Coeur Announces Achievement of Key Milestones at Expanded Rochester Mine
Coeur Mining (NYSE: CDE) has reported significant progress at its expanded Rochester silver-gold mine in Nevada. Key highlights include:
- Placement rates increased 39% in August to 2.7 million tons
- On track to place 7.0 – 8.0 million tons per quarter in H2 2024
- 2024 production guidance maintained at 4.8 – 6.6 million ounces of silver and 37,000 – 50,000 ounces of gold
- Particle size optimization efforts exceeding expectations, trending towards year-end target of 80% passing 5/8 inch
- Current average particle size distribution at 80% passing 3/4 inch
The company expects these improvements to be a key catalyst for generating positive free cash flow in H2 2024. Recent exploration success within the current mining footprint provides potential for higher-grade upside to the mine plan.
Coeur Mining (NYSE: CDE) ha riportato progressi significativi nella sua espansa miniera di argento-oro Rochester in Nevada. I punti salienti includono:
- Aumento del tasso di posizionamento del 39% ad agosto, raggiungendo 2,7 milioni di tonnellate
- Sulla buona strada per posizionare 7,0 – 8,0 milioni di tonnellate per trimestre nel secondo semestre del 2024
- Indicazioni di produzione 2024 mantenute tra 4,8 – 6,6 milioni di once d'argento e 37.000 – 50.000 once d'oro
- Ottimizzazione della dimensione delle particelle superiore alle aspettative, con una tendenza verso l'obiettivo di fine anno dell'80% che passa attraverso 5/8 di pollice
- Distribuzione attuale della dimensione media delle particelle all'80% che passa attraverso 3/4 di pollice
La società si aspetta che questi miglioramenti siano un fattore chiave per generare un flusso di cassa gratuito positivo nel secondo semestre del 2024. Recenti successi nell'esplorazione all'interno dell'attuale area mineraria offrono potenziali miglioramenti qualitativi nel piano minerario.
Coeur Mining (NYSE: CDE) ha reportado avances significativos en su expandida mina de plata y oro Rochester en Nevada. Los puntos destacados incluyen:
- Las tasas de colocación aumentaron un 39% en agosto, alcanzando 2.7 millones de toneladas
- En camino de colocar entre 7.0 y 8.0 millones de toneladas por trimestre en el segundo semestre de 2024
- La guía de producción para 2024 se mantiene entre 4.8 y 6.6 millones de onzas de plata y 37,000 a 50,000 onzas de oro
- Los esfuerzos de optimización del tamaño de partícula han superado las expectativas, avanzando hacia el objetivo de fin de año del 80% pasando por 5/8 de pulgada
- La distribución actual del tamaño de partícula promedio es del 80% que pasa por 3/4 de pulgada
La empresa espera que estas mejoras sean un catalizador clave para generar flujo de caja libre positivo en el segundo semestre de 2024. El reciente éxito en la exploración dentro de la huella minera actual proporciona potencial para un mayor grado de mejora en el plan minero.
코어 마이닝(NYSE: CDE)은 네바다의 확장된 로체스터 은-금 광산에서 중요한 진전을 보고했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:
- 8월에 배치율이 39% 증가하여 270만 톤에 도달
- 2024년 하반기에 분기당 700만 – 800만 톤을 배치할 예정
- 2024년 생산 가이드는 은 480만 – 660만 온스, 금 37,000 – 50,000 온스로 유지
- 입자 크기 최적화 작업이 기대 이상을 초과하여 연말 목표인 5/8인치를 통과하는 80%로 추세
- 현재 평균 입자 크기 분포는 3/4인치를 통과하는 80%
회사는 이러한 개선이 2024년 하반기 긍정적인 자유 현금 흐름을 생성하는 주요 촉매제가 될 것이라고 예상합니다. 현재의 광산 범위 내에서의 최근 탐사 성공은 광산 계획에 대한 고품질 업사이드의 잠재력을 제공합니다.
Coeur Mining (NYSE: CDE) a signalé des progrès significatifs dans sa mine d'argent-or Rochester en expansion dans le Nevada. Les points clés incluent :
- Les taux de placement ont augmenté de 39 % en août pour atteindre 2,7 millions de tonnes
- En bonne voie pour placer 7,0 – 8,0 millions de tonnes par trimestre au deuxième semestre 2024
- Les prévisions de production 2024 maintenues à 4,8 – 6,6 millions d'onces d'argent et 37 000 – 50 000 onces d'or
- Les efforts d'optimisation de la taille des particules dépassent les attentes, tendant vers l'objectif de fin d'année de 80 % passant par 5/8 de pouce
- Distribution actuelle de la taille moyenne des particules à 80 % passant par 3/4 de pouce
L'entreprise s'attend à ce que ces améliorations soient un catalyseur clé pour générer un flux de trésorerie libre positif au deuxième semestre 2024. Le succès récent de l'exploration au sein de l'actuelle empreinte minière offre un potentiel d'amélioration de qualité dans le plan minier.
Coeur Mining (NYSE: CDE) hat bedeutende Fortschritte in seiner erweiterten Rochester Silber-Gold-Mine in Nevada gemeldet. Wichtige Highlights umfassen:
- Die Platzierungsraten stiegen im August um 39% auf 2,7 Millionen Tonnen
- Auf dem richtigen Weg, um im zweiten Halbjahr 2024 7,0 – 8,0 Millionen Tonnen pro Quartal zu platzieren
- Die Produktionsprognose für 2024 bleibt bei 4,8 – 6,6 Millionen Unzen Silber und 37.000 – 50.000 Unzen Gold
- Bemühungen zur Optimierung der Partikelgröße übertreffen die Erwartungen und tendieren auf das Jahresendziel von 80%, das 5/8 Zoll durchläuft
- Aktuelle durchschnittliche Partikelgrößenverteilung bei 80%, die 3/4 Zoll passiert
Das Unternehmen erwartet, dass diese Verbesserungen ein entscheidender Katalysator für die Generierung eines positiven freien Cashflows im zweiten Halbjahr 2024 sein werden. Jüngste Erfolge in der Erkundung innerhalb des aktuellen Bergbaugebiets bieten das Potenzial für eine höhere Qualitätssteigerung im Bergbauplan.
- Placement rates increased 39% in August to 2.7 million tons
- On track to meet 2024 production guidance
- Particle size optimization efforts exceeding expectations
- Expected to generate positive free cash flow in H2 2024
- Recent exploration success provides potential for higher-grade upside
- None.
The operational update from Coeur Mining on its expanded Rochester mine is positive for investors. The company reports significant progress in throughput and crushing size reduction, which are key operational metrics. August's placement of
The operational improvements at Coeur's Rochester mine are technically impressive. The new three-stage crushing circuit provides enhanced flexibility, important for handling varied ore types. Achieving a particle size distribution (PSD) of 80% passing 3/4 inch is a significant engineering feat, especially considering the year-end target of 5/8 inch. This reduction in particle size is critical for maximizing metal recovery from the heap leach process. The rapid ramp-up to nameplate capacity within six months of commissioning is noteworthy in the mining industry, where new projects often face delays. The exploration success within the current mining footprint is particularly exciting, as it could lead to higher-grade ore being incorporated into the mine plan. This has the potential to improve the overall economics of the operation and extend the mine life, providing long-term value for the company.
Mining and placement rates remain on-track
Confirming full-year silver and gold production ranges
Average crushing size trending toward year-end target
The new three-stage crushing circuit continues to deliver greatly enhanced levels of flexibility to accommodate the full range of mined ore at
With the three-stage crusher fully ramped-up, the focus during the second half of the year has shifted to particle sizing optimization efforts, which are already exceeding expectations. The Company aims to end 2024 with reaching design particle size distribution (PSD) of approximately
“In just six months since first processing ore through the newly-expanded operation, the
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Coeur Mining, Inc. is a
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Coeur Mining, Inc.
200 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 2100
Attention: Jeff Wilhoit, Senior Director, Investor Relations
Phone: (312) 489-5800
Source: Coeur Mining