Cadence Launches Fem.AI, Pledges $20M to Kickstart Gender Equity in the AI Workforce

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Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) has launched Fem.AI, an initiative aimed at promoting gender equity in the AI workforce. The Cadence Giving Foundation has pledged $20 million over the next decade to support this cause through philanthropic and product donations. The initiative addresses three key challenges for women in AI: completing higher education, accessing first jobs, and retaining STEM careers.

Cadence's research shows that only 20% of computer science graduates are female, women hold just over 20% of AI roles in US tech companies, and over 56% of women in tech are likely to leave the industry before mid-career. To tackle these issues, Cadence has partnered with various nonprofits and will host the inaugural Fem.AI Summit on October 1 in Menlo Park, bringing together leaders from business, academia, media, and social impact sectors to promote cross-sector collaboration.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) ha lanciato Fem.AI, un'iniziativa volta a promuovere l'equità di genere nella forza lavoro dell'AI. La Cadence Giving Foundation ha pledgiato 20 milioni di dollari nei prossimi dieci anni per supportare questa causa attraverso donazioni filantropiche e di prodotto. L'iniziativa affronta tre sfide chiave per le donne nell'AI: completare l'istruzione superiore, accedere ai primi lavori e mantenere le carriere STEM.

La ricerca di Cadence mostra che solo il 20% dei laureati in informatica sono donne, le donne ricoprono poco più del 20% dei ruoli nell'AI nelle aziende tecnologiche statunitensi, e oltre il 56% delle donne nel settore tecnologico è probabile che lasci l'industria prima della metà della carriera. Per affrontare queste problematiche, Cadence ha collaborato con varie organizzazioni non profit e ospiterà il primo Fem.AI Summit il 1 ottobre a Menlo Park, riunendo leader dei settori imprenditoriale, accademico, media e impatto sociale per promuovere la collaborazione intersettoriale.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) ha lanzado Fem.AI, una iniciativa destinada a promover la equidad de género en la fuerza laboral de la IA. La Cadence Giving Foundation se ha comprometido con 20 millones de dólares en la próxima década para apoyar esta causa a través de donaciones filantrópicas y de productos. La iniciativa aborda tres desafíos clave para las mujeres en la IA: completar la educación superior, acceder a los primeros empleos y mantener carreras en STEM.

La investigación de Cadence muestra que solo el 20% de los graduados en informática son mujeres, las mujeres ocupan poco más del 20% de los roles de IA en las empresas tecnológicas de EE. UU., y más del 56% de las mujeres en tecnología es probable que dejen la industria antes de alcanzar la mitad de su carrera. Para abordar estas cuestiones, Cadence se ha asociado con varias organizaciones sin fines de lucro y será la sede del inaugural Fem.AI Summit el 1 de octubre en Menlo Park, reuniendo a líderes de los sectores empresarial, académico, mediático y de impacto social para promover la colaboración entre sectores.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS)가 AI 분야의 성평등을 촉진하기 위한 이니셔티브인 Fem.AI를 출시했습니다. Cadence Giving Foundation은 향후 10년 동안 이 목적을 위해 2000만 달러를 약정하고 필란트로픽 기부 및 제품 기부를 통해 지원할 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 AI 분야의 여성들이 겪는 세 가지 주요 도전 과제, 즉 고등 교육 완료, 첫 직장 접근 및 STEM 분야 경력 유지와 관련된 문제를 다룹니다.

Cadence의 조사에 따르면, 컴퓨터 과학 졸업생 중 여성은 20%에 불과하며, 미국 기술 기업에서 AI 역할을 맡고 있는 여성은 20%를 조금 넘고, 기술 분야 여성의 56% 이상이 경력 중반 이전에 산업을 떠날 가능성이 있습니다. 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 Cadence는 여러 비영리 단체와 협력하였으며, 10월 1일 Menlo Park에서 Fem.AI Summit의 첫 번째 행사를 개최하여 비즈니스, 학계, 미디어 및 사회적 영향 분야의 리더들이 모여 부문 간 협력을 촉진할 것입니다.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) a lancé Fem.AI, une initiative visant à promouvoir l'équité de genre dans la main-d'œuvre de l'IA. La Cadence Giving Foundation s'est engagée à verser 20 millions de dollars au cours de la prochaine décennie pour soutenir cette cause par le biais de dons philanthropiques et de produits. L'initiative aborde trois défis clés pour les femmes dans l'IA : l'achèvement de l'enseignement supérieur, l'accès aux premiers emplois et le maintien des carrières STEM.

Les recherches de Cadence montrent que seulement 20 % des diplômés en informatique sont des femmes, que les femmes occupent un peu plus de 20 % des postes en IA dans les entreprises technologiques américaines, et que plus de 56 % des femmes dans la technologie sont susceptibles de quitter l'industrie avant la mi-carrière. Pour faire face à ces problèmes, Cadence a établi des partenariats avec diverses organisations à but non lucratif et accueillera le premier Fem.AI Summit le 1er octobre à Menlo Park, réunissant des leaders des secteurs des affaires, de l'enseignement supérieur, des médias et de l'impact social pour promouvoir la collaboration intersectorielle.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) hat Fem.AI ins Leben gerufen, eine Initiative zur Förderung der Geschlechtergerechtigkeit in der KI-Arbeitswelt. Die Cadence Giving Foundation hat sich verpflichtet, über das nächste Jahrzehnt hinweg 20 Millionen Dollar zu spenden, um diese Sache durch philanthropische und Produktspenden zu unterstützen. Die Initiative geht drei zentrale Herausforderungen für Frauen in der KI an: den Abschluss höherer Bildung, den Zugang zu den ersten Arbeitsplätzen und die Erhaltung von Karrieren in MINT-Disziplinen.

Die Forschung von Cadence zeigt, dass nur 20% der Absolventen der Informatik weiblich sind, Frauen in US-Technologieunternehmen gerade einmal über 20% der KI-Positionen innehaben und mehr als 56% der Frauen in der Technologiebranche wahrscheinlich vor der Halbzeit ihrer Karriere die Branche verlassen werden. Um diese Probleme zu bewältigen, hat Cadence Partnerschaften mit verschiedenen Non-Profit-Organisationen geschlossen und wird am 1. Oktober in Menlo Park den ersten Fem.AI Summit ausrichten, bei dem Führungskräfte aus Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Medien und sozialen Bereichen zusammenkommen, um die sektorübergreifende Zusammenarbeit zu fördern.

  • Cadence commits $20 million to Fem.AI initiative over the next decade
  • Partnerships with nonprofits have already impacted over 14,000 women in 2023
  • Inaugural Fem.AI Summit planned for October 1 to unite industry leaders
  • Only 20% of computer science graduates are female
  • Women hold just over 20% of AI roles in US tech companies
  • Over 56% of women in tech likely to leave the industry before mid-career

Inaugural Fem.AI Summit will convene industry, academia, nonprofits and gender equity leaders in October

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: CDNS) today announced the launch of Fem.AI—an initiative to propel women and the industry towards a more equitable tech sector, with an emphasis on opportunities in AI. The Cadence Giving Foundation has committed $20 million towards this initiative, including philanthropic and product donations over the next decade to organizations that align with Fem.AI’s mission. By catalyzing the industry to invest in nonprofits, university students and programs, champion women-led ventures, drive product innovation and leverage industry influence, Fem.AI aims to close the gender gap in this critical space.

Cadence launched the Fem.AI initiative to propel women and the industry towards a more equitable tech sector, with an emphasis on opportunities in AI. The Cadence Giving Foundation has committed <money>$20 million</money> towards Fem.AI, including philanthropic and product donations over the next decade to organizations that align with Fem.AI’s mission. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Cadence launched the Fem.AI initiative to propel women and the industry towards a more equitable tech sector, with an emphasis on opportunities in AI. The Cadence Giving Foundation has committed $20 million towards Fem.AI, including philanthropic and product donations over the next decade to organizations that align with Fem.AI’s mission. (Graphic: Business Wire)

Addressing Key Challenges for Women in AI

Despite years of effort, the tech industry is lagging on critical measures of gender balance.

Initial research by Cadence has identified three “leakage points” in the tech/AI ecosystem where women are losing traction:

“Achieving true innovation in the current AI revolution requires the full participation of talented individuals, and too many women are slipping through the cracks of the AI pipeline,” said Dr. Anirudh Devgan, president and CEO of Cadence. “Cadence is committed to shrinking the gender gap in AI through Fem.AI, and we hope to be a catalyst within the tech industry by calling for gender equity in the AI workforce and beyond.”

In 2023, Cadence launched a pilot program to assess how to make the biggest impact on this issue, distributing grants to address leakage points. The company partnered with nonprofits, including Break Through Tech, Fast Forward, Generation, Global Semiconductor Alliance’s Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI), Last Mile Foundation Fund, Reboot Representation and VC Include. So far this year, these grants have already impacted over 14,000 women.

Future philanthropic donations will be directed to organizations that address leakage points while expanding on existing partnerships and building additional strategic alliances with changemakers to enable a sea change in representation across the tech industry.

Inaugural Fem.AI Summit

At the heart of Fem.AI lies the unification of the industry to shape the course of gender equity endeavors in AI. On October 1, Cadence will host the inaugural Fem.AI Summit to unite business, academia, media and social impact leaders to promote cross-sector collaboration. More details on the summit are forthcoming, with an exciting lineup of speakers and participants expected at the event in Menlo Park.

“The rapid expansion of AI brings immense opportunities for the workforce. However, if women continue to be left out, the effects will hinder innovation and exacerbate current labor shortages in the high-tech sector. Fem.AI is part of Cadence’s ongoing commitment to propelling women in STEM and other inclusion initiatives at the core of the company,” said Tina Jones, senior vice president, Global Human Resources at Cadence. “We believe that innovation thrives when diverse perspectives come together, and through Fem.AI, we hope to move the needle toward gender balance in this space.”

To learn more about Fem.AI, visit

About Cadence

Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic systems design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware and IP that turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most innovative companies, delivering extraordinary products from chips to boards to complete systems for the most dynamic market applications, including hyperscale computing, 5G communications, automotive, mobile, aerospace, consumer, industrial and healthcare. For 10 years in a row, Fortune magazine has named Cadence one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Learn more at

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Source: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.


What is the Fem.AI initiative launched by Cadence (CDNS)?

Fem.AI is an initiative launched by Cadence Design Systems to promote gender equity in the AI workforce. It aims to address challenges for women in completing higher education, accessing first jobs, and retaining STEM careers.

How much has Cadence (CDNS) committed to the Fem.AI initiative?

Cadence has committed $20 million towards the Fem.AI initiative through the Cadence Giving Foundation, including philanthropic and product donations over the next decade.

When and where will the inaugural Fem.AI Summit be held?

The inaugural Fem.AI Summit will be held on October 1 in Menlo Park. It will bring together leaders from business, academia, media, and social impact sectors to promote cross-sector collaboration.

What percentage of AI roles in US tech companies are held by women, according to Cadence's (CDNS) research?

According to Cadence's research, women hold just over 20% of AI roles in US tech companies.

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