Clear Channel Outdoor Appoints Eric Hamme as Chicago Market President
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (NYSE: CCO) has appointed Eric Hamme as president of its Chicago market, the third-largest media market in the U.S. Hamme, a 19-year advertising and sales veteran, will oversee all market operations including sales, marketing, real estate, public affairs, operations and finance.
During his seven-year tenure at CCOA, Hamme has specialized in leveraging technology, data, and out-of-home (OOH) media. The Chicago market reaches 92% of the DMA 18+ population weekly, including exclusive advertising contracts at Chicago Midway and O'Hare International Airports, with monthly passenger counts of 1.8 million and 6.7 million respectively.
Previously serving as regional director of sales for CCOA-Midwest, Hamme progressed through various roles including local sales manager for Milwaukee and vice president of sales. His prior experience includes positions at Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc., and Entercom Milwaukee.
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (NYSE: CCO) ha nominato Eric Hamme come presidente del suo mercato di Chicago, il terzo mercato media più grande degli Stati Uniti. Hamme, un veterano della pubblicità e delle vendite con 19 anni di esperienza, supervisionerà tutte le operazioni di mercato, comprese vendite, marketing, immobili, affari pubblici, operazioni e finanza.
Durante il suo mandato di sette anni in CCOA, Hamme si è specializzato nell'utilizzo della tecnologia, dei dati e dei media out-of-home (OOH). Il mercato di Chicago raggiunge il 92% della popolazione DMA 18+ settimanalmente, includendo contratti pubblicitari esclusivi negli aeroporti di Chicago Midway e O'Hare, con conteggi mensili di passeggeri rispettivamente di 1,8 milioni e 6,7 milioni.
In precedenza, Hamme ha ricoperto il ruolo di direttore regionale delle vendite per CCOA-Midwest, progredendo attraverso vari ruoli, tra cui quello di responsabile vendite locali per Milwaukee e vicepresidente delle vendite. La sua esperienza precedente include posizioni presso Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc. e Entercom Milwaukee.
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (NYSE: CCO) ha nombrado a Eric Hamme como presidente de su mercado en Chicago, el tercer mercado de medios más grande de EE. UU. Hamme, un veterano de la publicidad y ventas con 19 años de experiencia, supervisará todas las operaciones del mercado, incluyendo ventas, marketing, bienes raíces, asuntos públicos, operaciones y finanzas.
Durante su mandato de siete años en CCOA, Hamme se ha especializado en aprovechar la tecnología, los datos y los medios out-of-home (OOH). El mercado de Chicago alcanza al 92% de la población DMA de 18 años o más semanalmente, incluyendo contratos publicitarios exclusivos en los aeropuertos de Chicago Midway y O'Hare, con conteos mensuales de pasajeros de 1.8 millones y 6.7 millones, respectivamente.
Anteriormente, Hamme se desempeñó como director regional de ventas para CCOA-Midwest, avanzando a través de varios roles, incluyendo gerente de ventas local para Milwaukee y vicepresidente de ventas. Su experiencia previa incluye posiciones en Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc. y Entercom Milwaukee.
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (NYSE: CCO)는 Eric Hamme를 시카고 시장의 사장으로 임명했습니다. 시카고는 미국에서 세 번째로 큰 미디어 시장입니다. Hamme는 19년의 광고 및 판매 경력을 가진 베테랑으로, 판매, 마케팅, 부동산, 공공 업무, 운영 및 재무를 포함한 모든 시장 운영을 감독하게 됩니다.
CCOA에서 7년 동안 재직하는 동안 Hamme는 기술, 데이터 및 옥외(OOH) 미디어를 활용하는 데 전문화했습니다. 시카고 시장은 매주 DMA 18세 이상의 인구의 92%에 도달하며, 시카고 미드웨이 및 오헤어 국제공항에서의 독점 광고 계약을 포함하여 각각 월 180만 명과 670만 명의 승객 수를 기록하고 있습니다.
이전에는 CCOA-Midwest의 영업 지역 이사로 재직했으며, 밀워키의 지역 영업 관리자 및 영업 부사장을 포함한 다양한 역할을 수행했습니다. 그의 이전 경험에는 Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc. 및 Entercom Milwaukee에서의 직책이 포함됩니다.
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (NYSE: CCO) a nommé Eric Hamme président de son marché à Chicago, le troisième plus grand marché médiatique des États-Unis. Hamme, un vétéran de la publicité et des ventes avec 19 ans d'expérience, supervisera toutes les opérations du marché, y compris les ventes, le marketing, l'immobilier, les affaires publiques, les opérations et les finances.
Au cours de ses sept années chez CCOA, Hamme s'est spécialisé dans l'exploitation de la technologie, des données et des médias extérieurs (OOH). Le marché de Chicago atteint 92 % de la population DMA de 18 ans et plus chaque semaine, y compris des contrats publicitaires exclusifs dans les aéroports de Chicago Midway et O'Hare, avec des comptages mensuels de passagers de 1,8 million et 6,7 millions respectivement.
Auparavant, Hamme a occupé le poste de directeur régional des ventes pour CCOA-Midwest, progressant à travers divers rôles, y compris celui de responsable des ventes locales pour Milwaukee et vice-président des ventes. Son expérience précédente comprend des postes chez Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc. et Entercom Milwaukee.
Clear Channel Outdoor Americas (NYSE: CCO) hat Eric Hamme zum Präsidenten seines Marktes in Chicago ernannt, dem drittgrößten Medienmarkt in den USA. Hamme, ein 19-jähriger Veteran in Werbung und Vertrieb, wird alle Marktoperationen einschließlich Vertrieb, Marketing, Immobilien, öffentliche Angelegenheiten, Betrieb und Finanzen leiten.
Während seiner siebenjährigen Amtszeit bei CCOA hat sich Hamme darauf spezialisiert, Technologie, Daten und Außenwerbung (OOH) zu nutzen. Der Markt Chicago erreicht wöchentlich 92% der DMA-Population ab 18 Jahren, einschließlich exklusiver Werbeverträge an den Flughäfen Chicago Midway und O'Hare, mit monatlichen Passagierzahlen von 1,8 Millionen und 6,7 Millionen.
Vorher war Hamme als regionaler Vertriebsleiter für CCOA-Midwest tätig und hat sich durch verschiedene Rollen gearbeitet, darunter als lokaler Vertriebsleiter für Milwaukee und als Vertriebs-Vizepräsident. Zu seinen früheren Erfahrungen gehören Positionen bei Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc. und Entercom Milwaukee.
- Appointment of experienced 19-year ad sales veteran to lead third-largest U.S. media market
- Strong market presence reaching 92% of Chicago DMA 18+ population
- Exclusive advertising contracts at two major airports with 8.5M+ monthly passengers
- Strategic position in Chicago's largest commuter portal
- None.
19-Year Ad Sales Veteran Will Drive Strategic Business Growth and Out-of-Home Innovation in the Nation's Third-Largest Media Market
Hamme is a seasoned advertising and sales leader with more than 19 years' experience in developing customer-centric strategies that drive revenue at the local, regional and national levels. Over his seven-year tenure at CCOA, he has leveraged the intersection of technology, data and out-of-home (OOH) media to help advertisers and business partners achieve measurable impact across the company's robust network of roadside, transit and airport media displays. As market president, Hamme will build long-term relationships with clients, landlords and municipal stakeholders while leading business development initiatives that enhance value for CCOA's customers and the broader
"As the advertising landscape evolves, CCOA remains committed to investing in growth strategies that propel the OOH industry forward," said Diane Veres, regional president, CCOA-Midwest & Southwest. "Eric's deep expertise in building high-performing sales teams, generating revenue streams and cultivating strategic business partnerships will accelerate this momentum and ensure the success of our brand, community and municipal partners in
Hamme will lead one of CCOA's largest markets where the company's OOH media footprint reaches 92 percent of the DMA 18+ population weekly (Sources:
"Since joining CCOA over seven years ago, I've seen the rapid evolution of OOH advertising, with Clear Channel Outdoor pioneering innovations that elevate its role in today's media mix," said Eric Hamme, president, CCOA-Chicago. "
Hamme boasts an extensive career in advertising and sales with demonstrated success in achieving year-over-year revenue growth. Since joining CCOA in 2018 as local sales manager for
Prior to joining CCOA, Hamme held sales executive roles across radio, TV and digital advertising at various companies, including Hearst Television, FOX Sports, Milwaukee Bucks Inc. and Entercom Milwaukee.
A proud Midwesterner, Hamme attended both the University of Wisconsin Eau-Claire and the University of
About Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc.
Clear Channel Outdoor Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: CCO) is at the forefront of driving innovation in the out-of-home advertising industry. Our dynamic advertising platform is broadening the pool of advertisers using our medium through the expansion of digital billboards and displays and the integration of data analytics and programmatic capabilities that deliver measurable campaigns that are simpler to buy. By leveraging the scale, reach and flexibility of our diverse portfolio of assets, we connect advertisers with millions of consumers every month.
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What is Eric Hamme's new role at Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO) and what will he oversee?
What is Clear Channel Outdoor's (CCO) market reach in Chicago?
What is Eric Hamme's experience at Clear Channel Outdoor (CCO)?