accrued interests (20) (20)   (20) (20)    
o.w. lease liabilities (94) (103)   (94) (103)    
Net debt* 1 063 941   1 063 941    
Net debt*/Segment adjusted EBITDAs   x2,2     x2,2    
*Post IFRS15/16              

Consolidated IFRS Income Statements
(In million $)







Exchange rate euro/dollar 1,08 1,08   1,08 1,08    
Revenue 339 317 (6%) 517 566 9%  
EBITDA 155 150 (3%) 189 230 22%  
Operating Income 82 52 (37%) 88 72 (19%)  
   Equity from Investment (0) 0 - (0) (0) 83%  
Net cost of financial debt (26) (25) 3% (50) (49) 1%  
   Other financial income (loss) 0 (1) - 3 (1) -  
   Income taxes (19) (8) 59% (21) (6) 73%  
Net Income / Loss from continuing operations 37 19 (50%) 21 16 (26%)  
from discontinued operations 2 16 - 2 16 -  
Net income / (loss) 39 35 (11%) 23 32 39%  
Shareholder's net income / (loss) 36 35 (4%) 20 32 56%  
Basic Earnings per share in $ 0,05 0,04   0,03 0,04    
Basic Earnings per share in € 0,05 0,04   0,03 0,04    

Cash Flow items
(In million $)







Segment EBITDA 104 91 (13%) 170 196 15%  
Income Tax Paid (2) (9) - (10) (12) (24%)  
Change in Working Capital & Provisions (45) (3) 93% (49) (3) 93%  
Other Cash Items 1 (0) - 1 (0) -  
Cash provided by Operating Activity 58 78 35% 112 180 61%  
Earth Data Capex (64) (47) 27% (92) (97) (5%)  
Industrial Capex & Dev. Costs (14) (9) 34% (39) (18) 54%  
Cash from Investing Activity (78) (56) 28% (131) (114) 13%  
Paid Cost of Debt (47) (45) 3% (45) (43) 3%  
Lease Repayement (13) (16) (17%( (25) (27) -8%  
Asset Financing 6 (0) - 20 (0) -  
Cash from Financing Activity (54) (61) (13%) (50) (71) -44%  
Discontinued Operations Acquisitions (5) 33 - (10) 30 -  
Net Cash Flow (79) (6) 92% (78) 24 -  
Financing cash flow (1) (4)   (0) (7)    
Forex and other (1) (1)   (0) (5)    
Net increase/(decrease) in cash (81) (11)   (78) 12    



Unaudited Interim Consolidated statement of operations – Year-To-Date

    Six months ended June 30,
(In millions of US$, except per share data) Notes 2024 2023
Operating revenues 8 565.8 517.1
Other income from ordinary activities   0.1 0.2
Total income from ordinary activities   565.9 517.3
Cost of operations   (424.1) (361.0)
Gross profit   141.8 156.3
Research and development expenses - net   (9.6) (13.9)
Marketing and selling expenses   (19.0) (17.7)
General and administrative expenses   (38.0) (34.3)
Other revenues (expenses) - net 10 (3.6) (2.2)
Operating income (loss) 8 71.6 88.2
Cost of financial debt - gross   (55.1) (53.0)
Income provided by cash and cash equivalents   5.8 3.3
Cost of financial debt, net   (49.3) (49.7)
Other financial income (loss) 11 (0.8) 3.3
Income (loss) before incomes taxes and share of income (loss) from companies accounted for under the equity method   21.5 41.8
Income taxes   (5.6) (20.5)
Net income (loss) before share of income (loss) from companies accounted for under the equity method   15.9 21.3
Net income (loss) from companies accounted for under the equity method   0.0 (0.2)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations   15.9 21.1
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations 3 16.1 1.9
Consolidated net income (loss)   32.0 23.0
Attributable to :      
Owners of Viridien S.A $ 31.6 20.3
Non-controlling interests $ 0.4 2.7
Net income (loss) per share      
Basic $ 0.04 0.03
Diluted $ 0.04 0.03
Net income (loss) from continuing operations per share      
Basic $ 0.02 0.03
Diluted $ 0.02 0.03
Net income (loss) from discontinued operations per share (a)      
Basic $ 0.02 -
Diluted $ 0.02 -

(a)   Earning per share is presented as nil being less than US$0.01 at June 30,2023.

See the notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

Unaudited Interim Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (loss) – Year-To-Date

    Six months ended June 30,
(In millions of US$) Notes 2024 (a) 2023 (a)
Net income (loss) from statements of operations   32.0 23.0
Net gain (loss) on cash flow hedges   0.2 0.8
Variation in translation adjustments   (8.4) (39.6)
Net other comprehensive income (loss) to be reclassified in profit (loss) in subsequent period (1)   (8.2) (38.8)
Net gain (loss) on actuarial changes on pension plan   0.4 (0.6)
Net other comprehensive income (loss) not to be reclassified in profit (loss) in subsequent period (2)   0.4 (0.6)
Total other comprehensive income (loss) for the period. net of taxes (1) + (2)   (7.8) (39.4)
Total comprehensive income (loss) for the period   24.2 (16.4)
Attributable to :   -  
Owners of Viridien S.A.   24.1 (17.6)
Non-controlling interests   0.1 1.2

(a)   Including other comprehensive income related to the discontinued operations.

Unaudited Interim Consolidated statement of financial position

(In millions of US$) Notes June 30, 2024 December 31, 2023
Cash and cash equivalents   339.9 327.0
Trade accounts and notes receivable, net   266.4 310.9
Inventories and work-in-progress, net   195.8 212.9
Income tax assets   29.6 30.8
Other current assets, net   78.8 92.1
Total current assets   910.5 973.7
Deferred tax assets   33.3 29.9
Other non-current assets, net   7.3 6.8
Investments and other financial assets, net   25.6 22.7
Investments in companies under the equity method   1.7 2.2
Property, plant and equipment, net 4 203.7 206.1
Intangible assets, net   554.1 579.7
Goodwill, net   1 093.8 1 095.5
Total non-current assets   1 919.5 1 942.9
TOTAL ASSETS   2 830.0 2 916.6
Financial debt – current portion 5 57.5 58.0
Trade accounts and notes payables   70.0 86.4
Accrued payroll costs   78.4 89.1
Income taxes payable   12.9 12.5
Advance billings to customers   18.0 24.0
Provisions — current portion   7.6 8.7
Other current financial liabilities   11.3 21.3
Other current liabilities   198.2 250.3
Total current liabilities   453.9 550.3
Deferred tax liabilities   21.7 24.3
Provisions — non-current portion   28.6 30.1
Financial debt – non-current portion 5 1 223.5 1 242.8
Other non-current financial liabilities   - 0.5
Other non-current liabilities   1.7 4.3
Total non-current liabilities   1 275.5 1 302.0
Common stock: 1,122,444,249 shares authorized and 716,146,563 shares with a €0.01 nominal value outstanding at June 30, 2024   8.7 8.7
Additional paid-in capital   118.7 118.7
Retained earnings   1 013.9 980.4
Other Reserves   41.7 27.3
Treasury shares   (20.1) (20.1)
Cumulative income and expense recognized directly in equity   (1.2) (1.4)
Cumulative translation adjustment   (98.9) (90.8)
Equity attributable to owners of Viridien S.A.   1 062.8 1 022.8
Non-controlling interests   37.8 41.5
Total equity   1 100.6 1 064.3

See the notes to the Unaudited Interim Consolidated Financial Statements

Unaudited Interim Consolidated statement of cash flows

    Six months ended June 30.
(In millions of US$) Notes 2024 2023
Consolidated net income (loss)   32.0 23.0
Less: Net income (loss) from discontinued operations 3 (16.1) (1.9)
Net income (loss) from continuing operations   15.9 21.1
Depreciation, amortization and impairment 8 47.8 42.2
Earth Data surveys impairment and amortization 8 116.3 65.3
Depreciation and amortization capitalized in Earth Data surveys   (7.0) (7.8)
Variance on provisions   (0.3) (0.9)
Share-based compensation expenses   1.8 0.9
Net (gain) loss on disposal of fixed and financial assets   0.1 0.1
Share of (income) loss in companies recognized under equity method   - 0.2
Other non-cash items   0.8 (2.3)
Net cash-flow including net cost of financial debt and income tax   175.4 118.8
Less : Cost of financial debt   49.3 49.7
Less : Income tax expense (gain)   5.6 20.5
Net cash-flow excluding net cost of financial debt and income tax   230.4 189.0
Income tax paid   (12.0) (9.7)
Net cash-flow before changes in working capital   218.4 179.3
Changes in working capital   (38.2) (67.0)
- change in trade accounts and notes receivable   (17.2) (34.9)
- change in inventories and work-in-progress   11.0 (12.2)
- change in other current assets   0.9 (13.6)
- change in trade accounts and notes payable   (12.5) 21.4
- change in other current liabilities   (20.3) (27.7)
Net cash-flow from operating activities   180.2 112.3
Total capital expenditures (tangible and intangible assets) net of variation of fixed assets suppliers, excluding Earth Data surveys) 4 (17.8) (38.7)
Investment in Earth Data surveys   (97.0) (92.0)
Proceeds from disposals of tangible and intangible assets   0.5 -
Dividends received from investments in companies under the equity method   0.5 -
Total net proceeds from financial assets   - (0.1)
Variation in other non-current financial assets   (3.3) 0.5
Net cash-flow used in investing activities   (117.0) (130.3)

    Six months ended June 30.
(In millions of US$) Notes 2024 2023
Repayment of long-term debt 5 (0.4) (0.8)
Total issuance of long-term debt 5 - 21.2
Lease repayments 5 (27.1) (25.3)
Financial expenses paid 5 (43.2) (44.6)
Dividends paid and share capital reimbursements:      
— to owners of Viridien   - -
— to non-controlling interests of integrated companies   (3.8) (0.8)
Net cash-flow provided by (used in) financing activities   (74.5) (50.3)
Effects of exchange rates on cash   (5.3) (0.1)
Net cash flows incurred by discontinued operations 3 29.6 (9.6)
Net increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents   12.9 (78.0)
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year   327.0 298.0
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period   339.9 220.0

See the notes to the Interim Consolidated Financial Statements



What was Viridien's Q2 2024 revenue and how did it compare to the previous year?

Viridien's Q2 2024 revenue was $258 million, which was a 10% decrease compared to the same period in the previous year.

How did Viridien's H1 2024 financial performance compare to H1 2023?

Viridien's H1 2024 revenue increased by 7% to $532 million, and adjusted EBITDA grew by 17% to $200 million compared to H1 2023.

What was the performance of Viridien's Digital, Data and Energy Transition (DDE) segment in Q2 2024?

The DDE segment showed strong growth with revenue up 24% and order intake up 91% compared to Q2 2023.

How did Viridien's Sensing & Monitoring segment perform in Q2 2024?

Viridien's Sensing & Monitoring segment revenue decreased by 44% to $82 million, and its adjusted EBITDA declined by 82% to $6 million in Q2 2024.

What changes did Viridien make to its credit facility in 2024?

Viridien extended its $100 million revolving credit facility to October 2026, previously set to mature in October 2025.



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