Joint Venture Company Established for Incubation of Early Drug Discovery Programs; Investment from Takeda, Astellas and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking

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Ciconia Bioventures Inc., a joint venture company, has been established based on a master agreement signed by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503), and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking . The company aims to translate innovative technologies and drug discovery programs from Japan into clinical applications, focusing on:

  • Covering the entire process from early drug discovery research to establishing biotech startups
  • Formulating development strategies and enhancing the value of promising drug discovery seeds
  • Integrating R&D funding and experienced management teams to launch new startups
  • Collaborating with academia, biotech ventures, and pharmaceutical companies across Japan

Ciconia's goal is to advance innovative drug discovery programs, incubate globally competitive drug discovery technology, and foster entrepreneurship in Japan's pharmaceutical sector.

Ciconia Bioventures Inc., una società di joint venture, è stata costituita sulla base di un accordo quadro firmato da Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503) e Sumitomo Mitsui Banking. La società ha l'obiettivo di tradurre tecnologie innovative e programmi di scoperta di farmaci dal Giappone in applicazioni cliniche, con un focus su:

  • Copertura dell'intero processo, dalla ricerca preliminare sulla scoperta di farmaci alla creazione di startup biotecnologiche
  • Formulazione di strategie di sviluppo e valorizzazione di promettenti semi di scoperta di farmaci
  • Integrazione di finanziamenti per la R&S e team di gestione esperti per avviare nuove startup
  • Collaborazione con il mondo accademico, imprese biotecnologiche e case farmaceutiche in tutto il Giappone

L'obiettivo di Ciconia è far avanzare programmi innovativi di scoperta di farmaci, incubare tecnologie di scoperta di farmaci competitive a livello globale e promuovere l'imprenditorialità nel settore farmaceutico giapponese.

Ciconia Bioventures Inc., una empresa de joint venture, se ha establecido sobre la base de un acuerdo maestro firmado por Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503) y Sumitomo Mitsui Banking. La empresa tiene como objetivo traducir tecnologías innovadoras y programas de descubrimiento de fármacos de Japón a aplicaciones clínicas, centrándose en:

  • Cubrir todo el proceso desde la investigación inicial en el descubrimiento de fármacos hasta la creación de startups biotecnológicas
  • Formulación de estrategias de desarrollo y mejora del valor de las semillas prometedoras de descubrimiento de fármacos
  • Integración de financiación en I+D y equipos de gestión experimentados para lanzar nuevas startups
  • Colaboración con la academia, emprendimientos biotecnológicos y empresas farmacéuticas en todo Japón

El objetivo de Ciconia es avanzar en programas innovadores de descubrimiento de fármacos, incubar tecnología competitiva de descubrimiento de medicamentos a nivel global y fomentar el emprendimiento en el sector farmacéutico japonés.

Ciconia Bioventures Inc.는 Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503), Sumitomo Mitsui Banking이 체결한 마스터 계약을 기반으로 설립된 합작 투자 회사입니다. 이 회사는 일본의 혁신적인 기술과 약물 발견 프로그램을 임상 응용으로 전환하는 것을 목표로 하고 있으며, 그 초점은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 초기 약물 발견 연구에서 생명공학 스타트업 설립까지의 전체 과정 커버
  • 개발 전략 수립 및 유망한 약물 발견의 씨앗 가치를 높이기
  • R&D 자금 조달 및 경험이 풍부한 관리 팀 통합하여 새로운 스타트업 출범
  • 일본 전역의 학계, 생명공학 기업 및 제약 회사와 협력

Ciconia의 목표는 혁신적인 약물 발견 프로그램을 발전시키고, 글로벌 경쟁력을 갖춘 약물 발견 기술을 육성하며, 일본 제약 부문에서 기업가 정신을 촉진하는 것입니다.

Ciconia Bioventures Inc., une entreprise de coentreprise, a été établie sur la base d'un accord-cadre signé par Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503) et Sumitomo Mitsui Banking. L'objectif de l'entreprise est de traduire des technologies innovantes et des programmes de découverte de médicaments du Japon en applications cliniques, en se concentrant sur :

  • Couvrir l'ensemble du processus de la recherche précoce sur la découverte de médicaments à la création de startups biotech
  • Formuler des stratégies de développement et valoriser des projets de découverte de médicaments prometteurs
  • Intégrer le financement de la R&D et des équipes de direction expérimentées pour lancer de nouvelles startups
  • Collaborer avec le milieu académique, des entreprises biotechnologiques et des sociétés pharmaceutiques à travers le Japon

L'objectif de Ciconia est d'avancer des programmes innovants de découverte de médicaments, d'incuber des technologies de découverte de médicaments compétitives à l'échelle mondiale et de favoriser l'entrepreneuriat dans le secteur pharmaceutique japonais.

Ciconia Bioventures Inc., ein Joint-Venture-Unternehmen, wurde auf der Grundlage eines Rahmenvertrags gegründet, der von Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503) und Sumitomo Mitsui Banking unterzeichnet wurde. Das Unternehmen zielt darauf ab, innovative Technologien und Programme zur Arzneimittelentdeckung aus Japan in klinische Anwendungen zu übertragen, mit einem Schwerpunkt auf:

  • Abdeckung des gesamten Prozesses von der frühen Arzneimittelentdeckung bis zur Gründung von Biotech-Startups
  • Formulierung von Entwicklungsstrategien und Steigerung des Wertes vielversprechender Entdeckungsansätze
  • Integration von F&E-Finanzierung und erfahrenen Managementteams zur Gründung neuer Startups
  • Zusammenarbeit mit der Wissenschaft, Biotech-Unternehmen und Pharmazeutischen Unternehmen in ganz Japan

Das Ziel von Ciconia ist es, innovative Programme zur Arzneimittelentdeckung voranzubringen, global wettbewerbsfähige Arzneimittelentdeckungstechnologien zu incubieren und Unternehmergeist im japanischen Pharmasektor zu fördern.

  • Establishment of a joint venture company to boost Japan's drug discovery ecosystem
  • Collaboration with major pharmaceutical companies and a banking
  • Focus on translating innovative technologies into clinical applications
  • Potential for increasing successful biotech ventures in Japan
  • Aim to deliver Japanese innovations to the global pharmaceutical market
  • None.


This joint venture represents a significant development in Japan's biotech ecosystem. Ciconia Bioventures, backed by pharmaceutical giants Takeda and Astellas, along with financial powerhouse SMBC, aims to bridge the gap between early-stage drug discovery and successful biotech startups. This model could potentially accelerate the translation of innovative Japanese research into globally competitive drug candidates.

Key points to consider:

  • The venture combines scientific expertise from Takeda and Astellas with financial backing from SMBC, creating a powerful incubator for early-stage drug discovery programs.
  • Ciconia's focus on enhancing the value of drug discovery seeds from Japanese academia and biotech startups could lead to an increase in high-potential assets in Takeda's and Astellas' pipelines.
  • This initiative may help address Japan's historically lower rate of biotech startup success compared to other major markets like the US.
  • For Takeda and Astellas, this represents a strategic move to tap into external innovation while sharing risk and resources.

While the long-term impact on Takeda's financials is uncertain, this venture could potentially provide a steady stream of high-quality drug candidates for its pipeline, potentially boosting its R&D productivity in the long run.

Ciconia Bioventures represents a strategic shift in how major Japanese pharma companies approach early-stage drug discovery and biotech incubation. This model, reminiscent of successful biotech ecosystems in Boston and San Francisco, could significantly enhance Japan's competitiveness in the global pharmaceutical landscape.

For Takeda, this initiative aligns with its strategy of accessing external innovation and could provide several benefits:

  • Risk mitigation: By sharing the costs and risks of early-stage drug discovery with partners, Takeda can potentially improve its R&D efficiency.
  • Pipeline diversification: Access to a broader range of innovative drug candidates could help Takeda diversify its pipeline beyond its current focus areas.
  • Ecosystem development: Strengthening Japan's biotech ecosystem could create a more fertile ground for future collaborations and acquisitions.

However, investors should note that the impact on Takeda's financials will likely be minimal in the short term, with potential benefits materializing over a 5-10 year horizon. The success of this venture will depend on Ciconia's ability to effectively identify and develop promising drug candidates.

TOKYO, Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Ciconia Bioventures Inc. (Representative Director, Founder CEO: Toshio Fujimoto, "Ciconia") today announced its establishment as a joint venture company based on a master agreement signed on April 22, 2024 by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (TSE: 4502/NYSE: TAK, President and CEO, Christophe Weber, "Takeda"), Astellas Pharma Inc. (TSE: 4503, President and CEO: Naoki Okamura, "Astellas"), and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (President & CEO: Akihiro Fukutome, "SMBC"). (News release regarding the master agreement is here.)

Ciconia seamlessly covers the entire process from early drug discovery research to establishment of biotech startups, with the aim of translating innovative technologies and drug discovery programs originating in Japan into clinical applications. Leveraging a wide range of promising drug discovery seeds from Japanese academia, biotech startups, and pharmaceutical companies, the company will focus on formulating development strategies and acquiring new data to enhance the value of these seeds, transforming them into high-potential assets with a greater likelihood of success. The company will also integrate additional R&D funding and experienced management teams to launch new innovative startups, increasing the number of successful biotech ventures emerging from Japan. To achieve these goals of advancing innovative drug discovery programs primarily originating from Japan into the global pharmaceutical market, incubating globally competitive drug discovery technology, and fostering entrepreneurship, Ciconia's incubation activities will be carried out in collaboration with academia, biotechnology ventures, and pharmaceutical companies across Japan, in a shared effort to unleash the potential of drug discovery ecosystem for the world.

"Ciconia will evaluate early development stage seeds, establish its own company based on the selected seeds, raise funds worldwide and pursue global product development," said Toshio Fujimoto, Representative Director, Founder CEO at Ciconia. "Ultimately, we hope to deliver innovations from Japan to the world through our work."

"The establishment of Ciconia is a significant step forward for the further growth of Japan's drug discovery ecosystem to lead global R&D," said Yasushi Kajii, Head of R&D Japan Region at Takeda. "Leveraging our extensive experience in supporting venture companies and entrepreneurs both domestically and internationally, we are committed to supporting startups emerging from Ciconia with excellent drug discovery seeds to expand globally."

"We highly expect that Ciconia will activate Japan's drug discovery ecosystem in collaboration with a wide variety of players from industry, government, and academia, and deliver innovative therapeutics to patients around the world through its global expansion," said Issei Tsukamoto, Ph.D., Head of Business Development, Astellas. "We will provide multifaceted support to Ciconia based on our drug discovery and business expertise, and networks we have cultivated worldwide."

"We will support Japan's resurgence by promoting the development of new technologies and industries through Ciconia Bioventures Inc., which aids in the development of new pharmaceuticals," added a representative for SMBC.

About Ciconia Bioventures Inc.


- Headquarter: 2-26-1, Muraoka-Higashi, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0012, Japan

- Tokyo Office: 3-11-5, Nihonbashi-Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0023, Japan

Founded: August 2024

Capital: Approximately 600 million yen (including capital reserve)

Management Team:

- Representative Director, Founder CEO: Toshio Fujimoto

- COO/CBO: Masaharu Tani

- Interim CSO: Yoshinori Ikeura



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What is the purpose of Ciconia Bioventures Inc.?

Ciconia Bioventures Inc. aims to translate innovative technologies and drug discovery programs from Japan into clinical applications, covering the entire process from early drug discovery research to establishing biotech startups.

Who are the founding partners of Ciconia Bioventures Inc.?

Ciconia Bioventures Inc. is a joint venture established by Takeda Pharmaceutical Company (TAK), Astellas Pharma Inc., and Sumitomo Mitsui Banking

How will Ciconia Bioventures Inc. impact Japan's drug discovery ecosystem?

Ciconia aims to advance innovative drug discovery programs, incubate globally competitive drug discovery technology, and foster entrepreneurship, potentially increasing the number of successful biotech ventures emerging from Japan.

What is Takeda's (TAK) role in Ciconia Bioventures Inc.?

Takeda (TAK) is one of the founding partners of Ciconia and will support startups emerging from Ciconia with excellent drug discovery seeds to expand globally, leveraging its experience in supporting venture companies and entrepreneurs.



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