Central Puerto FY 2024 & 4Q24 Earnings Release
Central Puerto (NYSE: CEPU), Argentina's largest private power generator, has released its FY 2024 and Q4 2024 earnings report. The company faced significant regulatory changes throughout 2024-2025, including multiple remuneration updates for non-contracted power generation, with increases ranging from 1.5% to 6%.
Key developments include: a new contingency plan offering additional remuneration of USD 2,000-2,500/MW for critical power units; permission for thermal generators to manage their own fuel from March 2025; and strategic investments in mining-related projects, including a 27.5% stake in 3C Lithium's Tres Cruces project and increased participation in AbraSilver to 9.9%.
The company announced a dividend distribution of $39.47 per share in November 2024. A significant infrastructure project is underway with YPF Luz to develop a power transmission line in northwestern Argentina, with estimated investments between $250-400 million.
Central Puerto (NYSE: CEPU), il più grande produttore privato di energia in Argentina, ha pubblicato il rapporto sugli utili per l'anno fiscale 2024 e il quarto trimestre 2024. L'azienda ha affrontato significative modifiche normative durante il periodo 2024-2025, comprese diverse aggiornamenti sulle remunerazioni per la generazione di energia non contrattualizzata, con aumenti che variano dall'1,5% al 6%.
Tra i principali sviluppi ci sono: un nuovo piano di contingenza che offre una remunerazione aggiuntiva di USD 2.000-2.500/MW per le unità di potenza critiche; il permesso per i generatori termici di gestire il proprio combustibile a partire da marzo 2025; e investimenti strategici in progetti legati all'industria mineraria, inclusa una partecipazione del 27,5% nel progetto Tres Cruces di 3C Lithium e un aumento della partecipazione in AbraSilver al 9,9%.
L'azienda ha annunciato una distribuzione di dividendi di $39,47 per azione a novembre 2024. È in corso un importante progetto infrastrutturale con YPF Luz per sviluppare una linea di trasmissione elettrica nel nord-ovest dell'Argentina, con investimenti stimati tra $250-400 milioni.
Central Puerto (NYSE: CEPU), el mayor generador privado de energía de Argentina, ha publicado su informe de ganancias para el año fiscal 2024 y el cuarto trimestre de 2024. La empresa enfrentó cambios regulatorios significativos a lo largo de 2024-2025, incluidos múltiples actualizaciones de remuneración para la generación de energía no contratada, con aumentos que oscilan entre el 1,5% y el 6%.
Los desarrollos clave incluyen: un nuevo plan de contingencia que ofrece una remuneración adicional de USD 2,000-2,500/MW para unidades de energía críticas; permiso para que los generadores térmicos gestionen su propio combustible a partir de marzo de 2025; e inversiones estratégicas en proyectos relacionados con la minería, incluida una participación del 27,5% en el proyecto Tres Cruces de 3C Lithium y un aumento de participación en AbraSilver al 9,9%.
La empresa anunció una distribución de dividendos de $39.47 por acción en noviembre de 2024. Se está llevando a cabo un importante proyecto de infraestructura con YPF Luz para desarrollar una línea de transmisión de energía en el noroeste de Argentina, con inversiones estimadas entre $250-400 millones.
센트럴 푸에르토 (NYSE: CEPU), 아르헨티나 최대의 민간 전력 생산업체가 2024 회계연도 및 2024년 4분기 실적 보고서를 발표했습니다. 이 회사는 2024-2025년 동안 여러 가지 규제 변화에 직면했으며, 계약되지 않은 전력 생산에 대한 보상 업데이트가 1.5%에서 6%까지 증가하는 등의 변화가 있었습니다.
주요 개발 사항으로는: 중요한 전력 단위에 대해 MW당 2,000-2,500달러의 추가 보상을 제공하는 새로운 비상 계획; 2025년 3월부터 열병합 발전기가 자사 연료를 관리할 수 있도록 허가; 그리고 3C 리튬의 트레스 크루세스 프로젝트에 27.5% 지분을 포함한 광업 관련 프로젝트에 대한 전략적 투자와 아브라실버에 대한 지분을 9.9%로 증가시키는 것이 포함됩니다.
회사는 2024년 11월 주당 39.47달러의 배당금 분배를 발표했습니다. 아르헨티나 북서부에서 전력 전송 라인을 개발하기 위해 YPF 루즈와 함께 진행 중인 대규모 인프라 프로젝트가 있으며, 예상 투자액은 2억 5천만 달러에서 4억 달러 사이입니다.
Central Puerto (NYSE: CEPU), le plus grand producteur d'électricité privé d'Argentine, a publié son rapport sur les résultats de l'exercice 2024 et du quatrième trimestre 2024. L'entreprise a dû faire face à d'importants changements réglementaires tout au long de 2024-2025, y compris plusieurs mises à jour de la rémunération pour la production d'électricité non contractée, avec des augmentations allant de 1,5 % à 6 %.
Les développements clés incluent : un nouveau plan de contingence offrant une rémunération supplémentaire de 2 000 à 2 500 USD/MW pour les unités de puissance critiques ; l'autorisation pour les générateurs thermiques de gérer leur propre combustible à partir de mars 2025 ; et des investissements stratégiques dans des projets liés à l'exploitation minière, y compris une participation de 27,5 % dans le projet Tres Cruces de 3C Lithium et une augmentation de la participation dans AbraSilver à 9,9 %.
L'entreprise a annoncé une distribution de dividendes de 39,47 USD par action en novembre 2024. Un projet d'infrastructure majeur est en cours avec YPF Luz pour développer une ligne de transmission d'électricité dans le nord-ouest de l'Argentine, avec des investissements estimés entre 250 et 400 millions USD.
Central Puerto (NYSE: CEPU), Argentiniens größter privater Stromerzeuger, hat seinen Jahresbericht für das Geschäftsjahr 2024 und das vierte Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht. Das Unternehmen sah sich im Jahr 2024-2025 erheblichen regulatorischen Änderungen gegenüber, darunter mehrere Anpassungen der Vergütung für nicht vertraglich gebundene Stromerzeugung, mit Erhöhungen von 1,5% bis 6%.
Zu den wichtigsten Entwicklungen gehören: ein neuer Notfallplan, der eine zusätzliche Vergütung von 2.000-2.500 USD/MW für kritische Stromerzeugungseinheiten bietet; die Genehmigung für thermische Generatoren, ab März 2025 ihren eigenen Brennstoff zu verwalten; und strategische Investitionen in bergbaubezogene Projekte, einschließlich eines 27,5% Anteils am Tres Cruces-Projekt von 3C Lithium und einer Erhöhung der Beteiligung an AbraSilver auf 9,9%.
Das Unternehmen gab eine Dividendenverteilung von 39,47 USD pro Aktie im November 2024 bekannt. Ein bedeutendes Infrastrukturprojekt mit YPF Luz zur Entwicklung einer Stromübertragungsleitung im Nordwesten Argentiniens ist im Gange, mit geschätzten Investitionen zwischen 250 und 400 Millionen USD.
- Strategic expansion into mining sector through lithium and silver project investments
- Significant dividend distribution of $39.47 per share
- Major infrastructure project launch with YPF Luz worth $250-400 million
- Multiple positive regulatory updates increasing power generation remuneration
- Decrease in nuclear generation due to maintenance shutdowns
- 30% reduction in hydro generation due to lower river flows
- Decline in thermal power availability from 74% to 72% year-over-year
- Overall 2% decrease in power generation during Q4 2024
Central Puerto's earnings release reveals significant positive regulatory shifts that should enhance the company's long-term profitability. Multiple tariff increases were approved throughout late 2024 and early 2025, with remuneration values rising approximately
The landmark Resolution SE N°21/2025 represents a fundamental market liberalization that allows generators to sign direct PPAs with industrial clients and manage their own fuel - ending a decade-long restriction. This regulatory shift provides CEPU with greater operational flexibility and potential margin expansion.
The company paid a substantial
CEPU's strategic diversification into mining through its
While facing some operational headwinds - including project delays at San Carlos Solar and the reallocation of Yacyretá capacity from
Buenos Aires, Argentina--(Newsfile Corp. - March 11, 2025) - Central Puerto S.A (NYSE: CEPU) ("Central Puerto" or the "Company"), the largest private sector power generation companies in Argentina, reports its consolidated financial results for the Fiscal Year 2024 and Fourth Quarter 2024 ("4Q24"), ended on December 31st, 2024.
A conference call to discuss the FY 2024 and 4Q24 results will be held on March 12th, 2025, at 9 AM Eastern Time (see details below). All information provided is presented on a consolidated basis, unless otherwise stated.
Financial statements as of December 31st, 2024, include the effects of the inflation adjustment, applying IAS 29. Accordingly, the financial statements have been stated in terms of the measuring unit current at the end of the reporting period, including the corresponding financial figures for previous periods reported for comparative purposes. Growth comparisons refer to the same periods of the previous year, measured in the current unit at the end of the period, unless otherwise stated. Consequently, the information included in the Financial Statements for the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2024, is not comparable to the Financial Statements previously published by the company. However, we presented some figures converted from Argentine Pesos to U.S. dollars for comparison purposes only. The exchange rate used to convert Argentine Pesos to U.S. dollars was the reference exchange rate (Communication "A" 3500) reported by the Central Bank for U.S. dollars for the end of each period. The information presented in U.S. dollars is for the convenience of the reader only and may defer if such conversion for each period is performed at the exchange rate applicable at the end of the latest period. You should not consider these translations to be representations that the Argentine Peso amounts actually represent these U.S. dollars amounts or could be converted into U.S. dollars at the rate indicated.
Definitions and terms used herein are provided in the Glossary at the end of this document. This release does not contain all the Company's financial information. As a result, investors should read this release in conjunction with Central Puerto's consolidated financial statements as of and for the fiscal year ended on December 31st, 2024, and the notes thereto, which will be available on the Company's website.
A. Regulatory Updates and News
Resolution SE N°285/2024
On September 27th, 2024, the Secretariat of Energy updated remuneration prices for energy and power of generation units not committed in a PPA (spot market). This resolution replaced Annexes I to V of Resolution N°233/2024 and established a 2,
Resolution SE N°294/2024
On October 1st, 2024, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°294 in the Official Gazette, establishing a contingency plan for the electricity sector aiming to mitigate possible critical situations ("Contingency Plan for critical months of the period 2024/2026"). The plan covers the period December 2024 - March 2026 and states action plans for generation, transmission and distribution, as well as for large users demand. Regarding generation, an "additional, complementary and exceptional" remuneration for power and energy is stablished, with the aim of ensuring the availability of equipment in critical months and hours. The scheme is for thermal power plants located in critical nodes that do not have MEM supply contracts (PPAs) and that have not adhered to Resolution 59/23 (for combined cycles). Generators included in this universe are invited to adhere to a "Power Availability Commitment and Reliability Improvement" (the Commitment). The Commitment establishes an Availability Price Agreement (USD/MW 2,000) that is affected by a node criticality factor, which can vary between 0.75 and 1.25, being the final remuneration obtained by the generator affected by the real availability of the generation units.
The units belonging to the Group that are eligible to adhere to this resolution are the steam turbines located in Buenos Aires and Luján de Cuyo, the gas turbines located in Luján de Cuyo and the Brigadier López thermal power plant. For Central Puerto, the additional remuneration varies from USD/MW 2,000 to USD/MW 2,500 depending on months and units considered.
Resolution SE N°20/2024
On November 1st, 2024, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°20/2024 in the Official Gazette. This resolution updated the remuneration values for power and energy generation of units not committed in contracts. It replaced Annexes I to V of Resolution N°285/2024 and established a
Resolution SE N°387/2024
On December 2nd, 2024, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°387/2024 in the Official Gazette. This resolution updated the remuneration values for power and energy generation of units not committed in contracts. It replaced Annexes I to V of Resolution N°20/2024 and established a
Resolution SE N°603/2024
On December 31st, 2024, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°603/2024 in the Official Gazette. This resolution updated the remuneration values for power and energy generation of units not committed in contracts. It replaced Annexes I to V of Resolution N°387/2024 and established a
Resolution SE N°21/2025
On January 28th, 2025, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°21 in the Official Gazette, which establishes the following main aspects:
- New Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs): new generation facilities, regardless of their technology, are allowed to sign PPAs either with industrial/commercial clients or distribution companies. This decision lifts the restriction imposed many years ago by clause 9 of Resolution 95/2013. This change applies for power plants with COD January 1st, 2025 onwards.
- Fuel management: since March 1, 2025, thermal generators are now allowed to manage their own fuel, regardless of which one they use. This decision abolishes Resolution 354/2020, issued in December 2020, and also lifts a restriction imposed by clause 8 of Resolution 95/2013.
- Non-Delivered Energy Costs: As of February 1, 2025, a set of Non-Delivered Energy Costs has been established: i) USD/MWh 350 up to
5% of the demand, ii) USD/MWh 750 up to10% of the demand and iii) USD/MWh 1,500 for more than10% of the demand. These figures do not represent actual costs to be borne by anyone but serve as price signals for scarcity. If a shortage in the supply is discovered during the dispatch projections for future years these "costs" will be included to act as a proxy of operating costs to better reflect the real cost of generation. This seeks to give a signal for investment needs.
- "Energia Plus" framework: an ending is settled for the Energía Plus framework. Current contracts will be in place and continue until their ending date, but new agreements and extensions will have a deadline: October 31st, 2025.
New regulatory framework ("Lineamientos de CAMMESA")
The Secretariat of Energy proposed a new regulatory framework and instructed CAMMESA to issue a document and notify all the market participants which could object and/or propose amendments. The goal is to launch the new framework by the beginning of November 2025.
Resolution SE N°27/2025
On January 31st, 2025, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°27/2025 in the Official Gazette. This resolution updated the remuneration values for power and energy generation of units not committed in contracts. It replaced Annexes I to V of Resolution N°603/2024 and established a
Resolution SE N°67/2025
On February 17th, 2025, the Secretariat of Energy launched a storage capacity auction. This project aims to meet short-term capacity needs in AMBA region.
Resolution SE N°113/2025
On February 28th, 2025, the Secretariat of Energy published Resolution N°113/2025 in the Official Gazette. This resolution updated the remuneration values for power and energy generation of units not committed in contracts. It replaced Annexes I to V of Resolution N°27/2025 and established a
Dividend Payment
On November 22nd, 2024, Central Puerto S.A. distributed
Puna power transmission line
On December 5th, 2024, Central Puerto signed an agreement with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) to jointly finance the feasibility studies of a power transmission line to supply energy to mining companies in northwestern Argentina. These studies will evaluate the technical, economic and environmental feasibility of the project, which aims to interconnect mining projects in the Argentine Puna region to the Argentine Interconnection System (SADI), guaranteeing a reliable supply of renewable energy through private agreements.
Later, on January 14th, 2025, the Company and YPF Luz signed an agreement to jointly move forward with the analyses and development of this strategic project. This agreement marks an important milestone, as it is the first time that two major electricity generation companies will jointly evaluate the technical and regulatory aspects necessary to carry out a large-scale electrical infrastructure project that will provide a comprehensive electricity supply solution, with a particular focus on the development of the mining industry. This joint effort would involve an investment ranging from
Recent acquisitions
3 Cruces
On December 26th,2024, Proener S.A.U., an affiliate wholly owned by Central Puerto, directly acquired
The "Tres Cruces" project is a recently discovered lithium deposit. The funds provided by Central Puerto are intended to finance exploration and drilling activities and working capital for the initial stage of the project.
On January 31st, 2025, Proener S.A.U., signed a new share subscription agreement with AbraSilver Resource Corp ("AbraSilver"), a company listed on the Canadian Stock Exchange, which owns the Diablillos silver-gold project located in northwestern Argentina. With this subscription, Central Puerto increased its equity participation share in AbraSilver to
Current Projects: San Carlos Solar & Brigadier Lopez Cycle
Works continue in both projects. Brigardier Lopez is on schedule, moving forward at good pace. The contractor of San Carlos has presented some delays in its workflow, we are currently working together to solve out issues and keep the project on track.
B. Argentine Market Overview
The table below sets forth key Argentine energy market data for 4Q24 compared to 3Q24 and 4Q23 and FY 2024 compared to FY 2023.
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Source: CAMMESA; company data. Figures are rounded.
(1) As of December 31st, 2024, December 31st, 2023 and September 30th, 2024, as appropriate.
Installed Power Generation Capacity: By the end of the fourth quarter of 2024 (4Q24), the country's installed capacity reached 43,350 MW, which means a decrease of
Power generation & demand: During 4Q24, energy demand reached 33,250 GWh, a slight decrease from the 33,258 GWh recorded during the 4Q24. There was a
For the whole of 2024 residential demand barely grew
On the other hand, generation decreased
Nuclear generation decreased basically by the two year-maintenance shutdown of Atucha I, which started in November, an a seasonal maintenance program of Atucha II, carried on between the end of September and the beginning of December. Hydro generation shrank due to a combination of two factors: i) the aforementioned change in the allocation of Yacyretá's installed capacity and energy generation upon Paraguay's claim and ii) a reduction of river flows. In this last regard, the contraction was as follows:
The increase in energy generation from renewable sources was driven mainly by the impact of new installed capacity.
Finally, there was an increase in thermal generation to cope with the lower supply of hydro and nuclear. Despite the slight decrease in availability (
Additionally, the electricity trade balance resulted in a net import situation during the whole quarter, with a peak in November: in line with the demand trend showcased above, net imports were recorded in October and November, being substantially lower in December.
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Local energy Demand(TWh)
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
C. Central Puerto S.A.: Main operating metrics
The table below sets forth key operating metrics of the Central Puerto group for 4Q24, compared to 3Q24 and 4Q23 and FY 2024, compared to FY 2023:
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
-Source: CAMMESA; company data.
(1) On February 22, 2024, it was published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Argentina, the request submitted by Central Costanera for the decommissioning of steam generation units COSTTV04 and COSTTV06, for a total installed capacity of 120 MW and 350 MW, respectively.
Thermal availability (1) (%)
Steam & gas turbines
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Combined Cycles
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
(1) Availability weighted average by power capacity. Off-time due to scheduled maintenance agreed with CAMMESA is not considered in the ratio.
During 4Q24, Central Puerto's power generation increased
This operating result is a consequence of several factors.
Hydro energy generation from Piedra del Aguila dropped
Regarding renewable generation, there are mixed results. Wind generation decreased
Thermal generation increased
Finally, steam production rose
D. FY2024 & 4Q24 Analysis of Consolidated Results
Important notice: The results presented for the annual period 2024 and 4Q24 are positively or negatively affected, as appropriate, by a non-cash effect, given by the fact that inflation rates were greater than currency depreciation rates during the quarter. Since the functional currency of Central Puerto is the Argentine peso, our Financial Statements are subject to inflation adjustment, while Company's reporting figures are converted into US dollars using the end of period official exchange rate. Thus, given the disparity between inflation and devaluation for the period, it might affect comparability. |
Main financial magnitudes of continuing operations (1) (2) (3)
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
(1) The FX rate used to convert Argentine Pesos to U.S. dollars is the reference exchange rate reported by the Central Bank (Communication "A" 3500) as of 9/30/2024 (AR
(2) See "Disclaimer-EBITDA & Adjusted EBITDA" on page 24 for further information.
(3) Central Costanera revenues are not affected by COSTTV04 and COSTTV06 disconnection.
During 4Q24, revenues totaled US
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
This was mainly due to a combination of:
(i) A
- A cash effect on the gap between currency devaluation and spot remuneration increases.
- Higher thermal generation (mainly in steam turbines, the Brigadier Lopez open cycle plant and Central Costanera's Mitsubishi combined cycle).
- Non-cash effect on the gap between currency devaluation and inflation, primarily attributed to the one-time devaluation of December 2023.
(ii) A
- Higher solar generation of Guañizuil farm.
- Higher energy sales of cogeneration units (specially in San Lorenzo plant).
- A non-cash effect on the gap between currency devaluation and inflation, primarily attributed to the one-time devaluation of December 2023.
Being all partially offset by lower wind generation (mainly due to lower wind resource and extraordinary maintenances).
(iii) A
(iv) A
(v) A
(vi) A
Operating cost, excluding depreciation and amortization, in 4Q24 amounted to US
Production costs increased primarily due to: (i) a rise in maintenance expenses and (ii) the real appreciation of the Argentine Peso. On the other hand, production costs were also negatively impacted by a non-cash effect on the gap between currency devaluation and inflation, primarily attributed to the one-time devaluation of December 2023.
SG&A, excluding depreciations and amortizations, increased
The increase in SG&A during the quarter was mainly due to: (i) higher fees and compensation for services (one-time projects) and (ii) the real appreciation of the Argentine Peso.
Similar to production costs, SG&A were also negatively impacted by a non-cash effect due to the gap between currency devaluation and inflation, primarily attributed to the one-time devaluation of December 2023.
Other operating results net in 4Q24 were positive in US
This is mainly explained by: (i) lower interest from clients, due to lower CAMMESA delays, (ii) lower FX differences (income) and (iii) effects of Resolution 58/24. Additionally, there was a negative non-cash effect due to the gap between currency devaluation and inflation, primarily attributed to the one-time devaluation of December 2023. These impacts were partially offset by positive results generated by insurance recovery.
If we deduct the variation in biological assets and FONI FX differences and interest, Other operating results net in 4Q24 were positive in US
Consequently, the Consolidated Adjusted EBITDA (1) amounted to US
An impairment of US
Consolidated Net financial results in 4Q24 were positive in US
Loss on net monetary position in 4Q24 measured in US dollars amounted to US
Profit/Loss on associate companies was positive in US
Income tax in 4Q24 was positive in US
Finally, Net Income in 4Q24 amounted to a loss of US
Adjusted EBITDA Reconciliation (1)
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Financial Situation
As of December 31st, 2024, the Company and its subsidiaries had Cash and Cash Equivalents of US
The following chart breaks down the Net Debt position of Central Puerto (on a stand-alone basis) and its subsidiaries:
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Cash Flow of 12M24
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
Net cash provided by operating activities was US
Net cash used by investing activities was US
Net cash used by financing activities was US
The net decrease in cash and cash equivalents was US
The following table shows the company's principal maturity profile as of December 31, 2024, expressed in millions of dollars:
Debt Maturity schedule (1)(2)(US$ mm.)
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
(1) As of December 31th, 2024.
(2) Considers only principal maturities. Does not considering accrued interest.
E. Tables
- Consolidated Statement of Income
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
(1) The FX rate used to convert Argentine Pesos to U.S. dollars is the reference exchange rate reported by the Central Bank (Communication "A" 3500) as of 9/30/2024 (AR
- Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
The FX rate used to convert Argentine Pesos to U.S. dollars is the reference exchange rate reported by the Central Bank (Communication "A" 3500) as of 9/30/2024 (AR
- Consolidated Statement of Cash Flow
To view an enhanced version of this graphic, please visit:
The FX rate used to convert Argentine Pesos to U.S. dollars is the reference exchange rate reported by the Central Bank (Communication "A" 3500) as of 9/30/2024 (AR
F. Information about the Conference Call
There will be a conference call to discuss Central Puerto's Fiscal Year 2024 and 4Q 2024 results on March 12, 2025, at 09:00 AM ET.
The conference will be hosted by Mr. Fernando Bonnet, Chief Executive Officer, Enrique Terraneo, Chief Financial Officer and Alejandro Diaz Lopez, Head of Corporate Finance & Investor Relations Officer.
To access the conference call:
Webcast URL:
The Company will also host a live audio webcast of the conference call on the Investor Relations section of the Company's website at www.centralpuerto.com. Please allow extra time prior to the call to visit the website and download any streaming media software that might be required to listen to the webcast. The call will be available for replay on the Company's website under the Investor Relations section.
You may find additional information on the Company at:
In this release, except where otherwise indicated or where the context otherwise requires:
"BCRA" refers to Banco Central de la República Argentina, Argentina's Central Bank,
"CAMMESA" refers to Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico Sociedad Anónima;
"COD" refers to Commercial Operation Date, the day in which a generation unit is authorized by CAMMESA (in Spanish, "Habilitación Comercial") to sell electric energy through the grid under the applicable commercial conditions;
"Ecogas" refers collectively to Distribuidora de Gas Cuyana ("DGCU"), Distribuidora de Gas del Centro ("DGCE"), and their controlling company Inversora de Gas del Centro ("IGCE");
"Energía Base" (legacy energy) refers to the regulatory framework established under Resolution SE No. 95/13, as amended, currently regulated by Resolution SE No. 9/24;
"FONINVEMEM" or "FONI", refers to the Fondo para Inversiones Necesarias que Permitan Incrementar la Oferta de Energía Eléctrica en el Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista (the Fund for Investments Required to Increase the Electric Power Supply) and Similar Programs, including Central Vuelta de Obligado (CVO) Agreement;
"p.p.", refers to percentage points;
"PPA" refers to power purchase agreements.
Rounding amounts and percentages: Certain amounts and percentages included in this release have been rounded for ease of presentation. Percentage figures included in this release have not in all cases been calculated on the basis of such rounded figures, but on the basis of such amounts prior to rounding. For this reason, certain percentage amounts in this release may vary from those obtained by performing the same calculations using the figures in the financial statements. In addition, certain other amounts that appear in this release may not sum due to rounding.
This release contains certain metrics, including information per share, operating information, and others, which do not have standardized meanings or standard methods of calculation and therefore such measures may not be comparable to similar measures used by other companies. Such metrics have been included herein to provide readers with additional measures to evaluate the Company's performance; however, such measures are not reliable indicators of the future performance of the Company and future performance may not compare to the performance in previous periods.
Central Puerto routinely posts important information for investors in the Investor Relations support section on its website, www.centralpuerto.com. From time to time, Central Puerto may use its website as a channel of distribution of material Company information. Accordingly, investors should monitor Central Puerto's Investor Relations website, in addition to following the Company's press releases, SEC filings, public conference calls and webcasts. The information contained on, or that may be accessed through, the Company's website is not incorporated by reference into, and is not a part of, this release.
This release contains certain forward-looking information and forward-looking statements as defined in applicable securities laws (collectively referred to in this Earnings Release as "forward-looking statements") that constitute forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact are forward-looking statements. The words ''anticipate'', ''believe'', ''could'', ''expect'', ''should'', ''plan'', ''intend'', ''will'', ''estimate'' and ''potential'', and similar expressions, as they relate to the Company, are intended to identify forward-looking statements.
Statements regarding possible or assumed future results of operations, business strategies, financing plans, competitive position, industry environment, potential growth opportunities, the effects of future regulation and the effects of competition, expected power generation and capital expenditures plan, are examples of forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties, and contingencies, which may cause the actual results, performance, or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements.
The Company assumes no obligation to update forward-looking statements except as required under securities laws. Further information concerning risks and uncertainties associated with these forward-looking statements and the Company's business can be found in the Company's public disclosures filed on EDGAR (www.sec.govwww.sec.gov).
In this release, EBITDA, a non-IFRS financial measure, is defined as net income for the period, plus finance expenses, minus finance income, minus share of the profit (loss) of associates, plus (minus) losses (gains) on net monetary position, plus income tax expense, plus depreciation and amortization, minus net results of discontinued operations.
Adjusted EBITDA refers to EBITDA excluding impairment on property, plant & equipment, foreign exchange difference and interests related to FONI trade receivables and variations in fair value of biological asset.
Adjusted EBITDA is believed to provide useful supplemental information to investors about the Company and its results. Adjusted EBITDA is among the measures used by the Company's management team to evaluate the financial and operating performance and make day-to-day financial and operating decisions. In addition, Adjusted EBITDA is frequently used by securities analysts, investors, and other parties to evaluate companies in the industry. Adjusted EBITDA is believed to be helpful to investors because it provides additional information about trends in the core operating performance prior to considering the impact of capital structure, depreciation, amortization, and taxation on the results.
Adjusted EBITDA should not be considered in isolation or as a substitute for other measures of financial performance reported in accordance with IFRS. Adjusted EBITDA has limitations as an analytical tool, including:
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect changes in, including cash requirements for, working capital needs or contractual commitments;
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect the finance expenses, or the cash requirements to service interest or principal payments on indebtedness, or interest income or other finance income;
Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect income tax expense or the cash requirements to pay income taxes;
although depreciation and amortization are non-cash charges, the assets being depreciated or amortized often will need to be replaced in the future, and Adjusted EBITDA does not reflect any cash requirements for these replacements;
although share of the profit of associates is a non-cash charge, Adjusted EBITDA does not consider the potential collection of dividends; and
other companies may calculate Adjusted EBITDA differently, limiting its usefulness as a comparative measure.
The Company compensates for the inherent limitations associated with using Adjusted EBITDA through disclosure of these limitations, presentation of the Company's consolidated financial statements in accordance with IFRS and reconciliation of Adjusted EBITDA to the most directly comparable IFRS measure, net income. For a reconciliation of the net income to Adjusted EBITDA, see the tables included in this release.
All the information presented must be considered as consolidated unless otherwise specified.
Stock information:
New York Stock Exchange
Ticker: CEPU
1 ADR = 10 ordinary shares
Bolsas y Mercados Argentinos
Ticker: CEPU
Contact information:
Head Corporate Finance & IRO
Alejandro Díaz López
- Tel:
(+54 11) 4317 5000
- Investor Relations Website:
(1) See "Disclaimer-EBITDA & Adjusted EBITDA" on page 24 for further information.
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