Cidara Therapeutics Strengthens its Scientific Advisory Board with Infectious Disease Experts

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Cidara Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CDTX) has announced the appointment of four renowned infectious disease experts to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB). The new members are Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., and Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP. These appointments aim to strengthen Cidara's expertise in pandemic preparedness, clinical and regulatory strategy, and infectious disease research.

The new SAB members will provide guidance on the development of CD388, Cidara's drug candidate currently entering a Phase 2b trial to test a single dose for season-long protection against influenza A & B. Each expert brings extensive experience in various aspects of infectious diseases, vaccine development, and regulatory affairs, which aligns with Cidara's focus on developing drug-Fc conjugate (DFC) immunotherapies using its proprietary Cloudbreak® platform.

Cidara Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CDTX) ha annunciato la nomina di quattro rinomati esperti di malattie infettive nel suo Comitato Consultivo Scientifico (SAB). I nuovi membri sono Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., e Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP. Queste nomine mirano a rafforzare l'expertise di Cidara nella preparazione alle pandemie, nella strategia clinica e regolatoria, e nella ricerca sulle malattie infettive.

I nuovi membri del SAB forniranno indicazioni sullo sviluppo di CD388, il candidato farmaco di Cidara attualmente in fase di trial di Fase 2b per testare una singola dose per una protezione che duri tutta la stagione contro l'influenza A e B. Ogni esperto porta con sé una vasta esperienza in vari aspetti delle malattie infettive, dello sviluppo dei vaccini e degli affari regolatori, il che è in linea con il focus di Cidara nello sviluppo di immunoterapie coniugate farmaco-Fc (DFC) utilizzando la sua piattaforma proprietaria Cloudbreak®.

Cidara Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CDTX) ha anunciado la designación de cuatro renombrados expertos en enfermedades infecciosas para su Consejo Asesor Científico (SAB). Los nuevos miembros son Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., y Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP. Estos nombramientos tienen como objetivo fortalecer la experiencia de Cidara en la preparación para pandemias, la estrategia clínica y regulatoria, y la investigación en enfermedades infecciosas.

Los nuevos miembros del SAB proporcionarán orientación sobre el desarrollo de CD388, el candidato a fármaco de Cidara que está entrando en un ensayo de Fase 2b para probar una sola dosis que brinde protección durante toda la temporada contra la influenza A y B. Cada experto aporta una amplia experiencia en varios aspectos de las enfermedades infecciosas, el desarrollo de vacunas y los asuntos regulatorios, lo cual está alineado con el enfoque de Cidara en el desarrollo de inmunoterapias conjugadas de fármaco-Fc (DFC) utilizando su plataforma propietaria Cloudbreak®.

시다라 테라퓨틱스(Cidara Therapeutics)(Nasdaq: CDTX)는 과학 자문 위원회(SAB)에 네 명의 저명한 감염병 전문가를 임명했다고 발표했습니다. 새로 임명된 멤버는 릭 브라이트(Rick Bright, Ph.D.), 필립 크라우스(Philip Krause, M.D.), 마리오 바로(Mario Barro, Ph.D.), 그리고 프레드릭 Г. 헤이든(Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP)입니다. 이러한 임명은 시다라의 팬데믹 준비, 임상 및 규제 전략, 그리고 감염병 연구 분야의 전문성을 강화하기 위한 것입니다.

새로운 SAB 구성원들은 시다라의 약물 후보인 CD388의 개발에 대한 지침을 제공할 것이며, 현재 독감 A&B에 대한 장기적인 보호 효과를 시험하기 위해 2b 단계 임상시험에 들어가고 있습니다. 각 전문가는 감염병, 백신 개발 및 규제 문제의 다양한 측면에서 폭넓은 경험을 지니고 있으며, 이는 시다라의 약물-Fc 접합체(DFC) 면역 요법 개발에 대한 초점과 일치합니다. 이는 별도의 Cloudbreak® 플랫폼을 활용합니다.

Cidara Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CDTX) a annoncé la nomination de quatre experts renommés en maladies infectieuses au sein de son Conseil Consultatif Scientifique (SAB). Les nouveaux membres sont Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., et Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP. Ces nominations visent à renforcer l'expertise de Cidara en matière de préparation aux pandémies, de stratégie clinique et réglementaire, et de recherche sur les maladies infectieuses.

Les nouveaux membres du SAB fourniront des conseils sur le développement de CD388, le candidat médicamenteux de Cidara qui entre actuellement dans un essai de Phase 2b pour tester une seule dose pour une protection tout au long de la saison contre la grippe A et B. Chaque expert apporte une vaste expérience dans divers aspects des maladies infectieuses, du développement de vaccins et des affaires réglementaires, ce qui s'aligne avec l'objectif de Cidara de développer des immunothérapies conjuguées médicament-Fc (DFC) utilisant sa plateforme propriétaire Cloudbreak®.

Cidara Therapeutics (Nasdaq: CDTX) hat die Ernennung von vier renommierten Experten für Infektionskrankheiten in seinen Wissenschaftlichen Beirat (SAB) bekannt gegeben. Die neuen Mitglieder sind Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., und Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP. Diese Ernennungen zielen darauf ab, Cidaras Fachwissen in der Vorbereitung auf Pandemien, der klinischen und regulatorischen Strategie sowie der Forschung zu Infektionskrankheiten zu stärken.

Die neuen SAB-Mitglieder werden Anleitungen zur Entwicklung von CD388, Cidaras Medikamentenkandidat, der sich derzeit in einer Phase-2b-Studie befindet, um eine Einzeldosis für einen ganzjährigen Schutz gegen Influenza A & B zu testen, geben. Jeder Experte bringt umfangreiche Erfahrungen in verschiedenen Aspekten von Infektionskrankheiten, Impfstoffentwicklung und regulatorischen Angelegenheiten mit, was mit Cidaras Fokus auf die Entwicklung von Medikament-Fc-Konjugat (DFC) Immuntherapien unter Verwendung der proprietären Cloudbreak®-Plattform übereinstimmt.

  • Appointment of four renowned infectious disease experts to the Scientific Advisory Board
  • Guidance on CD388 development for Phase 2b trial against influenza A & B
  • Enhanced expertise in pandemic preparedness, clinical and regulatory strategy
  • Potential for improved drug development and clinical trial strategies
  • None.

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cidara Therapeutics, Inc. (Nasdaq: CDTX), a biotechnology company using its proprietary Cloudbreak® platform to develop drug-Fc conjugate (DFC) immunotherapies designed to save lives and improve the standard of care for patients facing serious diseases, today announced the appointment of Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., and Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP to its Scientific Advisory Board (SAB).

“We are honored that these four esteemed physicians and scientists have agreed to join our Scientific Advisory Board,” said Jeffrey Stein, Ph.D., president and chief executive officer of Cidara. “They have already provided important guidance on the development of CD388 as we embark on our Phase 2b trial to test a single dose of CD388 to provide season-long protection against influenza A & B. We look forward to their continued guidance on pandemic preparedness, clinical and regulatory strategy, and infectious disease research.”

Rick Bright, Ph.D. is an international expert on pandemic preparedness and response. In his most recent role as the Chief Executive Officer of the Pandemic Prevention Institute (PPI) at The Rockefeller Foundation, Dr. Bright led the development of the Foundation’s pandemic data-to-action platform that integrates modern technology, data analytics and global partners to help the world detect, prevent, and mitigate pandemic threats to achieve containment as quickly as possible. Dr. Bright serves as an international subject matter expert in biodefense, emergency preparedness and response, pharmaceutical innovation, vaccine, drug and diagnostic development and served as an advisor to the Biden Administration, the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI) and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering & Medicine Forum on Microbial Threats. Dr. Bright received a Ph.D. in Immunology and Molecular Pathogenesis from Emory University and a B.S. magna cum laude in Biology and Physical Sciences from Auburn University at Montgomery.

Philip Krause, M.D. has over 30 years of experience at the Food and Drug Administration, and a unique combination of scientific, regulatory, clinical, and public health experience. He is a long-time supporter of CASSS and WCBP, and co-chaired the meeting several times. He is trained as a physician with board certification in internal medicine and infectious diseases and a researcher with over 100 publications on topics spanning clinical evaluation of vaccines, viral pathogenesis and immunology, and biological product development. Dr. Krause is currently an independent consultant, providing strategic and regulatory advice related to biological product development. He recently served as deputy director of FDA’s Office of Vaccines Research and Review, where he led assessments of biological products for evaluation and licensure and helped to oversee the development and evaluation of all vaccines authorized and licensed in the US over the past 10 years.

Mario Barro, Ph.D. is a Venture Partner and Head of the Infectious Disease Team at RA Capital Management, where he spearheads early-stage investment, company creation, and leads the Infectious Diseases team in advancing the company's evidence-based investment strategy. In this capacity, he collaborates closely with several portfolio companies, serving as a Board Member or Technical Advisor. With over three decades of experience in vaccinology, virology, and immunology across large pharma, government, academia, and biotech sectors, he brings a wealth of expertise to his roles. In addition to his work at RA Capital, Dr. Barro is the CEO and co-founder of GIVAX, a vaccine development startup focused on eradicating preventable Gastrointestinal infections in children and adults. As CEO, he drives the development of a novel groundbreaking vaccine solution aimed at addressing a critical unmet medical need. Dr. Barro completed his postdoctoral training at the NIH/NIAD and Mount Sinai School of Medicine and holds a PhD in microbiology from the University of Chile.

Frederick Hayden, M.D., FACP is a Stuart S. Richardson Professor Emeritus of Clinical Virology and Professor Emeritus of Medicine at the University of Virginia School of Medicine in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA. His principal research interests have been on respiratory viral infections with a particular focus on the development and application of antiviral agents for influenza, rhinovirus, and coronavirus infections. He has contributed to the development of seven influenza antivirals and two vaccines approved for clinical use in one or more countries. During the COVID-19 pandemic he collaborated with colleagues in China to conduct the first controlled trials of candidate antivirals in hospitalized patients and has served as a consultant to platform studies (UK CTAP, ACTIV, AGILE), academic groups, and industry regarding the selection of therapeutics for clinical trials. Dr. Hayden received his medical degree from Stanford University School of Medicine in 1973 and completed his clinical training in internal medicine and infectious diseases at Strong Memorial Hospital, University of Rochester, New York.

About Cidara Therapeutics

Cidara Therapeutics is using its proprietary Cloudbreak® platform to develop novel drug-Fc conjugates (DFCs) comprising targeted small molecules or peptides coupled to a proprietary human antibody fragment (Fc). Cidara’s lead DFC candidate, CD388, is a long-acting antiviral designed to achieve universal prevention of seasonal and pandemic influenza with a single dose by directly inhibiting viral proliferation. In June 2023, CD388 was granted Fast Track Designation by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Company plans to advance CD388 into a Phase 2b trial in the 2024 Northern Hemisphere influenza season. Additional DFCs have been developed for oncology and in July 2024 Cidara received IND clearance for CBO421 which will be developed to target CD73 in solid tumors. Cidara is headquartered in San Diego, California. For more information, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. “Forward-looking statements” describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “anticipates,” “expect,” “may,” “believe,” “plan,” or “will”. Forward-looking statements in this release include, but are not limited to, statements related to plans and timing for initiating a Phase 2b clinical trial for CD388. Such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, such as unanticipated delays in or negative results from Cidara’s preclinical or clinical trials, unanticipated impacts of the workforce reduction, difficulties in obtaining potential partners or other obstacles to clinical development. These and other risks are identified under the caption “Risk Factors” in Cidara’s most recent Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q and other filings subsequently made with the Securities and Exchange Commission. All forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date on which they were made and are based on management’s assumptions and estimates as of such date. Cidara does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of the receipt of new information, the occurrence of future events or otherwise.

Brian Ritchie
LifeSci Advisors
(212) 915-2578

Michael Fitzhugh
LifeSci Communications


Who are the new members of Cidara Therapeutics' Scientific Advisory Board?

The new members of Cidara Therapeutics' Scientific Advisory Board are Rick Bright, Ph.D., Philip Krause, M.D., Mario Barro, Ph.D., and Frederick G. Hayden, M.D., FACP.

What is the focus of Cidara Therapeutics' CD388 Phase 2b trial?

Cidara Therapeutics' CD388 Phase 2b trial aims to test a single dose for providing season-long protection against influenza A & B.

How does the appointment of new SAB members benefit Cidara Therapeutics (CDTX)?

The new SAB members bring expertise in pandemic preparedness, clinical and regulatory strategy, and infectious disease research, which can enhance Cidara's drug development efforts and clinical trial strategies.

What is Cidara Therapeutics' (CDTX) main technology platform?

Cidara Therapeutics uses its proprietary Cloudbreak® platform to develop drug-Fc conjugate (DFC) immunotherapies for serious diseases.

Cidara Therapeutics, Inc.


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Biological Products, (no Disgnostic Substances)
United States of America