Citizens Bank, N.A. Announces Redemption of Senior Notes
Citizens Bank announced the early redemption of its outstanding $350 million Fixed/Floating Rate Senior Notes. The notes, originally due January 26, 2026, will be redeemed on January 27, 2025. The redemption price will be 100% of the principal amount plus any accrued and unpaid interest up to the redemption date. After January 27, 2025, the notes will cease to be outstanding, and no further interest will accrue. The redemption payment will be processed through The Depository Trust Company.
Citizens Bank ha annunciato il rimborso anticipato delle sue obbligazioni senior in circolazione da 350 milioni di dollari. Le obbligazioni, originariamente in scadenza il 26 gennaio 2026, saranno rimborsate il 27 gennaio 2025. Il prezzo di rimborso sarà pari al 100% dell'importo principale più eventuali interessi maturati e non pagati fino alla data di rimborso. Dopo il 27 gennaio 2025, le obbligazioni non saranno più in circolazione e non matureranno ulteriori interessi. Il pagamento del rimborso sarà elaborato tramite The Depository Trust Company.
Citizens Bank anunció el reembolso anticipado de sus notas senior en circulación por 350 millones de dólares. Las notas, que originalmente vencían el 26 de enero de 2026, serán redimidas el 27 de enero de 2025. El precio de redención será del 100% del monto principal más cualquier interés acumulado y no pagado hasta la fecha de redención. Después del 27 de enero de 2025, las notas dejarán de estar en circulación y no se acumularán más intereses. El pago de la redención será procesado a través de The Depository Trust Company.
시티즌스 뱅크는 조기 상환을 발표했습니다. 현재 발행 중인 3억 5천만 달러 규모의 고정/변동금리 선순위 채권입니다. 이 채권은 원래 2026년 1월 26일 만기가 되었으나 2025년 1월 27일에 상환될 것입니다. 상환 가격은 원금의 100%에 그동안 발생한 미지급 이자를 더한 금액이 됩니다. 2025년 1월 27일 이후에는 이 채권은 더 이상 발행되지 않으며, 추가 이자가 발생하지 않습니다. 상환금 지급은 예탁신탁회사를 통해 처리될 예정입니다.
Citizens Bank a annoncé le remboursement anticipé de ses obligations senior en circulation d'un montant de 350 millions de dollars. Ces obligations, dont l'échéance était initialement fixée au 26 janvier 2026, seront remboursées le 27 janvier 2025. Le prix de rachat sera de 100 % du montant principal plus tout intérêt accumulé et impayé jusqu'à la date de remboursement. Après le 27 janvier 2025, les obligations cesseront d'être en circulation et aucun intérêt supplémentaire ne sera accumulé. Le paiement du remboursement sera traité par The Depository Trust Company.
Die Citizens Bank gab die vorzeitige Rückzahlung ihrer ausstehenden 350 Millionen Dollar hohen fest/variabel verzinslichen Senior Notes bekannt. Die Anleihen, die ursprünglich am 26. Januar 2026 fällig waren, werden am 27. Januar 2025 zurückgezahlt. Der Rückzahlungsbetrag beträgt 100% des Nennbetrags, zuzüglich aufgelaufener und nicht gezahlter Zinsen bis zum Rückzahlungstermin. Nach dem 27. Januar 2025 werden die Anleihen nicht mehr ausstehend sein, und es werden keine weiteren Zinsen angehäuft. Die Rückzahlungszahlung erfolgt über die Depository Trust Company.
- Early debt retirement demonstrates strong financial position
- Full principal repayment ($350M) indicates healthy cash reserves
- Loss of potential interest income for noteholders due to early redemption
The $350 million senior notes redemption by Citizens Bank represents a strategic liability management move in the current interest rate environment. The original notes carrying a
This early redemption at par value (100% of principal) indicates Citizens' strong liquidity position and proactive approach to debt management. The timing aligns with market expectations of potential Fed rate cuts in 2025, which could allow the bank to issue new debt at lower rates if needed. The removal of these notes from Citizens' balance sheet will reduce interest expenses, though the impact is relatively modest given the size relative to Citizens'
For investors, this move signals management's confidence in the bank's cash position and their outlook on interest rates. While not transformative for Citizens' overall financial profile, it demonstrates prudent financial management and could marginally improve the bank's interest coverage ratios and profitability metrics going forward.
On and after the Redemption Date, the Notes will no longer be deemed outstanding and interest will no longer accrue on the Notes. Payment of the redemption price for the Notes will be made through the facilities of The Depository Trust Company.
About Citizens Financial Group, Inc.
Citizens Financial Group, Inc. is one of the nation’s oldest and largest financial institutions, with
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Media: Peter Lucht - 781.655.2289
Investors: Kristin Silberberg - 203.900.6854
Source: Citizens Bank, N.A.
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