TROPION-Lung12 Phase 3 Trial Initiated Evaluating DATROWAY® as Part of Adjuvant Regimen for Patients with Early-Stage Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer at High Risk of Relapse
AstraZeneca and Daiichi Sankyo have initiated the TROPION-Lung12 Phase 3 trial, dosing their first patient to evaluate DATROWAY® (datopotamab deruxtecan) plus rilvegostomig or rilvegostomig monotherapy versus standard of care. The trial targets patients with stage 1 adenocarcinoma non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) after complete surgical resection who are ctDNA-positive or have high-risk pathological features.
Currently, stage 1 NSCLC treatment involves tumor resection, but up to 40% of patients may experience disease recurrence. While observation typically follows resection, adjuvant chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy may be offered to high-risk stage 1b patients. The trial aims to explore DATROWAY's potential role in combination with immunotherapy as an adjuvant treatment to prevent disease recurrence.
AstraZeneca e Daiichi Sankyo hanno avviato il trial di fase 3 TROPION-Lung12, somministrando il primo trattamento per valutare DATROWAY® (datopotamab deruxtecan) in combinazione con rilvegostomig o come monoterapia contro il trattamento standard. Lo studio si rivolge a pazienti con adenocarcinoma polmonare non a piccole cellule (NSCLC) in fase 1 dopo resezione chirurgica completa che risultano positivi per ctDNA o presentano caratteristiche patologiche ad alto rischio.
Attualmente, il trattamento del NSCLC in fase 1 prevede la resezione del tumore, ma fino al 40% dei pazienti può esperire una recidiva della malattia. Sebbene l’osservazione segua normalmente la resezione, la chemioterapia adiuvante e/o l’immunoterapia possono essere offerte a pazienti ad alto rischio di fase 1b. Lo studio mira a esplorare il potenziale ruolo di DATROWAY in combinazione con l’immunoterapia come trattamento adiuvante per prevenire le recidive della malattia.
AstraZeneca y Daiichi Sankyo han iniciado el ensayo clínico de fase 3 TROPION-Lung12, administrando su primer paciente para evaluar DATROWAY® (datopotamab deruxtecan) junto con rilvegostomig o como monoterapia frente al estándar de atención. El ensayo está dirigido a pacientes con adenocarcinoma pulmonar no microcítico (NSCLC) en fase 1 tras una resección quirúrgica completa que son positivos para ctDNA o tienen características patológicas de alto riesgo.
Actualmente, el tratamiento para NSCLC en fase 1 implica la resección del tumor, pero hasta el 40% de los pacientes pueden experimentar una recidiva de la enfermedad. Si bien la observación normalmente sigue a la resección, se puede ofrecer quimioterapia adyuvante y/o inmunoterapia a pacientes de alto riesgo en fase 1b. El ensayo tiene como objetivo explorar el potencial papel de DATROWAY en combinación con inmunoterapia como tratamiento adyuvante para prevenir la recidiva de la enfermedad.
AstraZeneca와 Daiichi Sankyo는 TROPION-Lung12 3상 시험을 시작하였으며, ctDNA 양성이거나 고위험 병리적 특성을 가진 1기 비소세포 폐암(NSCLC) 환자를 대상으로 DATROWAY®(datopotamab deruxtecan)와 rilvegostomig의 병용요법 또는 rilvegostomig 단독요법을 평가하기 위해 첫 번째 환자를 투여했습니다.
현재 1기 NSCLC 치료 방법은 종양 절제술을 포함하지만, 최대 40%의 환자가 질병 재발을 경험할 수 있습니다. 일반적으로 절제술 후에는 관찰이 이루어지지만, 고위험 1b기 환자에게는 보조 화학요법 및/또는 면역요법이 제공될 수 있습니다. 이 시험은 질병 재발을 방지하기 위한 보조 치료로서 DATROWAY의 잠재적 역할을 면역요법과 병용하여 탐구하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
AstraZeneca et Daiichi Sankyo ont lancé l', en administrant leur premier patient pour évaluer DATROWAY® (datopotamab deruxtecan) plus rilvegostomig ou la monothérapie rilvegostomig par rapport aux soins standards. L'essai cible des patients présentant un adénocarcinome pulmonaire non à petites cellules (NSCLC) de stade 1 après une résection chirurgicale complète qui sont positifs pour ctDNA ou présentent des caractéristiques pathologiques à haut risque.
Actuellement, le traitement du NSCLC de stade 1 implique la résection de la tumeur, mais jusqu'à 40 % des patients peuvent connaître une récidive de la maladie. Bien que l'observation suive généralement la résection, une chimiothérapie adjuvante et/ou une immunothérapie peuvent être proposées aux patients de stade 1b à haut risque. L'essai vise à explorer le rôle potentiel de DATROWAY en association avec l'immunothérapie en tant que traitement adjuvant pour prévenir la récidive de la maladie.
AstraZeneca und Daiichi Sankyo haben die TROPION-Lung12 Phase 3 Studie initiiert und den ersten Patienten dosiert, um DATROWAY® (datopotamab deruxtecan) plus rilvegostomig oder rilvegostomig als Monotherapie im Vergleich zur Standardbehandlung zu bewerten. Die Studie richtet sich an Patienten mit 1-stufigem Adenokarzinom nicht-kleinzelligen Lungenkrebs (NSCLC) nach kompletten chirurgischen Resektionen, die ctDNA-positiv sind oder hohe pathologische Risikofaktoren aufweisen.
Aktuell umfasst die Behandlung von 1-stufigem NSCLC die Tumorresektion, doch bis zu 40 % der Patienten können eine Krankheitsrezidivierung erfahren. Obwohl in der Regel eine Beobachtung auf die Resektion folgt, können für Patienten mit hohem Risiko in der Phase 1b adjuvante Chemotherapie und/oder Immuntherapie angeboten werden. Die Studie zielt darauf ab, die potenzielle Rolle von DATROWAY in Kombination mit Immuntherapie als adjuvante Behandlung zur Verhinderung einer Krankheitsrezidivierung zu untersuchen.
- First patient dosed in Phase 3 trial, marking significant milestone in drug development
- Addresses large market opportunity with 40% recurrence rate in current standard of care
- Novel approach combining targeted therapy (DATROWAY) with immunotherapy for potential improved outcomes
- No established consensus on adjuvant therapy for the target patient population
- Faces competition from existing adjuvant chemotherapy and immunotherapy options
The initiation of TROPION-Lung12 is a strategically significant move in the early-stage NSCLC space, where there's a substantial unmet medical need with up to
Strategic Positioning: By targeting stage 1 NSCLC with DATROWAY plus rilvegostomig, AstraZeneca is aiming to establish an early presence in the treatment pathway, which could significantly expand the addressable market. The adjuvant setting represents a largely untapped opportunity, as current treatment options are to observation or traditional chemotherapy/immunotherapy for high-risk stage 1b patients.
Innovative Patient Selection: The incorporation of ctDNA screening for patient stratification is particularly noteworthy. This approach could lead to more precise patient selection and potentially higher success rates, which would be important for regulatory approval and subsequent market adoption. The use of biomarker-driven patient selection aligns with the increasing trend toward personalized medicine and could set a new standard for adjuvant therapy trials.
Commercial Implications: Success in this trial could position DATROWAY as a standard adjuvant treatment, potentially capturing a significant portion of the early-stage NSCLC market. This would represent a substantial commercial opportunity, given the high incidence of NSCLC and the current lack of established adjuvant treatments for stage 1 patients.
The TROPION-Lung12 trial positions AstraZeneca at the forefront of innovation in early-stage NSCLC treatment. The market implications are substantial:
Market Expansion Strategy: Moving DATROWAY into the adjuvant setting represents a classic lifecycle management strategy that could significantly expand the drug's market potential. Early-stage NSCLC represents a larger patient population compared to advanced disease and success here could substantially increase DATROWAY's peak sales potential.
Competitive Advantage: The combination with rilvegostomig and the use of ctDNA screening creates a unique treatment paradigm that could be difficult for competitors to replicate. This differentiation is important in the increasingly crowded NSCLC market.
Portfolio Synergy: This trial demonstrates AstraZeneca's commitment to building a comprehensive NSCLC franchise. Success would complement their existing presence in later-stage disease and strengthen their overall oncology portfolio, potentially creating cross-selling opportunities and enhanced market presence across the NSCLC treatment continuum.
DATROWAY is a specifically engineered TROP2 directed DXd antibody drug conjugate (ADC) discovered by Daiichi Sankyo (TSE: 4568) and being jointly developed and commercialized by Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca (LSE/STO/Nasdaq: AZN).
Standard treatment for stage 1 NSCLC is tumor resection, but up to
“After surgery for early-stage non-small cell lung cancer, there is no established consensus on adjuvant therapy. As a result, patients may either undergo observation or receive adjuvant chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy if they have stage 1b disease and are determined to be at high risk for disease recurrence,” said Mark Rutstein, MD, Global Head, Oncology Clinical Development, Daiichi Sankyo. “The TROPION-Lung12 trial will help us better understand the role of DATROWAY in combination with immunotherapy in the adjuvant setting as a potential treatment regimen to help prevent disease recurrence in patients with high risk stage 1 adenocarcinoma following surgery.”
“With TROPION-Lung12, we are simultaneously deploying a novel strategy for identifying patients with lung cancer who are at an increased risk of disease recurrence after surgery and evaluating novel treatment options in the adjuvant setting, including rilvegostomig with and without DATROWAY,” said Cristian Massacesi, MD, Chief Medical Officer and Oncology Chief Development Officer, AstraZeneca. “The ambitious approach in this trial underscores our commitment to both enabling more personalized treatment decisions and delivering innovative treatment options to patients with cancer.”
About TROPION-Lung12
TROPION-Lung12 is a global, multicenter, three-arm, open-label phase 3 trial where patients will be randomized in a 2:1:2 ratio to evaluate the efficacy and safety of adjuvant DATROWAY (6 mg/kg) in combination with rilvegostomig (750 mg) or rilvegostomig (750 mg) monotherapy versus observation or standard of care adjuvant chemotherapy regimens in those with stage 1 (stage 1a or 1b with tumors < 4 cm) adenocarcinoma NSCLC who are ctDNA-positive (as determined by an investigational ctDNA assay) or have high risk pathological features (as determined by central pathology assessment).
The primary endpoint of TROPION-Lung12 is disease-free survival following complete tumor resection as assessed by blinded independent central review in patients treated with adjuvant DATROWAY and rilvegostomig versus those who undergo observation or receive standard of care. Key secondary endpoints include patient-reported physical functions, patient-reported quality of life outcomes, overall survival and safety.
TROPION-Lung12 will enroll approximately 660 patients in
Rilvegostomig is AstraZeneca’s PD-1/TIGIT bispecific antibody. The TIGIT component of rilvegostomig is derived from the clinical-stage anti-TIGIT antibody, COM902, developed by Compugen Ltd. (Nasdaq/TASE: CGEN).
About Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Nearly 2.5 million lung cancer cases were diagnosed globally in 2022.7 NSCLC is the most common type of lung cancer and adenocarcinoma is the most common subtype of NSCLC, accounting for about
For patients with stage 1 NSCLC, standard treatment is tumor resection and observation.4 For patients with stage 1b disease or those otherwise identified as having a high risk of relapse based on clinical or pathological features, tumor resection may be followed by adjuvant chemotherapy and/or immunotherapy.4 However, strategies to identify high risk patients are needed as well as more durable and effective treatment options in the adjuvant setting. Research suggests that screening for ctDNA in patients with stage 1 NSCLC may help identify patients most likely to benefit from adjuvant therapy and that combining an immunotherapy with an ADC has the potential to drive deeper and more durable tumor responses.5,6
TROP2 is a protein broadly expressed in the majority of NSCLC tumors.9 There is currently no TROP2 directed ADC approved for the treatment of lung cancer.10,11
DATROWAY (datopotamab deruxtecan; datopotamab deruxtecan-dlnk in the
DATROWAY (6 mg/kg) is approved in
About the DATROWAY Clinical Development Program
A comprehensive global clinical development program is underway with more than 20 trials evaluating the efficacy and safety of DATROWAY across multiple cancers, including NSCLC, triple negative breast cancer and HR positive, HER2 negative breast cancer. The program includes eight phase 3 trials in lung cancer and five phase 3 trials in breast cancer evaluating DATROWAY as a monotherapy and in combination with other anticancer treatments in various settings.
About the Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca Collaboration
Daiichi Sankyo and AstraZeneca entered into a global collaboration to jointly develop and commercialize ENHERTU® in March 2019 and DATROWAY in July 2020, except in
About the ADC Portfolio of Daiichi Sankyo
The Daiichi Sankyo ADC portfolio consists of seven ADCs in clinical development crafted from two distinct ADC technology platforms discovered in-house by Daiichi Sankyo.
The ADC platform furthest in clinical development is Daiichi Sankyo’s DXd ADC Technology where each ADC consists of a monoclonal antibody attached to a number of topoisomerase I inhibitor payloads (an exatecan derivative, DXd) via tetrapeptide-based cleavable linkers. The DXd ADC portfolio currently consists of ENHERTU, a HER2 directed ADC, and DATROWAY, a TROP2 directed ADC, which are being jointly developed and commercialized globally with AstraZeneca. Patritumab deruxtecan (HER3-DXd), a HER3 directed ADC, ifinatamab deruxtecan (I-DXd), a B7-H3 directed ADC, and raludotatug deruxtecan (R-DXd), a CDH6 directed ADC, are being jointly developed and commercialized globally with Merck & Co., Inc,
The second Daiichi Sankyo ADC platform consists of a monoclonal antibody attached to a modified pyrrolobenzodiazepine (PBD) payload. DS-9606, a CLDN6 directed PBD ADC, is the first of several planned ADCs in clinical development utilizing this platform.
Ifinatamab deruxtecan, patritumab deruxtecan, raludotatug deruxtecan, DS-3939 and DS-9606 are investigational medicines that have not been approved for any indication in any country. Safety and efficacy have not been established.
DATROWAY® is a Trop-2-directed antibody and topoisomerase inhibitor conjugate indicated for the treatment of adult patients with unresectable or metastatic, hormone receptor (HR)-positive, HER2-negative (IHC 0, IHC 1+, or IHC 2+/ISH−) breast cancer who have received prior endocrine-based therapy and chemotherapy for unresectable or metastatic disease.
Warnings and Precautions
Interstitial Lung Disease/Pneumonitis
DATROWAY can cause severe, life-threatening, or fatal interstitial lung disease (ILD) or pneumonitis.
In TROPION-Breast01, ILD/pneumonitis occurred in
Monitor patients for new or worsening respiratory symptoms indicative of ILD/pneumonitis (eg, dyspnea, cough, fever) during treatment with DATROWAY. For asymptomatic (Grade 1) ILD/pneumonitis, consider corticosteroid treatment (eg, ≥0.5 mg/kg/day prednisolone or equivalent). For symptomatic ILD/pneumonitis (Grade 2 or greater), promptly initiate systemic corticosteroid treatment (eg, ≥1 mg/kg/day prednisolone or equivalent) and continue for at least 14 days followed by gradual taper for at least 4 weeks.
Withhold DATROWAY in patients with suspected ILD/pneumonitis and permanently discontinue DATROWAY if Grade ≥2 ILD/pneumonitis is confirmed.
Ocular Adverse Reactions
DATROWAY can cause ocular adverse reactions including dry eye, keratitis, blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, increased lacrimation, conjunctivitis, and blurred vision.
In TROPION-Breast01, ocular adverse reactions occurred in
The median time to onset for ocular adverse reactions was 2.1 months (range: 0.03 months to 23.2 months). Of the patients who experienced ocular adverse reactions,
Advise patients to use preservative-free lubricant eye drops several times daily for prophylaxis. Advise patients to avoid use of contact lenses unless directed by an eye care professional.
Refer patients to an eye care professional for an ophthalmic exam including visual acuity testing, slit lamp examination (with fluorescein staining), intraocular pressure, and fundoscopy at treatment initiation, annually while on treatment, at end of treatment, and as clinically indicated.
Promptly refer patients to an eye care professional for any new or worsening ocular adverse reactions. Monitor patients for ocular adverse reactions during treatment with DATROWAY, and if diagnosis is confirmed, dose delay, dose reduce, or permanently discontinue DATROWAY based on severity.
DATROWAY can cause stomatitis, including mouth ulcers and oral mucositis.
In the TROPION-Breast01 study, stomatitis occurred in
In patients who received DATROWAY,
Advise patients to use a steroid-containing mouthwash for prophylaxis and treatment of stomatitis. Instruct the patient to hold ice chips or ice water in the mouth throughout the infusion of DATROWAY.
Monitor patients for signs and symptoms of stomatitis. If stomatitis occurs, increase the frequency of mouthwash and administer other topical treatments as clinically indicated. Based on the severity of the adverse reaction, withhold, dose reduce, or permanently discontinue DATROWAY.
Embryo-Fetal Toxicity
Based on its mechanism of action, DATROWAY can cause embryo-fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman because the topoisomerase inhibitor component of DATROWAY, DXd, is genotoxic and affects actively dividing cells.
Advise patients of the potential risk to a fetus. Advise female patients of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with DATROWAY and for 7 months after the last dose. Advise male patients with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with DATROWAY and for 4 months after the last dose.
Adverse Reactions
The safety of DATROWAY was evaluated in 360 patients with unresectable or metastatic HR-positive, HER2-negative (IHC 0, IHC 1+ or IHC 2+/ISH−) breast cancer who received at least one dose of DATROWAY 6 mg/kg in TROPION-Breast01. DATROWAY was administered by intravenous infusion once every three weeks. The median duration of treatment was 6.7 months (range: 0.7 months to 16.1 months) for patients who received DATROWAY.
Serious adverse reactions occurred in
Permanent discontinuation of DATROWAY due to an adverse reaction occurred in
The most common (≥
Clinically relevant adverse reactions occurring in <
Use in Specific Populations
- Pregnancy: Based on its mechanism of action, DATROWAY can cause embryo-fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman because the topoisomerase inhibitor component of DATROWAY, DXd, is genotoxic and affects actively dividing cells. There are no available data on the use of DATROWAY in pregnant women to inform a drug-associated risk. Advise patients of the potential risks to a fetus.
- Lactation: There are no data regarding the presence of datopotamab deruxtecan-dlnk or its metabolites in human milk, the effects on the breastfed child, or the effects on milk production. Because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in a breastfed child, advise women not to breastfeed during treatment with DATROWAY and for 1 month after the last dose.
- Females and Males of Reproductive Potential: Pregnancy Testing: Verify pregnancy status of females of reproductive potential prior to initiation of DATROWAY. Contraception: Females: Advise females of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with DATROWAY and for 7 months after the last dose. Males: Because of the potential for genotoxicity, advise male patients with female partners of reproductive potential to use effective contraception during treatment with DATROWAY and for 4 months after the last dose. Infertility: Based on findings in animal toxicity studies, DATROWAY may impair male and female reproductive function and fertility. The effects on reproductive organs in animals were irreversible.
- Pediatric Use: Safety and effectiveness of DATROWAY have not been established in pediatric patients.
Geriatric Use: Of the 365 patients in TROPION-Breast01 treated with DATROWAY 6 mg/kg,
25% were ≥65 years of age and5% were ≥75 years of age. Grade ≥3 and serious adverse reactions were more common in patients ≥65 years (42% and25% , respectively) compared to patients <65 years (33% and15% , respectively). In TROPION-Breast01, no other meaningful differences in safety or efficacy were observed between patients ≥65 years of age versus younger patients. - Renal Impairment: A higher incidence of ILD/pneumonitis has been observed in patients with mild and moderate renal impairment (creatinine clearance [CLcr] 30 to <90 mL/min). Monitor patients with renal impairment for increased adverse reactions, including respiratory reactions. No dosage adjustment is recommended in patients with mild to moderate renal impairment. The effect of severe renal impairment (CLcr <30 mL/min) on the pharmacokinetics of datopotamab deruxtecan-dlnk or DXd is unknown.
- Hepatic Impairment: No dosage adjustment is recommended in patients with mild hepatic impairment (total bilirubin ≤ULN and any AST >ULN or total bilirubin >1 to 1.5 times ULN and any AST). Limited data are available in patients with moderate hepatic impairment (total bilirubin >1.5 to 3 times ULN and any AST). Monitor patients with moderate hepatic impairment for increased adverse reactions. The recommended dosage of DATROWAY has not been established for patients with severe hepatic impairment (total bilirubin >3 times ULN and any AST).
To report SUSPECTED ADVERSE REACTIONS, contact Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. at 1-877-437-7763 or FDA at 1-800-FDA-1088 or
Please see accompanying full Prescribing Information, including the Medication Guide.
About Daiichi Sankyo
Daiichi Sankyo is an innovative global healthcare company contributing to the sustainable development of society that discovers, develops and delivers new standards of care to enrich the quality of life around the world. With more than 120 years of experience, Daiichi Sankyo leverages its world-class science and technology to create new modalities and innovative medicines for people with cancer, cardiovascular and other diseases with high unmet medical need. For more information, please visit
1 Dziedzic DA, et al. Clin.Lung Cancer. 2016; 17(5): e157–67.
2 Okami J, et al. J Thorac Oncol. 2019;14(2):212–22.
3 Peters S, et al. J Thorac Oncol. 2014;9(11):1675-1684.
4 NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology. Non-small cell lung cancer. Version 3.2025.
5 Abbosh C, et al. Nature. 2023;616(7957):553-62.
6 Xia L, et al. Clin Cancer Res. (2022) 28 (15): 3308–3317.
7 World Health Organization. Global Cancer Observatory: Lung. Accessed January 2025.
8 National Cancer Institute. Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version. Accessed January 2025.
9 Mito R, et al. Pathol Int. 2020;70(5):287-294.
10 American Cancer Society. Targeted Drug Therapy for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Accessed January 2025.
11 Rodríguez-Abreau D, et al. Ann Onc. 2021 Jul;32(7): 881-895.
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Jennifer Brennan
Daiichi Sankyo, Inc.
+1 908 900 3183 (mobile)
Daiichi Sankyo Co., Ltd.
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Source: Daiichi Sankyo