Constellation Accepting Applications for 2024 Energy to Educate Grant Program

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Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) has opened applications for its 2024 E2 Energy to Educate grant program, offering funding for student projects focused on energy innovation. Grants of up to $25,000 are available for grades 6-12, and up to $50,000 for college students. The application deadline is October 1, 2024.

The program has provided nearly $6 million to date, reaching almost 300,000 students nationwide. In 2023, it granted over $500,000 across 24 projects, impacting nearly 25,000 students in 12 states. Projects must align with themes of Access in Energy, Sustainability Amidst Growing Energy Needs, and Nuclear Technology & Clean Energy. Grant recipients will be announced in November during American Education Week.

Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) ha aperto le domande per il suo programma di sovvenzioni E2 Energy to Educate 2024, offrendo finanziamenti per progetti studenteschi incentrati sull'innovazione energetica. Sono disponibili sovvenzioni fino a 25.000 dollari per gli studenti delle scuole medie e superiori, e fino a 50.000 dollari per gli studenti universitari. La scadenza per la presentazione delle domande è 1 ottobre 2024.

Il programma ha fornito quasi 6 milioni di dollari fino ad oggi, raggiungendo quasi 300.000 studenti in tutto il paese. Nel 2023, ha concesso oltre 500.000 dollari a 24 progetti, influenzando quasi 25.000 studenti in 12 stati. I progetti devono allinearsi con i temi Accesso all'Energia, Sostenibilità in un Contesto di Crescita delle Esigenze Energetiche, e Tecnologia Nucleare & Energia Pulita. I beneficiari delle sovvenzioni saranno annunciati a novembre durante la Settimana dell'Educazione Americana.

Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) ha abierto las solicitudes para su programa de subvenciones E2 Energy to Educate 2024, ofreciendo financiación para proyectos estudiantiles centrados en la innovación energética. Las subvenciones de hasta 25,000 dólares están disponibles para estudiantes de grados 6-12, y hasta 50,000 dólares para estudiantes universitarios. La fecha límite para presentar solicitudes es el 1 de octubre de 2024.

El programa ha proporcionado casi 6 millones de dólares hasta la fecha, alcanzando a casi 300,000 estudiantes en todo el país. En 2023, se otorgaron más de 500,000 dólares en 24 proyectos, impactando a casi 25,000 estudiantes en 12 estados. Los proyectos deben alinearse con los temas de Acceso a la Energía, Sostenibilidad en medio de las crecientes necesidades energéticas, y Tecnología Nuclear & Energía Limpia. Los beneficiarios de las subvenciones se anunciarán en noviembre durante la Semana Americana de la Educación.

콘스텔레이션(Nasdaq: CEG)은 2024 E2 Energy to Educate 보조금 프로그램에 대한 신청을 시작했습니다. 이 프로그램은 에너지 혁신에 중점을 둔 학생 프로젝트에 대한 자금을 제공합니다. 중학생 및 고등학생을 위해 최대 25,000달러, 대학생을 위해 최대 50,000달러의 보조금이 제공됩니다. 신청 마감일은 2024년 10월 1일입니다.

이 프로그램은 현재까지 거의 600만 달러를 제공하였고, 전국적으로 거의 300,000명의 학생에게 도달했습니다. 2023년에는 24개 프로젝트에 걸쳐 500,000달러 이상이 지급되어 12개 주에서 거의 25,000명의 학생에 영향을 미쳤습니다. 프로젝트는 에너지 접근, 증가하는 에너지 수요 속의 지속 가능성, 원자력 기술 및 청정 에너지 주제와 일치해야 합니다. 보조금 수혜자는 미국 교육 주간인 11월에 발표될 예정입니다.

Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) a ouvert les candidatures pour son programme de subventions E2 Energy to Educate 2024, offrant un financement pour des projets étudiants axés sur l'innovation énergétique. Des subventions allant jusqu'à 25 000 $ sont disponibles pour les élèves de la 6e à la 12e année, et jusqu'à 50 000 $ pour les étudiants universitaires. La date limite de soumission des candidatures est le 1er octobre 2024.

À ce jour, le programme a fourni près de 6 millions de dollars, touchant presque 300 000 étudiants à l'échelle nationale. En 2023, plus de 500 000 dollars ont été attribués à 24 projets, touchant près de 25 000 étudiants dans 12 États. Les projets doivent s'aligner sur les thèmes Accès à l'énergie, Durabilité face aux besoins énergétiques croissants et Technologie nucléaire & Énergie propre. Les bénéficiaires des subventions seront annoncés en novembre lors de la Semaine de l'éducation américaine.

Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG) hat die Bewerbungen für sein Grant-Programm E2 Energy to Educate 2024 geöffnet, das Fördermittel für Studentenprojekte zur Energieinnovation anbietet. Es stehen Zuschüsse von bis zu 25.000 US-Dollar für Schüler der Klassen 6-12 und bis zu 50.000 US-Dollar für Studenten zur Verfügung. Die Bewerbungsfrist endet am 1. Oktober 2024.

Das Programm hat bis heute fast 6 Millionen US-Dollar bereitgestellt und nahezu 300.000 Studenten im ganzen Land erreicht. Im Jahr 2023 wurden über 500.000 US-Dollar für 24 Projekte vergeben, die fast 25.000 Studenten in 12 Bundesstaaten beeinflussten. Die Projekte müssen mit den Themen Zugang zu Energie, Nachhaltigkeit angesichts steigender Energiebedürfnisse und Nukleartechnik & Saubere Energie übereinstimmen. Die Stipendiaten werden im November während der amerikanischen Bildungswoche bekannt gegeben.

  • Constellation is investing in STEM education and energy innovation through grants
  • The program has provided nearly $6 million in funding to date
  • In 2023, the program granted over $500,000 across 24 projects
  • The initiative has reached nearly 300,000 students nationwide
  • None.

Grants have provided nearly $6 million to date for STEM education and research programs, reaching nearly 300,000 students nationwide

BALTIMORE--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Constellation (Nasdaq: CEG), the nation’s largest producer of carbon-free energy and a leading supplier of energy products and services, announced today it is now accepting applications for its 2024 E2 Energy to Educate grant program, which provides funding for student projects focusing on energy innovation. Educators and students in grades six through 12 can apply for program grants of up to $25,000, and those in two- and four-year colleges can apply for grants of up to $50,000. The deadline for applications is Oct. 1, 2024.

“Inspiring and developing the next generation of energy leaders is critical to advance the clean energy transition and mitigate the climate crisis,” said Kathleen Barrón, executive vice president and chief strategy officer, Constellation. “From elementary schoolers to college students, Energy to Educate has provided hands-on exposure to energy innovation and STEM learning, and the extensive reach of this important program ensures a meaningful, positive impact across our communities.”

The E2 program granted more than $500,000 across 24 projects and reached nearly 25,000 students nationwide in 2023. Last year’s selected projects, which spanned 12 states, included training programs for nuclear science and hydrogen fuel, wind and solar energy design build competitions and programs focused on preparing youth for careers in STEM and clean, carbon-free energy. To date, the grant program has provided nearly $6 million for research and education projects that have fueled the exploration of STEM fields for nearly 300,000 students.

The Maryland KidWind program, conducted through the University of Maryland College Park Foundation Inc., was among the group of E2 winners in 2023. KidWind is a national hands-on wind turbine design competition that engages students in grades 4-12 in clean energy education.

“We are thrilled that Energy to Educate enabled hundreds of students across Maryland to be exposed to the KidWind curriculum and competition this past school year,” said Dr. Angela Stoltz, who helps lead the Maryland program. “We’re seeing a tangible impact as students’ interest in and knowledge of energy is growing, while teachers are gaining more capacity to expand STEM curricula in their classrooms. We are incredibly grateful to Constellation for supporting this important work.”

To be eligible for funding, a project must align with the following energy innovation themes:

  • Access in Energy: How can we empower and engage underrepresented groups in the energy sector and inspire students from all socioeconomic groups to pursue STEM and energy careers? Projects showcase effective strategies to support increased access to good-paying careers in the energy industry and to deliver clean energy solutions to underserved and underrepresented communities. Projects may also address how they can advance environmental justice and economic inclusion in the energy transition.
  • Sustainability Amidst Growing Energy Needs: As global energy consumption rises, the quest for sustainable solutions becomes increasingly critical. Innovations in electrification, transportation and artificial intelligence are poised to revolutionize energy usage in homes and communities and can help address climate change. Projects show the enhancement of existing products or new technologies for a cleaner energy future and how we can pave the way for a more sustainable world through decarbonization and energy-efficient choices. Projects may also showcase artificial intelligence as a pivotal ally in both pioneering new advancements and refining existing technologies.
  • Nuclear Technology & Clean Energy: How can we harness the power of nuclear technology and other forms of zero-carbon generation to address the climate crisis using innovative and cutting-edge solutions such as advanced nuclear, zero-carbon energy generation systems and smart energy storage devices? Projects should show how they can create positive impacts for society, economy and environment, and how they can collaborate with various stakeholders, such as businesses, schools, governments and communities, to scale up their solutions and pilot programs.

Grant recipients are announced each year in November during American Education Week. To learn more about the program and application criteria, visit the Community section of

In 2023, Constellation and its employees donated more than $18.7 million to nonprofit partners and 83% of the company’s direct giving supported organizations, programs events targeted specifically to diverse populations.

About Constellation

A Fortune 200 company headquartered in Baltimore, Constellation Energy Corporation (Nasdaq: CEG) is the nation’s largest producer of clean, carbon-free energy and a leading supplier of energy products and services to businesses, homes, community aggregations and public sector customers across the continental United States, including three fourths of Fortune 100 companies. With annual output that is nearly 90% carbon-free, our hydro, wind and solar facilities paired with the nation’s largest nuclear fleet have the generating capacity to power the equivalent of 16 million homes, providing about 10% of the nation’s clean energy. We are further accelerating the nation’s transition to a carbon-free future by helping our customers reach their sustainability goals, setting our own ambitious goal of achieving 100% carbon-free generation by 2040, and by investing in promising emerging technologies to eliminate carbon emissions across all sectors of the economy. Follow Constellation on LinkedIn and X.

Dave Snyder

Constellation Communications


Source: Constellation Energy Corporation


What is the deadline for Constellation's 2024 E2 Energy to Educate grant program applications?

The deadline for applications for Constellation's 2024 E2 Energy to Educate grant program is October 1, 2024.

How much funding can applicants receive from Constellation's E2 Energy to Educate grants?

Educators and students in grades 6-12 can apply for grants up to $25,000, while two- and four-year college applicants can receive up to $50,000.

What are the main themes for projects in Constellation's E2 Energy to Educate grant program?

The main themes for projects are Access in Energy, Sustainability Amidst Growing Energy Needs, and Nuclear Technology & Clean Energy.

When will Constellation (CEG) announce the recipients of the E2 Energy to Educate grants?

Constellation (CEG) will announce the grant recipients in November during American Education Week.

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