Conduit Pharmaceuticals Enters into Exclusive License Agreement with AstraZeneca for Multiple Assets to Advance Potential First-in-Class Treatments

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Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT) has entered into an exclusive license agreement with AstraZeneca for multiple assets. The deal includes rights to develop AZD1656 and AZD5658, both HK-4 glucokinase activators targeting autoimmune indications, and AZD5904, a myeloperoxidase inhibitor for idiopathic male infertility. These assets have shown favorable preclinical and Phase I data.

Conduit plans to initiate Phase II clinical trials in 2024 for autoimmune disorders. As part of the agreement, AstraZeneca will receive Conduit common stock and a share of future sublicense revenues. Conduit aims to fast-track development and bring innovative medicines to patients with unmet needs.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT) ha stipulato un accordo di licenza esclusiva con AstraZeneca per vari asset. L'accordo include i diritti per sviluppare AZD1656 e AZD5658, entrambi attivatori della glucokinasi HK-4 mirati a indicazioni autoimmuni, e AZD5904, un inibitore della mieloperossidasi per l'infertilità maschile idiopatica. Questi asset hanno mostrato dati preclinici e di Fase I favorevoli.

Conduit prevede di avviare studi clinici di Fase II nel 2024 per i disturbi autoimmuni. Come parte dell'accordo, AstraZeneca riceverà azioni ordinarie di Conduit e una parte delle entrate future da sublicenza. Conduit punta ad accelerare lo sviluppo e portare farmaci innovativi ai pazienti con esigenze non soddisfatte.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT) ha firmado un acuerdo de licencia exclusiva con AstraZeneca para múltiples activos. El acuerdo incluye los derechos para desarrollar AZD1656 y AZD5658, ambos activadores de la glucocinasa HK-4 dirigidos a indicaciones autoinmunes, y AZD5904, un inhibidor de la mieloperoxidasa para la infertilidad masculina idiopática. Estos activos han mostrado datos preclínicos y de Fase I favorables.

Conduit planea iniciar ensayos clínicos de Fase II en 2024 para trastornos autoinmunes. Como parte del acuerdo, AstraZeneca recibirá acciones comunes de Conduit y una parte de los ingresos futuros por sublicencias. Conduit tiene como objetivo acelerar el desarrollo y llevar medicamentos innovadores a los pacientes con necesidades no satisfechas.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT)는 AstraZeneca와 여러 자산에 대한 독점 라이선스 계약을 체결했습니다. 이 계약에는 자가면역 질환을 겨냥한 HK-4 글루코키나제 활성제인 AZD1656AZD5658의 개발 권리가 포함되어 있으며, 원인 불명의 남성 불임을 위한 과산화효소 억제제인 AZD5904도 포함됩니다. 이 자산들은 모두 favorable 한 전임상 및 1상 데이터 를 보여주었습니다.

Conduit는 2024년에 자가면역 질환을 위한 2상 임상 시험을 시작할 계획입니다. 계약의 일환으로 AstraZeneca는 Conduit의 보통주와 향후 서브라이센스 수익의 일부를 받게 됩니다. Conduit는 개발을 신속하게 진행하고 충족되지 않은 요구를 가진 환자들에게 혁신적인 의약품을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT) a conclu un accord de licence exclusif avec AstraZeneca pour plusieurs actifs. L'accord comprend les droits de développement pour AZD1656 et AZD5658, deux activateurs de la glucokinase HK-4 ciblant les indications auto-immunes, ainsi que AZD5904, un inhibiteur de la myéloperoxydase pour l'infertilité masculine idiopathique. Ces actifs ont montré des données précliniques et de Phase I favorables.

Conduit prévoit de lancer des essais cliniques de Phase II en 2024 pour les troubles auto-immuns. Dans le cadre de l'accord, AstraZeneca recevra des actions ordinaires de Conduit et une part des futurs revenus de sous-licence. Conduit vise à accélérer le développement et à fournir des médicaments innovants aux patients ayant des besoins non satisfaits.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT) hat einen exklusiven Lizenzvertrag mit AstraZeneca für mehrere Vermögenswerte abgeschlossen. Der Deal umfasst die Rechte zur Entwicklung von AZD1656 und AZD5658, beide HK-4-Glukokinase-Aktivatoren zur Behandlung von Autoimmunindikationen, sowie AZD5904, einen Myeloperoxidase-Inhibitor zur Behandlung der idiopathischen männlichen Infertilität. Diese Vermögenswerte haben vielversprechende präklinische Daten und Ergebnisse der Phase I gezeigt.

Conduit plant, 2024 Phase-II-Studien für Autoimmunerkrankungen zu starten. Im Rahmen des Vertrags wird AstraZeneca Stammaktien von Conduit sowie einen Anteil an zukünftigen Lizenzgebühren erhalten. Conduit hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, die Entwicklung zu beschleunigen und innovative Medikamente für Patienten mit ungedecktem Bedarf bereitzustellen.

  • Exclusive license agreement with AstraZeneca for multiple promising assets
  • Assets have shown favorable preclinical and Phase I data
  • Planned initiation of Phase II clinical trials in 2024
  • Potential to develop first-in-class treatments for autoimmune disorders and idiopathic male infertility
  • Access to AstraZeneca's pre-clinical and clinical data, as well as compound inventory
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders due to issuance of common stock to AstraZeneca
  • Future revenue sharing with AstraZeneca may impact profitability
  • AstraZeneca's right of first negotiation may limit future partnership opportunities

This licensing agreement between Conduit Pharmaceuticals and AstraZeneca is a significant development in the pharmaceutical industry. The deal involves three promising drug candidates - AZD1656, AZD5658 and AZD5904 - which have already shown favorable results in preclinical and Phase I trials.

The focus on autoimmune disorders, which affect 10% of the population, represents a substantial market opportunity. Conduit's strategy to fast-track these assets to Phase II trials could potentially accelerate the development timeline, bringing new treatments to market sooner.

Financially, the structure of the deal - involving stock issuance and revenue sharing - aligns the interests of both companies while minimizing upfront cash requirements for Conduit. This could be viewed positively by investors, as it preserves capital for clinical development.

However, investors should note that success in Phase II trials is important for Conduit's business model. The company's focus on acquiring partially developed assets and advancing them to potential exits carries both opportunity and risk.

The acquisition of these assets by Conduit Pharmaceuticals is intriguing from a clinical perspective. The HK-4 glucokinase activators (AZD1656 and AZD5658) and the myeloperoxidase inhibitor (AZD5904) represent novel mechanisms of action in their respective therapeutic areas.

The progression of AZD1656 and AZD5904 through Phase I trials by AstraZeneca provides a solid foundation for Conduit to build upon. This existing data significantly de-risks the early stages of development and allows for more informed Phase II trial designs.

The focus on autoimmune disorders and idiopathic male infertility addresses areas of significant unmet medical need. If successful, these compounds could indeed become first-in-class treatments, potentially offering new options for patients who may not respond to current therapies.

However, it's important to note that success in Phase I doesn't guarantee positive outcomes in Phase II. Conduit will need to carefully design their upcoming trials to maximize the chances of demonstrating efficacy in these complex disease areas.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals' approach represents an interesting asset-light business model in the pharmaceutical industry. By acquiring partially developed assets, they aim to bypass the costly and time-consuming early stages of drug development.

This strategy could potentially accelerate time-to-market and reduce overall development costs. However, it also concentrates risk in the critical Phase II stage, which is often where many drug candidates fail.

The agreement with AstraZeneca appears well-structured, with Conduit gaining access to valuable clinical data and drug supplies. The right of first negotiation granted to AstraZeneca could be a double-edged sword - it might facilitate future deals but could also limit Conduit's options if more favorable partnership opportunities arise.

Investors should closely monitor Conduit's ability to execute on its planned Phase II trials and its success in attracting potential partners or buyers for these assets. The company's long-term success will depend on its ability to consistently identify and acquire promising assets, then successfully advance them through mid-stage clinical development.

  • Conduit Pharmaceuticals enters into exclusive license agreement with AstraZeneca for HK-4 Glucokinase activators AZD1656 and AZD5658 targeting autoimmune indications and myeloperoxidase inhibitor AZD5904 targeting idiopathic male infertility
  • Assets have shown favorable preclinical and Phase I data. Conduit to initiate Phase II clinical trials

SAN DIEGO and LONDON, Aug. 08, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc. (Nasdaq: CDT) ("Conduit" or the “Company”), today announced that the Company has entered into an agreement with AstraZeneca to exclusively license rights to develop AZD1656 and AZD5658, both HK-4 glucokinase activators, and AZD5904, a myeloperoxidase inhibitor (MPO). AstraZeneca had progressed AZD1656 and AZD5904 through Phase 1 clinical trials.

Conduit initially intends to conduct Phase II clinical trials on clinical candidates AZD1656 and AZD5658 in 2024 for applications in autoimmune disorders, a category which affect an estimated 10% of the population1.

Under the terms of the License Agreement, AstraZeneca will grant Conduit an exclusive license to both AZD1656 and AZD5658 for all human indications, as well as an exclusive license to AZD5904 for use in Idiopathic Male Infertility.

As part of the License Agreement, AstraZeneca will be issued shares of common stock in Conduit, and Conduit will also pay AstraZeneca a share of sublicense revenues, including upfront payments, milestones, and royalties received from future partners.

AstraZeneca will share pre-clinical and clinical data on the assets and supply Conduit with certain quantities of AZD1656, AZD5904, and AZD5658 from its inventory. The License Agreement also includes provisions for the transfer of know-how related to AZD1656, AZD5658 and AZD5904 from AstraZeneca to Conduit. AstraZeneca has been granted a right of first negotiation to develop, manufacture, and commercialize the licensed compounds if Conduit seeks to assign, license, or grant such rights to a third party.

Through the License Agreement, Conduit will analyze existing clinical data and initiate Phase II trials. Conduit believes this will fast-track the development of these compounds and bring innovative new medicines to patients facing substantial unmet needs.

"We are delighted to have entered into an agreement with AstraZeneca to secure the rights to develop AZD1656, AZD5658, and AZD5904. The potential of these assets to become important first-in-class medicines for patients is promising. Given the data from AstraZeneca’s clinical trials, we believe there is a strong rationale to initiate Phase II studies in multiple indications to progress to commercialization of these assets,” said Dr. David Tapolczay, Chief Executive Officer of Conduit.

Conduit departs from the traditional business model of shepherding assets through an entire commercial lifecycle by acquiring assets that have already undergone pre-clinical and clinical testing. The Company works towards accelerating the assets through Phase II trials and, if successful, intends to seek exits through third-party license opportunities.

About Conduit Pharmaceuticals

Conduit is a multi-asset, clinical stage, disease-agnostic life science company delivering an efficient model for compound development. Conduit both acquires and funds the development of Phase II-ready assets and then seeks an exit through third-party license deals following successful clinical trials. Led by a highly experienced team of pharmaceutical executives including Dr. David Tapolczay and Dr. Freda Lewis-Hall, this novel approach is a departure from the traditional pharma/biotech business model of taking assets through regulatory approval.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains certain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the federal securities laws. All statements other than statements of historical facts contained in this press release, including statements regarding Conduit's future results of operations and financial position, Conduit's business strategy, prospective product candidates, product approvals, research and development costs, timing and likelihood of success, plans and objectives of management for future operations, future results of current and anticipated studies and business endeavors with third parties, and future results of current and anticipated product candidates, are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements generally are identified by the words "believe," "project," "expect," "anticipate," "estimate," "intend," "strategy," "future," "opportunity," "plan," "may," "should," "will," "would," "will be," "will continue," "will likely result," and similar expressions. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions, including, but not limited to; the inability to maintain the listing of Conduit's securities on Nasdaq; the ability to recognize the anticipated benefits of the business combination completed in September 2023, which may be affected by, among other things, competition; the ability of the combined company to grow and manage growth economically and hire and retain key employees; the risks that Conduit's product candidates in development fail clinical trials or are not approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration or other applicable authorities on a timely basis or at all; changes in applicable laws or regulations; the possibility that Conduit may be adversely affected by other economic, business, and/or competitive factors; and other risks as identified in filings made by Conduit with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Moreover, Conduit operates in a very competitive and rapidly changing environment. Because forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified and some of which are beyond Conduit's control, you should not rely on these forward-looking statements as predictions of future events. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date they are made. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on forward-looking statements, and except as required by law, Conduit assumes no obligation and does not intend to update or revise these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise. Conduit gives no assurance that it will achieve its expectations.

Sean Leous
ICR Westwicke

Bill Begien
Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.



What assets did Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) license from AstraZeneca?

Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) licensed AZD1656 and AZD5658 (HK-4 glucokinase activators) for autoimmune indications, and AZD5904 (myeloperoxidase inhibitor) for idiopathic male infertility from AstraZeneca.

When does Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) plan to start Phase II clinical trials for the licensed assets?

Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) plans to initiate Phase II clinical trials for AZD1656 and AZD5658 in 2024, targeting autoimmune disorders.

What compensation will AstraZeneca receive from Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) for the licensed assets?

AstraZeneca will receive shares of Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) common stock and a share of sublicense revenues, including upfront payments, milestones, and royalties from future partners.

What is Conduit Pharmaceuticals' (CDT) business model for developing these licensed assets?

Conduit Pharmaceuticals (CDT) aims to accelerate the assets through Phase II trials and, if successful, seek exits through third-party license opportunities, rather than shepherding assets through an entire commercial lifecycle.

Conduit Pharmaceuticals Inc.


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