Constellation to Launch Crane Clean Energy Center, Restoring Jobs and Carbon-free Power to the Grid
Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) has announced a 20-year power purchase agreement with Microsoft, paving the way for the launch of the Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) and the restart of Three Mile Island Unit 1. The agreement will restore approximately 835 megawatts of carbon-free energy to the grid, create 3,400 direct and indirect jobs, and deliver over $3 billion in state and federal taxes.
The CCEC, named after former CEO Chris Crane, is expected to be online in 2028. Constellation will make significant investments to restore the plant and seek license renewal to extend operations until at least 2054. The project has strong public support in Pennsylvania and is expected to add $16 billion to the state's GDP. Constellation has also committed an additional $1 million in philanthropic giving to the region over the next five years.
Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) ha annunciato un contratto di acquisto di energia della durata di 20 anni con Microsoft, aprendo la strada al lancio del Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) e al riavvio dell'Unità 1 di Three Mile Island. L'accordo restituirà circa 835 megawatt di energia priva di carbonio alla rete, creerà 3.400 posti di lavoro diretti e indiretti e genererà oltre 3 miliardi di dollari in tasse statali e federali.
Il CCEC, intitolato all'ex CEO Chris Crane, dovrebbe diventare operativo nel 2028. Constellation prevede di fare investimenti significativi per ristrutturare l'impianto e cercare il rinnovo della licenza per estendere le operazioni almeno fino al 2054. Il progetto ha un forte sostegno pubblico in Pennsylvania e si prevede che aggiunga 16 miliardi di dollari al PIL dello stato. Constellation si è inoltre impegnata a destinare un ulteriore 1 milione di dollari a iniziative filantropiche nella regione nei prossimi cinque anni.
Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) ha anunciado un contrato de compra de energía de 20 años con Microsoft, allanando el camino para el lanzamiento del Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) y el reinicio de la Unidad 1 de Three Mile Island. El acuerdo restaurará aproximadamente 835 megavatios de energía libre de carbono a la red, creará 3,400 empleos directos e indirectos y aportará más de 3 mil millones de dólares en impuestos estatales y federales.
El CCEC, nombrado en honor al ex CEO Chris Crane, se espera que esté en línea en 2028. Constellation realizará inversiones significativas para restaurar la planta y buscar la renovación de la licencia para extender las operaciones hasta al menos 2054. El proyecto cuenta con un fuerte apoyo público en Pennsylvania y se espera que añada 16 mil millones de dólares al PIB del estado. Constellation también se ha comprometido a donar 1 millón de dólares en contribuciones filantrópicas a la región en los próximos cinco años.
컨스텔레이션(나스닥: CEG)은 마이크로소프트와 20년 전력 구매 계약을 체결하여 크레인 클린 에너지 센터 (CCEC)의 출범과 쓰리 마일 아일랜드 1호기의 재가동을 위한 기반을 마련했습니다. 이 계약은 약 835메가와트의 탄소 없는 에너지를 전력망에 되돌리고 3,400개의 직간접 일자리를 창출하며 30억 달러 이상의 주 및 연방 세수를 제공할 것입니다.
전 CEO 크리스 크레인의 이름을 딴 CCEC는 2028년에 운영될 것으로 예상되며, 컨스텔레이션은 발전소를 복원하기 위한 상당한 투자를 하고 2054년까지 운영 연장을 위한 면허 갱신을 요청할 예정입니다. 이 프로젝트는 펜실베이니아에서 강력한 공적 지지를 받고 있으며 주 GDP에 160억 달러를 추가할 것으로 기대됩니다. 컨스텔레이션은 또한 향후 5년 동안 이 지역에 100만 달러의 자선 기부를 추가로 약속했습니다.
Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) a annoncé un contrat d'achat d'électricité de 20 ans avec Microsoft, ouvrant la voie au lancement du Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) et à la remise en service de l'Unité 1 de Three Mile Island. Cet accord restaurera environ 835 mégawatts d'énergie sans carbone au réseau, créera 3 400 emplois directs et indirects et générera plus de 3 milliards de dollars en taxes étatiques et fédérales.
Le CCEC, nommé d'après l'ancien PDG Chris Crane, devrait être opérationnel en 2028. Constellation effectuera des investissements significatifs pour restaurer l'usine et demandera un renouvellement de licence pour prolonger les opérations jusqu'au moins 2054. Le projet bénéficie d'un fort soutien public en Pennsylvanie et devrait ajouter 16 milliards de dollars au PIB de l'État. Constellation s'est également engagée à donner 1 million de dollars en dons philanthropiques à la région au cours des cinq prochaines années.
Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) hat einen 20-jährigen Stromabnahmevertrag mit Microsoft bekannt gegeben, der den Weg für die Eröffnung des Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) und den Neustart des Three Mile Island Block 1 ebnet. Der Vertrag wird ungefähr 835 Megawatt kohlenstofffreier Energie ins Netz zurückführen, 3.400 direkte und indirekte Arbeitsplätze schaffen und über 3 Milliarden Dollar an Staats- und Bundessteuern liefern.
Das CCEC, benannt nach dem ehemaligen CEO Chris Crane, wird voraussichtlich 2028 in Betrieb genommen. Constellation wird erhebliche Investitionen tätigen, um das Kraftwerk wiederherzustellen und eine Lizenzverlängerung zu beantragen, um den Betrieb mindestens bis 2054 fortzusetzen. Das Projekt hat eine starke öffentliche Unterstützung in Pennsylvania und soll 16 Milliarden Dollar zum BIP des Bundesstaates beitragen. Constellation hat sich außerdem verpflichtet, in den nächsten fünf Jahren zusätzlich 1 Million Dollar für wohltätige Zwecke in der Region zu spenden.
- 20-year power purchase agreement with Microsoft
- Restart of Three Mile Island Unit 1, adding 835 megawatts of carbon-free energy to the grid
- Creation of 3,400 direct and indirect jobs
- Expected delivery of over $3 billion in state and federal taxes
- $16 billion addition to Pennsylvania's GDP
- License renewal pursuit to extend plant operations until at least 2054
- $1 million commitment in philanthropic giving to the region over five years
- Strong public support for the restart in Pennsylvania
- Significant investments required to restore the plant
- Regulatory approvals needed from U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other agencies
- Plant restart not expected until 2028
The announcement of Constellation's 20-year power purchase agreement (PPA) with Microsoft to restart Three Mile Island Unit 1 is a significant development with substantial financial implications. This deal, Constellation's largest-ever PPA, is expected to generate
The restart of the 837-megawatt plant, now named Crane Clean Energy Center, represents a major capital investment for Constellation. While specific costs aren't disclosed, nuclear plant restarts typically involve substantial upfront expenses. However, the long-term PPA with Microsoft provides revenue stability, potentially justifying the investment. This move aligns with the growing trend of tech companies seeking reliable, carbon-free energy sources for their data centers, potentially opening up similar opportunities for Constellation in the future.
Investors should note the expected online date of 2028, indicating a significant lead time before revenue generation. The project's success hinges on obtaining regulatory approvals and completing necessary upgrades, which carry execution risks. Overall, this deal positions Constellation strongly in the clean energy market, potentially enhancing its long-term financial outlook.
The revival of Three Mile Island Unit 1 as the Crane Clean Energy Center marks a significant shift in energy policy and market dynamics. This move underscores a growing recognition of nuclear power's role in achieving carbon reduction goals while meeting baseload energy demands. The project aligns with both federal and state-level initiatives to support clean, reliable energy sources.
The strong public support in Pennsylvania, with a
However, the project faces regulatory hurdles, including NRC approval and state permits. The success of this restart could influence future policies on nuclear plant operations and license renewals. It's worth noting that this project represents a unique case of restarting a shuttered plant, which could inform regulatory approaches to similar situations in the future. The
The relaunch of Three Mile Island Unit 1 as the Crane Clean Energy Center presents a complex environmental scenario. On one hand, it will add 835 megawatts of carbon-free energy to the grid, significantly contributing to emissions reduction efforts. Nuclear power's ability to provide consistent, baseload energy without carbon emissions is a important factor in meeting climate goals, especially in supporting the growing energy demands of data centers and other high-consumption industries.
However, the environmental impact isn't solely positive. The restart will require significant resource input for refurbishment and upgrades. There's also the ongoing issue of nuclear waste management, though advancements have been made in this area. The plant's water usage and thermal discharge into the Susquehanna River will need careful monitoring and management.
It's important to note that this project utilizes existing infrastructure, potentially reducing the environmental footprint compared to building new power generation facilities. The extended operational lifespan until at least 2054 ensures long-term clean energy production, but also extends the period of environmental responsibility. Overall, while contributing significantly to carbon-free energy goals, the project's net environmental impact will depend on stringent operational practices and ongoing technological advancements in nuclear power.
Constellation signs its largest-ever power purchase agreement with Microsoft, a deal that will restore TMI Unit 1 to service and keep it online for decades; add approximately 835 megawatts of carbon-free energy to the grid; create 3,400 direct and indirect jobs and deliver more than

Constellation announced today the signing of a 20-year power purchase agreement with Microsoft that will pave the way for the launch of the Crane Clean Energy Center (CCEC) and restart of Three Mile Island Unit 1. (Photo: Business Wire)
“Powering industries critical to our nation’s global economic and technological competitiveness, including data centers, requires an abundance of energy that is carbon-free and reliable every hour of every day, and nuclear plants are the only energy sources that can consistently deliver on that promise,” said Joe Dominguez, president and CEO, Constellation. “Before it was prematurely shuttered due to poor economics, this plant was among the safest and most reliable nuclear plants on the grid, and we look forward to bringing it back with a new name and a renewed mission to serve as an economic engine for
The Unit 1 reactor is located adjacent to TMI Unit 2, which shut down in 1979 and is in the process of being decommissioned by its owner, Energy Solutions. TMI Unit 1 is a fully independent facility, and its long-term operation was not impacted by the Unit 2 accident. To prepare for the restart, significant investments will be made to restore the plant, including the turbine, generator, main power transformer and cooling and control systems. Restarting a nuclear reactor requires
"This agreement is a major milestone in Microsoft's efforts to help decarbonize the grid in support of our commitment to become carbon negative. Microsoft continues to collaborate with energy providers to develop carbon-free energy sources to help meet the grids' capacity and reliability needs," said Bobby Hollis, VP of Energy, Microsoft.
A recent economic impact study commissioned by the Pennsylvania Building & Construction Trades Council found that the new CCEC will create 3,400 direct and indirect jobs and add more than 800 megawatts of carbon-free electricity to the grid. The report, produced by The Brattle Group, also found that restarting the plant will add
To ensure that the local community fully participates in the economic benefits of restarting the facility, Constellation has committed an additional
“The CCEC will support thousands of family-sustaining jobs for decades to come,” said Rob Bair,
“Pennsylvania’s nuclear energy industry plays a critical role in providing safe, reliable, carbon-free electricity that helps reduce emissions and grow Pennsylvania’s economy,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “Under the careful watch of state and federal authorities, the Crane Clean Energy Center will safely utilize existing infrastructure to sustain and expand nuclear power in the Commonwealth while creating thousands of energy jobs and strengthening Pennsylvania’s legacy as a national energy leader. My Administration will continue to work to cut energy costs and ensure the reliability of our energy grid so that Pennsylvanians can have access to affordable power made right here in
“This is a valuable opportunity to invest in clean, carbon-free and affordable power -- on the heels of the hottest year in Earth’s history,” said Pennsylvania State Representative Tom Mehaffie (106th District). “This will transform the local economy and presents a rare opportunity to power our economy with reliable clean energy that we can count on.”
Public support for the restart is strong in
"The start of the Crane Clean Energy Center represents an important milestone for our nation, the region, and the people of the great state of
Renewed interest in nuclear energy has spread globally as nations seek to electrify their economies to support the digital economy and address the climate crisis. Among their many attributes, nuclear plants can reliably produce carbon-free energy 24/7 in all weather conditions and run for up to two years without needing to be refueled.
“I’m proud to see the launch of the Crane Clean Energy Center,” said
Constellation purchased TMI Unit 1, in 1999. Before it was retired prematurely for economic reasons in 2019, the plant had a generating capacity of 837 megawatts, which is enough to power more than 800,000 average homes. In its last year of operation, the plant was producing electricity at maximum capacity 96.3 percent of the time – well above the industry average. The plant had an annual payroll of about
The plant will be renamed the Crane Clean Energy Center in honor of Chris Crane, who was CEO of Constellation’s former parent company and a true titan of the nuclear industry. Crane, who passed away in April 2024, was a staunch advocate for America’s commercial nuclear power industry and the environmental and economic benefits it delivered for our nation. He was instrumental in both shaping the industry and rebuilding public support for nuclear technology. Crane helped build the Institute for Nuclear Power Operations (INPO) and served on the boards of the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO).
What others are saying about the Crane Clean Energy Center:
Nuclear Energy Institute President and CEO Maria Korsnick: “The Crane Clean Energy Center is a fitting honor for a nuclear industry leader and will bring significant benefits to
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Source: Constellation Energy Corporation