Certara Completes Acquisition of Chemaxon

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Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), a leader in model-informed drug development, has completed the acquisition of Chemaxon, a developer of scientific informatics software for in-silico research in the life sciences industry. The combined organization aims to offer improved predictive biosimulation and scientific informatics capabilities to enhance decision-making from discovery through commercialization.

Key points:

  • Integration plans include incorporating Chemaxon's chemistry structures, calculators, and predictors into Certara's D360 applications and Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator.
  • Long-term plans involve leveraging Certara.AI's specialized GPT capabilities and expanding pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics knowledge in drug discovery processes.
  • Chemaxon is expected to generate software revenue exceeding $20 million in 2024.
  • Certara will update its 2024 guidance to include Chemaxon's contribution in its third-quarter earnings report in November.

Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), un leader nello sviluppo di farmaci informato dai modelli, ha completato l'acquisizione di Chemaxon, uno sviluppatore di software di informatica scientifica per la ricerca in silico nel settore delle scienze della vita. L'organizzazione combinata punta a offrire una maggiore capacità di biosimulazione predittiva e di informatica scientifica per migliorare il processo decisionale dalla scoperta alla commercializzazione.

Punti chiave:

  • I piani di integrazione includono l'incorporazione delle strutture chimiche, dei calcolatori e dei predittori di Chemaxon nelle applicazioni D360 di Certara e nel simulatore PBPK Simcyp™.
  • I piani a lungo termine prevedono di sfruttare le capacità specializzate di GPT di Certara.AI ed espandere la conoscenza della farmacocinetica e della farmacodinamica nei processi di scoperta di nuovi farmaci.
  • Si prevede che Chemaxon generi entrate software superiori ai 20 milioni di dollari nel 2024.
  • Certara aggiornerà la propria guida per il 2024 per includere il contributo di Chemaxon nel report sugli utili del terzo trimestre a novembre.

Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), un líder en el desarrollo de medicamentos informado por modelos, ha completado la adquisición de Chemaxon, un desarrollador de software de informática científica para la investigación in silico en la industria de las ciencias de la vida. La organización combinada tiene como objetivo ofrecer una mejor capacidad de biosimulación predictiva e informática científica para mejorar la toma de decisiones desde el descubrimiento hasta la comercialización.

Puntos clave:

  • Los planes de integración incluyen la incorporación de las estructuras químicas, calculadoras y predictores de Chemaxon en las aplicaciones D360 de Certara y en el simulador PBPK Simcyp™.
  • Los planes a largo plazo implican aprovechar las capacidades especializadas de GPT de Certara.AI y expandir el conocimiento de farmacocinética y farmacodinamia en los procesos de descubrimiento de fármacos.
  • Se espera que Chemaxon genere ingresos por software que superen los 20 millones de dólares en 2024.
  • Certara actualizará su guía para 2024 para incluir la contribución de Chemaxon en su informe de ganancias del tercer trimestre en noviembre.

Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT)는 모델 기반 약물 개발의 선두주자로서 Chemaxon 인수 완료를 발표했습니다. Chemaxon은 생명과학 산업에서의 인실리코 연구를 위한 과학 정보 소프트웨어 개발업체입니다. 두 조직의 통합은 발견부터 상용화까지 의사 결정을 개선하기 위한 예측 생물 시뮬레이션 및 과학 정보 능력 향상을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

주요 사항:

  • 통합 계획에는 Chemaxon의 화학 구조, 계산기 및 예측기를 Certara의 D360 애플리케이션 및 Simcyp™ PBPK 시뮬레이터에 통합하는 것이 포함됩니다.
  • 장기 계획은 Certara.AI의 전문 GPT 기능을 활용하고 약물 발견 과정에서 약리학 및 약리동태 지식을 확장하는 것입니다.
  • Chemaxon은 2024년 소프트웨어 수익이 2천만 달러를 초과할 것으로 예상됩니다.
  • Certara는 11월에 있을 3분기 수익 보고서에서 Chemaxon의 기여를 포함하여 2024년 가이드를 업데이트할 예정입니다.

Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), un leader dans le développement de médicaments informé par les modèles, a achevé l'acquisition de Chemaxon, un développeur de logiciels d'informatique scientifique pour la recherche in silico dans l'industrie des sciences de la vie. L'organisation combinée vise à offrir de meilleures capacités de biosimulation prédictive et d'informatique scientifique pour améliorer la prise de décision depuis la découverte jusqu'à la commercialisation.

Points clés :

  • Les plans d'intégration incluent l'incorporation des structures chimiques, des calculateurs et des prédicteurs de Chemaxon dans les applications D360 de Certara et le simulateur PBPK Simcyp™.
  • Les plans à long terme impliquent de tirer parti des capacités spécialisées de GPT de Certara.AI et d'élargir les connaissances en pharmacocinétique et pharmacodynamique dans les processus de découverte de médicaments.
  • Chemaxon devrait générer des revenus logiciels supérieurs à 20 millions de dollars en 2024.
  • Certara mettra à jour ses prévisions pour 2024 afin d'inclure la contribution de Chemaxon dans son rapport sur les bénéfices du troisième trimestre en novembre.

Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), ein führendes Unternehmen in der modelgesteuerten Arzneimittelentwicklung, hat die Akquisition von Chemaxon abgeschlossen, einem Entwickler von Software für wissenschaftliche Informatik für In-Silico-Forschung in der Lebenswissenschaftsindustrie. Die kombinierte Organisation hat das Ziel, verbesserte prädiktive Biosimulations- und wissenschaftliche Informatikfähigkeiten anzubieten, um die Entscheidungsfindung von der Entdeckung bis zur Kommerzialisierung zu verbessern.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Die Integrationspläne umfassen die Einbindung der Chemiestrukturen, Rechner und Prädiktoren von Chemaxon in die D360-Anwendungen von Certara und den Simcyp™ PBPK-Simulator.
  • Langfristige Pläne sehen vor, die spezialisierten GPT-Fähigkeiten von Certara.AI zu nutzen und das Wissen über Pharmakokinetik und Pharmakodynamik in den Arzneimittelentdeckungsprozessen zu erweitern.
  • Es wird erwartet, dass Chemaxon Software-Einnahmen von über 20 Millionen US-Dollar im Jahr 2024 generiert.
  • Certara wird seine Prognose für 2024 aktualisieren, um den Beitrag von Chemaxon in seinem Gewinnbericht für das dritte Quartal im November zu berücksichtigen.
  • Acquisition of Chemaxon enhances Certara's capabilities in scientific informatics and biosimulation
  • Expected to improve prediction accuracy and decision-making in drug discovery and development
  • Chemaxon projected to generate over $20 million in software revenue for 2024
  • Potential for increased scientific innovation success rates in life sciences industry
  • Plans to leverage Certara.AI's specialized GPT capabilities for drug discovery
  • None.


The acquisition of Chemaxon by Certara (NASDAQ: CERT) is a significant move that could enhance Certara's position in the drug development software market. With Chemaxon's expected $20 million in software revenue for 2024, this deal will likely have a positive impact on Certara's financial performance. The integration of Chemaxon's scientific informatics capabilities with Certara's biosimulation expertise could create a more comprehensive offering, potentially driving increased market share and revenue growth. Investors should watch for the updated 2024 guidance in Certara's Q3 earnings report to gauge the full financial impact of this acquisition. The combined entity's ability to offer enhanced predictive capabilities may lead to improved client retention and attraction of new customers in the competitive life sciences software market.

This acquisition strategically positions Certara at the intersection of biosimulation and scientific informatics. The integration of Chemaxon's in-silico research tools with Certara's modeling solutions creates a powerful synergy that could accelerate drug discovery and development processes. Key technological benefits include incorporating precision chemistry structures into Certara's D360 and Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator, potentially enhancing prediction accuracy. The long-term plan to leverage Certara.AI's life sciences GPT capabilities with Chemaxon's products like Design Hub and JChem Engines is particularly intriguing. This AI-driven approach could revolutionize how pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics are applied in early-stage drug discovery, potentially reducing time-to-market and development costs for pharmaceutical companies.

The combined organization offers life sciences companies predictive biosimulation and scientific informatics capabilities, improving certainty in decision-making from discovery through commercialization.

RADNOR, Pa., Oct. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Certara, Inc. (Nasdaq: CERT), a global leader in model-informed drug development, today announced it has completed the acquisition of Chemaxon.

Chemaxon develops leading scientific informatics software products used by the life sciences industry for in-silico research. Certara develops advanced modeling and biosimulation solutions used to predict the pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic properties of large and small molecules.

"Combining Chemaxon’s expertise with Certara’s biosimulation capabilities provides life sciences companies with unique solutions to enhance productivity and increase their scientific innovation success rates,” said William Feehery, Certara’s CEO. “Together, we offer scientists more precise insights throughout drug discovery and development.” 

Near-term priorities for the combined organization include incorporating precision chemistry structures, calculators, and predictors into the Certara D360 scientific informatics applications and Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator for improved prediction accuracy. Longer-term plans include leveraging Certara.AI’s life sciences specialized GPT capabilities and bringing knowledge of pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics more broadly into the drug discovery process and Chemaxon products including Design Hub and JChem Engines.

“Our teams are excited to have an even greater impact on drug discovery and development practices,” said Richard Jones, Chemaxon CEO. “As pipelines shift to precision medicine therapies, accurate scientific predictions and biosimulation are more crucial to success than ever.” 

In 2024, Chemaxon is expected to generate software revenue greater than $20 million. Certara will update its 2024 guidance to include the contribution from Chemaxon when the Company reports third-quarter earnings in November.

A “frequently asked questions” document regarding the transaction is available on the Company’s investor relations website.

About Certara 

Certara accelerates medicines using biosimulation software, technology, and services to transform traditional drug discovery and development. Its clients include more than 2,400 biopharmaceutical companies, academic institutions, and regulatory agencies across 66 countries. Learn more at 

About Chemaxon 

Chemaxon is a leading cheminformatics company that provides platforms, applications, and solutions to handle chemical entities in life sciences, biotechnology, agrochemicals, new materials, education, and other research industries. Its products and services help the capture and processing of chemical information that increases its value and results in more efficient decision-making for life sciences and other R&D environments. Learn more at  

Certara Contact: 
Sheila Rocchio  

Media Contact: 
Alyssa Horowitz 


What is the significance of Certara's acquisition of Chemaxon?

The acquisition combines Certara's biosimulation capabilities with Chemaxon's scientific informatics expertise, offering life sciences companies improved tools for drug discovery and development. This is expected to enhance productivity and increase scientific innovation success rates in the industry.

How much revenue is Chemaxon expected to generate in 2024?

Chemaxon is projected to generate software revenue exceeding $20 million in 2024.

When will Certara (CERT) update its 2024 guidance to include Chemaxon's contribution?

Certara plans to update its 2024 guidance, including Chemaxon's contribution, when the company reports its third-quarter earnings in November.

What are the near-term integration plans for Certara and Chemaxon?

Near-term plans include incorporating Chemaxon's precision chemistry structures, calculators, and predictors into Certara's D360 scientific informatics applications and Simcyp™ PBPK Simulator to improve prediction accuracy.

Certara, Inc.


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