Clear Channel Outdoor, Circana Alliance Delivers CPG Brands Greater Measurability, Insights & Performance for the OOH Ad Spend

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Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) has partnered with Circana to enhance Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising measurement for consumer packaged goods (CPG) brands. This collaboration integrates CCO's RADAR® platform with Circana's Media solutions, enabling CPG advertisers to effectively target audiences and measure OOH campaign impact on key business objectives. The partnership provides insights across various CPG categories and allows measurement of specific product purchases and incremental sales.

Recent case studies have shown significant results:

  • A dish detergent brand campaign drove an 11.3% lift in shopping experiences and attracted 43% new category buyers
  • A light beer campaign resulted in 36% of purchases from new customers

This innovation aims to bring more CPG brands into the OOH space by delivering measurable results and value for advertisers.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) ha stretto una partnership con Circana per migliorare la misurazione della pubblicità Out-of-Home (OOH) per i marchi di beni di consumo (CPG). Questa collaborazione integra la piattaforma RADAR® di CCO con le soluzioni Media di Circana, consentendo agli inserzionisti CPG di mirare efficacemente agli audience e misurare l'impatto delle campagne OOH sugli obiettivi aziendali chiave. Il partenariato fornisce approfondimenti su varie categorie di CPG e consente la misurazione degli acquisti di prodotti specifici e delle vendite incrementali.

Recenti casi studio hanno mostrato risultati significativi:

  • Una campagna per un marchio di detersivi ha registrato un incremento dell'11,3% nelle esperienze di acquisto e ha attratto il 43% di nuovi acquirenti della categoria
  • Una campagna per una birra leggera ha portato il 36% degli acquisti da nuovi clienti

Questa innovazione mira a portare più marchi CPG nello spazio OOH, offrendo risultati misurabili e valore per gli inserzionisti.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) se ha asociado con Circana para mejorar la medición de la publicidad fuera de casa (OOH) para marcas de productos de consumo empaquetados (CPG). Esta colaboración integra la plataforma RADAR® de CCO con las soluciones de medios de Circana, lo que permite a los anunciantes de CPG dirigir eficazmente sus mensajes a las audiencias y medir el impacto de las campañas OOH en objetivos empresariales clave. La asociación proporciona información en varias categorías de CPG y permite medir las compras de productos específicos y las ventas incrementales.

Estudios de caso recientes han mostrado resultados significativos:

  • Una campaña de un marca de detergente para platos logró un aumento del 11.3% en experiencias de compra y atrajo al 43% de nuevos compradores de la categoría
  • Una campaña de una cerveza ligera resultó en que el 36% de las compras provino de nuevos clientes

Esta innovación tiene como objetivo atraer a más marcas de CPG al espacio OOH al ofrecer resultados medibles y valor para los anunciantes.

클리어 채널 아울드어(Clear Channel Outdoor, NYSE: CCO)는 서킷나(Circana)와 협력하여 소비재(CPG) 브랜드를 위한 옥외 광고(OOH) 측정 방식을 향상시키고 있습니다. 이 협력은 CCO의 RADAR® 플랫폼과 Circana의 미디어 솔루션을 통합하여, CPG 광고주가 효과적으로 대상을 겨냥하고 OOH 캠페인이 주요 비즈니스 목표에 미치는 영향을 측정할 수 있도록 합니다. 이 파트너십은 다양한 CPG 카테고리에 대한 인사이트를 제공하며, 특정 제품 구매 및 증가 판매 측정을 가능하게 합니다.

최근 사례 연구들이 상당한 결과를 보여주었습니다:

  • 한 주방 세제 브랜드 캠페인은 11.3%의 쇼핑 경험 증가를 유도하고 43%의 신규 카테고리 구매자를 유치했습니다.
  • 한 라이트 맥주 캠페인은 신규 고객의 36%가 구매에 참여했습니다.

이 혁신은 측정 가능한 결과와 광고주에게 가치를 제공하여 더 많은 CPG 브랜드를 OOH 공간으로 끌어들이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) s'est associé à Circana pour améliorer la mesure de la publicité extérieure (OOH) pour les marques de biens de consommation emballés (CPG). Cette collaboration intègre la plateforme RADAR® de CCO avec les solutions médias de Circana, permettant aux annonceurs CPG de cibler efficacement les audiences et de mesurer l'impact des campagnes OOH sur des objectifs commerciaux clés. Le partenariat fournit des informations à travers diverses catégories de CPG et permet de mesurer les achats de produits spécifiques et les ventes incrémentales.

Des études de cas récentes ont montré des résultats significatifs :

  • Une campagne pour une marque de détergent a entraîné un accroissement de 11,3% des expériences d'achat et a attiré 43% de nouveaux acheteurs de la catégorie.
  • Une campagne pour une bière légère a abouti à 36% des achats provenant de nouveaux clients.

Cette innovation vise à attirer davantage de marques CPG dans l'espace OOH en offrant des résultats mesurables et de la valeur pour les annonceurs.

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) hat sich mit Circana zusammengetan, um die Messung von Out-of-Home (OOH) Werbung für Marken von Fertigwaren (CPG) zu verbessern. Diese Zusammenarbeit integriert CCOs RADAR®-Plattform in Circana's Medienlösungen und ermöglicht es CPG-Werbetreibenden, Zielgruppen effektiv anzusprechen und die Auswirkungen von OOH-Kampagnen auf wesentliche Geschäftsziele zu messen. Die Partnerschaft bietet Einblicke in verschiedene CPG-Kategorien und ermöglicht die Messung spezifischer Produktkäufe und zusätzlicher Verkäufe.

Neueste Fallstudien haben signifikante Ergebnisse gezeigt:

  • Eine Kampagne für eine Geschirrspülmarke führte zu einem Anstieg der Einkaufserlebnisse um 11,3 % und zog 43 % neue Käufer der Kategorie an.
  • Eine Kampagne für ein leichtes Bier führte dazu, dass 36 % der Käufe von neuen Kunden stammten.

Diese Innovation zielt darauf ab, mehr CPG-Marken in den OOH-Bereich zu bringen, indem sie messbare Ergebnisse und Wert für die Werbetreibenden liefert.

  • Partnership with Circana enhances OOH advertising measurement capabilities for CPG brands
  • Integration of CCO's RADAR® platform with Circana's Media solutions enables targeted audience reach and impact measurement
  • Case study shows 11.3% lift in shopping experiences for a dish detergent brand campaign
  • 43% of customers exposed to the dish detergent campaign were first-time category buyers
  • Light beer campaign resulted in 36% of purchases from new customers
  • Collaboration aims to attract more CPG brands to OOH advertising
  • None.

This partnership between Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) and Circana marks a significant advancement in Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising measurement for CPG brands. The integration of CCO's RADAR® platform with Circana's Media solutions addresses a long-standing gap in OOH analytics for the CPG sector.

Key benefits include:

  • Enhanced targeting capabilities
  • Measurement of OOH impact on brand awareness and purchase intent
  • Insights into specific product purchases and incremental sales

The reported case studies show promising results, with one campaign driving an 11.3% lift in shopping experiences and another achieving 36% of purchases from new customers. These metrics suggest that this partnership could significantly boost OOH's appeal to CPG advertisers, potentially leading to increased market share for CCO in the competitive advertising landscape.

This strategic partnership positions Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) favorably in the evolving OOH advertising market. By addressing the measurement challenges faced by CPG advertisers, CCO is expanding its addressable market and potentially increasing its revenue streams.

The collaboration with Circana, a respected player in consumer behavior analytics, adds credibility to CCO's offerings. This could lead to:

  • Increased adoption of OOH advertising by CPG brands
  • Higher ad spend allocation to OOH from existing clients
  • Improved competitive positioning against other advertising mediums

While specific financial projections aren't provided, the enhanced capabilities and demonstrated results suggest a positive outlook for CCO's future performance. Investors should monitor upcoming quarterly reports for signs of increased CPG advertiser adoption and its impact on CCO's revenue growth.

First-to-Market Innovation Pushes Out-of-Home's Boundaries, Drives Measurable Results and Impact for CPG Advertisers

NEW YORK, Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO), one of the world's largest Out-of-Home (OOH) media providers, today announced it has teamed up with Circana™, a leading advisor on the complexity of consumer behavior, to deliver comprehensive lift measurement for OOH via CCO's RADAR® suite of solutions. Through this new partnership, consumer packaged goods (CPG) advertisers can effectively reach their audiences, in the right places and at the right times, and understand the impact of their OOH campaign in achieving their desired business outcomes, including household sales and incremental new purchases of CPG products.

CPG brands have always demanded a variety of highly sophisticated measurement insights from their marketing partners, something that the OOH industry has struggled to deliver – until now. With the new Circana partnership, CCO has developed data-driven advertising solutions that open the door for CPG marketers to fully tap into the OOH medium and unlock capabilities and insights historically unavailable in the category.

The combination of CCO's RADAR® platform with Circana's Media solutions now gives CPG advertisers the ability to effectively deliver their messaging via OOH, reaching targeted audience segments while measuring the impact of their OOH campaign on key business objectives, including brand awareness, purchase intent, product purchases and more. Further, these enhanced capabilities allow OOH to be an integrated part of a strategic media mix for CPGs.

Many of the world's leading CPG brands already rely on Circana to maximize the performance of their media investments. This new collaboration enables CCO to bring OOH solutions to CPG partners by providing measurement insights across various CPG categories, such as beverage, packaged foods, household products and many others. Additionally, advertisers can gain actionable insights into OOH's impact on specific product purchases and incremental sales via Circana's Household Lift™ solution.

CCO has run numerous campaigns with Circana that have delivered significant results and impact for CPG brands. For example, in a recent study involving an established dish detergent brand, CCO's RADARProof® partnered with Circana to measure product purchases by matching samples of households exposed to the brand's digital OOH (DOOH) campaign, which produced the following results:

  • The campaign drove an overall 11.3% lift in shopping experiences, events or promotions.
  • Additionally, the campaign drove new and repeat customers to purchase the brand.
  • Among those exposed to the campaign, 43% of these customers were first-time category buyers.
  • 30% of customers purchased the brand within one week of campaign exposure.

Following the same methodology, a study for another CPG advertiser was conducted to measure sales insights for a light beer from an established brand:

  • 36% of all purchases among OOH exposed audiences were from incremental/new customers.
  • The overall sales lift from OOH was double the category benchmark for beer campaigns.

"With an ongoing focus on meeting our customers' evolving needs, we continue to pioneer innovative advertising solutions to ensure our media is more addressable and measurable for brands," said Jeremy Flynn, senior vice president, Data Products and Strategy, Clear Channel Outdoor. "We believe strategic partnerships, like this one with Circana, will bring more CPG brands into the OOH space as these advanced capabilities allow CCO to deliver measurable results, impact and value for advertisers in ways that boost their business performance."  

"We're very proud of our partnership with Clear Channel and of the results we are achieving together," said Mike Quinn, senior vice president, Global Media, Circana. "This is an impressive example of the digital transformation and convergence that is sweeping across huge media channels like TV and OOH. Across the industry, more media is becoming more addressable and more measurable every day, which means more value is being created for more advertisers every day."

This collaboration is another example of how CCO continues to push boundaries in OOH innovation to solve modern marketing challenges and drive success for its customers. Last year, CCO announced new partnerships integrating its CCO RADAR® data platform with best-in-class Data Clean Room applications and services from Aqfer, Habu, InfoSum and LiveRamp. This first-of-its-kind integration allows brands to leverage their first-party data to reach their core audiences by using OOH, creating a true omnichannel experience that can safely tap into audience insights for campaign planning, measurement and attribution in a privacy-conscious manner.

About Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.

Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO) is at the forefront of driving innovation in the out-of-home advertising industry. Our dynamic advertising platform is broadening the pool of advertisers using our medium through the expansion of digital billboards and displays and the integration of data analytics and programmatic capabilities that deliver measurable campaigns that are simpler to buy. By leveraging the scale, reach and flexibility of our diverse portfolio of assets, we connect advertisers with millions of consumers every month.

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Contact: Jason D. King, SVP, Corporate Communications & Marketing, Clear Channel Outdoor, 212.812.0064

About Circana 

Circana is a leading advisor on the complexity of consumer behavior. Through superior technology, advanced analytics, cross-industry data, and deep expertise, we provide clarity that helps almost 7,000 of the world's leading brands and retailers take action and unlock business growth. We understand more about the complete consumer, the complete store, and the complete wallet so our clients can go beyond the data to apply insights, ignite innovation, meet consumer demand, and outpace the competition. Learn more at

Shelley Hughes
Vice President, Public Relations, Circana

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SOURCE Clear Channel Outdoor


What is the new partnership between Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) and Circana?

Clear Channel Outdoor (NYSE: CCO) has partnered with Circana to deliver comprehensive lift measurement for Out-of-Home (OOH) advertising via CCO's RADAR® suite of solutions, specifically targeting consumer packaged goods (CPG) advertisers.

How does the CCO-Circana partnership benefit CPG advertisers?

The partnership allows CPG advertisers to effectively reach their target audiences, measure the impact of OOH campaigns on business outcomes such as household sales and new product purchases, and gain actionable insights into OOH's impact on specific product sales.

What results did Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) achieve in recent case studies?

In a dish detergent brand campaign, CCO's RADAR® platform drove an 11.3% lift in shopping experiences, with 43% of exposed customers being first-time category buyers. A light beer campaign resulted in 36% of purchases coming from new customers.

How does Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) integrate first-party data for OOH advertising?

CCO has integrated its RADAR® data platform with Data Clean Room applications from Aqfer, Habu, InfoSum, and LiveRamp, allowing brands to use their first-party data to reach core audiences through OOH advertising while maintaining privacy.

Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.


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