Constellation Ahead of Schedule for Launch of Crane Clean Energy Center
Constellation Energy (CEG) reports ahead-of-schedule progress on its Three Mile Island Unit 1 restart project, now named the Crane Clean Energy Center. The project, backed by a power purchase agreement with Microsoft, will restore 835 megawatts of carbon-free energy to Pennsylvania's grid.
Key achievements include: hiring over 200 full-time employees with plans to reach 600+ before restart; completing main office building restoration; advancing equipment inspections of steam generator, turbines, and other critical components; and ordering three new main power transformers with a $35 million investment.
An independent study projects the restart will create 3,400 direct and indirect jobs, contribute $16 billion to state GDP, and generate over $3 billion in state and federal taxes. The company has committed to donating more than $1 million over five years to support local community initiatives.
Constellation Energy (CEG) riporta progressi anticipati nel progetto di riavvio dell'Unità 1 di Three Mile Island, ora chiamato Crane Clean Energy Center. Il progetto, sostenuto da un contratto di acquisto di energia con Microsoft, ripristinerà 835 megawatt di energia priva di carbonio nella rete della Pennsylvania.
I principali risultati includono: assunzione di oltre 200 dipendenti a tempo pieno con piani per raggiungere oltre 600 prima del riavvio; completamento del restauro dell'edificio principale; avanzamento delle ispezioni delle attrezzature di generatori di vapore, turbine e altri componenti critici; e ordinazione di tre nuovi trasformatori di potenza principali con un investimento di 35 milioni di dollari.
Uno studio indipendente prevede che il riavvio creerà 3.400 posti di lavoro diretti e indiretti, contribuirà con 16 miliardi di dollari al PIL statale e genererà oltre 3 miliardi di dollari in tasse statali e federali. L'azienda si è impegnata a donare più di 1 milione di dollari in cinque anni per supportare iniziative della comunità locale.
Constellation Energy (CEG) informa sobre avances anticipados en su proyecto de reinicio de la Unidad 1 de Three Mile Island, ahora llamado Crane Clean Energy Center. El proyecto, respaldado por un contrato de compra de energía con Microsoft, restaurará 835 megavatios de energía libre de carbono a la red de Pensilvania.
Los logros clave incluyen: la contratación de más de 200 empleados a tiempo completo con planes de alcanzar más de 600 antes del reinicio; la finalización de la restauración del edificio de oficinas principal; el avance en las inspecciones de equipos de generadores de vapor, turbinas y otros componentes críticos; y la orden de tres nuevos transformadores de potencia principales con una inversión de 35 millones de dólares.
Un estudio independiente proyecta que el reinicio creará 3,400 empleos directos e indirectos, contribuirá con 16 mil millones de dólares al PIB estatal y generará más de 3 mil millones de dólares en impuestos estatales y federales. La empresa se ha comprometido a donar más de 1 millón de dólares durante cinco años para apoyar iniciativas de la comunidad local.
콘스텔레이션 에너지 (CEG)는 이제 크레인 클린 에너지 센터로 명명된 쓰리 마일 아일랜드 1호기 재가동 프로젝트에서 예상보다 빠른 진행을 보고했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 마이크로소프트와의 전력 구매 계약에 의해 지원되며, 펜실베이니아의 전력망에 835메가와트의 탄소 없는 에너지를 복원할 것입니다.
주요 성과로는: 재가동 전에 600명 이상을 목표로 200명 이상의 정규직 직원 채용; 본사 건물 복원 완료; 증기 발생기, 터빈 및 기타 주요 구성 요소의 장비 검사 진행; 3개의 새로운 주요 전력 변압기 주문 및 3,500만 달러 투자 등이 있습니다.
독립적인 연구에 따르면, 재가동은 3,400개의 직접 및 간접 일자리를 창출하고, 주 GDP에 160억 달러를 기여하며, 30억 달러 이상의 주 및 연방 세금을 발생시킬 것으로 예상됩니다. 이 회사는 지역 사회 이니셔티브를 지원하기 위해 5년 동안 100만 달러 이상을 기부하겠다고 약속했습니다.
Constellation Energy (CEG) fait état de progrès anticipés dans son projet de redémarrage de l'Unité 1 de Three Mile Island, désormais nommé Crane Clean Energy Center. Le projet, soutenu par un contrat d'achat d'électricité avec Microsoft, rétablira 835 mégawatts d'énergie sans carbone dans le réseau de Pennsylvanie.
Les réalisations clés comprennent : l'embauche de plus de 200 employés à temps plein avec des plans d'atteindre plus de 600 avant le redémarrage ; l'achèvement de la restauration du bâtiment principal ; l'avancement des inspections des équipements de générateurs de vapeur, de turbines et d'autres composants critiques ; et la commande de trois nouveaux transformateurs de puissance principaux avec un investissement de 35 millions de dollars.
Une étude indépendante prévoit que le redémarrage créera 3 400 emplois directs et indirects, contribuera à hauteur de 16 milliards de dollars au PIB de l'État et générera plus de 3 milliards de dollars en impôts d'État et fédéraux. L'entreprise s'est engagée à faire don de plus de 1 million de dollars sur cinq ans pour soutenir des initiatives communautaires locales.
Constellation Energy (CEG) berichtet über Fortschritte beim Projekt zur Wiederinbetriebnahme der Einheit 1 von Three Mile Island, das jetzt Crane Clean Energy Center heißt. Das Projekt, unterstützt durch einen Stromabnahmevertrag mit Microsoft, wird 835 Megawatt CO2-freier Energie ins Netz von Pennsylvania zurückbringen.
Wichtige Erfolge sind: die Einstellung von über 200 Vollzeitmitarbeitern mit dem Ziel, vor der Wiederinbetriebnahme über 600 zu erreichen; Abschluss der Restaurierung des Hauptgebäudes; Fortschritte bei den Inspektionen der Ausrüstung von Dampferzeugern, Turbinen und anderen kritischen Komponenten; und die Bestellung von drei neuen Hauptstromtransformatoren mit einer Investition von 35 Millionen Dollar.
Eine unabhängige Studie prognostiziert, dass die Wiederinbetriebnahme 3.400 direkte und indirekte Arbeitsplätze schaffen, 16 Milliarden Dollar zum staatlichen BIP beitragen und über 3 Milliarden Dollar an staatlichen und bundesstaatlichen Steuern generieren wird. Das Unternehmen hat sich verpflichtet, über 1 Million Dollar über fünf Jahre hinweg zu spenden, um lokale Gemeinschaftsinitiativen zu unterstützen.
- Project ahead of schedule on key milestones
- Expected creation of 3,400 direct and indirect jobs
- Projected $16 billion contribution to state GDP
- Secured Microsoft as power purchase agreement partner
- Already hired 200+ employees with plans for 600+ total
- $3 billion projected state and federal tax generation
- Significant capital investment required ($35 million for transformers alone)
- Regulatory approval from NRC still pending
- Full operations not expected until 2026
The restart of the Crane Clean Energy Center represents a pivotal moment in U.S. nuclear infrastructure revitalization. The project's ahead-of-schedule status on multiple fronts - particularly in workforce development and equipment readiness - demonstrates exceptional execution capability. The 835 megawatt carbon-free capacity will significantly strengthen grid reliability in PJM's territory.
The economic impact is substantial and multi-layered. The projected
Critical infrastructure preparations are progressing systematically. The completion of steam generator, turbine, and condenser inspections, coupled with the
The community engagement strategy, including the
Early milestones reached on hiring; naming; equipment inspections; building upgrades; permitting and licensing of nuclear plant restart
“Every new milestone confirms our belief that the Crane Clean Energy Center can be returned to service better than ever, restoring 835 megawatts of carbon-free energy to the regional grid at a critical time for
“Pennsylvania’s nuclear energy sector plays a critical role in providing safe, reliable, clean electricity – that’s why my Administration has been engaged in plans to launch the Crane Clean Energy Center to create thousands of jobs, ensure the reliability of our energy grid, and cement the Commonwealth’s position as a national energy leader,” said Governor Josh Shapiro. “I recently proposed an energy plan to spark the next generation of energy projects here in
Hiring and Site Readiness
To date, more than 200 full-time employees have been hired for a variety of good-paying jobs and dozens more have been recruited to fill key roles in the coming weeks. The next wave of open positions at Crane will be posted in March. Constellation plans to hire more than 600 employees prior to the restart, in addition to the hundreds of highly skilled contractors who will support the center’s safe opening and daily operations, mostly sourced from local union halls. Work is also underway to train and license reactor operators and senior reactor operators. To help prepare the site to accommodate its growing workforce, the main office building has been fully restored and enhancements to the training center and control room simulator are nearly complete.
Among Crane’s more than 200 recent hires are a married couple who used to work at the plant before it was shuttered, Tori VanderMeersch, Senior Manager, Operations Support and Services, and Quinn VanderMeersch, Project Manager, Fuels Special Projects. "After five years, it’s like coming home,” said Tori. “We’re excited to be part of this new chapter at the Crane Clean Energy Center and to return to the community where we met to raise our family."
“With only a few hundred workers on site, local restaurants and businesses are already feeling a significant boost,” said Bart Shellenhamer, Member,
Inspections, Upgrades and New Equipment Purchases
Work continues on-schedule on the thousands of inspections and equipment upgrades underway to ensure a safe and efficient restart. To date, workers have performed rigorous inspections of the plant’s steam generator; main generator; rotor; turbines; feedwater heaters and condensers. One of the largest new equipment purchases required for the restart is for construction of three new main power transformers. That contract has been awarded and an additional
Licensing and Regulatory Filings
Constellation has filed an interconnection request with PJM to allow Crane to add its 835 megawatts of emissions-free power to the grid. Constellation is also on-track to file all the required licensing and regulatory documents with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC), which has the ultimate authority to approve the restart. Constellation participated in the NRC’s first public meeting about Crane on Oct. 25 and submitted its initial restart plan on Nov. 4. Today Constellation will participate in a second NRC public meeting to provide an overview of its emergency plan. On Jan. 13, Constellation filed a license amendment request to officially change the name of Three Mile Island Unit 1 to the Crane Clean Energy Center in honor of Chris Crane, a former company CEO and fierce advocate for America’s commercial nuclear power industry. All of Constellation’s NRC regulatory filings can be viewed on the NRC’s Crane webpage.
Community Impact, Engagement and Outreach
In addition to local hiring and economic development, Constellation has taken steps to engage and inform the community and support organizations that residents and community leaders value. Constellation will donate more than
"We can't tell you how much it means to have the renewed support of Constellation,” said Angela Durantine, Program Director, Lower Dauphin Communities That Care. “Since the Bookmobile is our largest expense, it's great to know that we have the funds to cover those costs as well as being able to expand reading programs for area youth."
Constellation representatives have been meeting with state and local public officials; business groups; emergency management agencies and civic organizations to keep them up to date on the work underway to safely launch the Crane Clean Energy Center. Dave Marcheskie, Constellation’s community engagement manager, has been busy providing information to community leaders, residents and nonprofit organizations through facility tours, community meetings and events. In addition, Constellation has dedicated a section of its website to provide the latest updates about the effort.
About Constellation
Constellation Energy Corporation (Nasdaq: CEG), a Fortune 200 company headquartered in
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Source: Constellation Energy Corporation
What is the expected economic impact of CEG's Crane Clean Energy Center restart?
How many megawatts will CEG's Crane Clean Energy Center generate?
How many jobs is CEG creating for the Crane Clean Energy Center?
When will CEG's Crane Clean Energy Center be operational?