Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) Announces Annual Meeting Voting Results

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Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) held its annual meeting on October 11, 2024, at Fox Hollow Golf Club in American Fork, Utah. Shareholders approved the election of two director nominees, Stanley J. Cutler and Robert J. Holladay, each receiving over 66% of votes. The appointment of MAC Accounting Group, LLP as independent auditors was ratified with 91% approval.

Paul Schwitzer from American Biotech Labs reported a 20% increase in product sales for 2024 compared to 2023, with profit margins rising to 15%. Amazon sales have grown significantly, and 70% of first-time users have reordered products. Jerry North, consulting geologist, presented findings on Clifton properties, identifying five areas for further exploration and potential Wollastonite deposits.

La Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) ha tenuto la sua assemblea annuale l'11 ottobre 2024, presso il Fox Hollow Golf Club ad American Fork, Utah. Gli azionisti hanno approvato l'elezione di due candidati come direttori, Stanley J. Cutler e Robert J. Holladay, ciascuno ricevendo oltre il 66% dei voti. La nomina del MAC Accounting Group, LLP come revisori contabili indipendenti è stata ratificata con una approvazione del 91%.

Paul Schwitzer dell'American Biotech Labs ha riportato un aumento del 20% nelle vendite di prodotti per il 2024 rispetto al 2023, con i margini di profitto che sono aumentati al 15%. Le vendite su Amazon sono cresciute significativamente e il 70% degli utenti alla prima esperienza ha riordinato prodotti. Jerry North, geologo consulente, ha presentato risultati sulle proprietà di Clifton, identificando cinque aree per ulteriori esplorazioni e potenziali depositi di Wollastonite.

La Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) celebró su reunión anual el 11 de octubre de 2024, en el Fox Hollow Golf Club en American Fork, Utah. Los accionistas aprobaron la elección de dos nominados para directores, Stanley J. Cutler y Robert J. Holladay, cada uno recibiendo más del 66% de los votos. La designación de MAC Accounting Group, LLP como auditores independientes fue ratificada con una aprobación del 91%.

Paul Schwitzer de American Biotech Labs informó un aumento del 20% en las ventas de productos para 2024 en comparación con 2023, con márgenes de ganancia que aumentaron al 15%. Las ventas de Amazon han crecido significativamente y el 70% de los usuarios que compraron por primera vez han vuelto a ordenar productos. Jerry North, geólogo consultor, presentó hallazgos sobre las propiedades de Clifton, identificando cinco áreas para futuras exploraciones y potenciales depósitos de Wollastonita.

클리프턴 광업 회사 (OTCBB: CFTN)는 2024년 10월 11일 유타주 아메리칸 포크에 있는 폭스 할로우 골프 클럽에서 연례 회의를 개최했습니다. 주주들은 스탠리 J. 커틀러로버트 J. 홀라데이 두 이사 후보의 선출을 승인했으며, 각각 66% 이상의 투표를 받았습니다. 독립 감사인으로서 MAC Accounting Group, LLP의 임명이 91%의 찬성으로 비준되었습니다.

아메리칸 바이오테크 연구소의 폴 슈위처는 2023년에 비해 2024년 제품 판매가 20% 증가했다고 보고하며, 이익률은 15%로 상승했다고 전했습니다. 아마존에서의 판매가 크게 증가하였고, 첫 구매자 중 70%가 제품을 재주문했습니다. 컨설팅 지질학자인 제리 노스는 클리프턴 자산에 대한 발견을 발표하며, 추가 탐사를 위한 5개 지역과 가능성 있는 Wollastonite 광재를 식별했습니다.

La Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) a tenu son assemblée annuelle le 11 octobre 2024 au Fox Hollow Golf Club à American Fork, Utah. Les actionnaires ont approuvé l'élection de deux candidats au poste de directeur, Stanley J. Cutler et Robert J. Holladay, chacun recevant plus de 66 % des voix. La nomination de MAC Accounting Group, LLP en tant qu'auditeurs indépendants a été ratifiée avec une approbation de 91 %.

Paul Schwitzer d'American Biotech Labs a rapporté une augmentation de 20 % des ventes de produits pour 2024 par rapport à 2023, avec des marges bénéficiaires atteignant 15 %. Les ventes sur Amazon ont considérablement augmenté et 70 % des nouveaux utilisateurs ont effectué des commandes répétées. Jerry North, géologue consultant, a présenté des résultats concernant les propriétés de Clifton, identifiant cinq zones pour des explorations supplémentaires et des dépôts potentiels de Wollastonite.

Die Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) hielt ihre Jahreshauptversammlung am 11. Oktober 2024 im Fox Hollow Golf Club in American Fork, Utah, ab. Die Aktionäre genehmigten die Wahl von zwei Direktorenkandidaten, Stanley J. Cutler und Robert J. Holladay, die jeweils über 66 % der Stimmen erhielten. Die Ernennung der MAC Accounting Group, LLP als unabhängige Prüfer wurde mit 91 % Zustimmung ratifiziert.

Paul Schwitzer von American Biotech Labs berichtete von einem 20%igen Anstieg der Produktverkäufe im Jahr 2024 im Vergleich zu 2023, wobei die Gewinnmargen auf 15 % stiegen. Die Verkaufszahlen bei Amazon sind erheblich gewachsen, und 70 % der Erstkäufer haben Produkte nachbestellt. Jerry North, beratender Geologe, präsentierte Ergebnisse zu den Clifton-Eigentümern und identifizierte fünf Bereiche für weitere Erkundungen und potenzielle Wollastonit-Vorkommen.

  • Product sales for 2024 are up more than 20% compared to 2023
  • Profit margin increased to around 15% due to lower legal expenses and better discounts
  • Amazon sales have grown significantly over the past two years
  • 70% of first-time users have re-ordered the products
  • Five major areas identified for further exploration in Clifton properties
  • Potential mineral deposit of Wollastonite discovered
  • None.

AMERICAN FORK, Utah, Oct. 18, 2024 /PRNewswire/ - Clifton Mining Company (OTCBB: CFTN) (the "Company") – "Annual Meeting Voting Results"

Clifton Mining Company held its annual meeting at 12:30 pm on October 11, 2024 at the Fox Hollow Golf Club in American Fork, Utah.  The Company reports that shareholders approved the election of each of the two (2) director nominees. Each director nominee received affirmative votes from approximately 66% or more of the shares voted, excluding abstentions and broker non-votes, as follows (all percentages are rounded):

Director Nominee (Term)                                   


Stanley J. Cutler (Term expiring 2027)               

93 %

Robert J. Holladay (Term expiring 2027)             

71 %

Shareholders also ratified the appointment of MAC Accounting Group, LLP as the Company's independent auditors, with affirmative votes from approximately 91% of the shares voted. The Board of Directors had recommended a vote for this proposal.

Two reports were given at the meeting, one from Paul Schwitzer, Vice President of Marketing and Sales for American Biotech Labs, LLC a wholly owned American Silver, LLC entity, of which the Company is a Member.  Mr. Schwitzer reported that product sales for 2024 are currently up more than 20% over 2023, with the current profit margin also increasing to around 15%, due to lower legal expenses and some better discounts due to increased quantity purchases.   Amazon sales have also grown significantly over the past two years.  A remarkable 70% of first-time users have re-ordered the products.  The company has continued to focus on increasing sales in the medical supply markets.

Jerry North, consulting geologist, provided a summary of the extensive report he completed on the Clifton properties.  He identified five major areas in which the underlying geology along with his sampling merit further exploration.  Mr. North also indicated that there is information on a potential mineral deposit of Wollastonite.  Wollastonite (CaSiO3) is widely used in ceramics, in paints (increasing durability), in plastics and rubber (increasing tensile and flexural strength), and in construction (as a substitute for asbestos), and recently, in cement and concrete.

The meeting adjourned at 2:30 pm.

Clifton trades on the OTC Markets under the symbol: "CFTN". 

Note: Any statements released by Clifton Mining Company that are forward looking are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995.  Editors and investors are cautioned that forward looking statements invoke risk and uncertainties that may affect the company's business prospects and performance.

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SOURCE Clifton Mining Company


What were the voting results for Clifton Mining Company's (CFTN) 2024 annual meeting?

At Clifton Mining Company's (CFTN) 2024 annual meeting, shareholders approved the election of two director nominees, Stanley J. Cutler and Robert J. Holladay, each receiving over 66% of votes. The appointment of MAC Accounting Group, LLP as independent auditors was also ratified with 91% approval.

How has Clifton Mining Company's (CFTN) product sales performance been in 2024?

According to the report at the annual meeting, Clifton Mining Company's (CFTN) product sales for 2024 are currently up more than 20% compared to 2023, with profit margins increasing to around 15% due to lower legal expenses and better discounts from increased quantity purchases.

What potential mineral deposits were mentioned in Clifton Mining Company's (CFTN) 2024 annual meeting?

At Clifton Mining Company's (CFTN) 2024 annual meeting, consulting geologist Jerry North reported potential mineral deposits of Wollastonite on the Clifton properties. Wollastonite is used in ceramics, paints, plastics, rubber, construction, and recently in cement and concrete.



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Other Precious Metals & Mining
Basic Materials
United States of America
American Fork