Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. Expands Waste Heat to Power Operations to Brazil Through Strategic Partnership with Green Energy Ventures

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Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY) has signed a strategic partnership with Green Energy Ventures LTDA (GEV) to expand its waste heat to power operations in Brazil. This agreement positions CETY to capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable energy solutions in the region. Key points:

  • GEV will be CETY's exclusive authorized distributor and commercial agent in Brazil
  • The partnership aims to secure contracts with major industrial players
  • GEV will provide comprehensive technical support, including logistics and training
  • The collaboration is expected to accelerate the adoption of CETY's energy efficiency solutions
  • This partnership is a significant milestone in CETY's global growth strategy

The move reflects CETY's commitment to expanding its presence in key markets and driving the adoption of energy-efficient technologies globally.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY) ha firmato un accordo strategico con Green Energy Ventures LTDA (GEV) per ampliare le sue operazioni di valorizzazione del calore residuo in Brasile. Questo accordo consente a CETY di sfruttare la crescente domanda di soluzioni energetiche sostenibili nella regione. Punti chiave:

  • GEV sarà il distributore autorizzato esclusivo e l'agente commerciale di CETY in Brasile
  • La partnership mira a garantire contratti con i principali attori industriali
  • GEV fornirà un supporto tecnico completo, inclusi logistica e formazione
  • La collaborazione dovrebbe accelerare l'adozione delle soluzioni di efficienza energetica di CETY
  • Questa partnership rappresenta un importante traguardo nella strategia di crescita globale di CETY

Questa iniziativa riflette l'impegno di CETY ad espandere la propria presenza in mercati chiave e a promuovere l'adozione di tecnologie energetiche efficienti a livello globale.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY) ha firmado una asociación estratégica con Green Energy Ventures LTDA (GEV) para expandir sus operaciones de aprovechamiento de calor residual en Brasil. Este acuerdo posiciona a CETY para capitalizar la creciente demanda de soluciones energéticas sostenibles en la región. Puntos clave:

  • GEV será el distribuidor autorizado exclusivo y agente comercial de CETY en Brasil
  • La asociación tiene como objetivo asegurar contratos con los principales actores industriales
  • GEV proporcionará soporte técnico integral, que incluye logística y capacitación
  • Se espera que la colaboración acelere la adopción de las soluciones de eficiencia energética de CETY
  • Esta asociación representa un hito significativo en la estrategia de crecimiento global de CETY

Este movimiento refleja el compromiso de CETY de expandir su presencia en mercados clave y fomentar la adopción de tecnologías energéticamente eficientes a nivel mundial.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY)는 브라질에서 폐열 발전 사업을 확장하기 위해 Green Energy Ventures LTDA (GEV)와 전략적 파트너십을 체결했습니다. 이번 협약은 CETY가 이 지역에서 지속 가능한 에너지 솔루션에 대한 증가하는 수요를 활용할 수 있도록 합니다. 주요 사항:

  • GEV는 브라질에서 CETY의 독점 공인 유통업체이자 상업 대리인이 됩니다
  • 이 파트너십은 주요 산업 플레이어와 계약을 확보하는 것을 목표로 합니다
  • GEV는 물류 및 교육을 포함한 종합적인 기술 지원을 제공합니다
  • 이 협력은 CETY의 에너지 효율 솔루션 채택을 가속화할 것으로 예상됩니다
  • 이번 파트너십은 CETY의 글로벌 성장 전략의 중요한 이정표입니다

이 조치는 CETY가 주요 시장에서의 존재를 확장하고 글로벌 에너지 효율 기술의 채택을 촉진하려는 의지를 반영합니다.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY) a signé un partenariat stratégique avec Green Energy Ventures LTDA (GEV) pour étendre ses opérations de valorisation de chaleur résiduelle au Brésil. Cet accord positionne CETY pour tirer parti de la demande croissante de solutions énergétiques durables dans la région. Points clés:

  • GEV sera le distributeur autorisé exclusif et l'agent commercial de CETY au Brésil
  • Le partenariat vise à sécuriser des contrats avec les principaux acteurs industriels
  • GEV fournira un soutien technique complet, y compris la logistique et la formation
  • La collaboration devrait accélérer l'adoption des solutions d'efficacité énergétique de CETY
  • Ce partenariat est une étape importante dans la stratégie de croissance mondiale de CETY

Ce mouvement reflète l'engagement de CETY à élargir sa présence sur des marchés clés et à promouvoir l'adoption de technologies énergétiques efficaces à l'échelle mondiale.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY) hat eine strategische Partnerschaft mit Green Energy Ventures LTDA (GEV) geschlossen, um seine Abwärme-nutzen-Operationen in Brasilien auszubauen. Diese Vereinbarung versetzt CETY in die Lage, von der steigenden Nachfrage nach nachhaltigen Energielösungen in der Region zu profitieren. Wichtige Punkte:

  • GEV wird CETYs exklusiver autorisierter Distributor und Handelsvertreter in Brasilien
  • Die Partnerschaft zielt darauf ab, Verträge mit wichtigen Industriepartnern abzuschließen
  • GEV wird umfassende technische Unterstützung bieten, einschließlich Logistik und Schulung
  • Die Zusammenarbeit wird voraussichtlich die Einführung von CETYs Lösungen zur Energieeffizienz beschleunigen
  • Diese Partnerschaft stellt einen bedeutenden Meilenstein in CETYS globaler Wachstumsstrategie dar

Dieser Schritt spiegelt CETYS Engagement wider, seine Präsenz in wichtigen Märkten auszubauen und die Einführung energieeffizienter Technologien weltweit voranzutreiben.

  • Strategic expansion into the Brazilian market, potentially increasing sales and market share
  • Partnership with an experienced local firm (GEV) to navigate the Brazilian market complexities
  • Exclusive distribution and commercial agent agreement, potentially leading to new sales contracts
  • Comprehensive technical support provided by GEV, ensuring proper product implementation and support
  • None.

This strategic partnership with Green Energy Ventures (GEV) marks a significant expansion for Clean Energy Technologies (CETY) into the Brazilian market. The move is well-timed, considering Brazil's growing focus on sustainable energy solutions. By leveraging GEV's local expertise, CETY positions itself to capture a substantial market share in waste heat to power applications.

The exclusive distribution agreement could lead to accelerated sales growth and increased market penetration. However, success will depend on factors such as regulatory environment, competition and adoption rates in Brazilian industries. While the partnership shows promise, investors should monitor concrete sales figures and contract announcements in the coming quarters to gauge the actual impact on CETY's bottom line.

This partnership represents a strategic move for CETY to diversify its revenue streams and expand its global footprint. While the potential for growth in the Brazilian market is significant, investors should consider the following:

  • Initial costs associated with market entry and partnership setup
  • Potential impact on profit margins due to distribution agreements
  • Currency exchange risks between USD and Brazilian Real

The agreement's exclusivity clause could provide CETY with a competitive advantage, but it's important to monitor the conversion rate from market opportunities to actual sales. Without specific financial projections, it's difficult to quantify the immediate impact on CETY's financials. Investors should look for updates on revenue growth and market share gains in future earnings reports.

CETY's waste heat to power technology could find significant applications in Brazil's industrial sector, particularly in areas like steel production, petrochemicals and food processing. The partnership with GEV addresses important aspects of technology deployment:

  • Local technical support and training
  • Regulatory compliance assistance
  • Logistics and importation management

This comprehensive approach should accelerate adoption and reduce implementation barriers. However, the success of this venture will depend on how well CETY's technology can be adapted to local conditions and integrated with existing infrastructure. Investors should monitor announcements of pilot projects and case studies demonstrating the technology's effectiveness in Brazilian industrial settings.

Irvine, CA, Aug. 14, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (“CETY”) (Nasdaq: CETY), a clean energy manufacturing and services company offering eco-friendly green energy solutions, clean energy fuels, and alternative electric power for small and mid-size projects in North America, Europe, and Asia, is pleased to announce the signing of a pivotal service agreement with Green Energy Ventures LTDA (“GEV”), a specialized consultancy firm in the renewable energy sector in Brazil. This partnership marks a significant step in CETY’s strategic expansion into the Brazilian market, positioning the company to capitalize on the growing demand for sustainable energy solutions in the region.

Under the terms of the agreement, GEV will act as CETY’s exclusive authorized distributor and commercial agent within Brazil, responsible for market assessment, business development, and the coordination of product installations. With this partnership, CETY is poised to tap into Brazil’s expanding market for energy efficiency and waste heat to power applications. GEV’s local presence and expertise will be key in securing contracts with major industrial players seeking to enhance their energy efficiency and reduce operational costs through CETY’s cutting-edge technology.

“We are excited to partner with Green Energy Ventures as we expand our waste heat to power footprint in Brazil,” said Kam Mahdi, CEO of Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. “Their knowledge and experience in the region’s energy sector are invaluable assets that will help us navigate the complexities of the Brazilian market and bring our innovative solutions to a new audience. We anticipate that this collaboration will unlock substantial sales opportunities, driving growth for both our companies while advancing sustainable energy practices in one of the world’s most dynamic markets.”

As part of the agreement, GEV will also provide comprehensive technical support, including logistics, importation, regulatory compliance, and training of local personnel. This holistic approach ensures that CETY’s products are not only introduced to the market but are also supported by the necessary infrastructure to maximize their impact and longevity. The collaboration is expected to accelerate the adoption of CETY’s energy efficiency solutions across various sectors, leading to new sales contracts for waste heat to power solutions.

This partnership is a significant milestone in CETY’s global growth strategy, reflecting the company’s dedication to expanding its presence in key markets and driving the adoption of energy-efficient technologies across the globe. The anticipated sales growth in Brazil underscores the increasing demand for sustainable energy solutions and CETY’s ability to meet that demand with innovative, high-performance products.

About Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY)

Headquartered in Irvine, California, Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (CETY) is a rising leader in the zero-emission revolution by offering eco-friendly green energy solutions, clean energy fuels and alternative electric power for small and mid-sized projects in North America, Europe, and Asia. We deliver power from heat and biomass with zero emission and low cost. The Company's principal products are Waste Heat Recovery Solutions using our patented Clean CycleTM generator to create electricity. Waste to Energy Solutions convert waste products created in manufacturing, agriculture, wastewater treatment plants and other industries to electricity and BioChar. Engineering, Consulting and Project Management Solutions provide expertise and experience in developing clean energy projects for municipal and industrial customers and Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) companies.

CETY's common stock is currently traded on the Nasdaq Capital Market under the symbol CETY. For more information, visit

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This summary should be read in conjunction with the Company’s quarterly report on Form 10-Q for the quarterly period ended March 31, 2024 and other periodic filings made pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, which contain, among other matters, risk factors and financial footnotes as well as a discussions of our business, operations and financial matters located on the website of the Securities and Exchange Commission at

About Green Energy Ventures LTDA

Green Energy Ventures LTDA is a dynamic Business Development and Innovation Consultancy and Holding Company, specializing in Renewables, Gas & Power, and Sustainability within the Brazilian energy market. GEV’s mission is to drive the transition to a low-carbon economy by developing cutting-edge opportunities and providing expert advisory services. With strategic partnerships in renewable energy, gas & power trading, and biogas, GEV is at the forefront of Brazil’s energy revolution. GEV’s Business Development and Services division excels in energy efficiency, go-to-market strategies, financial structuring, governance, and regulatory compliance. GEV empowers businesses to navigate the complex energy landscape in Brazil and beyond, ensuring sustainable growth and success.

Safe Harbor Statement

This news release may include forward-looking statements within the meaning of section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the United States Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, with respect to achieving corporate objectives, developing additional project interests, the Company's analysis of opportunities in the acquisition and development of various project interests and certain other matters. These statements are made under the "Safe Harbor" provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and involve risks and uncertainties which could cause actual results to differ materially from those in the forward-looking statements contained herein. Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on the Company's current beliefs, expectations and assumptions regarding the future of CETY’s business, future plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of the Company's control. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as: "anticipate," "plan," "expect," "estimate," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "will" and similar references to future periods. Any forward-looking statement made by the Company in this press release is based only on information currently available to us and speaks only as of the date on which it is made. The Company undertakes no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc.
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Source: Clean Energy Technologies, Inc.


What is the purpose of CETY's partnership with Green Energy Ventures in Brazil?

The partnership aims to expand CETY's waste heat to power operations in Brazil, with GEV acting as CETY's exclusive authorized distributor and commercial agent to secure contracts with major industrial players and provide comprehensive technical support.

How will the partnership between CETY and GEV benefit Clean Energy Technologies, Inc. (NASDAQ: CETY)?

The partnership is expected to unlock substantial sales opportunities in Brazil, drive growth for CETY, and accelerate the adoption of its energy efficiency solutions across various sectors, potentially leading to increased revenue and market presence.

What services will Green Energy Ventures provide for CETY in Brazil?

GEV will provide market assessment, business development, coordination of product installations, technical support, logistics, importation assistance, regulatory compliance, and training of local personnel for CETY's operations in Brazil.

How does the partnership with GEV align with CETY's global growth strategy?

The partnership is a significant milestone in CETY's global growth strategy, reflecting the company's dedication to expanding its presence in key markets and driving the adoption of energy-efficient technologies across the globe.

Clean Energy Technologies, Inc.


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