Cross Country Named Most Loved Workplace® for Wellness by Newsweek

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Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) has been named in the 2024 Most Loved Workplaces® for Wellness by Newsweek and the Best Practice Institute (BPI). This recognition highlights organizations worldwide that prioritize employee well-being initiatives.

Colin McDonald, Chief Human Resource Officer of Cross Country, expressed pride in the recognition, emphasizing the company's commitment to the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their employees. He stated that wellness is integral to Cross Country's culture, contributing to the company's success.

Cross Country Healthcare is known for its workforce solutions and tech-enabled staffing, recruitment, and advisory services. The company's core values include treating employees, healthcare professionals, and clients with respect, integrity, and decency.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) è stata nominata tra i Luoghi di Lavoro più Amati del 2024® per il Benessere da Newsweek e dal Best Practice Institute (BPI). Questo riconoscimento mette in evidenza le organizzazioni di tutto il mondo che danno priorità alle iniziative per il benessere dei dipendenti.

Colin McDonald, Chief Human Resource Officer di Cross Country, ha espresso orgoglio per il riconoscimento, sottolineando l'impegno dell'azienda per il benessere fisico, mentale ed emotivo dei propri dipendenti. Ha affermato che il benessere è parte integrante della cultura di Cross Country, contribuendo al successo dell'azienda.

Cross Country Healthcare è conosciuta per le sue soluzioni per la forza lavoro e servizi di staffing, reclutamento e consulenza abilitati dalla tecnologia. I valori fondamentali dell'azienda includono il rispetto, l'integrità e la dignità nei confronti di dipendenti, professionisti della salute e clienti.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) ha sido nombrada en los Lugares de Trabajo Más Amados en 2024® para el Bienestar por Newsweek y el Best Practice Institute (BPI). Este reconocimiento destaca organizaciones de todo el mundo que priorizan las iniciativas de bienestar de los empleados.

Colin McDonald, Director de Recursos Humanos de Cross Country, expresó su orgullo por el reconocimiento, enfatizando el compromiso de la empresa con el bienestar físico, mental y emocional de sus empleados. Afirmó que el bienestar es integral a la cultura de Cross Country, contribuyendo al éxito de la empresa.

Cross Country Healthcare es conocida por sus soluciones de fuerza laboral y servicios de contratación, reclutamiento y asesoría habilitados por tecnología. Los valores fundamentales de la empresa incluyen tratar a empleados, profesionales de la salud y clientes con respeto, integridad y dignidad.

크로스 카운트리 헬스케어 (NASDAQ: CCRN)가 Newsweek와 Best Practice Institute (BPI)에서 2024년 웰니스 가장 사랑받는 직장으로 선정되었습니다. 이 인정은 직원 복지 이니셔티브를 우선시하는 세계 전역의 조직을 강조합니다.

크로스 카운트리의 인사 담당 최고 책임자(Chief Human Resource Officer)인 Colin McDonald는 이 인정에 자부심을 표명하며 직원의 신체적, 정신적, 정서적 복지에 대한 회사의 헌신을 강조했습니다. 그는 직원 복지가 크로스 카운트리 문화의 중요한 부분이며, 회사의 성공에 기여하고 있다고 말했습니다.

크로스 카운트리 헬스케어는 인력 솔루션 및 기술 기반의 인재 채용, 모집 및 컨설팅 서비스로 잘 알려져 있습니다. 이 회사의 핵심 가치는 직원, 의료 전문가 및 고객을 존중하고, 성실하게 대하며, 품위를 유지하는 것입니다.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) a été nommée parmi les Lieux de Travail les Plus Aimés en 2024® pour le Bien-Être par Newsweek et le Best Practice Institute (BPI). Cette reconnaissance met en avant des organisations à travers le monde qui privilégient les initiatives de bien-être des employés.

Colin McDonald, directeur des ressources humaines de Cross Country, a exprimé sa fierté pour cette reconnaissance, en soulignant l'engagement de l'entreprise envers le bien-être physique, mental et émotionnel de ses employés. Il a déclaré que le bien-être est une partie intégrante de la culture de Cross Country, contribuant au succès de l'entreprise.

Cross Country Healthcare est connue pour ses solutions de main-d'œuvre et ses services de recrutement, de staffing et de conseil renforcés par la technologie. Les valeurs fondamentales de l'entreprise incluent le respect, l'intégrité et la dignité envers les employés, les professionnels de la santé et les clients.

Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN) wurde in die 2024 am meisten geliebten Arbeitsplätze® für Wellness von Newsweek und dem Best Practice Institute (BPI) aufgenommen. Diese Anerkennung hebt Organisationen weltweit hervor, die Initiativen zum Wohlbefinden der Mitarbeiter priorisieren.

Colin McDonald, Chief Human Resource Officer von Cross Country, äußerte Stolz über die Anerkennung und betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens für das körperliche, geistige und emotionale Wohlbefinden seiner Mitarbeiter. Er erklärte, dass Wellness ein integraler Bestandteil der Kultur von Cross Country ist und zum Erfolg des Unternehmens beiträgt.

Cross Country Healthcare ist bekannt für seine Arbeitskraftlösungen und technologiegestützte Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen Staffing, Rekrutierung und Beratung. Die Grundwerte des Unternehmens umfassen den respektvollen, integren und ehrlichen Umgang mit Mitarbeitern, Gesundheitsfachkräften und Kunden.

  • None.
  • None.

BOCA RATON, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Cross Country Healthcare (NASDAQ: CCRN), a leading provider of workforce solutions and tech-enabled staffing, recruitment, and advisory services, is proud to announce its inclusion in the 2024 Most Loved Workplaces® for Wellness by Newsweek and the Best Practice Institute (BPI).

This recognition highlights exceptional organizations worldwide that champion initiatives promoting employee well-being. We are honored to be among the companies that have demonstrated a commitment to creating a workplace culture that prioritizes not just productivity but the overall health and happiness of our workforce.

“We are incredibly proud to be recognized among the Most Loved Workplaces® for Wellness,” said Colin McDonald, Chief Human Resource Officer of Cross Country. “This honor reinforces our commitment to prioritizing the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of our employees. At Cross Country, wellness is integral to our culture. When our team thrives, so does our success—a testament to the power of support. We stay true to our brand by treating our employees, healthcare professionals, and clients with the utmost respect, integrity, and decency. This commitment is at the core of who we are and guides every decision we make."

For further details on the selection criteria and the recognized companies, please visit

About Newsweek

Newsweek is the modern global digital news organization built around the iconic, over 85-year-old American magazine. Newsweek reaches 100 million people each month with its thought-provoking news, opinion, images, graphics, and video delivered across a dozen print and digital platforms. Headquartered in New York City, Newsweek also publishes international editions in EMEA and Asia.

About Cross Country Healthcare

Cross Country Healthcare, Inc. is a market-leading, tech-enabled workforce solutions and advisory firm with 38 years of industry experience and insight. We help clients tackle complex labor-related challenges and achieve high-quality outcomes while reducing complexity and improving visibility through data-driven insights. Diversity, equality, and inclusion are at the heart of the organization’s overall corporate social responsibility program. It is closely aligned with our core values to create a better future for its people, communities, and stockholders.

Lauren Yoos, Cross Country

Source: Cross Country Healthcare, Inc.


What award did Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) receive from Newsweek?

Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) was named in the 2024 Most Loved Workplaces® for Wellness by Newsweek and the Best Practice Institute (BPI).

How does Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) prioritize employee wellness?

Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) prioritizes the physical, mental, and emotional well-being of their employees, making wellness integral to their company culture.

What services does Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) provide?

Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) provides workforce solutions and tech-enabled staffing, recruitment, and advisory services.

Who commented on Cross Country Healthcare's (CCRN) wellness recognition?

Colin McDonald, Chief Human Resource Officer of Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN), commented on the company's wellness recognition.

What are the core values of Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN)?

Cross Country Healthcare (CCRN) values treating employees, healthcare professionals, and clients with respect, integrity, and decency.

Cross Country Healthcare Inc


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Medical Care Facilities
Services-help Supply Services
United States of America