One Cadence: From Idaho to Silicon Valley With Pride

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Cadence Design Systems participated in the Silicon Valley Pride Parade, demonstrating its commitment to LGBTQ+ inclusion and community engagement. An employee from Idaho shared their experience of joining colleagues in the parade, highlighting the company's efforts to foster a sense of belonging among remote workers. The event showcased Cadence's diverse representation from various departments and management levels.

The company's involvement extended beyond the parade, with the Cadence Giving Foundation donating to The Trevor Project, an organization focused on suicide prevention among LGBTQ+ youth. This initiative aligns with Cadence's broader commitment to STEM education, outreach, and volunteer opportunities. The employee's personal story underscores the importance of visibility and representation in technical careers, especially for LGBTQ+ individuals from rural areas.

Cadence Design Systems ha partecipato al Silicon Valley Pride Parade, dimostrando il suo impegno per l'inclusione LGBTQ+ e il coinvolgimento nella comunità. Un dipendente dell'Idaho ha condiviso la propria esperienza di partecipazione alla parata insieme ai colleghi, evidenziando gli sforzi dell'azienda per promuovere un senso di appartenenza tra i lavoratori a distanza. L'evento ha messo in mostra la diversa rappresentanza di Cadence proveniente da vari dipartimenti e livelli dirigenziali.

Il coinvolgimento dell'azienda non si è limitato alla parata; infatti, la Cadence Giving Foundation ha donato al Trevor Project, un'organizzazione che si concentra sulla prevenzione del suicidio tra i giovani LGBTQ+. Questa iniziativa si allinea con l'impegno più ampio di Cadence per l'istruzione STEM, il coinvolgimento nella comunità e le opportunità di volontariato. La storia personale del dipendente sottolinea l'importanza della visibilità e della rappresentanza nelle carriere tecniche, specialmente per gli individui LGBTQ+ provenienti da aree rurali.

Cadence Design Systems participó en el Silicon Valley Pride Parade, demostrando su compromiso con la inclusión LGBTQ+ y el compromiso con la comunidad. Un empleado de Idaho compartió su experiencia al unirse a colegas en la parade, destacando los esfuerzos de la empresa por fomentar un sentido de pertenencia entre los trabajadores remotos. El evento exhibió la diversa representación de Cadence de varios departamentos y niveles de gestión.

La participación de la empresa se extendió más allá de la parade, con la Cadence Giving Foundation donando a The Trevor Project, una organización enfocada en la prevención del suicidio entre jóvenes LGBTQ+. Esta iniciativa se alinea con el compromiso más amplio de Cadence hacia la educación STEM, el alcance y las oportunidades de voluntariado. La historia personal del empleado subraya la importancia de la visibilidad y la representación en las carreras técnicas, especialmente para las personas LGBTQ+ de áreas rurales.

Cadence Design Systems는 실리콘밸리 프라이드 퍼레이드에 참여하여 LGBTQ+ 포용 및 지역 사회 참여에 대한 약속을 보여주었습니다. 아이오와의 한 직원은 동료들과 함께 퍼레이드에 참가한 경험을 공유하며, 원격 근무자들 사이에서 소속감 고취를 위한 회사의 노력을 강조했습니다. 이 이벤트는 다양한 부서와 관리 레벨에서 온 Cadence의 다양한 대표성을 보여주었습니다.

회사의 참여는 퍼레이드에 그치지 않고, Cadence Giving Foundation이 The Trevor Project에 기부하여 LGBTQ+ 청소년을 위한 자살 예방에 집중하는 기관을 지원했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 STEM 교육, 참여 및 자원봉사 기회에 대한 Cadence의 더 넓은 약속과 일치합니다. 직원의 개인적인 이야기는 특히 농촌 지역의 LGBTQ+ 개인을 위한 기술 경력에서 가시성과 대표성의 중요성을 강조합니다.

Cadence Design Systems a participé à la parade Pride de la Silicon Valley, démontrant son engagement envers l'inclusion LGBTQ+ et l'engagement communautaire. Un employé de l'Idaho a partagé son expérience de participation à la parade avec ses collègues, soulignant les efforts de l'entreprise pour favoriser un sentiment d'appartenance parmi les travailleurs à distance. L'événement a présenté la représentation diversifiée de Cadence provenant de différents départements et niveaux de direction.

L'implication de l'entreprise ne s'est pas limitée à la parade, car la Cadence Giving Foundation a fait un don au Trevor Project, une organisation axée sur la prévention du suicide chez les jeunes LGBTQ+. Cette initiative s'aligne avec l'engagement plus large de Cadence envers l'éducation STEM, les actions communautaires et les opportunités de bénévolat. L'histoire personnelle de l'employé souligne l'importance de la visibilité et de la représentation dans les carrières techniques, en particulier pour les individus LGBTQ+ des zones rurales.

Cadence Design Systems nahm an der Silicon Valley Pride Parade teil und zeigte damit sein Engagement für die Inklusion von LGBTQ+ und das Engagement in der Gemeinschaft. Ein Mitarbeiter aus Idaho teilte seine Erfahrung, mit Kollegen an der Parade teilzunehmen, und hob die Bemühungen des Unternehmens hervor, ein Gefühl der Zugehörigkeit unter Remote-Mitarbeitern zu fördern. Die Veranstaltung stellte Cadences vielfältige Vertretung aus verschiedenen Abteilungen und Führungsebenen vor.

Das Engagement des Unternehmens beschränkte sich nicht nur auf die Parade; die Cadence Giving Foundation spendete an das Trevor Project, eine Organisation, die sich auf die Suizidprävention bei LGBTQ+ Jugendlichen konzentriert. Diese Initiative steht im Einklang mit Cadences breiterem Engagement für STEM-Bildung, Outreach und Freiwilligenmöglichkeiten. Die persönliche Geschichte des Mitarbeiters unterstreicht die Bedeutung von Sichtbarkeit und Repräsentation in technischen Berufen, insbesondere für LGBTQ+-Menschen aus ländlichen Gebieten.

  • Cadence actively supports LGBTQ+ inclusion through participation in Pride events
  • The company fosters community engagement and belonging among remote employees
  • Cadence Giving Foundation donated to The Trevor Project for LGBTQ+ youth suicide prevention
  • Diverse representation from various departments and management levels in company events
  • None.

Written by BillieJ, Community Member

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 5, 2024 / Cadence Design Systems

My wife and I soaking it all in before the parade started.

Recently, I traveled from my hometown and remote work location in southeast Idaho to participate with fellow Cadence employees in the Silicon Valley Pride Parade. Although I have attended a handful of large-scale Pride events in Seattle, Denver, Boston, and Salt Lake City over the years, I have never marched in one-and I have never attended a Pride with professional colleagues.

Cheers to Cadence for these blissful milestones!

When I graduated from Idaho State years ago, I wanted to move to Silicon Valley, Seattle, or Portland, where I'd be free to live more openly. I am an only child, however, and with my mom only having a few years left to live, it was important that I stay close. I got a great job at a local semiconductor manufacturer and fell in love with mountain biking. As my career grew in a place where the commute between home, office, and the trails was mere minutes, my childhood home in Idaho simply became my home. When my mom passed away, my community and coworkers became my family.

Cadence Culture

In a 20-year career that's spanned digital test, design, and marketing, I've tackled a lot of technical and organizational challenges. Through serendipitous timing and a solid networking connection, I joined Cadence in February of this past year.

To combat the sense of isolation that can develop while working remotely, I've joined a couple of Cadence's Employee Resource Groups and paid keen attention to company communications pertaining to my areas of interest involving the LGBTQ+ community, STEM education and outreach, and volunteer opportunities. In the realms of community involvement and professional engagement, I am deeply motivated by the mantra:Be the kind of adult you needed as a child.

Growing up in somewhat rural Idaho, I would have benefited greatly from seeing other women and LGBTQ+ people succeeding in technical careers, participating in community endeavors, and simply being happy contributors to society. During this past Pride Month in June, I saw that the Cadence Giving Foundation donated to The Trevor Project, an organization dedicated to suicide prevention among LGBTQ+ youth, and that the LGBTQ+ Inclusion Group would be a sponsor of Silicon Valley Pride and take part in San Jose's downtown Pride Parade. I told my wife we had to go!

Cadence Pride

Employees from across the Cadence organization came out in support. We had representation from engineering, marketing, legal, program management, human resources, and customer support. We had our spouses, friends, kids, and kids' friends. We had managers, directors, and executives-oh my!

Teens blasted bubbles while we waved and walked. Along with our smiles, we shared umbrellas and sunglasses with paradegoers-all were perfect for the sunny San Jose day.

As we lined up and waited for the parade to start, I made an effort to introduce myself and talk with the young people in attendance because that's what I craved at their age-to be seen and included, to be treated like I belonged, and to grasp that no matter what my current situation might be, I can always contribute and have a place in this world.

In a nutshell, that's what Silicon Valley Pride was about this past weekend-including one another, fostering a sense of belonging, and celebrating our unique contributions to this world. With my career changes in this past year entailing remote work along with everything encompassed in a new role at a new company, it's like those messages were directed right at me.

I love that I got to hear those messages and experience it all as a Cadence employee with other Cadence employees. After enjoying the day and reliving moments through everyone's festive's time to get back to work!

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Spokesperson: Cadence Design Systems

SOURCE: Cadence Design Systems

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How did Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) support LGBTQ+ inclusion in 2024?

In 2024, Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) supported LGBTQ+ inclusion by participating in the Silicon Valley Pride Parade, sponsoring Silicon Valley Pride through their LGBTQ+ Inclusion Group, and donating to The Trevor Project via the Cadence Giving Foundation.

What employee resource groups does Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) offer?

While specific details aren't provided, the press release mentions that Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) has multiple Employee Resource Groups, including an LGBTQ+ Inclusion Group that was involved in sponsoring Silicon Valley Pride.

How does Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) support remote workers' engagement?

Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) supports remote workers' engagement through Employee Resource Groups, company communications on topics of interest, and opportunities to participate in events like the Silicon Valley Pride Parade alongside colleagues.

What community outreach initiatives does Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) support?

Cadence Design Systems (CDNS) supports community outreach initiatives including LGBTQ+ inclusion, STEM education and outreach, and volunteer opportunities. They also made a donation to The Trevor Project for LGBTQ+ youth suicide prevention.

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