Cadence Announces Fem.AI Alliance to Lead Gender Equity Revolution in the AI Workforce

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Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) has announced the formation of the Fem.AI Alliance, a group dedicated to increasing women's representation and leadership in the tech industry. Founding members include Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA, and Workday. The alliance aims to evolve the future workforce and drive change towards a more representative tech and AI workforce.

The Cadence Giving Foundation is committing $20 million to address critical points where women decide not to pursue STEM careers. The initiative has already impacted thousands of women through partnerships with nonprofits and universities. The inaugural Fem.AI Summit, hosted on October 1 (International Women in AI Day), brought together industry leaders to discuss challenges women face in AI and inspire change.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) ha annunciato la formazione dell'alleanza Fem.AI, un gruppo dedicato ad aumentare la rappresentanza e la leadership femminile nel settore tecnologico. I membri fondatori includono Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA e Workday. L'alleanza si prefigge di evolvere la forza lavoro futura e promuovere un cambiamento verso un settore tecnologico e un'industria dell'IA più rappresentativa.

La Cadence Giving Foundation si impegna a destinare 20 milioni di dollari per affrontare i punti critici in cui le donne decidono di non intraprendere carriere STEM. L'iniziativa ha già avuto un impatto su migliaia di donne attraverso collaborazioni con organizzazioni no-profit e università. Il primo Fem.AI Summit, tenutosi il 1° ottobre (Giornata Internazionale delle Donne nel settore IA), ha riunito i leader del settore per discutere le sfide che le donne devono affrontare nell'IA e ispirare il cambiamento.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) ha anunciado la formación de la Alianza Fem.AI, un grupo dedicado a aumentar la representación y el liderazgo de las mujeres en la industria tecnológica. Los miembros fundadores incluyen a Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA y Workday. La alianza tiene como objetivo evolucionar la futura fuerza laboral y promover un cambio hacia una industria tecnológica y de IA más representativa.

La Cadence Giving Foundation se compromete a destinar 20 millones de dólares para abordar los puntos críticos donde las mujeres deciden no seguir carreras en STEM. La iniciativa ya ha impactado a miles de mujeres a través de asociaciones con organizaciones sin fines de lucro y universidades. La primera Cumbre Fem.AI, celebrada el 1 de octubre (Día Internacional de las Mujeres en IA), reunió a líderes de la industria para discutir los desafíos que enfrentan las mujeres en la IA e inspirar el cambio.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS)는 여성의 기술 산업 내 대표성과 리더십을 강화하기 위한 Fem.AI Alliance의 결성을 발표했습니다. 창립 회원으로는 Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA, Workday가 포함됩니다. 이 동맹의 목표는 미래의 직장 환경을 발전시키고 보다 대표적인 기술 및 AI 인력을 위한 변화를 이끄는 것입니다.

Cadence Giving Foundation은 2천만 달러를 지원하기로 약속했습니다. 이는 여성들이 STEM 경로를 추구하지 않기로 결정하는 중요한 지점을 다루는 것입니다. 이 이니셔티브는 이미 비영리 단체 및 대학과의 파트너십을 통해 수천 명의 여성에게 영향을 미쳤습니다. 10월 1일 (AI의 여성 국제적 날) 개최된 첫 번째 Fem.AI Summit은 산업 리더들을 모아 AI에서 여성이 직면하는 도전 과제를 논의하고 변화를 고무했습니다.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) a annoncé la création de l'alliance Fem.AI, un groupe dédié à l'augmentation de la représentation et du leadership des femmes dans l'industrie technologique. Les membres fondateurs incluent Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA et Workday. L'alliance vise à faire évoluer la main-d'œuvre future et à promouvoir un changement vers une industrie technologique et une main-d'œuvre en IA plus représentatives.

La Cadence Giving Foundation s'engage à investir 20 millions de dollars pour traiter des points critiques où les femmes décident de ne pas poursuivre de carrières dans les STEM. L'initiative a déjà eu un impact sur des milliers de femmes grâce à des partenariats avec des organisations à but non lucratif et des universités. Le premier Fem.AI Summit, organisé le 1er octobre (Journée internationale des femmes dans l'IA), a réuni des leaders de l'industrie pour discuter des défis auxquels les femmes sont confrontées dans le domaine de l'IA et inspirer le changement.

Cadence Design Systems (Nasdaq: CDNS) hat die Gründung der Fem.AI-Allianz angekündigt, einer Gruppe, die sich der Erhöhung der Vertretung und Führung von Frauen in der Technologiebranche widmet. Zu den Gründungsmitgliedern gehören die Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA und Workday. Ziel der Allianz ist es, die zukünftige Arbeitskraft weiterzuentwickeln und Veränderungen in Richtung einer repräsentativeren Technologie- und KI-Arbeitswelt voranzutreiben.

Die Cadence Giving Foundation bereitzustellen, um kritische Punkte anzusprechen, an denen Frauen sich entscheiden, keine STEM-Karrieren zu verfolgen. Die Initiative hat bereits Tausenden von Frauen durch Partnerschaften mit gemeinnützigen Organisationen und Universitäten geholfen. Der erste Fem.AI-Gipfel, der am 1. Oktober (Internationaler Tag der Frauen in der KI) stattfand, brachte Branchenführer zusammen, um die Herausforderungen zu diskutieren, mit denen Frauen in der KI konfrontiert sind, und um Veränderungen zu inspirieren.

  • Formation of Fem.AI Alliance with industry leaders to increase women's representation in tech
  • $20 million commitment from Cadence Giving Foundation to support women in STEM
  • Partnerships with nonprofits and universities to address critical points in women's STEM career paths
  • Inaugural Fem.AI Summit hosted to discuss challenges and inspire change
  • None.

Equinix, NetApp, NVIDIA and Workday join Fem.AI Alliance to drive change, backed by initial $20 million Cadence investment

SAN JOSE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cadence Design Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq: CDNS) announced that industry leaders Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA and Workday are founding members of the Cadence Giving Foundation’s Fem.AI Alliance, a group of companies and institutions that have committed to driving change towards a more representative tech and AI workforce. The Fem.AI Alliance is dedicated to evolving the future workforce by increasing women’s representation and leadership in the tech industry.

The Cadence Giving Foundation's Fem.AI Alliance is dedicated to evolving the future workforce by increasing women’s representation and leadership in the tech industry. Founding members include Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA and Workday. (Graphic: Business Wire)

The Cadence Giving Foundation's Fem.AI Alliance is dedicated to evolving the future workforce by increasing women’s representation and leadership in the tech industry. Founding members include Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA and Workday. (Graphic: Business Wire)

“Women’s talent and perspectives are crucial to shaping the future of AI. Ensuring that women are well represented and valued in the workforce is a business imperative,” said Anirudh Devgan, president and CEO of Cadence. “With our newly formed Fem.AI Alliance, we will work with like-minded companies to increase the number of women in STEM, which will fuel the creation of innovative, inclusive and responsible AI solutions.”

The inaugural Fem.AI Summit, hosted by the Cadence Giving Foundation on October 1, a day also recently recognized as International Women in AI Day, brought together leaders from the tech industry, as well as universities, venture capital and social impact. The summit highlighted the challenges women face in AI and inspired leaders to play a role in effecting change. Experts discussed the many reasons to expand the talent pipeline and the need for diverse perspectives in the creation and testing of AI solutions.

“Ensuring that women play a role in this technology revolution is not just a nice-to-have; it is essential. We must have enough talent to capitalize on what AI promises to deliver, and we need a true cross-section of society working on AI so that we create technology that serves everyone,” said Tina Jones, senior vice president, Global Human Resources at Cadence.

“AI has the power to transform society positively, but we must actively work together to improve representation,” said Alexis Bjorlin, vice president of DGX Cloud at NVIDIA. “The Fem.AI Alliance presents an opportunity to help shape an inclusive AI future by empowering women to pioneer in this nascent field.”

“AI’s true potential relies on its ability to represent the range of human experiences, making Fem.AI’s mission so critical,” said Kathy Pham, vice president of AI at Workday. “In line with our commitment to elevating humans and supercharging work through the power of AI, Workday is proud to join this alliance to help support and cultivate women AI leaders driving innovation.”

The Cadence Giving Foundation is committing $20 million and working with nonprofit partners and universities to address the three critical leakage points where women decide not to pursue STEM careers. Through its partnerships with nonprofits, including Break Through Tech, Fast Forward, Generation, Global Semiconductor Alliance’s Women’s Leadership Initiative (WLI), Last Mile Education Fund, Reboot Representation and VC Include, and in collaboration with MIT Thriving Stars and Cadence’s university and scholarship programs, Cadence’s investment has already impacted thousands of women to move past those three leakage points.

Interested organizations can learn more about the initiative and join the Fem.AI Alliance today.

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Cadence is a pivotal leader in electronic systems design, building upon more than 30 years of computational software expertise. The company applies its underlying Intelligent System Design strategy to deliver software, hardware and IP that turn design concepts into reality. Cadence customers are the world’s most innovative companies, delivering extraordinary electronic products from chips to boards to complete systems for the most dynamic market applications, including hyperscale computing, 5G communications, automotive, mobile, aerospace, consumer, industrial and healthcare. For 10 years in a row, Fortune magazine has named Cadence one of the 100 Best Companies to Work For. Learn more at

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Source: Cadence Design Systems, Inc.


What is the Fem.AI Alliance announced by Cadence Design Systems (CDNS)?

The Fem.AI Alliance is a group of companies and institutions committed to increasing women's representation and leadership in the tech and AI workforce. Founding members include Equinix Foundation, NetApp, NVIDIA, and Workday.

How much has Cadence (CDNS) committed to the Fem.AI initiative?

Cadence Design Systems has committed $20 million through its Cadence Giving Foundation to support the Fem.AI initiative and address critical points where women decide not to pursue STEM careers.

When was the inaugural Fem.AI Summit hosted by Cadence (CDNS)?

The inaugural Fem.AI Summit was hosted by the Cadence Giving Foundation on October 1, which is also recognized as International Women in AI Day.

What are the main goals of the Fem.AI Alliance launched by Cadence (CDNS)?

The main goals of the Fem.AI Alliance are to evolve the future workforce by increasing women's representation and leadership in the tech industry, and to drive change towards a more representative tech and AI workforce.

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