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Rhea-AI Summary

On January 13, 2023, China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (NYSE: CEA; SEHK: 0670) announced plans to voluntarily delist its American depositary shares (ADSs) from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and deregister them under the U.S. Securities Exchange Act of 1934. Key reasons include the small number of H Shares represented by the ADSs, limited trading volume compared to H Shares, and high costs of maintaining the NYSE listing. A Form 25 will be filed on or around January 23, 2023, with delisting effective about ten days later. The last trading day on the NYSE is expected to be February 2, 2023. The Company will still comply with obligations on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

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Rhea-AI Summary

China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (NYSE: CEA) has filed its annual report for the 2021 fiscal year with the SEC on April 28, 2022. This report is accessible online, detailing the company's performance and operations. Established in 1995, China Eastern Airlines is among the three largest airlines in China. Shareholders can request a paper copy of the audited annual report at no charge. For more information, visit the company's official website or the SEC's site.

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Rhea-AI Summary

China Eastern Airlines Corporation Limited (NYSE: CEA) has filed its annual report for the fiscal year 2020 with the SEC on April 28, 2021. Shareholders can access the report online via SEC or the company's website. Established on April 14, 1995, China Eastern is among the three largest airlines in China, trading on NYSE and SEHK since 1997. Shareholders may request a paper copy of the report free of charge by contacting the Investor Relations office.

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CEA Rankings

CEA Stock Data

Scheduled Passenger Air Transportation
Transportation and Warehousing
China (Mainland)