Consensus Cloud Solutions Celebrates the Evolution of eFax and Leadership in Digital Cloud Fax Technology

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Consensus Cloud Solutions (NASDAQ: CCSI) celebrates 25 years of providing online fax service as a publicly-traded company. Their flagship product, eFax, has evolved from a simple online fax service to a comprehensive digital communication cloud. Key milestones include:

- 1999: goes public
- 2001: Web interface added to eFax
- 2003: eFax Corporate launched
- 2004: Patent granted for internet fax technology
- 2010: Mobile apps introduced
- 2019: HITRUST certification received
- 2021: Consensus Cloud Solutions spins off from J2 Global
- 2022: Partnership with Cognosante for federal enterprise cloud fax services

eFax now incorporates AI, NLP, and large language models for data extraction, advanced e-signatures, and other cutting-edge features. CEO Scott Turicchi emphasizes the company's commitment to innovation and leadership in secure document exchange.

Consensus Cloud Solutions (NASDAQ: CCSI) celebra 25 anni di servizio di fax online come società quotata in borsa. Il loro prodotto di punta, eFax, è evoluto da un semplice servizio di fax online a una completa comunicazione digitale in cloud. Tra i traguardi chiave ci sono:

- 1999: diventa pubblico
- 2001: Interfaccia web aggiunta all'eFax
- 2003: Lancio di eFax Corporate
- 2004: Brevetto concessa per tecnologia di fax internet
- 2010: Introduzione di applicazioni mobili
- 2019: Certificazione HITRUST ricevuta
- 2021: Consensus Cloud Solutions si separa da J2 Global
- 2022: Partnership con Cognosante per i servizi di fax in cloud per le imprese federali

eFax ora incorpora AI, NLP e modelli di linguaggio avanzati per l'estrazione dei dati, firme elettroniche avanzate e altre funzionalità all'avanguardia. Il CEO Scott Turicchi sottolinea l'impegno dell'azienda nell'innovazione e nella leadership nello scambio sicuro di documenti.

Consensus Cloud Solutions (NASDAQ: CCSI) celebra 25 años de ofrecer servicios de fax en línea como empresa que cotiza en bolsa. Su producto estrella, eFax, ha evolucionado de un simple servicio de fax en línea a una completa comunicación digital en la nube. Los hitos clave incluyen:

- 1999: sale a bolsa
- 2001: Se añade interfaz web a eFax
- 2003: Lanzamiento de eFax Corporate
- 2004: Se concede la patente para la tecnología de fax por internet
- 2010: Se introducen aplicaciones móviles
- 2019: Recepción de la certificación HITRUST
- 2021: Consensus Cloud Solutions se escinde de J2 Global
- 2022: Alianza con Cognosante para servicios de fax en la nube para empresas federales

eFax ahora incorpora IA, NLP y modelos de lenguaje avanzados para extracción de datos, firmas electrónicas avanzadas y otras características de vanguardia. El CEO Scott Turicchi enfatiza el compromiso de la empresa con la innovación y el liderazgo en el intercambio seguro de documentos.

컨센서스 클라우드 솔루션즈 (NASDAQ: CCSI)는 상장 기업으로서 온라인 팩스 서비스를 제공한 지 25주년을 기념합니다. 그들의 주력 제품인 eFax는 단순한 온라인 팩스 서비스에서 종합적인 디지털 커뮤니케이션 클라우드로 발전하였습니다. 주요 이정표는 다음과 같습니다:

- 1999: 상장
- 2001: eFax에 웹 인터페이스 추가
- 2003: eFax 기업 서비스 출시
- 2004: 인터넷 팩스 기술에 대한 특허 승인
- 2010: 모바일 앱 도입
- 2019: HITRUST 인증 수여
- 2021: 컨센서스 클라우드 솔루션즈가 J2 글로벌에서 분사
- 2022: 연방 기업 클라우드 팩스 서비스 위해 Cognosante와 파트너십 체결

eFax는 이제 AI, 자연어 처리(NLP) 및 대규모 언어 모델을 통해 데이터 추출, 고급 전자 서명 및 기타 첨단 기능을 통합하고 있습니다. CEO 스콧 투리치(Scott Turicchi)는 문서의 안전한 교환에서 회사의 혁신과 리더십에 대한 약속을 강조합니다.

Consensus Cloud Solutions (NASDAQ: CCSI) célèbre 25 ans de services de fax en ligne en tant qu'entreprise cotée en bourse. Leur produit phare, eFax, a évolué d'un simple service de fax en ligne à une communication numérique complète dans le cloud. Les étapes clés comprennent :

- 1999 : entre en bourse
- 2001 : Ajout d'une interface web à eFax
- 2003 : Lancement de eFax Corporate
- 2004 : Brevet accordé pour la technologie de fax sur Internet
- 2010 : Introduction d'applications mobiles
- 2019 : Certification HITRUST reçue
- 2021 : Consensus Cloud Solutions se sépare de J2 Global
- 2022 : Partenariat avec Cognosante pour les services de fax dans le cloud pour les entreprises fédérales

eFax intègre désormais l'IA, le NLP et de grands modèles linguistiques pour l'extraction de données, des signatures électroniques avancées et d'autres fonctionnalités à la pointe de la technologie. Le PDG Scott Turicchi met en avant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers l'innovation et le leadership dans l'échange sécurisé de documents.

Consensus Cloud Solutions (NASDAQ: CCSI) feiert 25 Jahre Online-Faxdienst als börsennotiertes Unternehmen. Ihr Flaggschiffprodukt, eFax, hat sich von einem einfachen Online-Faxdienst zu einer umfassenden digitalen Kommunikationscloud entwickelt. Wichtige Meilensteine sind:

- 1999: wird börsennotiert
- 2001: Weboberfläche zu eFax hinzugefügt
- 2003: eFax Corporate wird eingeführt
- 2004: Patent für Internet-Faxtechnologie erteilt
- 2010: Einführung von mobilen Apps
- 2019: HITRUST-Zertifizierung erhalten
- 2021: Consensus Cloud Solutions wird von J2 Global abgespalten
- 2022: Partnerschaft mit Cognosante für nationale Unternehmens-Faxdienste

eFax integriert jetzt KI, NLP und große Sprachmodelle zur Datenextraktion, für fortgeschrittene elektronische Unterschriften und andere modernste Funktionen. CEO Scott Turicchi betont das Engagement des Unternehmens für Innovation und Führung im sicheren Dokumentenaustausch.

  • None.
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Company Marks the 25th Anniversary of Providing Online Fax Service as a Publicly-Traded Company

LOS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: CCSI), a global leader of digital cloud fax technology and trusted provider of interoperability solutions, proudly celebrates its 25th year of providing online fax service as part of a publicly traded company. eFax, Consensus Cloud Solutions’ flagship product, has paved the way for unprecedented growth and innovation, setting a solid foundation for the company’s continued success. eFax has delivered reliable, efficient, and user-friendly faxing solutions since its inception and currently stands as the global leader in digital cloud fax technology.

Over the past 25 years, Consensus Cloud Solutions (formerly part of J2 Global Inc.) has evolved its product offering from an online fax service into a robust, fully cloud-based solution that redefines the way businesses of all sizes securely communicate and manage document workflows. eFax has transformed into a comprehensive digital communication cloud, encompassing multiple access points (apps, APIs, web interface) for fax and healthcare-specific protocols (FHIR, HL7, Direct Secure Messaging), while incorporating artificial intelligence, natural language processing, and large language model technology for data extraction and conversion, advanced electronic signature capabilities, and other cutting-edge features.

"As we celebrate this milestone, we remain dedicated to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in digital communication, and eFax is at the heart of that mission,” said Scott Turicchi, CEO of Consensus Cloud Solutions. "We have transformed eFax from a simple faxing tool into an essential part of modern business operations, offering a range of services that ensure secure and seamless document exchange trusted by some of the largest organizations in the world.”

Over the years, eFax has achieved numerous milestones, including:

  • 1999: goes public and propels electronic document transmission with its online faxing business. This online faxing business becomes part of J2 Global Inc. and later, Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc.
  • 2001: eFax features are expanded to include the ability to send faxes via a web interface (in addition to email), making the solution more comprehensive.
  • 2003: Introduction of eFax Corporate, offering enterprise-level technology for secure, large-scale faxing needs.
  • 2004: eFax is granted a patent for its internet fax technology, solidifying its position as an industry leader.
  • 2010: Launch of eFax Mobile Apps, enabling users to send and receive faxes on the go.
  • 2019: eFax becomes the first major cloud fax provider to receive HITRUST certification, considered by many to be the "gold standard" for compliance in healthcare.
  • 2021: Consensus Cloud Solutions, the provider of eFax, becomes an independent, public company through its spin-off from J2 Global, setting the stage for accelerated growth in secure interoperability solutions.
  • 2022: Consensus partners with Cognosante (now a part of Accenture Federal Services), to become the exclusive provider for federal enterprise cloud fax services, launching Enterprise Cloud Fax Government (ECFax). ECFax is customized for government, powered by eFax technology and is currently in process to become a FedRAMP authorized cloud faxing solution for federal government agencies.
  • Present Day: eFax is integrated with Consensus’ advanced technologies to transform faxes into structured, actionable data to revolutionize workflows. Consensus continues to innovate and adapt with new features and integrations, maintaining its position as a leading provider of digital cloud fax, interoperability, and artificial intelligence solutions.

“Our commitment to innovation continues to drive us forward as we explore new technologies and solutions to meet the evolving needs of our customers. We are excited about the future of eFax and the continued opportunities to lead in the secure document exchange space," added Turicchi.

For more information, visit

About Consensus Cloud Solutions

Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc. (NASDAQ: CCSI) is a global leader in digital cloud fax technology. With over 25 years of success with eFax at its core, the company has evolved to be a trusted provider of interoperability solutions, leveraging artificial intelligence and secure data exchange to transform digital information, automate critical workflows, and maximize operational efficiencies. Consensus maintains industry-leading compliance standards, making it a preferred partner for heavily regulated industries including healthcare, the public sector, financial services, insurance, real estate, and manufacturing. For more information about Consensus, visit

Media Relations

Christine Duval

(781) 519-8539

Source: Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc.


What is Consensus Cloud Solutions' stock symbol?

Consensus Cloud Solutions' stock symbol is CCSI, traded on NASDAQ.

How long has eFax been providing online fax services as part of a public company?

eFax has been providing online fax services as part of a publicly-traded company for 25 years, since 1999 when went public.

What major certification did eFax receive in 2019?

In 2019, eFax became the first major cloud fax provider to receive HITRUST certification, considered the 'gold standard' for compliance in healthcare.

When did Consensus Cloud Solutions (CCSI) become an independent public company?

Consensus Cloud Solutions became an independent, public company in 2021 through its spin-off from J2 Global.

What is the name of Consensus Cloud Solutions' federal enterprise cloud fax service?

Consensus Cloud Solutions' federal enterprise cloud fax service is called Enterprise Cloud Fax Government (ECFax), launched in partnership with Cognosante in 2022.

Consensus Cloud Solutions, Inc.


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United States of America