Cadiz Releases New Aerial Tour of Aquifer System Feeding Mojave Groundwater Bank

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Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) has released a new aerial tour video showcasing the hydrogeology of the watershed surrounding its Cadiz Ranch in California's eastern Mojave Desert. The video highlights a vast aquifer system containing 30-50 million acre-feet of water, more than Lake Mead. This release follows a state report projecting a 23% reduction in California State Water Project supplies over 20 years due to climate change.

CEO Susan Kennedy emphasized the importance of natural groundwater banks like Cadiz for Southern California's water security. The company is developing the largest new groundwater banking operation in the Southwestern U.S., which will capture and conserve groundwater before evaporation. The project aims to support local communities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties through underground pipelines.

Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) ha pubblicato un nuovo video di tour aereo che mostra l'idrogeologia del bacino idrico attorno al suo Cadiz Ranch nel deserto del Mojave orientale in California. Il video mette in evidenza un vasto sistema di falde acquifere contenente 30-50 milioni di acri-piede d'acqua, più di quello del Lago Mead. Questa pubblicazione segue un rapporto statale che prevede una riduzione del 23% delle forniture del Progetto Acquatico della California nei prossimi 20 anni a causa dei cambiamenti climatici.

Il CEO Susan Kennedy ha sottolineato l'importanza delle banche naturali di acqua sotterranea come Cadiz per la sicurezza dell'acqua del Sud California. L'azienda sta sviluppando il più grande nuovo sistema di stoccaggio dell'acqua sotterranea nel sud-ovest degli Stati Uniti, che catturerà e conserverà l'acqua sotterranea prima che evapori. Il progetto mira a supportare le comunità locali nelle contee di San Bernardino e Riverside tramite tubazioni sotterranee.

Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) ha lanzado un nuevo video de recorrido aéreo que muestra la hidrogeología de la cuenca alrededor de su Cadiz Ranch en el desierto de Mojave oriental de California. El video destaca un vasto sistema acuífero que contiene 30-50 millones de acre-pies de agua, más que el Lago Mead. Este lanzamiento sigue a un informe estatal que proyecta una reducción del 23% en el suministro del Proyecto de Agua del Estado de California en 20 años debido al cambio climático.

La CEO Susan Kennedy enfatizó la importancia de los bancos de agua subterránea naturales como Cadiz para la seguridad hídrica del sur de California. La empresa está desarrollando la mayor nueva operación de almacenamiento de agua subterránea en el suroeste de EE. UU., que capturará y conservará agua subterránea antes de que se evapore. El proyecto tiene como objetivo apoyar a las comunidades locales en los condados de San Bernardino y Riverside a través de tuberías subterráneas.

Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI)는 캘리포니아 동부 모하비 사막에 위치한 Cadiz Ranch 주변의 수리 지질을 보여주는 새로운 공중 투어 비디오를 발표했습니다. 이 비디오는 3천만에서 5천만 에이커피트의 물을 포함하고 있는 방대한 대수층 시스템을 강조하며, 이는 미드 호수보다 많습니다. 이 발표는 기후 변화로 인해 향후 20년 동안 캘리포니아 주 수자원 프로젝트 공급량이 23% 감소할 것이라는 주 보고서가 이어진 것입니다.

Susan Kennedy CEO는 남부 캘리포니아의 물 안전을 위해 Cadiz와 같은 자연 지하수 은행의 중요성을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 증발하기 전에 지하수를 포획하고 보존할 미국 남서부에서 가장 큰 신규 지하수 저장소 운영을 개발하고 있습니다. 이 프로젝트는 샌버너디노 및 리버사이드 카운티의 지역 사회를 지원하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) a publié une nouvelle vidéo de visite aérienne mettant en avant l'hydrogéologie du bassin versant entourant son Cadiz Ranch dans le désert de Mojave en Californie. La vidéo met en lumière un vaste système aquifère contenant 30 à 50 millions d'acre-pieds d'eau, plus que le lac Mead. Cette publication fait suite à un rapport d'État projetant une réduction de 23 % des approvisionnements du projet d'eau de l'État de Californie sur 20 ans en raison du changement climatique.

La PDG Susan Kennedy a souligné l'importance des banques d'eau souterraine naturelles comme Cadiz pour la sécurité de l'eau dans le sud de la Californie. L'entreprise développe la plus grande nouvelle opération de stockage d'eau souterraine dans le sud-ouest des États-Unis, qui va capter et conserver l'eau souterraine avant qu'elle ne s'évapore. Le projet a pour but de soutenir les communautés locales dans les comtés de San Bernardino et Riverside via des canalisations souterraines.

Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) hat ein neues Luftaufnahme-Video veröffentlicht, das die Hydrogeologie des Einzugsgebiets rund um die Cadiz Ranch in Kaliforniens östlicher Mojave-Wüste zeigt. Das Video hebt ein großes Aquifersystem hervor, das 30-50 Millionen acre-feet Wasser enthält, mehr als der Lake Mead. Diese Veröffentlichung folgt einem Staatsbericht, der eine Reduzierung der Wasserlieferungen des kalifornischen Staatswassersystems um 23 % über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren aufgrund des Klimawandels prognostiziert.

CEO Susan Kennedy betonte die Bedeutung natürlicher Grundwasserbanken wie Cadiz für die Wassersicherheit Südkaliforniens. Das Unternehmen entwickelt die größte neue Grundwasserbankbetriebsstätte im Südwesten der USA, die Grundwasser vor der Verdampfung auffangen und speichern wird. Das Projekt zielt darauf ab, die lokalen Gemeinden in den Bezirken San Bernardino und Riverside über unterirdische Rohrleitungen zu unterstützen.

  • Cadiz Ranch sits on a massive aquifer system with 30-50 million acre-feet of water in storage
  • The company is developing the largest new groundwater banking operation in the Southwestern U.S.
  • Cadiz's project aims to support local communities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties
  • California State Water Project supplies are projected to decrease by 23% over 20 years due to climate change

CEO Susan Kennedy Also Comments on State Report Predicting Climate Change Will Reduce SWP Supplies by as much as 23% over 20 years

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI / CDZIP) ("Cadiz" or the "Company"), a California water solutions company, announced today the release of a new video focused on the hydrogeology of the watershed surrounding the Company's Cadiz Ranch in California's eastern Mojave Desert. The Cadiz Aerial Tour video utilizes new photography, underground imagery and aerial footage to bring to life the vast and unique aquifer system flowing beneath Cadiz Ranch. With as much as 30-50 million acre-feet of water in storage today, the 2,000 square mile aquifer system at Cadiz contains more water than Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the United States. The water flowing through the aquifer has supported sustainable agriculture operations at Cadiz Ranch for four decades.

The new video was released on the heels of a new report from the State of California Department of Water Resources projecting that climate change will reduce water supplies from the California State Water Project ("SWP") by up to 23% over the next 20 years. Built in 1960, the SWP pumps water supplies more than 700 miles from Northern California to Southern California through a system of pumps, aqueducts and open reservoirs. Many desert communities in Southern California rely on imports from the SWP to replenish over-drafted groundwater basins and emergency supplies during droughts.

Cadiz CEO Susan Kennedy commented: "This new report underscores the need for better ways to capture, conserve and store water supplies in Southern California. These massive natural groundwater banks in California's desert like Cadiz are the key to water security for Southern California."

Cadiz Ranch in San Bernardino County, California sits at the base of a 2,000 square mile watershed system roughly four times the size of the City of Los Angeles. The video released today provides an aerial tour of this remote corner of California desert crisscrossed by railroads, interstate highways, gas and power lines. The video takes the viewer from the summits of the New York Mountains at 7,500 feet to a thousand feet underground, tracing the movement of water through this dynamic watershed and aquifer system where it seeps to the surface, turns to brine and evaporates at desert dry lakes.

Cadiz is in the process of developing the largest new groundwater banking operation in the Southwestern U.S., which includes capturing and conserving groundwater before it is lost to evaporation. When operational, conserved water supplies will be transported through underground pipelines to support local communities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties as part of the Company's water supply and storage project.

To view the new Cadiz Aerial Tour, visit the Company's YouTube Channel or directly at AERIAL TOUR VIDEO.

About Cadiz, Inc.
Founded in 1983, Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) is a California water solutions company dedicated to providing access to clean, reliable and affordable water for people through a unique combination of water supply, storage, pipeline and treatment solutions. With 45,000 acres of land in California, 2.5 million acre-feet of water supply, 220 miles of pipeline assets and the most cost-effective water treatment filtration technology in the industry, Cadiz offers a full suite of solutions to address the impacts of climate change on clean water access. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include but are not limited to statements about our plans for our conserved water supplies and their intended use. Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those reflected in the Company's forward-looking statements are detailed in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent quarterly and current reports. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

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SOURCE Cadiz, Inc.


What is the size of the aquifer system at Cadiz Ranch?

The aquifer system at Cadiz Ranch covers a 2,000 square mile area and contains 30-50 million acre-feet of water in storage, which is more than Lake Mead, the largest reservoir in the United States.

How will climate change affect California State Water Project supplies according to the recent report?

According to a recent report from the California Department of Water Resources, climate change is projected to reduce water supplies from the California State Water Project by up to 23% over the next 20 years.

What is Cadiz Inc. (CDZI) developing to address water conservation?

Cadiz Inc. (CDZI) is developing the largest new groundwater banking operation in the Southwestern U.S., which includes capturing and conserving groundwater before it is lost to evaporation. The project will transport conserved water supplies through underground pipelines to support local communities in San Bernardino and Riverside Counties.



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Utilities - Regulated Water
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United States of America