Superstar USHER Featured on Digital Billboards that Shine a Light on Afterschool Programs

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Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) is partnering with the Afterschool Alliance and Usher's New Look for a nationwide digital billboard campaign supporting the 25th Annual Lights On Afterschool rally. The campaign, featuring superstar USHER, will run throughout October on nearly 2,000 digital billboards across the U.S.

The initiative aims to highlight the importance of afterschool programs, which provide hands-on learning, mentoring, homework help, STEM activities, and more. Despite high demand, with 25 million children wanting to enroll, many youth lack access to these programs. The campaign emphasizes the critical need for afterschool services, especially as federal pandemic relief funding ends.

Clear Channel Outdoor is donating prominent advertising spaces in 25 markets, including Times Square in New York City and South Street Station in Boston, to display afterschool messages and raise awareness about the benefits of these programs.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) sta collaborando con l'Afterschool Alliance e Usher's New Look per una campagna nazionale di cartelloni digitali a sostegno della 25ª edizione del raduno Lights On Afterschool. La campagna, con la partecipazione del superstar USHER, sarà attiva per tutto ottobre su quasi 2.000 cartelloni digitali negli Stati Uniti.

L'iniziativa mira a sottolineare l'importanza dei programmi dopo scuola, che offrono apprendimento pratico, mentoring, aiuto compiti, attività STEM e altro ancora. Nonostante l'alta domanda, con 25 milioni di bambini desiderosi di iscriversi, molti giovani non hanno accesso a questi programmi. La campagna evidenzia il bisogno critico di servizi dopo scuola, specialmente con la conclusione dei finanziamenti federali per l'emergenza pandemica.

Clear Channel Outdoor sta donando spazi pubblicitari prominenti in 25 mercati, inclusi Times Square a New York City e South Street Station a Boston, per mostrare messaggi dopo scuola e aumentare la consapevolezza sui benefici di questi programmi.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) se está asociando con la Afterschool Alliance y Usher's New Look para una campaña nacional de vallas digitales en apoyo al 25.º aniversario del mitin Lights On Afterschool. La campaña, que cuenta con la participación de superstar USHER, se llevará a cabo durante octubre en casi 2.000 vallas digitales en los EE. UU.

La iniciativa busca resaltar la importancia de los programas extracurriculares, que ofrecen aprendizaje práctico, mentoría, ayuda con las tareas, actividades STEM, y más. A pesar de la alta demanda, con 25 millones de niños que desean inscribirse, muchos jóvenes no tienen acceso a estos programas. La campaña enfatiza la necesidad crítica de servicios extracurriculares, especialmente con el final de los fondos federales de alivio pandémico.

Clear Channel Outdoor está donando espacios publicitarios destacados en 25 mercados, incluidos Times Square en Nueva York y South Street Station en Boston, para exhibir mensajes extracurriculares y generar conciencia sobre los beneficios de estos programas.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO)는 Afterschool Alliance 및 Usher's New Look과 협력하여 제25회 Lights On Afterschool 집회를 지원하는 전국적인 디지털 광고 캠페인을 시작합니다. 슈퍼스타 USHER가 참여하는 이번 캠페인은 미국 전역의 거의 2,000개의 디지털 광고판에서 10월 내내 진행됩니다.

이 이니셔티브의 목표는 실습 학습, 멘토링, 숙제 도움, STEM 활동 등을 제공하는 방과 후 프로그램의 중요성을 강조하는 것입니다. 2,500만 어린이가 등록을 원하지만, 많은 청소년들은 이러한 프로그램에 접근할 수 없는 현실입니다. 이 캠페인은 방과 후 서비스에 대한 중대한 필요성을 강조하며, 특히 연방 팬데믹 구호 자금이 종료됨에 따라 더욱 중요해집니다.

Clear Channel Outdoor는 뉴욕의 타임스 스퀘어와 보스턴의 사우스 스트리트 역을 포함한 25개 시장에서 두드러진 광고 공간을 기부하여 방과 후 메시지를 표시하고 이 프로그램의 이점을 널리 알리고자 합니다.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) s'associe à l'Afterschool Alliance et à Usher's New Look pour une campagne nationale de panneaux d'affichage numériques soutenant le 25e rassemblement annuel Lights On Afterschool. La campagne, mettant en vedette le superstar USHER, se déroulera tout au long du mois d'octobre sur près de 2 000 panneaux d'affichage numériques à travers les États-Unis.

Cette initiative vise à souligner l'importance des programmes après l'école, qui offrent apprentissage pratique, mentorat, aide aux devoirs, activités STEM, et plus encore. Malgré une forte demande, avec 25 millions d'enfants désireux de s'inscrire, de nombreux jeunes n'ont pas accès à ces programmes. La campagne met l'accent sur le bénéfice critique des services après l'école, surtout à mesure que les financements fédéraux d'urgence prennent fin.

Clear Channel Outdoor offre des espaces publicitaires de premier plan dans 25 marchés, y compris Times Square à New York et South Street Station à Boston, pour afficher des messages après l'école et sensibiliser aux avantages de ces programmes.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) arbeitet mit der Afterschool Alliance und Usher's New Look zusammen, um eine landesweite Kampagne für digitale Billboard-Werbung zur Unterstützung der 25. jährlichen Lights On Afterschool-Veranstaltung durchzuführen. Die Kampagne, die Superstar USHER ins Rampenlicht rückt, wird im gesamten Oktober auf nahezu 2.000 digitalen Billboards in den USA laufen.

Das Ziel der Initiative ist es, die Bedeutung von Nachmittagsprogrammen hervorzuheben, die praktisches Lernen, Mentoring, Hausaufgabenhilfe, STEM-Aktivitäten und mehr bieten. Trotz einer hohen Nachfrage, mit 25 Millionen Kindern, die sich anmelden möchten, haben viele Jugendliche keinen Zugang zu diesen Programmen. Die Kampagne betont den dringenden Bedarf an Nachmittagsdiensten, besonders da die bundesstaatliche Pandemiehilfe endet.

Clear Channel Outdoor spendet herausragende Werbeflächen in 25 Märkten, darunter Times Square in New York City und South Street Station in Boston, um nachmittägliche Botschaften zu verbreiten und das Bewusstsein für die Vorteile dieser Programme zu schärfen.

  • Clear Channel Outdoor is supporting a nationwide visibility campaign for afterschool programs
  • The campaign features superstar USHER, potentially increasing its reach and impact
  • Clear Channel is donating advertising space in 25 markets, including prime locations like Times Square
  • The press release does not provide specific financial information or business metrics for Clear Channel Outdoor
  • No direct revenue or profit impact is mentioned from this charitable initiative

Clear Channel Outdoor Supporting the 25th Annual Lights On Afterschool with Coast-to-Coast Digital Billboard Campaign in October

WASHINGTON, Oct. 9, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Afterschool champions led by the Afterschool Alliance and Usher's New Look are joining Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) for a broad-based visibility campaign across nearly 2,000 digital billboards as part of the 2024 national Lights On Afterschool rally. The ads recognize the remarkable work afterschool programs are doing to help young people find their spark through hands-on learning, caring mentors, homework help, STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) activities, computer programming, robotics, healthy snacks and meals, job and college readiness, the arts, other fields, and more.

Now in its 25th year, Lights On Afterschool is the only national rally for afterschool programs. Throughout October, programs across the country are holding events at schools, 4-Hs, Boys & Girls Clubs, YMCAs, museums, public parks, community centers, and other venues to celebrate the critical support these programs provide to youth and families. The events send the message that demand for afterschool programs is high, too many youth are without programs, and the end of federal pandemic relief funding will force many programs to close or cut services.

Nearly 25 million children would enroll in an afterschool program, if a program were available to them, according to a 2022 survey of approximately 1,500 parents commissioned by the Afterschool Alliance and conducted by Edge Research. That is the highest number ever recorded. Unmet demand for afterschool programs is significantly higher among Latino and Black children (at 60% and 54% respectively) than among children overall (49%). Cost is the top barrier to enroll, cited by 57% of parents as a reason for not enrolling their child. Ninety percent of parents rate the quality of the program their child attends as excellent or very good.

"My afterschool experience at the Boys & Girls Clubs in Chattanooga, Tennessee is where I found my spark for music – a passion that became my career," USHER said. "That experience is where I was motivated to start Usher's New Look, an afterschool program that has been empowering youth for the past 25 years. Every child should have a place that sparks their interests and helps them find their passions and purpose. As this year's Honorary Chair of Lights On Afterschool, I hope my voice can help amplify the need to close the gap for the 25 million youth who still need afterschool services."

Lights On Afterschool serves as a reminder that a large body of evidence demonstrates improvements in grades, school attendance, behavior, and more among children who participate in afterschool programs. Researchers have also found that students in afterschool programs are more engaged in school and excited about learning and develop critical work and life skills such as problem solving, teamwork, and communications. 

Organized by the Afterschool Alliance, Lights On Afterschool will include some 8,000 events that showcase the skills students gain and the talents they develop in their afterschool programs.

Clear Channel Outdoor is supporting Lights On Afterschool by donating some of its most prominent space to display afterschool messages on digital billboards, transit shelters, and poster spaces in 25 markets around the country throughout the month of October. On October 24th, the official Lights On Afterschool day, Clear Channel will feature afterschool messages on two digital spectacular screens in New York City's Times Square and will bathe Boston's South Street Station in blue and yellow in honor of Lights On Afterschool. Supporters also will be lighting up local landmarks and buildings across the country to show their support for afterschool programs.  

"Afterschool programs nationwide are tremendously grateful to Clear Channel Outdoor for its tremendous support and for spreading the word about the power of afterschool programs," said Afterschool Alliance Executive Director Jodi Grant. "Lights On Afterschool celebrates the work these programs do to keep kids safe, inspire them to learn, and give working parents peace of mind that their children are safe and supervised after the school day ends. We are truly thrilled that Clear Channel Outdoor is helping make this event a success again this year."

"We're proud to team up with our partners to celebrate the 25th Lights On Afterschool and underscore the transformational power of afterschool programs in the lives of kids, families, and communities across America," said Dan Levi, EVP & CMO, Clear Channel Outdoor. "As millions of students continue to miss out on afterschool opportunities, we're honored to feature USHER in this year's digital billboard campaign as he lends his voice to encourage kids to find their 'spark' and to ignite a nationwide call for greater access to quality afterschool programs."

The Afterschool Alliance is a nonprofit public awareness and advocacy organization working to ensure that all children and youth have access to quality afterschool programs. More information is available at

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What is Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) doing for Lights On Afterschool in 2024?

Clear Channel Outdoor is running a digital billboard campaign across nearly 2,000 billboards nationwide throughout October, featuring superstar USHER, to support the 25th Annual Lights On Afterschool rally.

How many markets will Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) display afterschool messages in for Lights On Afterschool?

Clear Channel Outdoor will display afterschool messages in 25 markets around the country throughout October 2024.

What specific locations will Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) feature Lights On Afterschool messages on October 24, 2024?

On October 24, 2024, Clear Channel Outdoor will feature afterschool messages on two digital spectacular screens in New York City's Times Square and will illuminate Boston's South Street Station in blue and yellow.

Who is partnering with Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) for the Lights On Afterschool campaign in 2024?

Clear Channel Outdoor is partnering with the Afterschool Alliance and Usher's New Look for the Lights On Afterschool campaign in 2024.

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