Cardlytics Announces Inducement Grant Under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4)

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Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX), an advertising platform in banks' digital channels, has announced the granting of 49,900 restricted stock units to seven newly hired employees. The grants were approved by the Compensation Committee of Cardlytics' Board of Directors on August 19, 2024, as material inducements to employment under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

The restricted stock units were granted under the Cardlytics, Inc. 2022 Inducement Plan. For all recipients, 50% of the units will vest on the first anniversary of the grant date, with the remaining 50% vesting quarterly over the subsequent 12 months, subject to continuous service with Cardlytics.

Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX), una piattaforma pubblicitaria nei canali digitali delle banche, ha annunciato l'assegnazione di 49.900 unità azionarie privilegiate a sette nuovi dipendenti. Le concessioni sono state approvate dal Comitato Compensi del Consiglio di Amministrazione di Cardlytics il 19 agosto 2024, come incentivi materiali all'impiego secondo la Regola 5635(c)(4) delle quotazioni Nasdaq.

Le unità azionarie privilegiate sono state concesse nell'ambito del Piano di Induzione 2022 di Cardlytics, Inc. Per tutti i beneficiari, il 50% delle unità maturerà al primo anniversario della data di concessione, mentre il rimanente 50% maturerà trimestralmente nei successivi 12 mesi, a condizione di un servizio continuativo con Cardlytics.

Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX), una plataforma de publicidad en los canales digitales de los bancos, ha anunciado la concesión de 49,900 unidades de acciones restringidas a siete nuevos empleados. Las concesiones fueron aprobadas por el Comité de Compensación de la Junta Directiva de Cardlytics el 19 de agosto de 2024, como incentivos materiales para la contratación bajo la Regla de Cotización 5635(c)(4) del Nasdaq.

Las unidades de acciones restringidas se otorgaron bajo el Plan de Inducción 2022 de Cardlytics, Inc. Para todos los beneficiarios, el 50% de las unidades se adjudicará en el primer aniversario de la fecha de concesión, mientras que el 50% restante se adjudicará trimestralmente durante los 12 meses siguientes, sujeto a un servicio continuo con Cardlytics.

Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX)은 은행의 디지털 채널에서 광고 플랫폼으로, 일곱 명의 새로 채용된 직원에게 49,900개의 제한 주식 단위를 부여했다고 발표했습니다. 이 부여는 Cardlytics 이사회의 보상위원회가 2024년 8월 19일에 승인하였으며, Nasdaq 상장 규칙 5635(c)(4) 아래에서 고용의 물질적 유인으로 적용되었습니다.

제한 주식 단위는 Cardlytics, Inc.의 2022 유인 계획에 따라 부여되었습니다. 모든 수혜자에 대해 50%의 단위는 부여일의 첫 번째 기념일에 확정됩니다, 나머지 50%는 이후 12개월 동안 분기마다 확정됩니다, Cardlytics와의 지속적인 서비스 조건부입니다.

Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX), une plateforme publicitaire sur les canaux numériques des banques, a annoncé l'attribution de 49 900 unités d'actions restreintes à sept nouveaux employés. Les attributions ont été approuvées par le Comité de Rémunération du Conseil d'Administration de Cardlytics le 19 août 2024, en tant qu'incitations matérielles à l'emploi selon la règle de cotation 5635(c)(4) de Nasdaq.

Les unités d'actions restreintes ont été accordées dans le cadre du Plan d'Induction 2022 de Cardlytics, Inc. Pour tous les bénéficiaires, 50 % des unités seront acquises lors du premier anniversaire de la date d'attribution, et les 50 % restants seront acquises trimestriellement au cours des 12 mois suivants, sous réserve d'un service continu avec Cardlytics.

Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX), eine Werbeplattform in den digitalen Kanälen von Banken, hat die Gewährung von 49.900 beschränkten Aktieneinheiten an sieben neu eingestellte Mitarbeiter bekannt gegeben. Die Zuwendungen wurden am 19. August 2024 vom Vergütungsausschuss des Board of Directors von Cardlytics genehmigt und dienen als materielle Anreizleistungen im Rahmen der Nasdaq-Listing-Regel 5635(c)(4).

Die beschränkten Aktieneinheiten wurden im Rahmen des Cardlytics, Inc. 2022 Induktionsplans gewährt. Für alle Empfänger wird die Hälfte der Einheiten am ersten Jahrestag des Zuweisungsdatums fällig, während die restlichen 50% vierteljährlich in den folgenden 12 Monaten fällig werden, vorbehaltlich der kontinuierlichen Dienstleistung bei Cardlytics.

  • Attraction of new talent with stock-based compensation
  • Alignment of employee interests with company performance through equity grants
  • Potential dilution of existing shareholders' equity

ATLANTA, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Cardlytics, Inc. (NASDAQ: CDLX), an advertising platform in banks’ digital channels, today announced that, on August 19, 2024, the Compensation Committee of Cardlytics’ Board of Directors granted an aggregate of 49,900 restricted stock units of Cardlytics to seven newly hired employees. The restricted stock units were granted as material inducements to employment with Cardlytics in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4) and were granted under the Cardlytics, Inc. 2022 Inducement Plan (the “2022 Inducement Plan”).

For all of the grant recipients, 50% of the restricted stock units shall vest on the first anniversary of the grant date, and the remaining 50% shall vest quarterly over the subsequent 12 months, subject to the employees’ continuous service with Cardlytics through the vesting date. The restricted stock units are subject to the terms and conditions of the 2022 Inducement Plan.

About Cardlytics

Cardlytics (NASDAQ: CDLX) is a digital advertising platform. We partner with financial institutions to run their rewards programs that promote customer loyalty and deepen relationships. In turn, we have a secure view into approximately 1 of every 2 card-based transactions in the U.S., allowing us to see where and when consumers are spending their money. We use these insights to help marketers identify, reach, and influence likely buyers at scale, as well as measure the true sales impact of marketing campaigns. Headquartered in Atlanta, Cardlytics has offices in Menlo Park, Los Angeles, New York, and London. Learn more at


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How many restricted stock units did Cardlytics (CDLX) grant to new employees on August 19, 2024?

Cardlytics (CDLX) granted an aggregate of 49,900 restricted stock units to seven newly hired employees on August 19, 2024.

What is the vesting schedule for the restricted stock units granted by Cardlytics (CDLX)?

50% of the restricted stock units vest on the first anniversary of the grant date, and the remaining 50% vest quarterly over the subsequent 12 months, subject to continuous service with Cardlytics.

Under which plan were the Cardlytics (CDLX) restricted stock units granted?

The restricted stock units were granted under the Cardlytics, Inc. 2022 Inducement Plan.

What is the purpose of Cardlytics (CDLX) granting these restricted stock units?

The restricted stock units were granted as material inducements to employment with Cardlytics in accordance with Nasdaq Listing Rule 5635(c)(4).

Cardlytics, Inc.


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