Coelacanth Announces 2023 Year-End Reserves

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Coelacanth Energy Inc. announces its 2023 year-end reserves, showing significant increases in Total Proved plus Probable reserves, Total Proved reserves, and Total Proved plus Probable Reserve value. The company's business plan for the Two Rivers Montney Project includes delineating and establishing production on multiple Montney zones, constructing facilities and pipelines, and accelerating production through pad drilling. Coelacanth is excited to aggressively develop the property and move the established recoverable resource to its producing reserve base.
Coelacanth Energy Inc. annuncia le sue riserve di fine anno 2023, mostrando significativi incrementi nelle riserve Totali Provate più Probabili, nelle riserve Totali Provate e nel valore delle riserve Totali Provate più Probabili. Il piano aziendale per il Progetto Montney dei Due Fiumi include la delimitazione e l'avvio della produzione in molteplici zone Montney, la costruzione di impianti e oleodotti, e l'accelerazione della produzione attraverso la perforazione su più pozzi contemporaneamente. Coelacanth è entusiasta di sviluppare aggressivamente la proprietà e trasferire la risorsa recuperabile stabilita alla sua base di riserve produttive.
Coelacanth Energy Inc. anuncia sus reservas de fin de año 2023, mostrando incrementos significativos en las reservas Totales Probadas más Probables, las reservas Totales Probadas y el valor de las reservas Totales Probadas más Probables. El plan de negocios de la compañía para el Proyecto Montney de Dos Ríos incluye delinear y establecer producción en múltiples zonas Montney, construir instalaciones y oleoductos, y acelerar la producción mediante la perforación en bloques. Coelacanth está emocionada de desarrollar agresivamente la propiedad y mover el recurso recuperable establecido a su base de reservas en producción.
코엘라칸스 에너지 주식회사는 2023년 연말 예비량을 발표하며, 총 입증된 예비량과 가능성이 있는 예비량, 총 입증된 예비량, 그리고 총 입증된 예비량과 가능성이 있는 예비량의 가치에서 상당한 증가를 보여주었습니다. 이 회사의 투 리버스 몬트니 프로젝트에 대한 사업 계획은 여러 몬트니 구역에서의 생산을 정의하고 시작하고, 시설과 파이프라인을 구축하며, 패드 드릴링을 통해 생산을 가속화하는 것을 포함합니다. 코엘라칸스는 이 부동산을 적극적으로 개발하고 확립된 회수 가능 자원을 생산 예비량 기반으로 옮기는 것에 대해 매우 기대하고 있습니다.
Coelacanth Energy Inc. annonce ses réserves de fin d'année 2023, révélant des augmentations significatives des réserves Totales Prouvées plus Probables, des réserves Totales Prouvées et de la valeur des réserves Totales Prouvées plus Probables. Le plan d'affaires de la société pour le Projet Montney des Deux Rivières comprend la délimitation et la mise en production de multiples zones Montney, la construction d'installations et de pipelines, ainsi que l'accélération de la production par le forage en plateforme. Coelacanth est impatient de développer agressivement la propriété et de transférer la ressource récupérable établie à sa base de réserves en production.
Coelacanth Energy Inc. gibt seine Jahresendreserven für 2023 bekannt, die einen signifikanten Anstieg der Gesamt Nachgewiesenen plus Wahrscheinlichen Reserven, der Gesamt Nachgewiesenen Reserven und des Gesamtwerts der Nachgewiesenen plus Wahrscheinlichen Reserven zeigen. Der Geschäftsplan des Unternehmens für das Montney Projekt Two Rivers umfasst die Abgrenzung und Etablierung der Produktion in mehreren Montney-Zonen, den Bau von Anlagen und Pipelines sowie die Beschleunigung der Produktion durch Pad-Bohrungen. Coelacanth freut sich darauf, das Grundstück aggressiv zu entwickeln und die festgestellte förderbare Ressource in seine produzierende Reservebasis zu überführen.
  • Total Proved plus Probable reserves increased by 216% to 14.1 million boe from 4.5 million boe.
  • Total Proved reserves increased by 426% to 10.5 million boe from 2.0 million boe.
  • Total Proved plus Probable Reserve value (net present value discounted at 10%) increased by 192% to $93.9 million from $32.2 million.
  • Coelacanth's RLI for Proved plus Probable Reserves is 41.4 and for Proved Reserves is 30.8.
  • Capital expenditures in 2023 totaled $74.6 million, with significant allocations to drilling and completion activities.
  • F&D costs for 2023 were $19.01/boe, while FD&A costs were $19.13/boe.
  • Coelacanth's forward-looking information and detailed reserve reconciliation can be found in the Company's AIF filed on SEDAR+.
  • None.

Calgary, Alberta--(Newsfile Corp. - April 18, 2024) - COELACANTH ENERGY INC. (TSXV: CEI) ("Coelacanth" or the "Company") is pleased to announce its 2023 year-end reserves as independently evaluated by GLJ Ltd. ("GLJ") effective December 31, 2023 (the "GLJ Report"), in accordance with National Instrument 51-101 ("NI 51-101") and the Canadian Oil and Gas Evaluation ("COGE") Handbook. All dollar figures are Canadian dollars unless otherwise noted.


During 2023, Coelacanth completed successful Montney pad wells at both Two Rivers West and Two Rivers East. Longer wells and a new completion design was successfully executed on both pads resulting in materially improved productivity. Baseline productivity was established in the Upper Montney at Two Rivers West and the Lower and Basal Montney at Two Rivers East for future adjustments to completions and well designs.

While reserves booked in 2023 are significantly greater than in 2022, the aerial extent of the bookings comprise less than 7% of Coelacanth's approximately 97,300 acres of Montney land holdings in the Two Rivers area.

Coelacanth's business plan for the Two Rivers Montney Project includes:

  • Delineating and establishing production on multiple Montney zones over its extensive land base.
  • Constructing facilities and pipelines to process production and connect to established egress in the area.
  • Accelerate production through pad drilling once infrastructure is constructed.

Coelacanth is currently:

  • Completing the permit process for its Two Rivers East facility and pipelines.
  • Finalizing engineering design and procuring long lead items for facility construction at Two Rivers East.
  • Preparing for future pad drilling in late 2024 and early 2025 to coincide with facility completion in late Q1 2025.
  • Initiating a third-party resource study to aid in well spacing and completion design as well as future delineation.
  • Completing a detailed review of Two Rivers West regarding both wellbore and completion design and future infrastructure requirements.

Coelacanth is excited to initiate its business plan to aggressively develop the property, establish the ultimate reserve recoveries and move the established recoverable resource from land to its established producing reserve base.

Reserve Highlights

Coelacanth is pleased to report material reserve and value:

  • Increased Total Proved plus Probable reserves by 216% to 14.1 million boe from 4.5 million boe.
  • Increased Total Proved reserves by 426% to 10.5 million boe from 2.0 million boe.
  • Increased Total Proved plus Probable Reserve value (net present value discounted at 10%) by 192% to $93.9 million from $32.2 million.

Reserves Summary

Coelacanth's December 31, 2023 reserves as prepared by GLJ effective December 31, 2023 and based on the GLJ (2024-01) future price forecast are as follows: (1,4)

Working Interest Reserves (2)Tight Oil
Shale Natural Gas
Total Oil Equivalent
(Mboe) (3)

Developed non-producing1,09420,9753394,929
Total proved2,29144,78472010,475
Total proved & probable3,03860,43297014,080


(1) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(2) "Working Interest" or "Gross" reserves means Coelacanth's working interest (operating and non-operating) share before deduction of royalties and without including any royalty interest of Coelacanth.
(3) Oil equivalent amounts have been calculated using a conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to one barrel of oil.
(4) Disclosure of Net reserves are included in Company's Annual Information Form ("AIF") dated April 16, 2024 filed on SEDAR+ at "Net" reserves means Coelacanth's working interest (operated and non-operated) share after deduction of royalties, plus Coelacanth's royalty interest in reserves.

Reserves Values

The estimated future net revenues before taxes associated with Coelacanth's reserves effective December 31, 2023 and based on the GLJ (2024-01) future price forecast are summarized in the following table: (1,2,3,4)

Discount factor per year
($000s)0% 5% 10% 15% 20%

Developed non-producing37,03616,2712,718-6,510-13,021
Total proved132,32190,02261,90842,39028,315
Total proved & probable211,950138,40093,93965,09145,260


(1) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(2) The estimated future net revenues are stated prior to provision for interest, debt service charges or general administrative expenses and after deduction of royalties, operating costs, estimated well abandonment and reclamation costs and estimated future capital expenditures.
(3) The estimated future net revenue contained in the table does not necessarily represent the fair market value of the reserves. There is no assurance that the forecast price and cost assumptions contained in the GLJ Report will be attained and variations could be material. The recovery and reserve estimates described herein are estimates only. Actual reserves may be greater or less than those calculated.
(4) The after-tax present values of future net revenue attributed to Coelacanth's reserves are included in Company's AIF dated April 16, 2024 filed on SEDAR+ at

Price Forecast

The GLJ (2024-01) price forecast is as follows:

YearWTI Oil @ Cushing
($US / Bbl)
Edmonton Light Oil
($Cdn / Bbl)
AECO Natural Gas
($Cdn / Mmbtu)
Chicago Natural Gas
($US / Mmbtu)
Foreign Exchange
Escalate thereafter (1)2.0% per year2.0% per year2.0% per year2.0% per year


(1) Escalated at two per cent per year starting in 2034 in the January 1, 2024 GLJ price forecast with the exception of foreign exchange, which remains flat.

Reserve Life Index ("RLI")

Coelacanth's RLI presented below is based on estimated Q4 2023 average production of 923 boe per day.

Reserve CategoryRLI
Proved plus Probable Reserves41.4
Proved Reserves30.8


Reserves Reconciliation

The following summary reconciliation of Coelacanth's working interest reserves compares changes in the Company's reserves as at December 31, 2023 to the reserves as at December 31, 2022 based on the GLJ (2024-01) future price forecast: (1,2)

Total Proved Tight Oil  Shale Natural Gas  NGLs  Total Oil Equivalent 
  (Mbbl) (Mmcf)  (Mbbl) (Mboe) (3)
Opening balance               387     8,743        149     1,993
Discoveries             -                  -                  -             -
Extensions and improved recovery    1,882                        35,190           568             8,315
Technical revisions       70       1,444                11      322
Acquisitions              -          -             -             -
Dispositions               -                     -                         -                     -
Economic factors             -             -          -             -
Production      (48)    (593)     (8)   (155)
Closing balance            2,291                        44,784   720                        10,475
Proved plus Probable Tight Oil  Shale Natural Gas  NGLs  Total Oil Equivalent 
  (Mbbl) (Mmcf)  (Mbbl) (Mboe) (3)
Opening balance         907                        19,284           328           4,450
Discoveries                    -              -            -             -
Extensions and improved recovery           2,089                        39,011             631            9,222
Technical revisions             89        2,729             19             563
Acquisitions                   -                  -             -               -
Dispositions                      -                 -                -                 -
Economic factors                  -           -                   -             -
Production           (48)        (593)             (8)                 (155)
Closing balance    3,038                        60,432          970                        14,080


(1) Numbers may not add due to rounding.
(2) "Working Interest" or "Gross" reserves means Coelacanth's working interest (operating and non-operating) share before deduction of royalties and without including any royalty interest of Coelacanth.
(3) Oil equivalent amounts have been calculated using a conversion rate of six thousand cubic feet of natural gas to one barrel of oil.

Capital Expenditures

Capital allocation by category is as follows:


Undeveloped land 



Drilling and completion

Facilities and related infrastructure

Geological, geophysical  and other

Exploration and development expenditures


Total capital expenditures



Finding and Development Costs ("F&D") and Finding, Development and Acquisition Costs ("FD&A")

Coelacanth has presented FD&A and F&D costs below:

   2023  2022 2021 (3)  3 Year Cumulative
   Proved &
   Proved &
   Proved &
   Proved &
($000's, except where noted)  Proved  Probable  Proved  Probable  Proved
 Probable  Proved  Probable
Exploration and development expenditures    73,607    73,607      12,740      12,740           795           795      87,142   87,142
Change in FDC (1)     90,598    77,759      11,400      33,748        6,300        6,300   108,298  117,807
F&D costs     164,205    151,366      24,140      46,488        7,095        7,095   195,440  204,949
Acquisitions   1,006   1,006        1,164        1,164           542 { "@context": "", "@type": "FAQPage", "name": "Coelacanth Announces 2023 Year-End Reserves FAQs", "mainEntity": [ { "@type": "Question", "name": "What are Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Total Proved plus Probable reserves for 2023?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Total Proved plus Probable reserves for 2023 increased by 216% to 14.1 million boe from 4.5 million boe." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Total Proved Reserve value for Coelacanth Energy Inc. in 2023?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Total Proved Reserve value for 2023 increased by 426% to 10.5 million boe from 2.0 million boe." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What is the Reserve Life Index (RLI) for Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Proved Reserves?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Reserve Life Index (RLI) for Proved Reserves is 30.8." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "How much were Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s capital expenditures in 2023?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s capital expenditures in 2023 totaled $74.6 million." } }, { "@type": "Question", "name": "What were Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Finding and Development (F&D) costs for 2023?", "acceptedAnswer": { "@type": "Answer", "text": "Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Finding and Development (F&D) costs for 2023 were $19.01/boe." } } ] }


What are Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Total Proved plus Probable reserves for 2023?

Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Total Proved plus Probable reserves for 2023 increased by 216% to 14.1 million boe from 4.5 million boe.

What is the Total Proved Reserve value for Coelacanth Energy Inc. in 2023?

Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Total Proved Reserve value for 2023 increased by 426% to 10.5 million boe from 2.0 million boe.

What is the Reserve Life Index (RLI) for Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Proved Reserves?

Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Reserve Life Index (RLI) for Proved Reserves is 30.8.

How much were Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s capital expenditures in 2023?

Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s capital expenditures in 2023 totaled $74.6 million.

What were Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Finding and Development (F&D) costs for 2023?

Coelacanth Energy Inc.'s Finding and Development (F&D) costs for 2023 were $19.01/boe.



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