Cadiz Inc. Announces Former Tribal Chairman David Sickey as Senior Advisor

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Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) has appointed David Sickey, former Chairman of the Coushatta Tribe, as Senior Advisor for Energy and Water Projects. Sickey, with 18 years of tribal government experience, recently served as Senior Consultant to the U.S. Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, focusing on the Tribal Energy Finance Program. His role at Cadiz will involve assisting with energy and water infrastructure financing.

Sickey's expertise in financing large-scale energy and infrastructure projects aligns with Cadiz's move into the financing and construction phase of its water infrastructure projects. The company, with 45,000 acres of land and water in the Mojave Desert, is developing one of the largest groundwater banking projects in the Southwestern U.S. and providing water supply and clean water technology to disadvantaged communities in the Colorado River Basin and California's desert areas.

Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) ha nominato David Sickey, ex Presidente della Tribù Coushatta, come Consulente Senior per i Progetti di Energia e Acqua. Sickey, con 18 anni di esperienza nel governo tribale, ha recentemente lavorato come Consulente Senior presso l'Ufficio dei Programmi di Prestito del Dipartimento dell'Energia degli Stati Uniti, concentrandosi sul Programma di Finanziamento Energetico Tribale. Il suo ruolo in Cadiz comporterà assistenza per il finanziamento delle infrastrutture energetiche e idriche.

L'expertise di Sickey nel finanziare progetti di energia e infrastrutture su larga scala si allinea con il passaggio di Cadiz alla fase di finanziamento e costruzione dei suoi progetti infrastrutturali idrici. L'azienda, con 45.000 acri di terra e acqua nel deserto di Mojave, sta sviluppando uno dei più grandi progetti di banca acquifera nel sud-ovest degli Stati Uniti, fornendo approvvigionamento idrico e tecnologie per l'acqua pulita a comunità svantaggiate nella regione del fiume Colorado e nelle aree desertiche della California.

Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) ha nombrado a David Sickey, ex Presidente de la Tribu Coushatta, como Asesor Senior para Proyectos de Energía y Agua. Sickey, con 18 años de experiencia en el gobierno tribal, recientemente se desempeñó como Consultor Senior en la Oficina de Programas de Préstamos del Departamento de Energía de EE.UU., enfocándose en el Programa de Financiamiento Energético Tribal. Su papel en Cadiz incluirá asistencia para financiamiento de infraestructura energética y de agua.

La experiencia de Sickey en el financiamiento de proyectos de energía e infraestructura a gran escala se alinea con el movimiento de Cadiz hacia la fase de financiamiento y construcción de sus proyectos de infraestructuras de agua. La empresa, con 45,000 acres de tierras y agua en el desierto de Mojave, está desarrollando uno de los mayores proyectos de almacenamiento de agua subterránea en el suroeste de EE.UU. y proporcionando suministro de agua y tecnología de agua limpia a comunidades desfavorecidas en la cuenca del río Colorado y en las áreas desérticas de California.

Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI)는 전 쿠샤타 부족 의장인 데이비드 시키(David Sickey)를 에너지 및 수자원 프로젝트의 수석 고문으로 임명했습니다. 18년의 부족 정부 경력을 지닌 시키는 최근 미국 에너지부의 대출 프로그램 사무소에서 수석 컨설턴트로 근무하며 부족 에너지 금융 프로그램에 집중했습니다. 그의 Cadiz에서의 역할은 에너지 및 수자원 인프라 금융 지원을 포함할 것입니다.

시키의 대규모 에너지 및 인프라 프로젝트 금융 전문성은 Cadiz의 수자원 인프라 프로젝트의 금융 및 건설 단계로의 전환과 일치합니다. 이 회사는 모하비 사막에 45,000에이커의 토지와 물을 보유하고 있으며, 미국 남서부에서 가장 큰 지하수 저장 프로젝트 중 하나를 개발하고, 콜로라도 강 유역과 캘리포니아 사막 지역의 취약한 지역 사회에 물 공급 및 깨끗한 수자원 기술을 제공하고 있습니다.

Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) a nommé David Sickey, ancien président de la tribu Coushatta, conseiller senior pour les projets d'énergie et d'eau. Sickey, fort de 18 ans d'expérience dans le gouvernement tribal, a récemment exercé en tant que consultant senior au Bureau des programmes de prêts du Département de l'Énergie des États-Unis, en se concentrant sur le programme de financement énergétique tribal. Son rôle chez Cadiz consistera à aider à la financement des infrastructures énergétiques et hydrauliques.

Les compétences de Sickey dans le financement de projets d'énergie et d'infrastructure à grande échelle s'alignent avec le passage de Cadiz à la phase de financement et de construction de ses projets d'infrastructure hydraulique. L'entreprise, avec 45 000 acres de terre et d'eau dans le désert de Mojave, développe l'un des plus grands projets de banque d'eau souterraine du sud-ouest des États-Unis et fournit un approvisionnement en eau et des technologies de l'eau propre aux communautés défavorisées du bassin du Colorado et des zones désertiques de Californie.

Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) hat David Sickey, den ehemaligen Vorsitzenden des Coushatta-Stammes, zum Senior Advisor für Energie- und Wasserprojekte ernannt. Sickey, der über 18 Jahre Erfahrung in der Stammesregierung verfügt, war zuletzt als Senior Consultant im Office of Loan Programs des US-Energieministeriums tätig und konzentrierte sich auf das Tribal Energy Finance Program. In seiner Rolle bei Cadiz wird er bei der Finanzierung von Energie- und Wasserinfrastruktur unterstützen.

Siekkys Expertise in der Finanzierung von großangelegten Energie- und Infrastrukturprojekten stimmt mit Cadiz' Schritt in die Finanzierungs- und Bauphase ihrer Wasserinfrastrukturprojekte überein. Das Unternehmen, das über 45.000 Acres Land und Wasser in der Mojave-Wüste verfügt, entwickelt eines der größten Projekte zur Grundwasserbankung im Südwesten der USA und stellt benachteiligten Gemeinschaften im Colorado-River-Becken und in den Wüstengebieten Kaliforniens Wasserversorgung und Technologien für sauberes Wasser zur Verfügung.

  • Appointment of David Sickey, an experienced tribal leader and energy finance expert, as Senior Advisor
  • Sickey's expertise aligns with Cadiz's move into financing and construction of water infrastructure projects
  • Cadiz is developing one of the largest groundwater banking projects in the Southwestern U.S.
  • The company owns 45,000 acres of land and water in the Mojave Desert
  • Cadiz is providing water supply and clean water technology to disadvantaged communities
  • None.


The appointment of David Sickey as Senior Advisor for Energy and Water Projects at Cadiz Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI / CDZIP) is a strategic move that could potentially impact the company's future projects and financial outlook. However, this news alone does not provide immediate, quantifiable impact on the company's financials or operations.

Sickey's experience with the U.S. Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, particularly the Tribal Energy Finance Program, could be valuable for Cadiz as they seek financing for their water infrastructure projects. His expertise in large-scale energy and infrastructure project financing, especially in relation to tribal lands, might open new opportunities for Cadiz in terms of project development and funding sources.

While this appointment signals Cadiz's intent to expand its reach into tribal territories and potentially tap into increased federal funding for energy and water projects, the actual impact on the company's bottom line remains to be seen. Investors should monitor future announcements for concrete project developments or financing deals that may result from this strategic hire.

In summary, while this appointment is noteworthy for Cadiz's strategic direction, it does not constitute an immediately impactful event for investors. The real value of this move will be determined by the tangible results it produces in terms of project financing and development in the coming months or years.

Honorable David Sickey, Former Tribal Chairman of Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana and Senior Consultant with U.S. Department of Energy, will Assist with Energy and Water Infrastructure Financing 

LOS ANGELES, July 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI / CDZIP) ("Cadiz" or the "Company"), a California water solutions company, announced today the appointment of David Sickey, the former distinguished Chairman of the Coushatta Tribe, as Senior Advisor for Energy and Water Projects, effective immediately. Chairman Sickey, an 18-year veteran of tribal government, recently concluded two years of service as Senior Consultant to the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Loan Programs Office focused particularly on the Tribal Energy Finance Program.

"David is renowned for his passion and expertise in financing large-scale energy and infrastructure projects that advance Tribal sovereignty," said Susan Kennedy, Chairman and CEO of Cadiz. "We could not be more fortunate to have David working with Cadiz as we move into the financing and construction phase of our water infrastructure projects."

Chairman Sickey commented, "Water is life and energy independence is critical to tribal sovereignty. Indigenous people are on the front lines of climate change, where every drought, every hurricane and every heat wave is potentially life threatening.  I am immensely proud to work with the leadership of Cadiz to bring urgently needed clean water, infrastructure and financial resources to isolated and disadvantaged communities including Tribes in the Southwestern U.S."

As a Senior Consultant for the DOE's Loan Programs Office, Sickey played a pivotal role in the Tribal Energy Finance Program, a program which saw its funding increase from $2 billion to $20 billion under the Biden administration's Inflation Reduction Act. Sickey was instrumental in shaping the initiative to empower tribal nations with sustainable energy solutions, assisting tribes with financing a broad range of energy and infrastructure projects - from solar and wind to microgrids, fuel cells, virtual power plants and bioenergy projects. His analytical skills and strategic communications were instrumental in aligning the program with community values, while also respecting the sovereignty and driving economic development of tribal lands.  

Sickey was elected to the governing body of the Coushatta Tribe of Louisiana in 2003, and two years later became tribal Vice-Chairman. In 2017, Sickey was elected to the position of Tribal Chairman.  During his eighteen years as a member of tribal government, Sickey was focused on restructuring and improving government programs, increasing funding for health, education, culture, welfare, and elder programs, and expanding economic development. 

As Tribal Chairman, Sickey was responsible for steering the Coushatta Tribe through the COVID-19 pandemic. He oversaw the procurement and provision of health services, worked with numerous federal agencies and officials to secure federal funding for his tribe, and navigated the tribe's multi-million business through the pandemic's unstable financial throes. Notwithstanding the shutdowns and other significant hurdles imposed by the COVID pandemic, the Coushatta Tribe's business grew stronger. Sickey also helped the Coushatta Tribe overcome the impacts of multiple natural disasters. He was instrumental in helping his tribe obtain millions of dollars in state and federal grants that benefited the tribe and its surrounding communities. 

Throughout his years of dedicated public service, Sickey positioned the Coushatta Tribe to be a leader in national native American affairs, a partner with the State of Louisiana, a player in federal matters affecting Indian tribes, and a force for positive change throughout the United States.  

Cadiz, with 45,000 acres of land and water in the Mojave Desert, is developing one of the largest groundwater banking projects in the Southwestern U.S. and is providing water supply and clean water technology to disadvantaged communities in the Colorado River Basin and California's Inland Empire and desert communities, including Tribes that presently lack access to clean, reliable water.

About Cadiz, Inc.

Founded in 1983, Cadiz, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDZI) is a California water solutions company dedicated to providing access to clean, reliable and affordable water for people through a unique combination of water supply, storage, pipeline and treatment solutions. With 45,000 acres of land in California, 2.5 million acre-feet of water supply, 220 miles of pipeline assets and the most cost-effective water treatment filtration technology in the industry, Cadiz offers a full suite of solutions to address the impacts of climate change on clean water access. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to the expected financing and construction of our water projects.  Although the Company believes that the expectations reflected in our forward-looking statements are reasonable, we can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.  Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those reflected in the Company's forward-looking statements are detailed in the Company's Securities and Exchange Commission filings, including our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023 and subsequent quarterly and current reports. We undertake no obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statement, whether written or oral, that may be made from time to time, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.

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SOURCE Cadiz, Inc.


Who did Cadiz Inc. (CDZI) appoint as Senior Advisor for Energy and Water Projects?

Cadiz Inc. appointed David Sickey, former Chairman of the Coushatta Tribe, as Senior Advisor for Energy and Water Projects.

What is David Sickey's background and experience relevant to his new role at Cadiz Inc. (CDZI)?

David Sickey has 18 years of tribal government experience and recently served as Senior Consultant to the U.S. Department of Energy's Loan Programs Office, focusing on the Tribal Energy Finance Program.

What major project is Cadiz Inc. (CDZI) developing in the Southwestern U.S.?

Cadiz Inc. is developing one of the largest groundwater banking projects in the Southwestern U.S.

How much land and water does Cadiz Inc. (CDZI) own in the Mojave Desert?

Cadiz Inc. owns 45,000 acres of land and water in the Mojave Desert.



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Utilities - Regulated Water
Water Supply
United States of America