Canopy Growth Announces Results of Annual General Meeting

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Canopy Growth (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) announced the voting results from its annual general meeting held on September 24, 2024. All matters put forward for shareholder consideration were approved. The election of directors saw all nominees elected with votes FOR ranging from 87.26% to 89.23%. Shareholders also approved the appointment of PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP as auditors for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, and authorized the board to fix their remuneration. Additionally, an advisory resolution on executive compensation was approved. Detailed voting results will be available on SEDAR+ and EDGAR.

Canopy Growth (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) ha annunciato i risultati delle votazioni della sua assemblea generale annuale tenutasi il 24 settembre 2024. Tutte le questioni sottoposte all'approvazione degli azionisti sono state approvate. Nell'elezione dei direttori, tutti i candidati sono stati eletti con voti a favore che variano dal 87,26% al 89,23%. Gli azionisti hanno anche approvato la nomina di PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP come revisori dei conti per l'anno fiscale che termina il 31 marzo 2025 e hanno autorizzato il consiglio a fissarne la remunerazione. Inoltre, è stata approvata una risoluzione consultiva sulla retribuzione degli executive. I risultati dettagliati delle votazioni saranno disponibili su SEDAR+ e EDGAR.

Canopy Growth (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) anunció los resultados de la votación de su junta general anual celebrada el 24 de septiembre de 2024. Todos los asuntos presentados para la consideración de los accionistas fueron aprobados. En la elección de directores, todos los nominados fueron elegidos con votos a favor que oscilaron entre el 87,26% y el 89,23%. Los accionistas también aprobaron la designación de PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP como auditores para el año fiscal que termina el 31 de marzo de 2025, y autorizaron al consejo a fijar su remuneración. Además, se aprobó una resolución consultiva sobre la compensación ejecutiva. Los resultados de voto detallados estarán disponibles en SEDAR+ y EDGAR.

캐노피 성장(Canopy Growth) (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC)은 2024년 9월 24일에 열린 연례 총회에서 투표 결과를 발표했습니다. 주주 고려를 위해 제출된 모든 사안이 승인되었습니다. 이사 선출에서 모든 후보가 87.26%에서 89.23% 사이의 찬성표를 받아 선출되었습니다. 주주들은 또한 2025년 3월 31일 종료되는 회계연도의 감사인으로 PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP를 임명하는 것을 승인하고, 그들의 보수를 정할 수 있도록 이사회에 권한을 부여했습니다. 또한, 경영진 보상에 대한 자문 결의안이 승인되었습니다. 상세한 투표 결과는 SEDAR+ 및 EDGAR에서 확인할 수 있습니다.

Canopy Growth (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) a annoncé les résultats des votes de son assemblée générale annuelle tenue le 24 septembre 2024. Toutes les questions soumises à l'approbation des actionnaires ont été approuvées. Lors de l'élection des administrateurs, tous les candidats ont été élus avec des votes POUR variant de 87,26 % à 89,23 %. Les actionnaires ont également approuvé la nomination de PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP en tant que commissaires aux comptes pour l'exercice fiscal se terminant le 31 mars 2025 et ont autorisé le conseil à fixer leur rémunération. De plus, une résolution consultative sur la rémunération des dirigeants a été approuvée. Les résultats de vote détaillés seront disponibles sur SEDAR+ et EDGAR.

Canopy Growth (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) hat die Abstimmungsergebnisse seiner am 24. September 2024 abgehaltenen Hauptversammlung bekannt gegeben. Alle zur Abstimmung gestellten Angelegenheiten wurden genehmigt. Bei der Wahl der Direktoren wurden alle Kandidaten mit einer Zustimmung von 87,26% bis 89,23% gewählt. Die Aktionäre genehmigten auch die Ernennung von PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP als Wirtschaftsprüfer für das zum 31. März 2025 endende Geschäftsjahr und autorisierten den Vorstand, deren Vergütung festzulegen. Außerdem wurde ein beratender Beschluss zur Vergütung der Führungskräfte genehmigt. Detaillierte Abstimmungsergebnisse werden auf SEDAR+ und EDGAR verfügbar sein.

  • All proposed matters were approved by shareholders
  • High approval rates for director nominees (87.26% to 89.23%)
  • Appointment of auditors approved
  • None.

SMITHS FALLS, ON, Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Canopy Growth Corporation ("Canopy Growth" or the "Company") (TSX: WEED) (NASDAQ: CGC) is pleased to announce today the voting results from its annual general meeting of shareholders held on September 24, 2024 (the "Meeting").

All of the matters put forward before the Company's shareholders for consideration and approval, as set out in the Company's definitive proxy statement dated August 1, 2024 (the "Proxy Statement"), were approved by the requisite number of votes cast at the Meeting, as further detailed below.

Each of the directors listed as a nominee in the Proxy Statement was elected at the Meeting to serve as a director of the Company until the Company's next annual shareholders meeting or until his or her successor is duly elected or appointed.

The detailed results of the vote for the election of directors held at the Meeting are set out below:

Name Of Nominee

Votes cast FOR

% Votes FOR

Votes cast

% Votes

David Klein


87.41 %


12.59 %

Willy Kruh


89.23 %


10.77 %

David Lazzarato


87.35 %


12.65 %

Luc Mongeau


88.88 %


11.12 %

Theresa Yanofsky


87.26 %


12.74 %

Canopy Growth's shareholders also approved the appointment of PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP as the Company's auditors and independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025, and authorized the Company's board of directors or any responsible committee thereof to fix their remuneration.

In addition, Canopy Growth's shareholders approved an advisory (non-binding) resolution on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.

For complete results on all matters voted on at the Meeting, please consult the Company's Report of Voting Results, which will be filed on the Company's SEDAR+ profile at, and the Company's Form 8-K which will be filed on EDGAR at

About Canopy Growth

Canopy Growth is a world leading cannabis company dedicated to unleashing the power of cannabis to improve lives.

Through an unwavering commitment to our consumers, Canopy Growth delivers innovative products with a focus on premium and mainstream cannabis brands including Doja, 7ACRES, Tweed, and Deep Space, in addition to category defining vaporizer technology made in Germany by Storz & Bickel.

Canopy Growth has also established a comprehensive ecosystem to realize the opportunities presented by the U.S. THC market through an unconsolidated, non-controlling interest in Canopy USA, LLC ("Canopy USA"). Canopy USA has closed the acquisitions of approximately 75% of the shares of Lemurian, Inc. ("Jetty") and two of three Wana entities that make up Wana Brands ("Wana"), being Wana Wellness, LLC and The CIMA Group, LLC, with the full acquisition of Wana expected to occur, subject to regulatory approval, once the acquisition of Mountain High Products, LLC is complete. Jetty owns and operates Jetty Extracts, a California-based producer of high- quality cannabis extracts and pioneer of clean vape technology, and Wana Brands is a leading North American edibles brand. The option pursuant to which Canopy USA is to acquire Acreage Holdings, Inc., a vertically integrated multi-state cannabis operator with principal operations in densely populated states across the Northeast and Midwest has also been exercised.

Beyond its world-class products, Canopy Growth is leading the industry forward through a commitment to social equity, responsible use, and community reinvestment – pioneering a future where cannabis is understood and welcomed for its potential to help achieve greater well-being and life enhancement.

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SOURCE Canopy Growth Corporation


When was Canopy Growth's (CGC) annual general meeting held in 2024?

Canopy Growth's annual general meeting was held on September 24, 2024.

Who was elected to Canopy Growth's (CGC) board of directors in the 2024 annual meeting?

David Klein, Willy Kruh, David Lazzarato, Luc Mongeau, and Theresa Yanofsky were elected to serve as directors.

What was the voting result for Canopy Growth's (CGC) executive compensation resolution?

Shareholders approved an advisory (non-binding) resolution on the compensation of the Company's named executive officers.

Which auditing firm did Canopy Growth (CGC) shareholders approve for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025?

Shareholders approved the appointment of PKF O'Connor Davies, LLP as the Company's auditors and independent registered public accounting firm.

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